Pappa T, Tony Bruley, Anthony Bruley, all mean the same thing, one bike racin lovin Miscener..Last season we did a post about faithfull Mi racers that would be dubbed a good all arounders, we dont mean in just one aspect of cycling, were talkin road,MTB, cross, track, Hell BMX? the MI gammit. I cant recall but I think Pappa T maybe have gotten slighted. Tony is one of our pics for the all arounder, When he's racin he aint sittin in, 99.7% of the time he is guttin it and throwin it down, with a drive like that he can be counted on for some good results, he's won Cadiuex in years past just missed a win at Cone last season, finishes in the top 5 year after year at cross, and kills it in the spring. Tony has a great attitude, and good taste when it comes to life. Tony your the workin class hard man, and this buds for you!
Q.How long have you been racing?
A Started Racing MTB's in 1994 after running cross country at Wayne state and messing around with marathons for a few years, running really does suck. Road racing? I think my first race was the Tour de Michigan in 1995? I am not sure you will have to Check with Dale Hughes he has the registration sheet.
Q what changes have you seen in the Miscene over the years
A When I started we had one of the biggest races on the National Calendar here in Michigan with the Tour de Michigan and as soon as I really got into road racing it went away, now hopefully with races like the Tour de Leelanau, we are slowly began to gain prominence. The scene as you like to call it, seems to be gaining momentum for the better, new races, old ones returning, and new and positive people moving into the sport. I think Guys like Joe Lekovish, the West Coasters, the Cadieux Crew, the Rhino's and the Wolverine's are all making things progress in a positive manner, even Essex Brass ho sted a race last year, hopefully teams will keep up their race promotion obligations. Oh I forgot to mention the Toledo guys as well, they are kinda like an adopted little step brother that lives in the basement, but even they are contributing to the Michigan scene, I can't blame them after all who wants to be part of Ohio, move on in boys there is lots of room.
Q.your known for racing all season long... road, cross and even some paul
bunyans in years past does it helps?
ANo, it really test the patience of the Wife and now the kids are old enough to realize when I am gone. Seriously, I hate to train, I races to coax me off the couch. I would show up for a pogo stick race in January just to race. Paul Bunyan races suck (joking), but I miss them terribly, they were a great way to get me off the coach on a sub-zero day. Cross was fun when we all sucked at it, now these kids are crazy with technic and conditioning, I love it but man it's tougher now, still love getting dirty though. It is amazing to see us up to Silver at Worlds, Awesome! just goes to show how the game has changed.
Q. past sponsors?
A Andre Sottile has been my team's biggest sponsor with Industrial Inspection, he has helped alot with the current Wolverine Elite Team, a real patron of the sport. Jim Kuhn at Suburban helped me and Sammut get the Suburban/ Wolverine thing going. Antoon Huyghe has been a great friend than sponsor. Ron Schmid and the guys at Fraser helped the last couple of years. I have been a club racer my whole life, Cadieux B.C, GS Blaukamp, and the Wolverines. I guess I feel better giving and sponsoring than taking, but it is a nice feeling when someone cuts ya deal, especially if you can offer that deal to a Kid who doesn't have two nickles to rub together.
Q.what are some of your secret cravings?
AGee, I guess it would be Beer, the darker the better, Rochester Mills Chocolate Malt Stout, well actually that is not a secret everyone I know, knows I love a good quality beer.
Q. what are your weakness, cycling specific?
A I guess sprinting, but when everybody is totally nackered I can kinda sprint on the track good enough to overcome some weary dogs. I guess climbing too, seeing that I am in the clydesdale range now, but I do have a KOM jersey in my closest from the year I won at Enchanted Mountain Stage race, I think I may have been a wee bit lighter back then.
Q how many bikes do you own?
A About 9, maybe in pieces 11 or 12, but I am way too busy to put stuff back together after I have taken it apart.
Q .What are some of the funniest cycling moments you have had?
A Funny for me? or Funny for everybody else? I guess trying to catch John Sammut when his chain broke on the track, in retrospect it was pretty funny, seeing a big dumby (myself) trying to catch a guys coming into the infield hot with a broken chain, I think is pretty funny now, at the time Sammut was pissed that I would try to catch him. For the Crowd in the stands, but gusting, I love that slap stick stuff, groin shots on American Funniest Home Video are me and kids favorite.
Q . what races are looking forward too?
A Those ones in Aruba between me a a couple bikini wearing tri-athaletes, those are my favorite, I think I have beaten the Aruban national champ like twice now. I am the man. Seriously, I rule Aruba. No really, I like flat, sloppy, windy races like Cone, I am french so I am a rouleur/ pursuit kinda dude.
Q .Best race win or lose?
