Friday, September 30, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"You're smart too late and old too soon."....Its sad thing to come to grips with. But don't feel bad most of you don't even think about it. Sometimes just peering outta your box will help enlighten you.. Before i speak any further, I tell you why im here and Lawrence isn't, He asked me to come forward and speak on behalf of a select few that go out there to see how the other half plays, not to mention if i had the time id ride this cyclocross thing, its my style, but that's for later, Its not about being a better place, its like going to the big show, after spending time watchin Darla, Spanky , Buckwheat and Alphalpha perfrom in the vacant lot. Before everyone comes hatin, the world isnt to dissimilar from that just mentioned, its just the feeling you get from doing something new brighter, a change space and style. I like to thing of events like this as "Perfect chaos" choreographed in a way only that your big dollars can bring you. be like Mikey try it you may like it....
USGP Wisco style...
Win - cat up!
Cat up - win... Nice!
Free beer and cheese
I think the average person thinks I'm a fucking nut....
so what
Wiz MIA?
Im not a recluse.
LIL Pony...
Scene'ers turned hecklers!...Nice!
Wisco Scene'ers get it!
Mark W...still gettin it done
ITS cross..
Dollar, dollar, dollar bills yall!
Rhinos don't like mud WTF?
its all about pressure
Jay Moncel mixing it up near front
J. Brown still gettin it done...Nice!
Beer for Recovery
Yellow shoes gettin dirty near the front.
Mud comes out easier than blood.
Hole Shots!
Marne...gets treated
"When you see me smash somebody's skull, youenjoy it."
Slow, how you feel compared to that euro fuck
Im a cross guy..everyone's got a plan until they punched in the face.
Tape to tape..my fist your face.
Flow..what most have to learn to do, when goin to the show..
Parmelee stepping up, and fighting...takin shots to the head..
Stop wining about the mud its cross...
"I wish it had children so I could kick them in the fucking head or stomp on their testicles
Risk. all the time..
Rewards..few too many..
“At one point, I thought life was about acquiring things. Life is totally about losing everything
"I'm not Mother Teresa. But I'm also not Charles Manson!"
Give and you shall receive..
Monday, September 26, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
As the old saying goes, "Turn about is fair play"....I know how things work, I may not know it all but i know a thing or two about a thing or two..Thats why I can do this, I didn't plan on putting the OT in this fall, but like soo many people in life, MIA, is there M-O...so we will see how long i can run with it.
The pride of the East side or what some may say..The Tailwind Cross series got rollin with the new heads of steam, and infamous Double cross. if you weren't there, you may ask how did it go, T calls it break even. It didn't set the world afire...but those that go, go cuz they like it any who. I aint got a tall tale of two days in me today, So im shootin from the hip fools.
Take this lil does of TAO with you before roll on...don't be fakin, take full appreciation of what you got and enjoy these days cuz life is just too dam short to "just go through the motions".
overheard..clawed my way back..NICE!
Queen anne plays while marne is away.
Racheal Steele WAA WAA WAA..dam..
80's throw back NEON, that will get old soon... thank god for Spray paint
Moncel shows his head...NICE...
Elite field is old.
Lotsa Carbon..NICE.
Bunny keeps proven em wrong..could be the Cinderella story of 2011
Vinny looks rusty
Gotta B the shoes...NICE
new faces, old hats
Mustache are cool...NICE
theres power in Airport sushi
doublin up, Boy thats a great idea.
DC goes up again...
Team frankfurter...NICE!
Saturdays is for C's, Sundays are for RnR...
That Rainville kid, makin it through those messy years quite nicely thank you wins easliy on Saturday NICE.
Mustange looks tired.
face it...the orange crush needs some work..nuff said.
Green is the color for...helmets yea NICE!
B stands for BIG! NICE
WAKE CALLS many got em..
overheard..Im a cross guy WTF?
State Champ gets off to a...start..NICE
Who is teachin the leg over the top tube dismount anyhow? NICE!!
Masters Field is thin...
Colin Snyder..wins B, signs cross contract, goes big time..gets famous, dates Pam Anderson contracts some itchy disease, snorts up all his money, lives in a card board box next Waterford race track, GODFATHER gives him a hand up..writes a book..later makes a million. NICE
Wiz rides around with his mouth closed..DAM!...OUCH..NICE!!
Some get stronger,some weaker, some move up, some move down, and some wet there pants.
Ryan Mckinney gets on form for the USGP's
Shake ups in the Masters..NICE
Scott Fab gets old..NICE.
Ryan Mathews..a blast from the past..NICE!
that Goocher kid takes one on the chin by a kid his own age..NICE!
JBBABY dislikes the the flyover as well as most others
nice course some good power section...
overheard...season is long
Monday, September 19, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
The Draw.
As the UN-Official days creep closer, TMS has been relentless at asking me, Are you in or out. Go or No go..I got to admit i have avoided answering the phone and only have replied back with ? with the multiple late night text message that have been haunting me. But deep inside T' owes it to the history of the breed to at least stick his feet into it slightly I may not stick around for the whole show, but we will see how it goes..besides, the job has been posted.
2011 Miscene cyclocross series east side style, It really took to the line last weekend at the ever growing KISSCROSS, man if T could get his eyes and butt in that world im sure the fire would be ignite more east side pride to do the same. But I aint got the Lyme to talk state wide at this time, what do have time for, is.. Im here to through out my thoughts on the NEW and Improved Tailwind series, first off..mind you it hasn't been revamped top to bottom just tweaked and adjusted and hopefully it will be going in the right direction, of days of yore.
2011 Tailwind series comes to us under new management and old guidance, same venues with a twist on a couple to keep newbies happy but staunch scene mainstays may have to make it interesting there own way. I could jibber jabber, and banter of BITD, but I aint gonna go there. I know most are minded on the now, and ponder the thoughts what, and how, of who will show and who will no. so lets let it roll..
The fields...
Waterford, The Doublecross, XX...home of races galore, im sure you all know how to get there, its the Stoney of the skinny world. lotsa options just watch those steps and the steep downhill.
Munson. home the hill and now the known for being dark, elite men lose the the night option, and newbies and C vets get to experience there own little slice of CrossVegas, Southern style. watch the dog poop and shadows. dont miss this one as may go away for 13..
Linden Park, new to the scene Tight, twisty, bumpy and could be dusty, nice change watch the
rocks, acorns and twisty's
Vets Park, what some call the best venue, its so good you get to ride around it for two days and some even get to dress up. home of the what some call the best Bike shop in south east Michigan, just watch for falling snobs and hipsters.
Stoney creek, Im sure you all know where this ones going, home of many events all year, and now you all get to come back. T likes stoney... good mix of all, with options to improve last few. watch the sand, and the goose poop.
Bloomer, the oldest runnin coures in the series, how many years has it been? another one high T's list lotsa options, watchout for fista cuffs, slipper turns on the bike paths..
Springfield Oaks. Home the now set in stone Michigan CX championships, lotsa elevation changes,usually cold.. 50 yards of concrete, warm building... the favorite of many and disliked by few. watch the chili ..
the Players..
Elite men, and Women
Mike Wissink.. multi former state champion, and USGP winner. one of the last of the old guard..nuff said.
Mark Parmalee. 2011 state champion, the leader of the new breed. will he go 2-in a row?
Tom Burke: coming of age.. could be go time..
Vincent Roberge. seasoned and still till young T like Vinny
The BlackAce: style, age and wisdom..
The LIL PONY: holder of more state X credentials, nuff said
Tim Saari: will he or wont he?
Cory Stange, young and restless..tired?
Marne SS: she may not be around for the entire time, but.....
Anne Schwartz: dont call her an old Bird.. she still has what takes to bake those cakes..
worth noting:..
Clint Verran: will this be the season he stays on the boxes?
Jay Moncel, will he come from out of hiding
Adam York, williemakeit
JB BABY, does have a plan in effect, or is he just..
Terrence Metz: ?
Rich Stark: will he?
Dan Gerow? who?
Pete Thompson? for real?
Masters Men, B's and C's
DC: the aging, hated, loved.feared... a complete package, all the makings for a made for televison movie, who could ask for more?
Roger Bowser: dominated last year...2011?
Ron Stack: dont fade away..
Rich Stark: will he?
Mark W. ageless..but will he put in an attack?
