Friday, December 09, 2022

  1. Facebook....yeah so what everyone has stalked someone at some point in there life
  2. eBay...shit u really don’t need
  3. CNN because I really care what’s happening in this world..
  4. VeloNews ..TMS needs actual well written posts
  5. Instagram..people getting maimed is always a picker upper 
  6. Tiktok...Americans at there finest 
  7. Tumblr...puppies to cougars
  8. Weather, I gots to know 
  9. Windy, the official Strava dopers app 
  10. Pornhub...never been there....
  11. music everyday 
  12. Twitter, poorly composed sentences by random shut ins are soo entering 
  13. Amazon...anything and everything you need 
  14. Strava...if it’s not there It didn’t happen 
  15. Blogger....I’m TMS and I hate TMS 

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