A I guess it would be Kensington, I like that course, its tough though, I like that win because I was a little hung over at the start of the race, thought I was going to hurl, but then I was able to counter Sheedy's little dig up the hill, and they kinda let me go. It was early in the race so I kinda TTed for about 35 miles. I like last years National points race qualifier, I was trying to help Lukey (Cavender) win but with Luke Winger and Kirk Albers were there, we had to really counter eve rything they threw at us. So after Lukey covered a bunch of attacks I just countered and got a lap, it was game over when I got two, I love tricking dudes on the track, especially when its a high caliber kid like Winger or Albers. Loses, well I don't have to tell anybody about how many 2nds I have to my name, they all hurt, lets not talk about them.
Q .Have you have been injured?
A Took a stem in the chest, in a stupid training crash, ripped the tip of my sternum from the bone, nothing broke but I couldn't get out of the fetal position for about 4 days, missed work, what was really painful was the splintered Lemond frame, I still cry over that bike.
Q . do you coach yourself or have coach?
A I kinda coach my self, my philosophy, I only get to train about 1 or 2 times a week, maybe three times a week in the summer, so when I get to ride...I ride hard and fast. Rest a couple of days then show up at a race. I really get into shape once the track opens it forces me to ride a couple of extra days a week. That it, ride when I can, race when ever the wife allows. So in a way, I guess my wife is my coach, as she is the one who tells me when I can or cannot ride and she doesn't Charge nearly as much as Carmicheal
Q. do you set up a peak for a season?
A I guess I due to my aforemention training regime, I am normally good to go by late June or July, just in time for Dale Hughes to invite some ringers to the track. I don't lke to look like a fool on the track, but it has been known to happen.
Q . what other intrest do you have or hobbies?
A Lets see, is Beer a hobby?
Q. favorite place to ride?
A The Mike Walden velodrome at Bloomer Park has it all, its named after my cycling hero, is run by my favorite cycling family, and all my buddies show up there. What else can you ask for? Sometimes its just me and a couple of local kids messing around other times dudes like Frankie Andreu, or Curtis Gunn show up and throwdown. Did I mention its only about 1 mile from my favorite Brewery.
Q . Married, kids?, if so how do you fit in all the training and racing?
A Married for 11 years, to my college sweetheart, Dawn. Two great kids, Lizzy 7 and Lil' Anthony 5.
Q. favorite bike ever!
A I guess it would be my, Orbea Track bike, tall bottom bracket, stiff, low Q factor perfect for out velodrome and it was pretty, Euskatel orange.
Q. subscribe to any magazines, if so which?
A Duh! Cyclosport!! It's the true cycleporn! gotta have it, its has the best cycling photog in the World Graham Miller, who I met once at the world championship. Its a Bruley household bathroom staple.
Q whats Bruley vaction like?
A Chaos! Me and my wife are so busy with work we always default to Aruba, she can read in the shade and I can sneak off biking in the morning or midday sometimes. My buddy Gert Van Vleit has a really cool bike shop in Santa Cruz, rents me a nice bike for either mountain or road riding, the local Dutch Tri-athaletes put up a good fight but I can always beat them in a sprint, come to think of it, its probably the only place in the world where I can win a sprint. And again they have their own local beer, Balashi delivered fresh daily, don't drink the Heiniken though it bakes in sea containers for weeks, horse pee most of the time, but the Dut ch Marines are too stupid to know any better, Dutch Marines tough dudes but they can't sprint. I think there moto is to Serve and Protect Aruba and make Tourist Feel like they can sprint.
Q. degree or job title ?
A Was a Industrial Pipefitter for 13 years, now I am a full time student. I finally getting my degree in May, then it's back to graduate school to get my Masters and teaching certificate in special education. I love working with Kids, so thats what my next job is going to be.
Q. big hour training week ?
A Now, maybe 10 hours, with 6 hours of racing maybe in July or during the Detroit Six day.
Q . do you follow a srtict diet?
A No, but this time of year when I am not riding I do have to watch my intake. No beer, until I am racing steady.
Q . would you still ride if you didnt race?
A Not really, I ride to race. I will ride with my Kids though if thats what they chose to do.
Q . Taco bell or subway?
A Taco bell, Grilled Stuffed Burrito and a seven Layer, with a Diet Mountain Dew to go, this a sure fire gut bomb so make sure that you are near a bathroom about an hour later. Gotta have though.
25 THANKS your one of the best!! and thank those that keep you rollin!!! TuckedandTruckin is the Cyclosport of the Michigan Bike scene, cool retro images of my Punk rock high school and college days, TuckedandTruckin kinda sums up my cycling moto, yeah thats it.
26 Question you didn't ask. Why do they call me Papa Tony? That is all Jake Rytlewski, he worked as a busboy a Papa Tony's in Saginaw I believe? During the tour of Ohio, him, Mark Hekman and Matt Bonin thought I was acting too much like a dad, telling them when to get up, when to pack, telling them to pick up after themselves, Jake the little smart ass started calling me Papa Tony behind my back, Hekman started calling me Papa T. It pissed me off at the time but it has kinda grown on me, so you can thank Jakester for that one. I really admire what Jake has done with his career, super hard working rider and never affraid to ride his ass off for his team.