Simon Bailey: questions..questions questions
John Osgood: its gotta be the shoes..
JMAK: your season has now arrived...its time
Dan Bannik: too tall.
Jim Hildritch: now?
AnnArbor home the killer B's i dunno? Thom B...?
Rob Selle: will the form stick around
Tom Clark: for real?
Mark Caffyn: up?
Brian Walchriz?
So im sure i missed a few, but if your not here it aint cuz i didn't think of you should , maybe you didn't catch the eyes..the season is gonna be interesting its got the elements of maybe something greater, but also has some the ability to go south, conflicting points of interest, possible stale venues, and a 2011 season that's been filled with racing for many, I aint callin it tits up..but its up to you and your draw to restore the roar.
Control It.
2011 Miscene cyclocross series east side style, It really took to the line last weekend at the ever growing KISSCROSS, man if T could get his eyes and butt in that world im sure the fire would be ignite more east side pride to do the same. But I aint got the Lyme to talk state wide at this time, what do have time for, is.. Im here to through out my thoughts on the NEW and Improved Tailwind series, first off..mind you it hasn't been revamped top to bottom just tweaked and adjusted and hopefully it will be going in the right direction, of days of yore.
2011 Tailwind series comes to us under new management and old guidance, same venues with a twist on a couple to keep newbies happy but staunch scene mainstays may have to make it interesting there own way. I could jibber jabber, and banter of BITD, but I aint gonna go there. I know most are minded on the now, and ponder the thoughts what, and how, of who will show and who will no. so lets let it roll..
The fields...
Waterford, The Doublecross, XX...home of races galore, im sure you all know how to get there, its the Stoney of the skinny world. lotsa options just watch those steps and the steep downhill.
Munson. home the hill and now the known for being dark, elite men lose the the night option, and newbies and C vets get to experience there own little slice of CrossVegas, Southern style. watch the dog poop and shadows. dont miss this one as may go away for 13..
Linden Park, new to the scene Tight, twisty, bumpy and could be dusty, nice change watch the
rocks, acorns and twisty's
Vets Park, what some call the best venue, its so good you get to ride around it for two days and some even get to dress up. home of the what some call the best Bike shop in south east Michigan, just watch for falling snobs and hipsters.
Stoney creek, Im sure you all know where this ones going, home of many events all year, and now you all get to come back. T likes stoney... good mix of all, with options to improve last few. watch the sand, and the goose poop.
Bloomer, the oldest runnin coures in the series, how many years has it been? another one high T's list lotsa options, watchout for fista cuffs, slipper turns on the bike paths..
Springfield Oaks. Home the now set in stone Michigan CX championships, lotsa elevation changes,usually cold.. 50 yards of concrete, warm building... the favorite of many and disliked by few. watch the chili ..
the Players..
Elite men, and Women
Mike Wissink.. multi former state champion, and USGP winner. one of the last of the old guard..nuff said.
Mark Parmalee. 2011 state champion, the leader of the new breed. will he go 2-in a row?
Tom Burke: coming of age.. could be go time..
Vincent Roberge. seasoned and still till young T like Vinny
The BlackAce: style, age and wisdom..
The LIL PONY: holder of more state X credentials, nuff said
Tim Saari: will he or wont he?
Cory Stange, young and restless..tired?
Marne SS: she may not be around for the entire time, but.....
Anne Schwartz: dont call her an old Bird.. she still has what takes to bake those cakes..
worth noting:..
Clint Verran: will this be the season he stays on the boxes?
Jay Moncel, will he come from out of hiding
Adam York, williemakeit
JB BABY, does have a plan in effect, or is he just..
Terrence Metz: ?
Rich Stark: will he?
Dan Gerow? who?
Pete Thompson? for real?
Masters Men, B's and C's
DC: the aging, hated, loved.feared... a complete package, all the makings for a made for televison movie, who could ask for more?
Roger Bowser: dominated last year...2011?
Ron Stack: dont fade away..
Rich Stark: will he?
Mark W. ageless..but will he put in an attack?
Simon Bailey: questions..questions questions
John Osgood: its gotta be the shoes..
JMAK: your season has now arrived...its time
Dan Bannik: too tall.
Jim Hildritch: now?
AnnArbor home the killer B's i dunno? Thom B...?
Rob Selle: will the form stick around
Tom Clark: for real?
Mark Caffyn: up?
Brian Walchriz?
So im sure i missed a few, but if your not here it aint cuz i didn't think of you should , maybe you didn't catch the eyes..the season is gonna be interesting its got the elements of maybe something greater, but also has some the ability to go south, conflicting points of interest, possible stale venues, and a 2011 season that's been filled with racing for many, I aint callin it tits up..but its up to you and your draw to restore the roar.
Control It.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Haters, Lovers, Fakers, and Takers

“Michigan Challenge is a NOTHING series” – What makes up a series that is something? You get $500 for being the winner? $1000? I can’t say that wouldn’t be nice and that would be great to offer. But my bet is that if you’re racing bikes, you’re not suffering financially or unemployed. You’re making some coin. Maybe not Koch Brothers league, but you’re not suffering or you wouldn’t be racing, really. Also, I’ve tried to get sponsors for the series. If someone has a sponsor that can cough up $10000, send them my way. Oh, and the sponsor can’t be in the cycling industry because every race has a local shop sponsor, so if Specialized wants to give $10000, three quarters of the events will opt out cause they’re sponsored by Trek or BMC or something. I’ve gone done that avenue and it’s INSTANT revolt by the 25 separate promoters.
If you got $500 for winning, what would that give you? In a couple of days that $500 would be spent and NO ONE will remember that you won. The prize for the MI Challenge is a custom wheel bag. Maybe you’ve seen them at races. Whoever gets one of those will cart those around FOR LIFE and they’ll sit there in the pits and when the winner goes to pick them up after the race 5 years from now in po-Dunk Michigan, maybe no one will say anything, but I do think someone will say – HOW’D YOU GET THAT and they say I WON THE F***G series in 2010, 2011 etc, etc. Then they’ll pump out their chest and strut down the street back to the car like a freeking peacock and that wheel bag will be worth 100x that $500 they would have won if the MI Challenge was a SOMETHING SERIES.
“The MI CHALLENGE structure discriminates against elite racers who travel out of town to race” – there were 21 events. The best scores for 10 of those events are counted for the winner. You could hit six events in just three weekends – West Branch, Mt P and Cherry-Roubaix. If you cared about the series, it is EASY to hit the races. But lets put it this way, you actually DO have to put some effort into it, not very much, but you do have to put some effort into it. So if you can’t plan around 4-5 weekends over a five month period, WHY ARE YOU RACING IN MICHIGAN AGAIN?
Look – if you’re a total stud racer and want to win something, show up for ONE race, they are called the Michigan State Championships – and win that one. You get a custom jersey and I think in the RR and Crit, you probably also got $500 (for Cat I/II, which I’m pretty sure is who is complaining about this).
I know it’s a bit confusing that on the home page there is a list of the leaders. Let me explain – during the year it’s just way too hard to track all the points. Since 10 events are what count in the end, you could be leading the series, but actually losing. Think about it, it’s just too hard. So we keep it easy, the person with the most points is considered the leader throughout the series. Then at the end the top 10 results are counted and the winner awarded. You can argue that by 18 events you should be able to figure that out, but you can’t. Plus there are 15 other categories all being scored. So for Cat I/II, Mac Brennan was considered the LEADER, and even on points for 10 events, he is still ahead, but he had to race a series TT, CRIT and RR. My bet is that he didn’t race a TT, a pre-requisite of a complete racer. So the WINNER is going to be Tom Burke in the Cat I/II. Look, if the Tour de France was comprised of 20 stages all finishing in uphills – Andy Schleck would win it. But it’s not. There’s a couple of TTs. There’s the Paris-Roubaix stage. You have to go out there and BATTLE. It’s not just handed to you or something that you can win by racing 2-3 weekends between races in OH, WI or CANADA.
Check out the series winners here:
http://www.mbra.org/indexx.php?module=p ... rs.inc.php
Complete categories standings can be found here:
http://www.mbra.org/indexx.php?module=p ... gs.inc.php
“The series doesn’t reward complete racers” – GET SERIOUS. You have to race a TT, Crit and RR. If you’re a good TT’er, you can score points in three events. If you’re great at crits, you can score points in something like 15 events. If you’re a 110 pound climber – MOVE TO FREEKING Switzerland!!! My god…….
