Tuesday, September 03, 2024


Like Christmas vacation, like an ice cream cone and McDonald’s like a torrid summer love Affair, Boom Bam pow just like that your summers over it all the while the Michiganscene played it up like you weren’t gonna have any Fun! Silly Sceners!!!

Yes, sir boy howdy doody, it looks like things are trying to write themselves around the mitten state. It’s hard to pinpoint where it’s gonna go from here but you all got a few outside your normal circle yeah yeah yeah I know this sounds like I’m plugging only the road set, but I’ll get to the rest y’all. 

I’m not gonna go in to call now who won summer and who’s holding the pink on the best kit, ( dam there’s a Friday fifteen). 

but I will say this I did twist up a few times over the summer and felt like yeah I could put this fat butt back in the mix, but I realize it ain’t school no, mo

But I’m liking what I’m seeing and hearing..Gravel is starting settle down to a low rumble, the mountain bike community is thriving in various and well let’s just say you can probably find a sweet ass group nearly every day of the week…

Anyone reading this should be pretty tickled…cuz everyone had a hand in..be proud of yourself..TMS has scene not only the evolution of it’s scene but those that waste there time here as well..we don’t take that shit for granted..yeh well I don’t really know where this rant was supposed to go, but I just felt someone out to let you know. Congratulations. You made it…

When days get along and weeks drag into weeks and the creativity level seems to sway here at TMS doubts, creeping Those that are behind the banner start to slip, but a wise man once said

 “You know just when you think You’re running out of material things to talk about things to rant about dumb shit funny shit redundant shit The scene always seems to take care of itself that never seems to be an endless supply of material “

Peace n love T

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