Monday, May 27, 2024

Squirrel Alley…

 You eveha ask yerself why you do the things you do, why you started doing those things you do in the first place?

This might be tad deep for our current reading office..

But I think all humans lose focus at some point in their life, we all aren’t made like computers like we think we are..we all are little disillusioned to certain, whether we want to admit it or not.

But I will admit 99.9% percent of every human you know is more like a robot than not..

Why dat T?

maybe you ride the same loop everyday…get up at the same the same lunch everyday…if your Ts normal readers…going back to squirrel alley, another Waterd down grit and ramble…you get my drift..

Sadly most are soo far home they can’t even see the trail behind em 

Changin ain’t easy..

and if your happy with your current situation..then you good…

I ain’t telling you all to run out and make big life changes..

But if u scratching your cranium on what the future holds for you while standing at the crossroads of certain things in your life...

Change ain’t that easy..

But being a robot is…

Your only here once…

Remember fools T ain’t far 


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