Randal Rodd......what can ya say about a cat thats been the substance of ride banter around the Motor city since his return from a walkabout in Europe. Not often can you take nearly six months off a bike, replace it with a mans type of mischief, and then return to grovel breaks, and then within 5 weeks, Honch em...The Fellow brotherhood calls him the future of Michigan cycling. Well I dont know about that, but I can say this, If he comes, he comes without the attitude, without the banter of his own hype. just plain and simple... RnR is why T likes this scene...No plan, No peak, No direction...just ridin your bike and having fun something that so often gets lost in this world of non mattering activity's....get my dirft..?
1. Detroit = The downfall started when the bridge to Canada went up
2. Finkel = 20 LBs heavier than his worlds weight; fueled by cowboy soda makes
for a fast TimmyF
3. spring training = Time for another bender
4. beer = Who needs Gatorade. This is the real mans sports drink
5. club rides = My only structured training
6. the month of May = Wet, cold and me trying to ride into shape
7. willow TT = COCK MEASURING V1.0 of the year.
8. cat 4's = The most expensive peloton there is. TOO MUCH CARBON!!!
9. cat 3's = A mix of the up and comers and the never gonna bes
10 cat 1/2's = Trying to figure that one out
11. mountain bikes = LOVE IT. A sport surrounded by performance dehancing drugs
12. chicks = Like money and booze. More is always better.
13. Pabst blue ribbon = The taste is only overshadowed by its beauty
14. fix gear = Gotta get on that
15. mr t = Like the godfather still potent
16. day = Work or on the boat always a hard decision
17. night = Race or drink. Depends what is on tap
18. facebook = Nucking Futz. Good thing I don’t have a boss who checks mine
19. SIMONSTER = Polar opposite training plans
20. Herriman = WHAT A STUD
21. tits = Once you see once pair……You want to see all the rest
22. guns = A lot this year
23. drugs = DOPERS SUCK. Except the mtb ones. BEER ME
24. money = Do you mind if I pay for these bananas, gels, and beer with
pennies? It is all I have
25. cyclocross = Looks like a lot of work to me
26. time = Stood still for 128 miles
27. cotton candy = Danny K’s secret to attracting the girls
28. burger king = hear that’s why the Spaniard got popped
29. hangovers = aka rest days. My secret to success
30. rust = Starting to shake it off
31. lance Armstrong = THE BEST. Drugs that is, everyone was on them and he
was no exception
32. buzz light year = He is flying…Doping?
33. woodie =Lapping the field gives me one
34. stitches = Putting some people in them during the race
35. erie st = Great race until they cut the payouts
36. Bissell = Not the only force in town anymore
37. Essex brass = Great guys but I think life is getting in the way of their racing
38. the past = Nothing but respect for the old guard
39. the future = you are talking to him
40. right now = WCIF