Friday, August 23, 2024


15. Athletic Mentors…despite fielding a fast pile of riders I must say I might take some crap on this one but that is as stale as Stanges Smith..with an exception of the purple trim it’s seriously time to revamp’s been years…nuff said

14. Cadieux cycling falls in at the second worst looking kit, it’s just bleechhh..

13. The Current Wolverine garb…for a team with deep roots and a legacy greater than the number of images TMS steals on a daily basis…the neon killed it…we expect more..

12. EVO formerly old Base Media guys…it’s too cookie the bottom and band around the calf but the designer lost focus up top..

11. We get’s tough trying to run a team out of Bike shop, but maybe RBS should pull the plug on team thing…that kit doesn’t look it’s changed since Obama years…

10. Morning Cranks good fellas lotsa cheer and more heart than scene has scene in years, but let’s use a little of tha good old motivation to properly pick out a better graphic designer ok?  Ditto for Clark Logic…love the colors but needs a little more..

9. Sometimes White works sometimes it don’t …it kinda works for the Cleveland cycling academy…then again it doesn’t..

8. Red Arrow…I like the pattern…but eh the red bottom…yea…I’ll pass..

7. Sweet Bikes, only because old school is cool and there logo is crazy similar to the legendary Vision Street Wear logo did they arrive at number seven..

6. AAVC, if your gonna go full retard….go full retard…neon overload…to max..execution precision!

5. Rock Road, the only other time in the last few years has the two color theory worked better was the red and what Base Media boys…but the orange and black or is it darkness blue? of Rock Road is nice

4. White kits again…..Now turbo folks on the other hand, it’s close and with a stronger Retro font could easily challenged the top dogs on the list…probably what put these guys in at fourth and  not 12, is they all match…definitely cool points are awarded…..

3. The Bike shop boys….there latest is a journey into “ fck it let’s do” all white and red skulls! John must get the pro deal or these duds are wear n tools quality..cuz he’s got sumthin new on a quarterly basis ..

2. More fun than a barrel of Monkeys.. Eclipse on Tap..once again proved two colors are enough to stand out in a field neon and black..the logo is quite possibly the most recognizable one for a club to date 

1. COSDI barely edged out the above but, they should thank the Eclipse boys for that, once they capped it off with the Kask…it was lights out on the style council…

Best in Show..not obtainable to everyone ..Caffeine Soul might just rival the Legendary Bells kit for all time radness, and the Uber rare Black and Gold version might be just as sought after as Willys golden ticket….

Honorabl mention …just like the above…Sam’s Broom Wagon pretty Fckn sweet and to be as mere mortal to wear that would be pretty Fckn sick…..


Anonymous said...

Honorable mention to the EoT Underberg jersey

Anonymous said...

EoT Underberg jersey is god tier



Anonymous said...

This is all fake news and conspiracy theory if you are sleeping on the New Archive kits. TMS needs to hire a fact checker next year.

Anonymous said...

Rock n Road aka trick or treaters