Monday, October 30, 2006
Vets, revisited.

Alright..Vets park, whew whatta day, The look of pain was a common expression through out the day, but that didnt stop Michigan crossers, from goin to battle on what was probably the toughest day at the office all season.
The day started bright and breezy and cool with course made up of a soil soft as a pair of twinkies ,
The B race saw a new winner again , i dont think we have had the same winner all season, Andrew from the The S team took it. Good win on a tough course!, Jason Brake suffered a hard fall when he clipped a barrier.
The Cyborg, Steve Clark rode off the front to win the masters field, ahead of Don Cameron, and Rhino Tod Frierichs. Dam.... Clark made that long ass hill look easy. How long will it be before he takes this cycling discipline?
the Little guys were rippin, Brandon Goocher of Jacks Bikes had his hands full with, Joe Foretran of the maple leafs. as he had to settle for and this weekend.
Rachel Steele worked the field and the pits as well as the local bar scene with a style unlike any other elite woman has in years, all the UCI racing and blogin is startin to pay off.
The elite men's race was a cornicopui of riders, The usual supsects, the Cane Creek trio, The quiet one, The Simonster and his pals, were gettin ready for the Iceman, Sunrise was well represented. Young Gun Olander was back at it, and a few surprise guests, two of the WCMR riders were on hand to show there Kisscross skills. and a few others new to the A game were gonna do the duty. Once green flag dropped all the bloggin Bullshit stopped as a group got off the front, with Cane Creek and Simonster layin it down, Card who has been goin faster than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs pushed hard, Simonster would have a untimley breakdown leavin Card to roll in with another win, big props go to Sunrise and Cane Creek both teams put 3 guys in the top 10.
It was a tough day for all and a dam good warmup for those headin to Iceman next weekend, Thanks Tailwind and Twowheel tango for another great weekend of cross!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Cross bikes of the sceners

Fork :wound up carbon fiber, carbon steer
headset: Cane Creek Solos
drivetrain :Dura Ace, 10 speed
FSA single ring carbon guard with jump stop
42/12-25 gear ratio
Handle bars :Ritchey biomax 42
SRP Mr Grumpy brakes and avid tridangles
Vintage mathauser brake pads
Cane Creek top mount brake levers
Thomson stem and seatposts
standard Selle Italia Flite seat
shimano 959 spd pedals
Cane Creek carbon tubulars, or alloy tubular wheels
Tires vary depending on course, Challange, Dugast Michelins, or Michelin clinchers
weight 17.5 pounds with carbons, 18 with alloys
The Eye Of Gatto

In the continueing saga of sceners that i think go beyond the call
if you add up time on the bike and behind the lense, Gattos
got us all beat. He's seems to be everywhere, and
shows no favortisim towards riders, or teams.
Im gonna let Doug tell his background, and about the things he
Loves, his bikes!
I have no formal training in photography at all; I just took my camera
to races when I did MTB races back in 2003, then I got a cheap digital
camera, then in 2005 I got my current bit nicer Fuji camera (which is
also slated for replacement). I have always worked in computers and
have had a gaming web site up for since like 1998, so I posted the
pictures there in a subdomain before I got my current web
When I was nearing the end of my master’s program in 2001,
and working
in computers(there are a good number of fat computer people) I started
mountain biking on an old very heavy MTB I had from a few years back
from Dunham's. Then at the start of 2002 I got a $300 Gary Fisher
Mamba, only to replace it in 2003 with a Giant XTC2. After 2003 I
switched to more road races, to where I am now solely road. I did not
ride my MTB at all in 2005, and when I did pull it out in May or June
2006 for one ride it was covered in dust (but it still worked just fine
after a hose off and some oil). My local bike shop of choice is Fraser
Bicycle and Fitness in Fraser (go figure that one), I have bought (or in
the case of my CX bike had built) all four off my current bikes there.
