Get to know him he's cool..
Adam York
1.one thing you would change about michigan cycling
Planning around other big out of state races. We are a terminal state surrounded by numerous strong and well run race scenes. Competition is a must, but that is just one part of the big messy puzzle. Joe Lekovish plays Atlas with the world on his shoulders. I take my hat off to him.
2.one thing you like best about it.
At the core we might not have a big scene, but it is a strong scene with a lot of talent on and off the road.
At the core we might not have a big scene, but it is a strong scene with a lot of talent on and off the road.
3.favorite michigan race
Cherry Roubaix. Good race venue and well put on. We need more multi day races like this.
Cherry Roubaix. Good race venue and well put on. We need more multi day races like this.
4.have you ever farted while racing
I farted while writing this...so yes, I've farted while racing. One word: protein.
I farted while writing this...so yes, I've farted while racing. One word: protein.
5.if you were alan antonuck for one day what would you do
Make it rain at the strip club followed by some cocaine and hookers. Maybe rob a bank. Oh and drink lots of milk.
Make it rain at the strip club followed by some cocaine and hookers. Maybe rob a bank. Oh and drink lots of milk.
6.worst fad you can lay claim to
Gross beards seem to be back in style, so lets go with that. Like all trend setters I'm on to the next one: the shadow.
Gross beards seem to be back in style, so lets go with that. Like all trend setters I'm on to the next one: the shadow.
7.if you could get one free punch and use it on any cyclist who would it be
Tie between Lance Armstrong and Mark Cavendish, but I have two fists, so I don't see why this can't be arranged.
8.do you see yourself going on to greater things outside of tms
Who knows. I certainly don't, but I'll be damned if I won't give it my all. Though lets be honest here, I'm just polishing a turd. I'll see how far I can get till I come to the realization I can't risk life and limb anymore. Fall back? Bike packing and shunning human contact culminating in being eaten by a bear. (Just before I die I'll have the epiphany I should have stuck with road racing)
Who knows. I certainly don't, but I'll be damned if I won't give it my all. Though lets be honest here, I'm just polishing a turd. I'll see how far I can get till I come to the realization I can't risk life and limb anymore. Fall back? Bike packing and shunning human contact culminating in being eaten by a bear. (Just before I die I'll have the epiphany I should have stuck with road racing)
9.worst habit
Getting up late. If it isn't a race I'm not getting up.
Getting up late. If it isn't a race I'm not getting up.
10 if you could be anyone else in michigan cycling, who would it be
Any sprinter. Would be a dream to just roll the dice every race. Just sit in waiting for your turn to throw down at the end. Would take a lot of the stress out of racing. I also hear you can also party in Europe for months and still do well. So really its an all around winning combination!
Any sprinter. Would be a dream to just roll the dice every race. Just sit in waiting for your turn to throw down at the end. Would take a lot of the stress out of racing. I also hear you can also party in Europe for months and still do well. So really its an all around winning combination!
11 who would win a fight Jon the black ace Card, or Big Ray dybo
Big Ray is a lover not a fighter and Jon Card is spry. So I've got my money on the ace of spades.
Big Ray is a lover not a fighter and Jon Card is spry. So I've got my money on the ace of spades.
12 you get a chance to race 110 mile road race with over 9K feet of climbing, but you have to ride a full blown DH bike or recumbent, which do you choose
Recumbent: 99% sure I could carry more beer on a recumbent.
Recumbent: 99% sure I could carry more beer on a recumbent.
13 what scares you
The brain damage I've accrued by gluing tubulars.
The brain damage I've accrued by gluing tubulars.
14 your 5 favorite bands
Tool, A Perfect Circle, Nine Inch Nails, Atmosphere, Lil Wayne (don't hate).
Tool, A Perfect Circle, Nine Inch Nails, Atmosphere, Lil Wayne (don't hate).
15 what wasyour worst cycling purchase ever
Powertap: ruined my life.
Powertap: ruined my life.
16 One thing that you do that probably no one else does
Have screaming matches with a parrot while riding the rollers. She generally wins.
Have screaming matches with a parrot while riding the rollers. She generally wins.
17 can you do wheelies
Nope. Pretty sure my sex life has suffered as a result. Chicks dig wheelies, right?
Nope. Pretty sure my sex life has suffered as a result. Chicks dig wheelies, right?
18 boxers or briefs
Compromise: boxer briefs
Compromise: boxer briefs
19 swim the english channel, or 1/2 iron man choose one.
Screw running. English channel all the way. Till I drown...which won't take long.
Screw running. English channel all the way. Till I drown...which won't take long.
20 female body parts... fake or real? pick one...
Real deal holyfield.
I got loads of respect for fatty. A sort-of working class hero. Dude trains his ass off, and races his ass off.
we do too,
but dont call him fatty. Yorkie is a TMS soul rider through and through.
Its dudes like this that keep TMS alive.
You can't polish a turd... But you can roll it in glitter
Say what Hater?
AY refers to HIMSELF as fatty.
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