The road races we have are HARD – I sick of people telling me how difficult road races are in CO or CA or AZ. I don’t know anyone from CO who has come to MI and totally kicked A$. Someone tell me about a Cat 2 who has come from CO to this state and kicked butt? Last time I think an out of state person came to the state and won, it was Meurig and he came from cold and rainy ENGLAND.
"The MI Challenge is a waste of time" - Look, no one makes any money promoting these races. So, there has to be a carrot that gets the promoters to agree to offer all categories. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT POINT. If you do the math, you can actually make some money if you offer races for only the following categories: Men Cat 4, Men Cat 5 (two fields) and Masters 45+. If you wanted to make money promoting races you would offer a great cash purse for a road race that only had these three categories. You could be done quickly - only three fields, you wouldn't have to close roads for 6+ hours and deal with parents of juniors or prima-donna-would-be-pros or the like. In fact - race promoters you can make quick money by organizing a race around just these categories. There - the cat's out of the bag. But does that help the sport? No. We need bigger junior fields and womens fields. The MI Challenge is the carrot that pushes race promoters to offer all encompassing categories. You want to be in the series, you offer all these categories. it also brings a level of standardization to a sport where there are 30 separate promoters, all with their own agendas. One club that has lots of masters racers may only want to promote a race for Masters, and they can, it just won’t be part of the series, which does still retain some prestige. That’s why promoters still want to be part of the series. Knock the series too much and you may end up with promoters realizing the way to make the easiest money is to offer races only for Men Cat 4, Men Cat 5 (two fields) and Masters 45+.
“Why are there track races in the series” - I’ll take the hit for that one. When I took over as Director Dale Hughes met with me and proposed having a closer working relationship. As Director I made an executive decision to add track events to the series in an effort to get more exposure for the track. Out of 21 events there’s one on the track. I’m not sure having the track in the series has helped, but I like to think so. Yes – it is somewhat unfair for racers who live in Travese City or else where, but it is just one event out of 21. Also, since the track has had an event in the series, they’ve had record junior participations and several Jr National Champions, not to mention a multiply time World Masters Champion. There’s also now a track race team that is one of the best elite teams in the state, led by Martin Vecchio and Brian Crosby . Ok – Dale will hate me for this, but I’ll take the credit for the MBRA (wink wink – I’m JOKING)
“The series is supposed to be a joke” – If racing full out from April to September, battling the whole way all over the state in so many different kinds of races is a joke, then this whole sport is a joke and why again do you even care about bike racing.
In 2010 Tom Linck beat Dave Baar in the 35+ category by something like 2 points. They battled each other from the Willow TT in April, through the dirt roads of Cone, the crits courses of Milford. I got dropped from the Cat 3’s in one of the later road races, I think Cherry-Roubaix and I got to follow the 35+ race for a bit and Dave was throwing EVERYTHING at Tom and Tom was chasing him down and attacking right back and it was CRAZY. I wish those two would write about their experiences. Someone contact those guys and get them to chime in just how much they suffered chasing that series title. It wasn’t decided to the very last sprint in the very last race.
This year the tables were turned and Chad Evarts beat Tom Linck with a 10th place finish on the final race of the series.
“If you’re going to do a job, do it right” – In theory, I agree with this, but I don’t live in a theoretical world, I live in the real world. I’ve already got a full time job. And a family and I want to race and train, so you do the best you can. I’ve had a blast over three years and if you open your eyes and see just how great the race scene in Michigan is, you’d know how lucky we are.
I took over the job of Director from Paul Alman who at the time had done it for five years. I think I’ve made a difference, but with anything, there surely are things I could have done better. There have been and continue to be a ton of people who have put in a ton of work. To name three – Paul Alman, who continued to officiate and organize races and helped me out enormously. John Laidlaw – who no one knows, but has put in 1,000’s of hours since 2004 as the webmaster and has done more to build the Michigan scene than many will ever know. John Sammut – who has single handedly saved more than a few races by officiating and organizing and sorting out all the crazy things that happen at a race. True story – I was talking to a guy who’s been racing in Michigan for years. Multiple state champion this guy. John Sammut had been organizing and training all the officials in Michigan for two years and had been the chief referee at probably 10 races in that season. This veteran racer was asking me how the MBRA organizes officials for races and I said “John Sammut does all that” and he said “John who?”. Now – Sammut must have stood directly in front of this veteran racer a dozen times and read the race instructions right in front of him and this vet racer was clueless as to who John Sammut was. The point is – OPEN YOUR EYES and see the people who are making this sport happen. Do you know any officials by their first name? Can you name more than two promoters? OPEN YOUR EYES. Make an effort and introduce yourself to other racers. Have some fun and you’ll meet some great people.
If you’re really passionate and have vision for the sport – I can assure you if you want to take the position of Director – step up, start talking up your qualifications and you will surely be elected. I’ve got to get all the details up, but I will and there will be an election in Oct. Note – votes go to 1) USAC Club presidents 2) Registered officials 3) A race promoter (club or other, each event gets one vote). The body of licensed racers do not directly vote. That’s how the bylaws are set up.
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Mugged in Murder City
Last weekends gig got me thinkin, along with events that impact T's life as well, before I roll into my Banter, I gotta give my fellow scener SIMONSTER a thought..GODSPEAD..TMS and all those behind it...are wishing you a speedy recovery..
My Banter about last weekend...what change from years past and kinda of quiet ending to our time together on skinny tires, and plastic bikes. Years back we had three days of blood shed, Murder City weekend TMS often referred to it..and some worn out folks come Tuesday morning, as time went on the beatings continued, just not as severs as before, and 2011 we got mugged on a Monday and left some wanting more..So some may say, thats OK im ready for something different, fair enough T, is always up for change, change is what makes you grow, become, better, stronger, and without a complete Murder City weekend...and only alittle muggin...ya'all appreciate that shit even more if it should ever comes home gain.
Jibber, Jabber and Banter...
New course No U turns
Old rough section on University
MIA, the Lefebvr bros
windy, cold spotted with rain
MIA Daniele Defranceschi
Old solid field sizes
MIA Jeff Schiller..thank god.
spliting the 5's thank god
old fart Canadians out hand fulls
Daisy Dukes schools womens field
MIA Roadking
New brake smell on University
MIA MBRA for nothing series leader
Panther and Bissell powerhouses
MIA Merril Collins
the Bunny
MIA the wrest of 1/2 women
attacking from the gun
MIA no longer lost cross
Panther and Bissell lead the break like locomotives
MIA Jeff Chow
the Bunny attacks again
MIA Bruno Grossi
Old 1/2's and pretenders get dropped
Panther doesnt win
MIA the Evildude
Bissel makes up for BHAM blunder
MIA most of RGF thank god
Bunny Caps the season off with a nice carrot.
MIA many dudes legs
MIA. Chris Fisher
ChrisG comes east.
MIA, any dudes Motivation
MIA Docsavage
MIA Bauer power
MIA the vibe of yore..
the Future of Michigan cycling
MIA the future of Michigan cycling
the trophy's... sweet
MIA Greg Zulini
MIA, Ben Whitehead
who's handin out upgrades like bottle water at Erie st?
MIA. cross talk..did i say that?
Paolo love him, hate him.
the end.
