Thursday, May 12, 2011


Sometimes T's basement isn't all about Harding the body and sharpening the mind. Sometimes its just about tinkering and tweaking things. and thinking about stuff. You know freeing yourself. Stopping the moment to reflect on whats going on in our world. We all have one and there all different from the next person. Mine aint the same as yours and yours and the same as hers. Life is full of choices, some end up good, some don't.
Whats this have to do with our scene? Well I compare it to the way T likes to do his grocery shopping, I prefer to frequent a smaller establishment over those mega food quantity houses. I like choices as much as the next person but for me sometimes too many choices become too much of a good thing for me... I know we all have different tastes, and different strokes and that's cool, I guess what im saying is we got Lotta of them this weekend, and enjoy the one you may make.
And what about all this Jibber jabber over this new event in Washtenaw County? I aint gonna get all nasty and shoot from the hip, I'm amped but from whats been laid down under that Death cats post, (how the heck did he get in here?) I don't need to add my two cents....

But just remember what momma used to say, "you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink"

Be kind, and Bsafe T


Anonymous said...

Another one bites the dust:

With much regret, the Superior Bike Fest has been cancelled for the 2011 season.

Higher fuel and travel costs for racers, combined with increase organizational expenses and fees have led to a budget that is simply unsustainable for this year.

Our hope is that these costs will be more favorable in the years to come and allow the Superior Bike Fest to continue.

We would like to thank everyone for their support over the many successful years.

If you have already registered for the 2011 season, you will be receiving a refund shortly.


Sad news,
but thank you for keeping TMS in the loop.

Mister T said...

Dam blogger fools..

Anonymous said...

TOW! Great event!