Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sunday Brunch
Oh how I enjoyed Sunday's brunch. I hope that you also enjoyed the delicacy that was mine.
No matter your cannibalism that society says is wrong. Don't fret I say, their hypocrisy is strong.
Some traveled near. Some from a far. Me? No need to travel, as I'm always under the stars.
Sunday past, the Sabbath day of rest? I scoff, tis was the day of Death.
So soon I'll see you under shadowed light. Please be scared my children, the cloak is every night.


Anonymous said...

be careful with that axe, eugene.

Anonymous said...

be careful with that axe, eugene.

OH..i know you have to be soo careful so careful

Anonymous said...

so good.

Anonymous said...

By the way which one's Pink?????

Anonymous said...

one of these days...