Saturday, December 29, 2007
2008 suggestion Box
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Fun Reading from a TMs'er
Ode to the Offseason
Oh it’s that time of year again. The time for bike racers to get off the couch, go find their bikes (now where did I leave that thing…?) and begin losing weight (I’ve cut back to 8 Christmas cookies a day).
After many weeks of negligent eating, you catch a glimpse in the mirror and are surprised that you no longer resemble a starving African. A few years ago, I would enter the “anorexic season” shortly after the holidays. Many uncomfortable nights were spent completely famished on my air mattress in my dank Tucson apartment.
I’m past that phase in my life now. Being hungry isn’t fun, and besides, the bike racers in Belgium are shaped like linebackers. A few years ago, I asked one of the fastest Belgians I knew how to build more muscle. He had a perplexed look on his face and after a few moments said in a serious tone, “Try eating more ice cream.”
After three years of bouncing off cobbles all over Northern Europe, I follow what has been dubbed the Todd Elenz Training Program of riding five hours a day then eating all the crap you can fit in your mouth. Krispy Kreme is as important to the elite racer as is his coach or verzorger. In fact, I might be the only customer to try to make dinner reservations at Krispy Kreme.
One of my roommates (Jason) raced for a French team, where the smelly, old directors shake their cigarette butts at you for simply making eye contact with that plate of chocolates. He’s also from Southern California and when he came to Midwestern State (oh yeah, I’m going to school in Texas now), he had a nutritionalist and weighed all his noodles and vegetables before eating them. After living with me, he no longer has a nutritionalist and I haven’t seen the scale in awhile.
About a month ago, as we were sitting in the school cafeteria eating our curds and whey, Jason challenged me to a desert eating contest. I worried a little bit for him; that’s kind of like a nondrinker challenging an alcoholic to a drinking contest. He surprised me by polishing off six deserts and loads of ice cream—on a rest day. Good to see another convert.
Cheers to a new season.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Seperated at Birth a year in review

1. Marriane Voss, or Grahm Howard?
2.Benny Anderson or Matt Ashley?
3.Dazzlin Dave Mullins, or Will Ferrell?
4. Phil Mishka or Nick Latchey
5. Racheal Steele or Lisa Loeb?
7. sweet Alice Cooper or Robert Herriman?
8. FROZONE or Jon Card?
9. Tim Sari, or Steve from Blue Clues?
10. Joe Sticky Lekovich or Tobey Magiure
11. Uncle RICO, or Rob Iser?
12. we couldnt tell these two apart?
13. Jeff Wienert or Robert Foshag?
14. James Knight or James Knight?
15. will the Real Ben Renkema please stand up please stand Up?
16. Grumpy OLD MEN
17. Aston Kutcher, and Brawny Lad. Jason Lummis
18. SUPER DAVE Koesell, and Andre Tchmill
19. Outer Space and Star Wars had C3PO and R2D2 Like Cyclocross/Jacks Bicycle and Fitness Scott Goocher has his super kid Brandon
20. Midnight Oils Peter Garrett, Micheal the hills have eyes Barryman, and Scott Kroske.
who's who?
Monday, December 24, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Toys not for Tots.
Remco what a great toy company!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Toys for Tots.

The days are closing in on that one special moment when most of us as kids couldnt refrain from staying up all night to see what OL St Nickwas goin to leave for us. although not much has changed with us, instead of action figures and games, were hoping for Carbon wheels ,chrono helmets and power meters under our's We thought it would be a good time to throw out a couple of toys as kids we here at Tms find very interesting from back in our day.
The first 2 images are of a toy made by the IDEAL toy company, The KLUNKS, America's Last Family? could it be because they shot and killed all the rest, take a close look at that Hillbilly packin heat and showin the Fat Cash stickin out of his pockets. In way just to taunt anyone lookin for trouble to be filled full of lead! WEIRD?
The 3rd image is one anyone who grew up in the 70's knows all too well, not mention the legend EK just moved on to greener pastures in the last month. This one is the Evil Knievel stunt show also made by IDEAL. pretty harmless right? but..look real close behind the chopper the MAN never rode, the main image on the vinyl case is that of a meat wagon, doors open just waiting to cart his busted up body away again. NICE message. In a day when we worry about our kids and all the the other crap they may be subjected to, Hell its been here all along.
Man we miss being a kid.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
2007 Cross Rap
thanks to all those that supported the series, and maybe next year if everyone behave's we'll do some race reports, rather than these. lame powerpoint style videos.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Thank you Robert and Tailwind!! coming from the ASK. blog
Okay, so I don't have worlds of experience in cyclocross racing, but I have done enough races to appreciate a decent course from a bad one. The Ohio state championship course was pretty darned Mickey Mouse. As Tim Saari put it, kind of like a backyard barbecue course.from the ASK blog
good luck to all headin to Nationals.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
perdictions. for this weekends Cyclocross State championship
Tms: toe cutter whats your predictions for Sunday Michigan State Cyclocross championship?
Toe Cutter: alright thanks for allowing me this honor to state my opinions on such a sport that is in what we call a mans type of bicycle racing. no sitting in on a sunny day smelling the roses and ladies in waiting. staying clean, with nice shiny bikes, all glowing in mid july's day.
Tms: ok ok, lets have it were running out of time.
Toe Cutter: let me say that my favorite race will be the women's field the site of those lovely women in there tight clad outfits. who's that long haired young girl from down south of the border?
Tms: that would Racheal Steele, and she is not racing.
Toe cutter: That makes it easy, the curvy Rhino woman. or maybe that other hot young girl from the Ann Arbor area?
Tms: were runnin out of time. the B race or anything just hurry up...
toe cutter: The B field? I dont know maybe Roger Bowser. Or Tony the young lad from downriver.
Tms: we only have about 2 minutes left..masters and elites lets have it.
toe Cutter: of course the short guy with the thick accent in masters. or uh the guy that won the race last week at Munson. the Elite filed will be very much a game of luck and skill, anyone of 6-8 men could come away with a win.
Tms. OK were out of time thank and have a good weekend.
toe cutter. anytime
Clubber : what?
Tms: predictions for Sundays cross state championship?
clubber: PAIN, no really were do i start?
tms: Start with wherever you want.
clubber: I pity the fools who start that ..HHMM, B race HMM? Maybe that little kid Tony i peggg him for the win, the other dude, that Giant guy, whats his name long shot. the women's elite...That HOT rhino Honey... uncontested. The Masters oooh, Tough one, that short blond British Guy, Simon or that Mustached Giant tall drink of water. Long shot the bearded bells dude. OK?
tms: you left out the elite field.
Clubber : ain't no way I'm callin that one, it ain't who's gonna win.... its who's gonna come out with all there limbs attached.
Tms: is that your final answer
clubber: yes.
Tms: what if its inclimate weather?
Clubber: its cross fool!
Tms: Thanks