Race Results for
Debaets-Devos Pro-Am Memorial Bicycle Race
Auburn Hills, MI
Men - MASTER - 35-44 | ||||||||
Place | Points | Name | City, State | Time | License | Bib | Team | |
1 | Paolo EUGENI | 49:38.31 | 120 | Z Team | ||||
2 | 167.67 | Jason Stephenson | Clay, MI | 49:38.60 | 160931 | 118 | Fit for Life P.T. | |
3 | 174.57 | Dan Korienek | Grandville, MI | 49:38.83 | 288930 | 117 | Leadout Racing/Chicago Drive Cy | |
4 | 181.47 | Aaron VandeWege | Rockford, MI | 49:39.07 | 334316 | 330 | Speed Merchants | |
5 | 188.37 | Kenneth Vernier | Macomb Township, MI | 49:43.99 | 201821 | 112 | Essex Brass Cycling Team | |
6 | 195.27 | John Gabriel | West Bloomfield, MI | 49:48.47 | 214876 | 121 | Sho Air/Rock n Road | |
7 | 202.16 | Bruce Rivera | Beverly Hills, MI | 49:48.94 | 64577 | 107 | Essex Brass Cycling Team | |
8 | 209.06 | Cary Roseth | East Lansing, MI | 49:50.90 | 97564 | 108 | Team TOMS Shoes p/b Kind Human Sports | |
9 | 215.96 | Jason Hess | Commerce Township, MI | 49:50.98 | 48059 | 114 | ||
10 | Marc POLSINELLI | 49:51.10 | 274 | Z Team | ||||
11 | Chris VLEMMIX | 49:51.20 | 115 | TIC Village Cycle | ||||
12 | 236.66 | Chad Everts | Hudsonville, MI | 49:51.51 | 220011 | 100 | Leadout Racing/Chicago Drive Cy | |
13 | 243.56 | Scott Kroske | Birmingham, MI | 49:51.94 | 225584 | 281 | WOLVERINE/ACFSTORES.COM | |
14 | Mike RENNEBOOG | 49:52.00 | 382 | TIC London Honda | ||||
15 | 257.35 | Rich Russell | Oxford, MI | 49:52.15 | 228348 | 109 | Essex Brass Cycling Team | |
16 | Julio M. OPASBOA | 49:52.16 | 271 | Team London | ||||
17 | 271.15 | Adam Naish | Rochester, MI | 49:52.19 | 272572 | 119 | RBS Trek MTB Team | |
18 | 278.05 | Mark Cahn | W Bloomfield, MI | 49:52.29 | 45148 | 252 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
19 | 284.95 | Christopher Matthews | Rochester Hills, MI | 49:52.51 | 276259 | 217 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
20 | 291.85 | David Mullins | Berkley, MI | 49:52.66 | 66064 | 102 | Essex Brass Cycling Team | |
21 | 298.75 | Anthony Bruley | Rochester Hills, MI | 49:53.23 | 80460 | 123 | Cadieux | |
22 | Gregory T. CUSHING | 49:53.27 | 253 | Z:Team | ||||
23 | 312.54 | Aaron Rieder | Westland, MI | 49:54.40 | 290810 | 337 | RACING GREYHOUNDS | |
24 | 319.44 | Jeffrey Payn | Troy, MI | 49:54.68 | 300557 | 323 | MCG/Trails Edge | |
25 | Garnett ABBEY | 49:54.69 | 250 | D'Ornellas | ||||
26 | 333.24 | Paul Guerreso | Farmington Hills, MI | 49:54.79 | 298251 | 313 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
27 | 340.14 | Raymond Dybowski | Waterford, MI | 49:54.89 | 10313 | 256 | WOLVERINE/ACFSTORES.COM | |
28 | 347.04 | Gary Oliveira | Lake Orion, MI | 49:55.26 | 52709 | 261 | Flying Rhino Cycling Club | |
29 | 353.94 | Alan Zoltowski | Canton, MI | 49:55.44 | 66373 | 275 | Team Giant | |
30 | Antonio GONCALVES | 49:56.99 | 270 | Team London | ||||
31 | 367.73 | Thomas Novitsky | Northville, MI | 49:57.99 | 227191 | 103 | NA | |
32 | 374.63 | Todd Frerichs | Rochester Hills, MI | 49:58.12 | 197437 | 122 | KLM Cold Stone | |
33 | 381.53 | Loren Simons | St Johns, MI | 49:58.89 | 47936 | 455 | PRIORITY HEALTH | |
34 | 388.43 | Rick Snow | Macomb, MI | 49:59.37 | 56503 | 116 | Team Giant | |
35 | 395.33 | Patrick Robb | Royal Oak, MI | 50:00.11 | 48371 | 235 | Wolverine | |
36 | Conrad MROWIAC | 50:03.03 | 231 | Forest City | ||||
37 | 409.13 | James Ignash | Clawson, MI | 50:03.28 | 276023 | 257 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
38 | 416.03 | Jeff Gray | Troy, MI | 50:03.36 | 187265 | 101 | Essex Brass Cycling Team | |
39 | 422.92 | Mark Warner | Lansing, MI | 50:04.37 | 299805 | 268 | WMCR | |
40 | 429.82 | David Rieland | Troy, MI | 50:04.40 | 29849 | 105 | Cadieux / Team O2 | |
41 | 436.72 | Terry Ritter | Royal Oak, MI | 50:11.71 | 135609 | 263 | Team GIANT - Michigan | |
42 | 443.62 | Adam Sulkes | Westland, MI | 50:30.69 | 191897 | 226 | Cycle To Fitness Racing Greyhou | |
43 | 450.52 | Paul Rivera | Southfield, MI | 50:44.38 | 131480 | 106 | Essex Brass Cycling Team | |
44 | 457.42 | Robert Selle | Oakland Twp, MI | 50:47.65 | 102586 | 111 | MPI-Main Street-Kuhnhenn | |
45 | 464.32 | Michael Wyczalek | Goodrich, MI | 53:11.85 | 39106 | 113 | Team Giant - MI | |
DNF | Keith Grand | Harper Woods, MI | 263250 | 210 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |||
DNF | Michael Williams | Okemos, MI | 56931 | 269 | CABO Racing | |||
DNF | Mark Caffyn | Ortonville, MI | 252670 | 305 | MPI-Main Street Kuhnhenn | |||
DNF | Brad Hilton | Holland, MI | 309817 | 213 | Club Whisper/Jade | |||
DNF | Jerry Gase II | W. Bloomfield, MI | 269005 | 209 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |||
DNF | Terry Palmer | Macomb, MI | 67533 | 104 | Essex Brass Cycling Team | |||
DNF | Douglas Gatto | Allen Park, MI | 196826 | 312 | RACING GREYHOUNDS | |||
DNF | Timothy Saari | Rochester Hills, MI | 197477 | 110 | Essex Brass Cycling Team | |||
Men - MASTER - 45-54 | ||||||||
Place | Points | Name | City, State | Time | License | Bib | Team | |
1 | Marc POLSINELLI | 47:00.04 | 274 | Z Team | ||||
2 | 262.10 | Alan Zoltowski | Canton, MI | 47:00.05 | 66373 | 275 | Team Giant | |
3 | 268.14 | Don Cameron | White Lake, MI | 47:00.44 | 94327 | 279 | Specialized | |
4 | 274.17 | Scott Claes | W Bloomfield, MI | 47:00.50 | 106137 | 278 | Swami's | |
5 | Jamie SMITH | 47:00.63 | 264 | Flying Rhino Cycling | ||||
6 | 286.24 | Scott Kroske | Birmingham, MI | 47:01.15 | 225584 | 281 | WOLVERINE/ACFSTORES.COM | |
7 | Antonio GONCALVES | 47:01.44 | 270 | Team London | ||||
8 | Julio M. OPASBOA | 47:01.55 | 271 | Team London | ||||
9 | 304.35 | Fredrick Anderson | Okemos, MI | 47:01.61 | 1625 | 273 | West Mich Coast Riders | |
10 | 310.39 | Thomas Clark | Sterling Heights, MI | 47:01.81 | 262346 | 280 | Bike Sportshop | |
11 | 316.42 | Raymond Barbehenn | Ann Arbor, MI | 47:01.84 | 63608 | 251 | Ann Arbor Velo Club | |
12 | Garnett ABBEY | 47:01.92 | 250 | D'Ornellas | ||||
