So many thoughts and words could be spit out about all of last weekend, I had planned a big long report of two days of great crossin in Miscene...But I decided against the long version, and im going with plan B, which is very befitting to how the weekend came to its end.
Bloomer park, been on the schedule longer than any other venue, and its always one of T's favorite, the memories and history run deep.....I could give you the number times we pinned em on there, I could recall past winners, what state champion was crowned there, Miscenes first UCI race and how now super cross star...JPOW almost missed his start readin Auto Trader, or when "just a pup"..JB nearly cracked the 10 in the A race against some fast comp, how about SuperDave K gettin run over by the EvilDude and some Suburban Home rider, Ron Stack beating the Black Ace on a MTB to take 2nd in the elite race behind the then UN-beatable LIL PONY....Or how at the present time the RoadKing pays back the nearly UN-beatable German Giant, and some Tanguy climbs on the boxes. Paramachicken works on his final prep for a possible Re-Peat.. the LIL pony rolls home, DC blows Sky HIGH.....or how about How Jgood comes in like Balboa..but leaves like Creed..gettin toppled by that LIL British squirt again, good thing he didnt have that Slayer dude in his group cuz it would a been lights out for him too... The Crossguy rethinks his plan for the National Title quest, multiple fools ride mouths open searching for more oxygen as fans cheer around the course. Bob W nearly misses the triple of DFL's..the one they call Big Mac gets sauced. Kelli P beats the Canadian Quiring Chick, and Queen Anne may call it a season...NO im not gonna give all the small highs and lows, and no shows, and MIA's and banter about who is going where and tire pressure needs to be run......its what the EYE GATTO used to refer to as..in the books..
Rest up fools as The Final battle is creepin, its gonna be so Good it brings a big ol crocodile tear to T's eye he pinnin it on..
Gone are the days of two visits to Bloomer in the same 'cross season.
I miss the big roaring fire up front.
sniff sniff.
PONY and TIMMY throwin em down. classic Bloomer Battle
Great post, good laugh for the morning T, thanks. I'll tell Big Mac he got sauced, or more like "chipped" in that pile. Yeah Slayer was sprinting +35 guys to the line, talk about wanting it.
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