Well, my road bike is a red 2004 Specialized Allez Comp, hopefully to be
replaced or modernized if the money is right this winter. My triathlon
bike is a red 2005 Felt S32, not slated for anything as it is rarely
used. My MTB is a black 2003 Giant XTC2 (not pictured, as it is in the
attic, more or less mothballed), used less then the tri bike. My
cyclocross bike is a dark green 2003 (I think) Cannonade frame and fork
I bought off a person who won it is a prize drawing; it was not fully
built until the 2004 cyclocross season. For road/TT/Tri racing I use
23mm Michelin Pro 2 Race tires, in red.
It is my firm belief that red goes faster; that and the 2004 Specialized
and 2005 Felt just both happen to come in red when I bought them, so I
buy tires to match.
I like road races, followed by TTs, and I really like TTTs. I do
several duathlons a year, I have yet to do a triathlon, the opportunity
has not really presented itself yet. In the winter I do masters
swimming, with some occasional indoor inline short-track speed skating.
Doug, Thanks!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Early A.M. bloggin.and rantin...
Jeff says....Also, where was everyone this weekend? The turnout was pretty weak in all the fields and in the elite field there were only like15 people at most? You can't blame me for beating everyone and scaring them off this year. So what's there excuse. Maybe it's time for some of those masters and B's to move up. There are guys that race cat. 1 road and elite MTB racing those fields taking good results away from legitimate "B" and Masters riders.
You know theres truth there, im not gonna name names, we, and you know who you and everyone has there reason why they think there were there at (i dont train that much, im here for Fun, im only racin until ICEERACE, etc).. ,maybe its time to accept the fact maybe the A game is were some of you guys need to be, shit your not gonna get faster waxin em.
In the words of a friend of mine Tony W, But without a select few there wouldnt be the term SANDBAGGER.I know its a dirty job and someone gotta do it, but maybe its something you need to think about? or not.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
The quiet one takes it

Other notibles of the day of Sunrise include, Matt Scott score his first cross win of the year, Last race C winner Jason Melcher rode to strong 4th just ahead of Roadie Cat 3'bigdog jason Brake in the B field.
Don Tom Nell Cameron continued on his winning ways in the masters group, Big SURPRISE...The Cyborg, Steve Clark of the Saturn of Toledo, also played the masters game and finished 3rd, lets hope he doesnt ge serious about cross, we may all be in sometrouble
Although the turnout was on the lower side across the board, The day was picture perfect cross weather cool damp and a great course set up with last year run up alittle greasy puttin more than a few riders to there knees.
Thanks Tailwind for another great afternoon

Friday, October 20, 2006
Wolverines in the news..named to the 2006-2007 USA Cycling Endurance Track Squad!

Theresa Cliff Ryan of the United States
World Champion Inline Speed Skater
about Theresa Ryan
Full Name - Theresa Marie Cliff Ryan
Known as - Theresa Cliff Ryan
Birth Date - June 19, 1978
Birth Place - Cedar Springs, Michigan, USA
Height - 5' 8" (172 CM)
Husband - Gary Ryan of Australia
Siblings - 1 younger brother (David)
Home Team - Wolverines of Michigan
Pro Team - Verducci Racing Team
World Championship Gold Medals:
- 25 Gold - 15 Silver - 8 Bronze (as of 2002)
Sarah Hammer (Temecula, Calif./Ouch Pro Cycling)
Neva Day (Manhattan Beach, Calif./Southbay Wheelmen)
Becky Quinn (Quakertown, Pa./Spike)
Kristin Armstrong (Boise, Idaho/Team Lipton)
Kori Seehafer (Louisville, Colo./Team Lipton)
Sima Trapp (Boise, Idaho/Colavita-Cooking Light)
Theresa Cliff-Ryan (Cedar Springs, Mich./Wolverine Sports Club)
Kelly Benjamin (Overland Park, Kan./Diet Cheerwine)
also side note.
Theresa Cliff Ryan Wins National Championships
U.S. National Criterium Champion
Downer’s Grove Village, Illinois, USA, August 19-20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
American Express moment.