13 | 328.50 | David Hicken | Rochester Hills, MI | 47:01.93 | 251192 | 212 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
14 | 334.53 | James Nugent | Taylor, MI | 47:02.10 | 296472 | 260 | Ciclosort | |
15 | 340.57 | Michael McCullough | Zionsville, IN | 47:02.14 | 276269 | 258 | Cycling & Fitness Warehouse | |
16 | 346.60 | john meachum | Lowell, MI | 47:02.26 | 299075 | 259 | Priority Health Cycling Team | |
17 | 352.64 | Mark Freed | Mount Pleasant, MI | 47:02.29 | 221861 | 277 | Racerheads Sports | |
18 | 358.68 | Armando Vega | Oxford, MI | 47:02.47 | 217039 | 266 | MPI-Main Street Bicycles - Kuhn | |
19 | 364.71 | Mark Warner | Lansing, MI | 47:02.57 | 299805 | 268 | WMCR | |
20 | 370.75 | Hazen Sills | Holland, MI | 47:02.71 | 280598 | 329 | Team Jade Whisper | |
21 | 376.78 | Mustapha Dakroub | Okemos, MI | 47:02.88 | 286685 | 254 | Capital Area Bicycle Organization | |
22 | 382.82 | Terry Ritter | Royal Oak, MI | 47:03.02 | 135609 | 263 | Team GIANT - Michigan | |
23 | 388.86 | Jeffrey Warner | Temperance, MI | 47:03.28 | 249166 | 267 | Maumee Valley Wheelmen | |
24 | 394.89 | Kris Peterson | Flushing, MI | 47:03.67 | 230869 | 262 | Cyclefit Sports Club | |
25 | 400.93 | James Ignash | Clawson, MI | 47:04.10 | 276023 | 257 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
26 | 406.96 | Michael Dega | Farmington Hills, MI | 47:05.12 | 264316 | 255 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
27 | 413.00 | Gary Oliveira | Lake Orion, MI | 47:05.77 | 52709 | 261 | Flying Rhino Cycling Club | |
28 | 419.04 | Jeff Grzybowski | South Euclid, OH | 47:06.14 | 51518 | 211 | Summit Freewheelers | |
29 | Robert T. AKERS | 47:07.41 | 272 | WSC | ||||
30 | 431.11 | Randall (Randy) Beck | Davison, MI | 47:07.98 | 3086 | 301 | Flying Rhino CC | |
31 | Gregory T. CUSHING | 47:08.39 | 253 | Z:Team | ||||
32 | 443.18 | Steven Weckle | Midland, MI | 47:08.54 | 227728 | 333 | Tri city cyclists | |
33 | 449.22 | Dan Dunbar | Boulder, CO | 47:10.63 | 235244 | 276 | ||
34 | 455.25 | Raymond Dybowski | Waterford, MI | 47:16.71 | 10313 | 256 | WOLVERINE/ACFSTORES.COM | |
35 | 461.29 | David Stanley | Flint, MI | 47:52.50 | 33821 | 265 | Unattached | |
DNS | Michael Williams | Okemos, MI | 56931 | 269 | CABO Racing | |||
DNF | Nigel Mullis | Rochester, MI | 333396 | 321 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |||
Men - MASTER - 55-99 | ||||||||
Place | Points | Name | City, State | Time | License | Bib | Team | |
1 | Mike RENNEBOOG | 50:16.21 | 382 | TIC London Honda | ||||
2 | 377.13 | John Shedlock | Wixom, MI | 50:16.60 | 61308 | 454 | Ann Arbor Velo Club | |
3 | Bruced CAMACHO | 50:16.64 | 458 | Dornellas | ||||
4 | 406.31 | Mark Wolowiec | Davisburg, MI | 50:16.71 | 41215 | 383 | FRCC | |
5 | 420.90 | Loren Simons | St Johns, MI | 50:16.97 | 47936 | 455 | PRIORITY HEALTH | |
6 | 435.49 | Larry Bohnsack | Brighton, MI | 50:17.01 | 40759 | 450 | AAVC/Wheels in Motion | |
7 | 450.08 | EJ Levy | Bloomfield Hills, MI | 50:17.82 | 21031 | 453 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
8 | 464.67 | Mark Olin | Rochester, MI | 50:19.92 | 270538 | 414 | ||
9 | 479.26 | Bill Guisinger | Birmingham, MI | Lap -1 | 224995 | 452 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
10 | Ed BELLAIRE | Lap -2 | 456 | Cioclare Raceclub | ||||
DNS | William Gilboe | Oakland, MI | 13242 | 451 | Prestige Cycle Club | |||
DNF | James H. KLEIN SR | 457 | Cadieux | |||||
Men - JUNIOR - 10-12 | ||||||||
Place | Points | Name | City, State | Time | License | Bib | Team | |
1 | 538.00 | Cody Denison | Macomb, MI | 27:36.28 | 319730 | 81 | Track Teams by WAHU | |
2 | 550.39 | Keegan Korienek | Grandville, MI | 27:36.32 | 314012 | 489 | Leadout Racing | |
3 | 562.77 | Justin Kreger | Pontiac, MI | Lap-3rd | 358105 | 490 | ||
4 | Joel FICKEL | Lap-4th | 488 | |||||
5 | 587.54 | Benjamin Fickel | Chesterton, IN | Lap-5th | 309556 | 487 | ||
Men - JUNIOR - 13-14 | ||||||||
Place | Points | Name | City, State | Time | License | Bib | Team | |
1 | 455.02 | Spencer Virtue | Traverse, MI | 24:53.65 | 309507 | 153 | Wolverine ACF.COM | |
2 | 476.41 | Luke Mullis | Rochester Hills, MI | 24:53.87 | 296792 | 363 | WOLVERINE ACF.COM | |
3 | Cameron BUCCELLATO | 24:56.06 | 151 | |||||
4 | 519.18 | Kyle Bohnsack | Brighton, MI | 24:56.76 | 335180 | 150 | ||
5 | 540.57 | Seth Fickel | Chesterton, IN | 24:56.84 | 283239 | 155 | ||
6 | 561.95 | Nathan Perkins | Fremont, MI | 24:56.92 | 306240 | 152 | West Michigan Coast Riders | |
7 | 583.34 | Owen Whalen | Ada, MI | 27:36.80 | 348150 | 154 | Rapid Wheelmen Jr. | |
Men - JUNIOR - 15-16 | ||||||||
Place | Points | Name | City, State | Time | License | Bib | Team | |
1 | 457.70 | Cale Denison | Macomb, MI | 38:05.80 | 319726 | 82 | Track Teams by WAHU | |
2 | Nicholas FERINGA | 38:05.92 | 86 | |||||
3 | 517.13 | Dylan Gonda | Portage, MI | 38:06.19 | 315864 | 83 | CMS Race Team | |
4 | 546.85 | Martin Zanotti | Holland, MI | 38:07.51 | 305754 | 85 | GR Wheelmen | |
5 | Camaron MCDONNELL | Lap | 87 | |||||
DNS | Austin Schouman | Fruitport, MI | 311997 | 84 | West Michigan Coast Riders | |||
DNF | Cody Denison | Macomb, MI | 319730 | 81 | Track Teams by WAHU | |||
Men - CAT 5 | ||||||||
Place | Points | Name | City, State | Time | License | Bib | Team | |
1 | 504.61 | David Lesko | Brighton, MI | 34:41.79 | 298508 | 378 | ||
2 | 508.17 | John Leach | Traverse City, MI | 34:41.94 | 337826 | 360 | Einstein Racing | |
3 | Barrett RANDOLPH | 34:42.00 | 366 | |||||
4 | 515.28 | Dan McGraw | Grand Rapids, MI | 34:42.08 | 356708 | 361 | Freewheeler Bike Shop | |
5 | Alan SMITH | 34:42.17 | 372 | |||||
6 | 522.40 | David Grant | Commerce Township, MI | 34:42.60 | 353278 | 353 | RACING GREYHOUNDS | |
7 | Peter Vajda | 34:42.89 | 375 | Cadieux-Team O2 | ||||
8 | Alex MITEVSKI | 34:43.51 | 362 | |||||
9 | Brian LUCAS | 34:43.54 | 381 | |||||
10 | Christopher PANKOW | 34:43.80 | 365 | |||||
11 | 540.19 | Paul Skorupskas | Ferndale, MI | 34:44.27 | 353196 | 370 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
12 | Kevin DAUM | 34:44.29 | 379 | |||||
