A few weeks back on the
MCG bulletin board a post was made about 09 being the year of the so-called young guns, not in those terms but
basically that what it was meant, the year will be ruled by the younger sect of
miscene. with all do respect to those that fall into that
TMS went to bat for what can be
refer ed to as the old guard, guys like
Klien, Steve Clark, Jim
bruce, The Ace,
Weinert, Adams,
Foshag, Koch the list can go on..looking over that group we can see multiple state champions and down right strong guys
pushin to or into the 40's, whats that say about
miscene in general ? you tell us..One guy who stands out in our list of the older sect is a guy TMS refered to as 455 buick riviera cuz he puts out the tourque and Hp like the late 60's luxary muscle car Bruce
Riveria, this guy time and time again is in the top 5 of nearly every field sprint within our scene, he's guy that can never be counted out in any
crit, and a guy that is worthy of roll model status, hell he may be even too much of a swell guy to even be here on
TMS, We hope it
doesn't hurt his rep! Miscne Bruce Riveria. take notes you may learn something..
1. what year did you start racing?Officially,
I think I did my 1st citizens race summer of 1989. It was the Ann Arbor crit.
2.crits, TT road races which do you prefer?
I am totally in love with crit racing. The fast pace, the corners and the sprint. Never did enjoy road racing all that much, to busy enjoying the scenery maybe. I have the utmost respect for those that can crush a TT. I cant. I try year after year... but that's it.
3.most underated miscne sprinter?
There are so many great sprinters in the Michigan Scene. Until Terry Palmer came aboard Essex Brass, he was definitely one I would worry about, now I get to work for him, which is nice. The guy has got lots of power. Recently, there have been some younger riders, obviously Rekenma, Cavender, Cruise. I hate to pick one becuase the moment I do someone else beats me. Y
I have been blessed to have the perfect job for a cyclist. I've been teaching High School Biology at Livonia Churchill High School.
5.wife kids?
My wife Jennifer and I have been married since 1995. We have 2 great kids, one boy age 4, and a daughter who's only 1 1/2 but going on 13.
6.if so how do you juggle training etc, avg training hours
Juggle??? Try struggle. It's hard. My wife knows Im a totall a-hole if I dont ride, so shes great about that. I try to ride at least 6 days a week. 2-3 hours tops. Ive never been big for monster miles, just quality miles.
7. any regrets in the past as far as racing goes?
I wish I would have done some of the bigger races when I was younger. That kind of experience can really do wonders for you physically, but more so mentally. If you think you can hang with the big boys, generally you can.
8. MTB or Cyclocross, racing if you hadf TO DO a full tour of either?
Cyclocross to me is a love-hate relationship. I have a great time doing it, but I hate that Im not competitive. Guys like Saari, Card, and Weinert... I have no idea how they do it. As far as MTB, what's that?
9.favorite bike all time
Depends... lets face it. My 1st coolest bike ever would be an Eddy Mercx MX Leader (frame and fork weigh about 4 lbs easy!). It was the 1st bike I got where the just the frame and fork cost more than any bike Ive ever owned. On the other end of the spectrum, would without a doubt be my current Scott Addict R1. Sub 16 with my "training" 404 wheels on. I can't really comment on race weight!!!
10 favorite movie ever!
i have to give credit to some great road trips with Jeff Gray and Dave Mullins... Favorite Movie is none other than the BIG LEBOWSKI!
11. how many races do you do a year?
I try to do at least 20 races, that includes those great Thursday night Worlds!
12. if you could be as good as you are at any other cycling discipline which one?
They always say train your weaknesses, it's no secret, Time Trialing is mine. To much pain involved I think.
13. favorite race of all time?
Lately, my favorite race is Gaslight. The weather has always been stellar, sweet town, the fountain after the race, the awesome Gaslight beer glass, and fast as hell.
14. if had to design a headbadge for a bike what would it be?
joe Skrocki inspired, he stickered all of our bikes, but on his he had a Superman logo smack in the middle of the steer tube.
15. any major injury's?
Skin grows back, cracked a veterbrae once in Lansing, way back when during Tour de Michigan. Other than that does vertigo count???
16. favorite peanuts character?
Snoopy. My son and I crack up at all his silly tactics.
17, rocky or Mrt, or drago? who do you like the best
Drago all the way. I fight for me! But I do find myself cheering for Rocky in the end. Rocky 4 is a great movie.
18. weekends in the Bruce home?
what they like?In the summertime, usually racing with the Essex boys somewhere. When there isn't a race, a good early morning training ride out by Orchard Lake. I absolutely love doing these because Im back home by noon. Then its all play with my son and daughter. Parks, maybe a boat trip somewhere, big ole water slide in the backyard. A lot of beer, a lot of girls and a whole lot of cursin....
19. favorite snack?
Healthy- bananas
. Not so healthy- chocolate chip cookies and milk.
20. do you follow strict diet?
Over the years I swear I've tried, I really have. But I always revert back to just being sensible. Everything in moderation. If I want it I generally dont say no. I admire those guys that can, I do think it helps to watch what you eat.
21. beer wine/ or none at all
Bell's Oberon!!! Enough said.
22. favorite cd of all time?
Dead Can Dance/ Toward the Within. Really takes me back to good times. HE WINS SERIOUS points with TMS on this one !!!!
23. in the 80's were you, punk prep? jock, geek, burn out?
I guess one could say I was a preppy jock. I participated in sports year round, but I wasn't a muscle head or anything.
24. favorite toy as a kid?
Anybody else remember the Green Machine???
25. thanks for your time!!
I love the site.