If theres one person who needs a American Express card (does anyone remember the comericals or im dating myself?) is Steve Balogh, i posted a quick blip on Steve and Doug Gatto a month back but, I thought alittle more depth was due scince, for most of us we wouldnt have any pics of ourselves doin what what we love. I was gonna right this big detailed story of Steve, but I think its better coming from the Artist, and That is what Steve is in many ways a talented photographer thats self taught, like most artists, and muscian talented in playing many forms, and of course a regular Joe that just loves be around bikes, and friends. i was also gonna include a shot of his mug but for some reason i couldnt..
employed as a manufacturing engineer. I hate calling it a hobby, as I've
enjoyed some pretty good perks from it. This took a while, I had to edit
out too much detail that I started with, hopefully this flows better and is
interesting to read
I caught the "photo bug" on my eighteenth birthday when my mom gave me a
35mm Minolta point&shoot camera. It still amazes me to this day just how
well that camera works. That immediately lead me into buying 35mm SLR
cameras, extra lenses, and experimenting with different films. I had also
purchased back then a special Macro lens and experimented with closeup
Since then my accomplishments are as follows:
1. I shot thousands of dollars worth of product photos for my previous
employer, using pretty much just the macro lens with our parts set up in a
light booth. The photos were used in a company brochure and presentation
books for a presentation for a "Big Three" customer.
2. Afterwards my current employer sent me for vision system training in
the mid-nineties to learn how to use the digital imaging software used in
factory automation. This was before digital cameras were being massed
produced for the public. My photograpghy skills gave me an edge at
troubleshooting. I was rewarded with some new knowledge of digital
imaging, and a pretty decent salary increase.
3. I've shot about eight weddings af friends, + I was also paid to shoot
an anniversary party.
4. Other subjects I've picked up in the last few years include
musicians. A former coworker of mine is also a rap artist, and paid me do
do a photoshoot for his website and other promotional materials. Myself,
I've played bass since I was 16, added an electric guitar about four years
ago, and three years ago I picked up a rare instrument called an "NS/Stick"
created by Emmett Chapman and Ned Steinberger. I recently photographed the
entire Chapman Stick festival in Ann Arbor. My photos were used in a
website article for the event, and some may be used by one professional
Stickest in his upcoming instructional book for the Chapman Stick. I will
not know until next year what may or may not be used. My photos from the
Stick festival included the Stick inventor Emmett Chapman himself, along
with some of the top professionals known worldwide. Getting photos of
Emmett actually performing is something few people ever get a chance at.
I switched to digital cameras around 2000 starting with a point and
shoot Nikon Coolpix 950, then moving over to the Canon D30, selling off all
my old Minolta film gear that I used since 1984 (However I kept my point &
shoot Minolta from 1984, and still have it today). In 2004 I sold the D-30
and picked up Canon's MKII digital SLR.
Last year I picked up the full version of Photoshop CS2, bringing back
some of what I learned from my vision system training.
My first digital race pics were MTB pics of my friends, but I eventually
found it easier to shoot more pics, as sometimes it's hard to tell who
people were when they went by. Sometimes I would miss people I knew by
trying to shoot only those I could recognize. I soon learned that I could
combine my cycling and photography interests in one afternoon, by shooting
racers I don't know. Races really test your skills, you only get one
chance to take each shot, there are no re-takes if you make a mistake.
If someone were to ask me what the best photo I've ever taken was, I
would have to say the one of Mike Rabe smiling while riding his cross bike.
He hated having his photo taken. After he passed away, I ended up
finding out from his family and friends that was one of the best photos
ever taken of Mike. Most people ended up with pics of his hand trying to
cover their lens. I took that photo with a huge telephoto lens I had just
received the week of that race. He wasn't racing, just riding over to the
finishline to watch. I've been offered cash for that photo by his family,
but I've always turned it down. Some things in life are worth far more
than money, you just can't put a pricetag on things like that.
Thanks Steve from all of us.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006

From the sound of this past weekends racing in southern Ohio, It looks as though our Michigan sceners did pretty good, Jon Card continued on with a strong ride as did Anne Schwartz. and the little power HOUSE, Tony Wieczorek. did it to em again!! the following is from the the Biowheels website!