13 | 547.30 | Adam Tacey | Wixom, MI | 34:44.62 | 345568 | 374 | RACING GREYHOUNDS | |
14 | David COLLETTI | 34:45.00 | 351 | |||||
15 | 554.42 | Alex Huyghe | Rochester, MI | 34:47.33 | 334636 | 358 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
16 | 557.98 | Erik Huyghe | Rochester Hills, MI | 34:49.10 | 117157 | 357 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
17 | 561.54 | Brian Oppmann | Westbloomfield, MI | 34:50.66 | 304729 | 364 | HOT ROUTE | |
18 | 565.09 | Benjamin Groenhout | Grand Rapids, MI | 34:53.48 | 356691 | 355 | Leadout Racing | |
19 | 568.65 | Mike Woods | Auburn Hills, MI | 35:11.97 | 295050 | 377 | RACING GREYHOUNDS | |
20 | 572.21 | Paul Gregory | West Bloomfield, MI | 35:33.82 | 311269 | 354 | Michigan State University | |
21 | Timothy SIMMS | 36:31.27 | 369 | |||||
22 | Cameron BUCCELLATO | 38:29.51 | 380 | |||||
23 | 582.88 | Christopher Kiesling | Eastpointe, MI | 38:46.88 | 356860 | 359 | ||
24 | Nicholas RESZKA | Lap-24th | 367 | |||||
25 | 590.00 | Luke Mullis | Rochester Hills, MI | Lap-25th | 296792 | 363 | WOLVERINE ACF.COM | |
DNS | Jonathan SMITH | 371 | ||||||
DNS | Mark Baudendistel | Rochester, MI | 299062 | 350 | Cadieux Bicycle Club | |||
DNS | Michael Emerson | Rochester, MI | 339244 | 352 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |||
DNF | Tim HOOKER | 356 | ||||||
DNF | Austin Stephenson | East Lansing, MI | 342504 | 373 | ||||
Men - CAT 5 - 35-99 | ||||||||
Place | Points | Name | City, State | Time | License | Bib | Team | |
1 | John GIELOW | 33:53.64 | 405 | |||||
2 | 541.12 | Michael Emerson | Rochester, MI | 33:53.79 | 339244 | 425 | Team O2 | |
3 | Robert MILLER | 33:54.05 | 412 | |||||
4 | 544.89 | kevin rose | Milford, MI | 33:54.75 | 342266 | 419 | ||
5 | Peter VADJA | 33:54.87 | 427 | Cadieux-Team O2 | ||||
6 | 548.66 | Mark Hughes | Clarkston, MI | 33:55.03 | 296403 | 407 | FRCC | |
7 | 550.54 | Robert Scripture | Highland, MI | 33:55.32 | 339732 | 368 | HOT ROUTE | |
8 | 552.43 | Mike Weiss | Oxford, MI | 33:55.65 | 344344 | 426 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
9 | Chris WINKLER | 33:55.74 | 423 | |||||
10 | Tim MARTIN | 33:56.05 | 411 | |||||
11 | 558.08 | Martin Burk | Saginaw, MI | 33:56.09 | 340860 | 402 | Tri-City Cyclists | |
12 | David WASSMAN | 33:56.35 | 376 | Cadieux-Team O2 | ||||
13 | christopher ABSTON | 33:56.47 | 400 | |||||
14 | James COMBS | 33:56.58 | 403 | |||||
15 | 565.62 | Robert Kroezen | Commerce Township, MI | 33:56.64 | 357455 | 409 | ||
16 | 567.51 | Mark Olin | Rochester, MI | 33:57.29 | 270538 | 414 | ||
17 | 569.39 | Mark Baudendistel | Rochester, MI | 33:58.18 | 299062 | 428 | Cadieux Bicycle Club | |
18 | Ron SOLLISH | 33:59.63 | 421 | |||||
19 | Matt SHEPPARD | 33:59.77 | 424 | |||||
20 | 575.05 | Jeffrey Curley | Commerce Township, MI | 34:00.20 | 299686 | 404 | Unattached | |
21 | Arles KIMREY | 34:00.28 | 408 | |||||
22 | JT GUERIN | 34:00.32 | 406 | |||||
23 | Scott PATTERSON | 34:00.96 | 415 | |||||
24 | 582.59 | Eric Mitchell | Grosse Pointe Park, MI | 34:01.18 | 283441 | 413 | NA | |
25 | 584.48 | albert lake | Washington, MI | 34:01.68 | 288072 | 410 | o2 cad | |
26 | Ron RICH | 37:14.14 | 417 | |||||
27 | Mark RIONDA | 37:14.24 | 418 | |||||
DNS | Jim Boskee | Lapeer, MI | 305991 | 401 | ||||
DNF | Briggs Pille | Rochester Hills, MI | 352778 | 416 | KLM/Cold Stone | |||
DNF | KO SATO | 420 | ||||||
DNF | Steven MIESOWICZ | 422 | ||||||
DNF | David TRIMMER | 429 | ||||||
Men - CAT 4 | ||||||||
Place | Points | Name | City, State | Time | License | Bib | Team | |
1 | 356.28 | Kevin Dittmer | Novi, MI | 39:47.34 | 279592 | 310 | RACING GREYHOUNDS | |
2 | 361.91 | Derrick OBrien | Jackson, MI | 39:47.73 | 315388 | 322 | ||
3 | 367.55 | Aaron VandeWege | Rockford, MI | 39:47.91 | 334316 | 330 | Speed Merchants | |
4 | 373.18 | Aaron Rieder | Westland, MI | 39:48.26 | 290810 | 337 | RACING GREYHOUNDS | |
5 | 378.81 | Colin Hebert | Brighton, MI | 39:48.29 | 293700 | 314 | Ann Arbor Velo Club | |
6 | 384.44 | William Cawthorn | Ann Arbor, MI | 39:48.30 | 312882 | 307 | Ann Arbor Velo Club | |
7 | 390.08 | Paul Guerreso | Farmington Hills, MI | 39:48.33 | 298251 | 313 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
8 | 395.71 | Seth Fickel | Chesterton, IN | 39:48.45 | 283239 | 311 | ||
9 | 401.34 | Jeffrey Payn | Troy, MI | 39:48.57 | 300557 | 323 | MCG/Trails Edge | |
10 | 406.98 | Donald Cumming | Waterford, MI | 39:48.70 | 337658 | 309 | MPI-Main Street-Kuhnhenn's | |
11 | 412.61 | Gennaro Capasso | Orion, MI | 39:48.80 | 243717 | 306 | FRCC | |
12 | 418.24 | Steven Weckle | Midland, MI | 39:48.84 | 227728 | 333 | Tri city cyclists | |
13 | 423.87 | Jakub Malarz | Midland, MI | 39:48.87 | 22239 | 336 | Tri City Cyclists | |
14 | 429.51 | Hazen Sills | Holland, MI | 39:48.88 | 280598 | 329 | Team Jade Whisper | |
15 | 435.14 | Ernie Riley | Midland, MI | 39:48.90 | 305656 | 326 | Tri-City Cyclists | |
16 | 440.77 | Terry Bishop | Stcharles, MI | 39:48.98 | 291871 | 303 | Tri City Cyclists | |
17 | 446.41 | Mike VandenBerg | Grand Rapids, MI | 39:49.22 | 356422 | 331 | leadout | |
18 | 452.04 | Matthew Hepp | Howell, MI | 39:49.38 | 323106 | 315 | Cyclefit Sports Club | |
19 | 457.67 | Nick Lekovish | Portage, IN | 39:49.62 | 342874 | 318 | MCG Trails-Edge | |
20 | 463.31 | DAVID MANGES | Flushing, MI | 39:49.90 | 313898 | 319 | Team Assenmacher | |
21 | 468.94 | Jody Cagle | Royal Oak, MI | 39:50.30 | 345740 | 338 | RACING GREYHOUNDS | |
22 | 474.57 | Michael Belanger | St. Clair Shores, MI | 39:50.34 | 279343 | 302 | Cycle To Fitness Racing Greyhounds | |
23 | 480.20 | Jeffrey Warner | Temperance, MI | 39:50.37 | 249166 | 332 | Maumee Valley Wheelmen | |
24 | 485.84 | Randall (Randy) Beck | Davison, MI | 39:51.14 | 3086 | 301 | Flying Rhino CC | |
25 | 491.47 | Mark Caffyn | Ortonville, MI | 39:51.64 | 252670 | 305 | MPI-Main Street Kuhnhenn | |
26 | 497.10 | Chad Aiello | Canton, MI | 39:51.78 | 305095 | 300 | RACING GREYHOUNDS | |
