Rudy…dam Tripper..have you even given two thoughts about the Michiganscene cyclocross schedule.. Rabbit…I honestly haven’t paid more than three posts of attention towards it..
Rudy..darn I thought for sure you were going to hit me up some end of the summer silly ass riddle about the cross scene and all it’s come out and do it..bull shit it’s fun stuff…
Tripper…darn it all Rudy…I may be old, I may be sarcastic, and lord knows I have no idea what my current wattage at threshold is..but I’m not as much of a hater as the wrest of the Michiganscene likes to believe I am..
Rudy…gee Tripper..I didn’t mean it like that..I just thought it would be rad for maybe a little old fashioned cross talk…ya know give the 8 people that actually read this shitty blog some entertainment.?
Tripper..look kid…I’m not even the Michiganscene…and really don’t like the Michiganscene..but because I do like to entertain myself from time to time…i have given it a good thought…and I do have some banter …I will throw out a little cross talk..and since from what I see in the queued up posts, there is absolutely nothing in the pipeline for the Friday Fifteen… come see this smelly place in 48 hours
Bold A$$ prediction: It's Scottys year
It's Scottys year
Better hope The Grayling Giant goes into hibernation…
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