The women’s UCI Elite race saw 10 starters, with the heavy favorites, Anne Schwartz (Flying Rhinos), Betsy Shogren (Fort), and Cara McCauley (Team Cheerwine) all getting off to flying starts. McCauley’s flying start quickly went to flying over the bars through the Red Bull sand pit. Shogren and Schwartz worked well with each other to keep the rest of the field at bay. The evenly matched pair rode perfect races, and it all came down to a final lap showdown. Shogren took to the front with a heavy tempo attack, and held off Schwartz through the twisty finale to take a five second win. Rachel Steele (Saturn of Toledo), Kim Sawyer (Travelgirl Magazine), and local Marilynn Hartman (Pedal Power) rounded out the podium.
The UCI Men’s Elite race concluded the day. 39 riders lined up at the start, an increase of 25% over 2005. The list of potential winners was long: California’s Chris McGovern (Sonic) and Brent Prenzlow (Celo Pacific/Salsa), Massachusett’s Michael Cody (FiordiFrutta), Wisconsin’s Tristan Schouten (Trek/VW/Michelin), Pennslyvania’s Ryan Leech (Meredith Group/Cannondale/GPOA, and last-minute entry Minnesota’s Doug Swanson (Grandstay Suites).
UCI Elite Men
Place | Rider | Team | Time |
1 | Michael Cody | FiordiFrutta Cycling Team | 1:03:25 |
2 | Doug Swanson | Grandstay Suites | 1:03:25 |
3 | Tristan Schouten | Trek/VW/Michelin | 1:03:39 |
4 | Brent Prenzlow | Celo Pacific/Salsa | 1:03:55 |
5 | Chris McGovern | Sonic | 1:04:03 |
6 | Ryan Leech | Meredith Group/Cannondale/GPOA | 1:04:20 |
7 | Jonathan Card | Cane Creek/Caboto Velo | 1:05:47 |
8 | Nathan Rice | Big Shark | 1:05:51 |
9 | Kyle Jacobson | Team Beans and Barley | 1:06:17 |
10 | John Minturn | BioWheels Racing | 1:06:26 |
11 | Anthony Slowinski | Clarkesville A-Team | 1:06:56 |
12 | Jeff Weinert | Cane Creek/Ride Blue | 1:06:56 |
13 | Michael Wissink | Specialized | 1:07:08 |
14 | James Holmes | | 1:07:17 |
15 | Phil Noble | BioWheels Racing | 1:07:38 |
16 | Stephen Cummings | Meredith Group/GPOA | 1:07:38 |
17 | Shawn Adams | Alan Factory | 1:07:38 |
18 | John Behrens | Celo Pacific/Probikesupport | 1:07:38 |
19 | Shawn Harshman | Harshman Wealth/Primus Mootry | 1:08:11 |
20 | Robert Foshag | Cane Creek | 1:08:52 |
21 | Mike Hebe | GPOA-Cannondale | 1:08:52 |
22 | Gunnar Shogren | FORT Factory Team | 1:08:52 |
23 | Nathan Chown | Cyclissimo/KONA Canada | 1:09:26 |
24 | Ryan Rish | Alan Factory | 1:11:53 |
25 | John Degele | Inland Construction/BTD | 1 lap |
26 | Daryl Sawyer | Camp Highland/Nouveau | 1 lap |
27 | Jesse Rients | Nature Valley/Penn Cycles | 1 lap |
28 | Ryan Myers | Chiropower | 1 lap |
29 | Donald Galligher | Chiropower | 1 lap |
30 | Rick Toler | Kreitler Rollers | 1 lap |
DNF | Scott Rendall | ||
DNF | Justin Becker | BioWheels Racing | |
DNF | Joshua Johnson | Big Shark Racing | |
DNF | Jeremy Walker | Cane Creek/Caboto Velo | |
DNF | Kevin Atkisson | Texas Roadhouse | |
DNF | David Howe | Neuvou Velo Cycling | |
DNF | Ryan Gamm | A&F a2coaching | |