27 | 502.74 | Jeff Plotzke | Farmington Hills, MI | 39:51.84 | 323298 | 325 | RACING GREYHOUNDS | |
28 | 508.37 | James LeBlanc | Royal Oak, MI | 39:52.10 | 227126 | 317 | ||
29 | 514.00 | Jon Ruud | Birmingham, MI | 39:53.74 | 345104 | 327 | RACING GREYHOUNDS | |
30 | 519.63 | Rich Phillips | Commerce Township, MI | 39:57.92 | 342788 | 324 | RACING GREYHOUNDS | |
31 | 525.27 | Joseph Miessner | Ann Arbor, MI | Lap-27th | 309818 | 320 | Ann Arbor Velo Club | |
32 | 530.90 | Thomas Wilk | Grosse Pointe, MI | Lap-28th | 348670 | 334 | Ann Arbor Velo Club | |
33 | 536.53 | Robert Wydra | Detroit, MI | Lap-29th | 179571 | 335 | WOLVERINE/ACFSTORES.COM | |
34 | 542.17 | Nigel Mullis | Rochester, MI | Lap-30th | 333396 | 321 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
DNS | Michael Schultz | Farmington, MI | 60984 | 328 | Team SignOutfitters.com | |||
DNS | Jared Bonecutter | Shelby, OH | 230499 | 304 | Y-NOT CYCLING | |||
DNS | Jeff Chapin | East Lansing, MI | 311570 | 308 | Michigan State University | |||
DNS | Douglas Gatto | Allen Park, MI | 196826 | 312 | RACING GREYHOUNDS | |||
DNF | Erik Krueger | Harsens Island, MI | 308256 | 316 | RACING GREYHOUNDS | |||
Men - CAT 3 | ||||||||
Place | Points | Name | City, State | Time | License | Bib | Team | |
1 | 227.49 | Matt Celek | Cuyahoga Falls, OH | 50:31.27 | 319220 | 204 | Ride On Wooster | |
2 | 233.37 | Kevin Collins | Grand Rapids, MI | 50:32.44 | 76192 | 228 | ||
3 | 239.25 | Jason Mulawa | Clinton Township, MI | 50:32.69 | 310681 | 219 | Miller Energy p/b Grand Rapids | |
4 | 245.13 | Dirk DeJonge | Hudsonville, MI | 50:33.94 | 189389 | 207 | Team Whisper JADE | |
5 | 251.01 | Bryan Kuyper | Grandrapids, MI | 50:34.28 | 310893 | 215 | Leadout Racing | |
6 | 256.89 | Joseph Lekovish | Northville, MI | 50:34.36 | 166429 | 216 | MCG Racing Team p/b Trails-Edge | |
7 | 262.77 | Jared Durieux | Stow, OH | 50:34.43 | 225670 | 208 | Carbon Racing | |
8 | 268.65 | Derek Delzer | Troy, MI | 50:34.49 | 317058 | 230 | ||
9 | 274.53 | Ryan Rodd | Birmingham, MI | 50:34.50 | 310993 | 223 | Wolverine | |
10 | 280.40 | Patrick Robb | Royal Oak, MI | 50:34.59 | 48371 | 235 | Wolverine | |
11 | 286.28 | Benjamin Cox | Fenton, MI | 50:34.65 | 258444 | 205 | Michigan State University | |
12 | 292.16 | Mark Hotchkin | Grand Rapids, MI | 50:34.66 | 190321 | 214 | Leadout Racing/Chicago Drive Cy | |
13 | 298.04 | Justin Sprung | Kalamazoo, MI | 50:34.75 | 274267 | 224 | CMS Race Team | |
14 | 303.92 | Trae Bott | Blanchard, MI | 50:34.75 | 273675 | 203 | CMU | |
15 | 309.80 | Christopher Matthews | Rochester Hills, MI | 50:34.77 | 276259 | 217 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
16 | 315.68 | Daniel Sterling | Livonia, MI | 50:34.93 | 285575 | 225 | RACING GREYHOUNDS | |
17 | 321.56 | Adam Sulkes | Westland, MI | 50:35.18 | 191897 | 226 | Cycle To Fitness Racing Greyhou | |
18 | 327.44 | John Wunderlin | Kalamazoo, MI | 50:35.39 | 148149 | 227 | CMS Racing | |
19 | 333.32 | Douglas McKibbon | Farmington Hills, MI | 50:35.54 | 276085 | 218 | WOLVERINE/AMERICAN C & F | |
20 | 339.20 | Blaine Benson | Birmingham, MI | 50:35.62 | 268471 | 201 | Black Line Track Team/IVBP | |
21 | 345.08 | Nate Benke | Farmington Hills, MI | 50:35.80 | 284145 | 200 | Ventus Cycling Team | |
22 | 350.96 | David Hicken | Rochester Hills, MI | 50:36.31 | 251192 | 212 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
23 | 356.84 | James DeGracia | Holland, MI | 50:36.43 | 118316 | 206 | Team Whisper JADE | |
24 | 362.72 | Brad Hilton | Holland, MI | 50:36.90 | 309817 | 213 | Club Whisper/Jade | |
25 | 368.60 | Justin Perry | Grand Haven, MI | 50:37.63 | 295935 | 233 | Faith Hospice | |
26 | 374.48 | David Boboltz | Rockford, MI | 50:38.08 | 120317 | 202 | Spout Cycling Team | |
27 | 380.35 | Nicholas Raiti | Grosse Pointe Park, MI | 50:38.29 | 282264 | 222 | Black Line Track Team | |
28 | 386.23 | Jerry Gase II | W. Bloomfield, MI | 50:39.02 | 269005 | 209 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
29 | 392.11 | anthony prentice | Allendale, MI | 50:39.58 | 292144 | 220 | ReCycling Team p/b Ascension | |
30 | 397.99 | Drew Martin | Grandrapids, MI | 50:39.95 | 292972 | 229 | Miller Energy p/b Grand Rapids | |
31 | 403.87 | Richard Rainville | Livonia, MI | 50:40.71 | 305239 | 221 | Ann Arbor Velo Club | |
32 | 409.75 | Jeff Grzybowski | South Euclid, OH | 50:43.61 | 51518 | 211 | Summit Freewheelers | |
33 | 415.63 | Colin Vis | East Grand Rapids, MI | 50:46.32 | 204068 | 232 | East Hills Velo | |
34 | 421.51 | Keith Grand | Harper Woods, MI | 50:46.78 | 263250 | 210 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |
35 | Conrad MROWIAC | 50:48.23 | 231 | Forest City | ||||
DNF | Brent DelRosario | Shelby Twp, MI | 232619 | 234 | Blackline Track Team | |||
Men - PRO/1/2 | ||||||||
Place | Points | Name | City, State | Time | License | Bib | Team | |
1 | 100.39 | Derek Graham | Grand Rapids, MI | 1:38:34.42 | 102695 | 26 | BISSELL/ABG Cycling | |
3 | 104.47 | Kirk Albers | Upper Arlington, OH | 1:38:34.99 | 1283 | 2 | Panther pb Competitive Cyclist | |
4 | 108.55 | Paul Martin | North Royalton, OH | 1:38:37.23 | 207549 | 9 | Panther p/b Competitive Cyclist | |
5 | 112.62 | Derek Witte | East Grand Rapids, MI | 1:38:58.92 | 41402 | 20 | Bissell Masters | |
6 | 116.70 | David Chernosky | Rocky River, OH | 1:40:12.44 | 49665 | 4 | Cleveland Clinic/RGF p/b Felt | |
7 | Kevin HAZZARD | 1:40:13.40 | 19 | Jet Fuel Coffee/La Bicicletta | ||||
8 | Ryan AITCHESON | 1:40:13.68 | 30 | Panther PB Competitive Cycle | ||||
9 | 128.92 | Peter Beels | Grand Rapids, MI | 1:40:13.79 | 235743 | 3 | Leadout/Chicago Drive Cycling | |
10 | 133.00 | Daniel Yankus | Commerce Twp, MI | 1:40:13.81 | 102694 | 22 | Team Giant - MI | |
11 | 137.07 | randall rodd | West Bloomfield, MI | 1:40:13.89 | 290060 | 12 | Wolverine Sports Club | |
12 | 141.15 | Robert Martin | Sagamore Hills, OH | 1:40:14.16 | 49126 | 8 | Cleveland Clinic Sports Health | |
13 | 145.22 | Jason Young | Portage, MI | 1:40:14.17 | 159810 | 27 | East Hills Velo | |
