No James Garner wasnt there, but if he was he would of needed his Firebird to keep up with The Priority Health Boys, they did what was expected and put on a riders clinic of winning! ...in the 1-2 field they put 7 hard dudes off the front and made everyone come after them..Guys were comin off left and right and in the end there were only 30 or so left standing when the PH posse came through to lap them in the same fashion as last year. Speedy Sheedy scores one for the hometown crowd. with the rest of michigan chasin! There were some new faces and some sore legs in that field.
Derek grahm scored a win cat3 for his PH boys, some may remember derek from his earlier foray in the MTB scene in Mi when he was a fast youngin! also present in this race were a few MTB converts...HHHMMM???
Ben Whithead showed why he is Michigan State Champion as won the masters 30 race holdin Off Hooters!! palo Eugine form canada
Danny Klien from the Wolverines made rare appearance in the 40+ class and won it with the ever fast Jim Regan of Saturn/shell team.
Cat 4 once again witnessed a horrific crash resulting in the meatwagon making a showing...OUCH?!@$#
Once again this race has shown to be the toughest crit in Michigan only the strong are left when the lactic acid clears..Thanks to all those involved and thanks Priority Health for putin the hurt to us! see ya next year!