DNF | Chris Saunders | St. Catherines C.C. |
UCI Elite Women
Place | Rider | Team | Time |
1 | Betsy Shogren | Fort Frames | 38:30 |
2 | Anne Schwartz | Flying Rhino | 38:35 |
3 | Rachel Steele | Saturn of Toledo | 39:52 |
4 | Kim Sawyer | Travelgirl Magazine | 41:03 |
5 | Marilynn Hartman | Pedal Power | 41:43 |
6 | Amanda McKay | BioWheels Racing | 41:55 |
7 | Bridget Donovan | BioWheels Racing | 42:35 |
8 | Cara McCauley | Team Cheerwine | 42:51 |
9 | Anne Conroy | Team Revolution | 42:53 |
10 | Amy Matson-Hyland | 44:22 |
Masters 35+
Place | Rider | Team | Time |
1 | Robert Bobrow | Papa Johns Cycling Team | |
2 | John Gatch | Montgomery Cyclery/Specialized | |
3 | Tim Beirne | Papa Johns Cycling Team | |
4 | Don Cameron | Specialized | |
5 | Christian Zauner | Papa Johns Cycling Team | |
6 | Mark Strecker | Queen City Wheels | |
7 | Steve Roszko | | |
8 | Bill Crank | Pedal the Planet | |
9 | Morgan Webb | Barbasol | |
10 | Jerry Witham | Chiropower | |
11 | Joe Collins | Team Louisville | |
12 | Ramon Corpuz | Team COBC | |
13 | Layne Peters | Bikesource | |
14 | Lars Anderson | ||
15 | John Riedel | Independent Fabrication | |
16 | David Hyland | ||
17 | Dave Nissen | Queen City Wheels | |
DNF | Anthony Hergert | Camp Highland Racing | |
DNF | Scott Lyle | Queen City Wheels | |
Masters 45+
Place | Rider | Team | Time |
1 | Brad Wunderlich | Team Louisville | |
2 | Roger Wilson | Pedal the Planet | |
3 | Joseph Brown | Flying Rhino Cycling | |
4 | Mark Wolowiec | Flying Rhino Cycling | |
5 | Matthew Baroli | Paint Creek | |
6 | Rick Lyons | ||
7 | DA Fleischer | Pale Ale | |
8 | Harry Wicks | BioWheels Racing | |
9 | Mike Otting | 7 Hills Racing | |
10 | Dennis Barber | Bicycle Station | |
11 | John Schnatter | Papa Johns Cycling | |
12 | Doug Hamilton | ||
13 | Matthew Koehn | Oz | |
14 | Chip Ellison | UDF/Queen City Wheels | |
15 | Jeep Barrett | Mafic Cycles | |
16 | Robert Zeman | Team Louisville | |
DNF | Fred Steinbrecher | Pedal Power Racing | |
DNF | Walter Lay | Team Louisville |
B Men
Place | Rider | Team | Time |
1 | Travis Mullen | Pedal the Planet | 42:29 |
2 | Clayton Omer | Papa Johns Racing | 42:55 |
3 | Andrew Llewellyn | Papa Johns Racing | 43:14 |
4 | Andrew Messer | Morris Trucking | 43:18 |
5 | Chris Mayhew | Wissahickon | 43:40 |
6 | Marcus Moran | Team Louisville | 43:46 |
7 | Brandon Jessop | BioWheels Racing | 43:54 |
8 | Brad Nelson | MOB Squad | 44:10 |
9 | Dan Ott | Darkhorse-Smitty's | 44:10 |
10 | Nick Tinsler | Darkhorse-Smitty's | 44:49 |
11 | Jake Zimmerman | Ohio Valley Velo | 44:50 |
12 | Allen Morris | Queen City Wheels | 44:59 |
13 | Dan Tille | I Pro | 45:10 |
14 | Jay Moncel | Trek Factory Racing | 45:21 |
15 | Kieran Sikdar | Bikesource | 45:22 |
16 | Royden Kern | CES/Schellers | 45:23 |
17 | Brian Neiport | UC/Reser | 45:38 |
18 | James Turner | I Pro | 46:10 |
19 | David Emig | 46:20 | |
20 | Jeffrey Kiesel | Team Louisville | 46:22 |
21 | Phil Gardner | Ohio Valley Velo | 46:25 |
22 | Joe Bellante | BioWheels Racing | 46:45 |