14 | 149.30 | Lucas Wall | Superior Township, MI | 1:40:14.74 | 54490 | 16 | Ann Arbor Velo Club | |
15 | Peter MORSE | 1:40:14.85 | 18 | Jet Fuel Coffee/La Bicicletta | ||||
16 | 157.45 | Martin Vecchio | Detroit, MI | 1:40:14.95 | 289623 | 15 | Track Teams by WAHU | |
17 | 161.53 | Alex Vanias | Leroy, MI | 1:40:14.99 | 291766 | 14 | Priority Health Cycling Team | |
18 | Paulo Eugeni | 1:40:15.10 | 120 | |||||
19 | Geoff POWER | 1:40:15.28 | 11 | TEAM LONDON | ||||
20 | 173.75 | Tim Finkel | Royal Oak, MI | 1:40:16.82 | 216738 | 32 | Wolverine/ACF | |
21 | 177.83 | James Bruce | Novi, MI | 1:40:17.38 | 46453 | 33 | Lathrup Industries/Giant Bicycl | |
22 | 181.90 | Ronald Catlin | Ray Township, MI | 1:40:17.54 | 296981 | 24 | RBS Cycling | |
23 | 185.98 | Clint Verran | Lake Orion, MI | 1:40:17.56 | 296234 | 29 | Paint Creek Bikes | |
24 | Ciro VIVIANO | 1:40:17.89 | 25 | Maple Leaf CC | ||||
25 | 194.13 | Christopher Gottwald | Kalamazoo, MI | 1:40:18.58 | 42621 | 5 | Lathrup Industries/Giant Bicycl | |
26 | 198.21 | Geoff Kuyper | Grand Rapids, MI | 1:40:23.07 | 266805 | 7 | Leadout Racing/Chicago Drive Cy | |
27 | 202.28 | Andrew Clarke | Medina, OH | 1:40:27.07 | 212538 | 28 | Panther PB Competitive Cycle | |
28 | 206.36 | Daniel Klein | Berkley, MI | 1:40:35.17 | 19336 | 23 | Lathrup Industries/Giant Bicycles | |
29 | 210.43 | Gregory Christian | East Lansing, MI | 1:40:35.21 | 186412 | 34 | Panther Competitive Cycle | |
30 | 214.51 | Nathaniel Williams | East Grand Rapids, MI | 1:40:42.80 | 220678 | 21 | BISSELL/ABG Cycling | |
DNS | Paul Rivera | Southfield, MI | 131480 | 106 | Essex Brass Cycling Team | |||
DNS | Rich Russell | Oxford, MI | 228348 | 109 | Essex Brass Cycling Team | |||
DNS | Jeff Gray | Troy, MI | 187265 | 101 | Essex Brass Cycling | |||
DNS | Timothy Saari | Rochester Hills, MI | 197477 | 110 | Essex Brass Cycling Team | |||
DNS | Terry Palmer | Macomb, MI | 67533 | 104 | Essex Brass Cycling Team | |||
DNS | Kenneth Vernier | Macomb Township, MI | 201821 | 112 | Essex Brass Cycling Team | |||
DNF | James Minnema | Shelby Township, MI | 258591 | 10 | BISSELL/ABG Cycling | |||
DNF | Mark Cahn | W Bloomfield, MI | 45148 | 252 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |||
DNF | Robert Selle | Oakland Twp, MI | 102586 | 111 | MPI-Main Street-Kuhnhenn | |||
DNF | David Mullins | Berkley, MI | 66064 | 102 | Essex Brass Cycling Team | |||
DNF | Darren Williams | Roanoke, IN | 84148 | 31 | Tyson Racing | |||
DNF | Rick Snow | Macomb, MI | 56503 | 116 | Team Giant | |||
DNF | Michael Dega | Farmington Hills, MI | 264316 | 255 | Cadieux-Team O2 | |||
DNF | Bruce Rivera | Beverly Hills, MI | 64577 | 107 | Essex Brass Cycling Team | |||
DNF | Fredrick Anderson | Okemos, MI | 1625 | 273 | West Mich Coast Riders | |||
DNF | Robert Hockin | Flint, MI | 164410 | 6 | Team Giant - MI | |||
DNF | Cory Stange | Millington, MI | 260216 | 13 | Cycle Fit | |||
DNF | Raymond Dybowski | Waterford, MI | 10313 | 256 | WOLVERINE/ACFSTORES.COM | |||
2147483647 | Adam York | Plymouth, MI | p/b Trails-Edg | 210584 | 17 | MCG Racing Team | ||
Women - JUNIOR - 10-12 | ||||||||
Place | Points | Name | City, State | Time | License | Bib | Team | |
1 | 540.00 | Ellie Korienek | Grandville, MI | 29:27.63 | 334622 | 482 | Real Women Tri | |
2 | 556.67 | Caitlin Denison | Macomb, MI | 29:28.21 | 352692 | 481 | Track Teams by WAHU | |
3 | 573.33 | Ellie Korienek | Grandville, MI | 29:27.63 | 334622 | 482 | Real Women Tri | |
4 | 590.00 | Caitlin Denison | Macomb, MI | 29:28.21 | 352692 | 481 | Track Teams by WAHU | |
Women - JUNIOR - 13-14 | ||||||||
Place | Points | Name | City, State | Time | License | Bib | Team | |
1 | 456.04 | Danielle Mullis | Rochester, MI | 24:56.51 | 296790 | 96 | WOLVERINE ACF.COM | |
2 | 500.69 | Katie Hamel | Comstock Park, MI | 27:42.56 | 294976 | 95 | Rapid Wheelmen | |
3 | 545.35 | Emma Fickel | Rochester Hills, MI | Lap-3rd | 324218 | 94 | Track Teams by WAHU | |
4 | 590.00 | Sarah Fickel | Chesterton, IN | Lap-4th | 298970 | 93 | Team Kenda | |
Women - CAT 4 | ||||||||
Place | Points | Name | City, State | Time | License | Bib | Team | |
1 | Kristen WAITE | 42:38.34 | 174 | |||||
2 | Monika NAJSELOVA | 42:40.11 | 172 | |||||
3 | 472.73 | Lori Hotchkin | Grand Rapids, MI | 42:42.23 | 333304 | 167 | Real Women Tri | |
4 | 482.81 | Danielle Mullis | Rochester, MI | 42:49.84 | 296790 | 96 | WOLVERINE ACF.COM | |
5 | 492.89 | Ellie Burke | Grand Rapids, MI | 42:49.95 | 342636 | 166 | RWT | |
6 | 502.97 | Dori Leib | Farmington Hills, MI | 42:49.97 | 350220 | 171 | Wolverine/ACF | |
7 | Jan JACOBS | 45:24.05 | 168 | |||||
8 | 523.12 | Laura Korienek | Grandville, MI | Lap-17th | 300609 | 170 | Real Women Tri | |
9 | 533.20 | Margaret Robinson | East Lansing, MI | Lap-18th | 327782 | 173 | Michigan State University | |
10 | Caroline ADCOCK | Lap-19th | 165 | |||||
11 | tahki JAYASVASTI | Lap-20th | 169 | |||||
12 | Samantha HUYGHE | Lap-21st | 175 | Cadieux-Team O2 | ||||
Women - CAT 3 | ||||||||
Place | Points | Name | City, State | Time | License | Bib | Team | |
1 | 344.00 | Katheryn Everts | Hudsonville, MI | 42:42.43 | 307335 | 461 | Real Women Tri/Chicago Dr. Cycl | |
2 | 362.99 | Kimberly Thomas | Belmont, MI | 42:42.53 | 300926 | 464 | Fusion IT | |
3 | 381.97 | Abby Martin | Grand Rapids, MI | 42:42.69 | 317498 | 465 | Miller Energy | |
4 | Lisa CARR | 42:47.11 | 466 | Zteam | ||||
5 | 419.94 | Jill Gorkowski | Grand Rapids, MI | 42:47.23 | 314216 | 462 | Fusion Cycling Team | |
6 | 438.92 | Susan Shaw | Fenton, MI | 42:50.85 | 246829 | 463 | Fusion | |
7 | 457.91 | Mary Dekker | Grand Rapids, MI | 43:08.73 | 104578 | 460 | Fusion IT | |
Women - PRO/1/2 | ||||||||
Place | Points | Name | City, State | Time | License | Bib | Team | |
1 | Alicia Trevino | Saginaw, MI | 42:42.61 | 278555 | 496 | Tri-City Cyclists | ||
2 | Leslie Gaines | Okemos, MI | 42:47.08 | 182278 | 497 | Priority Health |
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