23 | James Rassmussen | Bike Line Racing | 46:53 |
24 | Jakub Toborek | Pedal Power Racing | 47:05 |
25 | Adam Rodkey | Team Tortuga | 47:10 |
26 | Greg Charkoudian | Pedal the Planet | 47:10 |
27 | Andrew Johnson | Buckeye Cycling | 47:10 |
28 | Matt Fox | BioWheels Racing | 47:33 |
29 | Ryan Lindsay | Zephyr Wheel Sports | 48:10 |
30 | Marty Smith | CES/PTP | 48:41 |
31 | Bob Combs | BioWheels Racing | 49:15 |
32 | Steven Rider | | 49:15 |
33 | Josh Lahman | Queen City Wheels | 49:15 |
34 | Steven Gers | 7 Hills Racing | 50:38 |
35 | Chip Dobson | Darkhorse-Smitty's | 50:40 |
36 | Keith Morlen | Bolla | 50:58 |
37 | Matt Bell | Darkhorse-Smitty's | at 1 lap |
38 | David Groen | Team COBC | at 1 lap |
DNF | TJ Turner | BioWheels Racing | |
DNF | Jc Breslin | Schellers | |
DNF | Andrew Brown | Specialized/Cycletherapy | |
DNF | Andys Burns | Central Ohio Bicycle | |
DNF | Rob Bush | Texas Roadhouse | |
DNF | Jack Crawford | Team COBC | |
DNF | Joe Hall | Pista Elite |
B Women
Place | Rider | Team | Time |
1 | Sherry Downing | Kenda Tire | 26:40 |
2 | Lindsay Hatfield | Texas Roadhouse | 26:55 |
3 | Nancy McElwain | Team Louisville | 27:40 |
4 | Shannon Holmes | | 28:02 |
5 | Lisa Tashjian | Title Nine | 29:10 |
6 | Lindsay Rodkey | Vello Bella-KONA | at 1 lap |
C Men
Place | Rider | Team | Time |
1 | Charles Garner | Team Louisville | 23:00 |
2 | Greg Johnson | Flying Rhinos | 23:50 |
3 | Duane Walker | Team Louisville | 23:56 |
4 | Kyle Wingler | Savage Hill | 24:10 |
5 | Bill Timberman | Springfield Cyclery | 24:35 |
6 | Mark Kimmerle | Alan Factory | 24:35 |
7 | Adam Balz | 24:58 | |
8 | Dominick Wieczorek | Sunrise Sports/Jittery Joe's | 24:58 |
9 | Martin Meadows | 25:30 | |
10 | Bret Brevoort | Darkhorse-Smitty's | 25:36 |
11 | Ben Sweeney | BioWheels Racing | 25:38 |
12 | Andy Paskins | 25:38 | |
13 | Clifford Stambaugh | Dayton Dental Cannons | 26:10 |
14 | Brian Bishop | 26:26 | |
15 | Kyle Combs | Univ of Cincinnati | 26:32 |
16 | Mason Morgan | 26:38 | |
17 | Alex Hasse | Darkhorse-Smitty's | 27:03 |
18 | Mark Luking | Team Louisville | 27:30 |
19 | Chris Rawls | 34:50 | |
DNF | Chris Kazlauskas | Ohio Valley Velo |
Juniors 10-14 Boys
Place | Rider | Team | Time |
1 | Jarrett Frauhiger | Queen City Wheels | 25:50 |
2 | Sam Dobroszi | Queen City Wheels | 34:40 |
Junior 10-14 Girls
Place | Rider | Team | Time |
1 | Hannah Mossman | 34:50 | |
2 | Samantha Nissen | Queen City Wheels | 38:30 |
Juniors 15-18 Boys
Place | Rider | Team | Time |
1 | Tony Wieczorek | Sunrise Sports-Jittery Joes | 40:50 |
2 | Josh Lahmann | Queen City Wheels | 44:10 |
3 | Ambrose Dobrozsi | Queen City Wheels | 45:54 |
4 | Jarrett Frauhiger | Queen City Wheels | 46:22 |
5 | Joe Meister | Queen City Wheels | 47:10 |
Juniors 15-18 Girls
Place | Rider | Team | Time |
1 | Michele Morris | Queen City Wheels | 45:10 |
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Boyne MT ..

Friday, October 13, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Pappa T