Friday, March 23, 2012

sleep talkin

Can we talk? i know its been a while, and i got to hand it to you kept it at bay and im DAM proud of you all..DAM..theres another D word..Makes me think of the last time me and Mike communicated, and since were sitting on the edge of no turning back for 2012..its good time to talk D.
So what do we got going on in the up coming days? Well got the west side Ever Hyped BRX, and the always serous east side pride Spring Flingin..You all would be lying to yourself and don't lie to me..if you didst take any one of those with a thick ounce of Desire...the deep inner being of why you do what you do..the one that drives you to...... Dedication..the one that pushes you out your crib day in day out 100 miles before work, chasing questionable, or sit-tin on and  carrying on long convo's with the Kenmore.And trust me fools  quiet rumors and secret banter has it nearly everyone has both of those bases covered so far this year....but with all this Desire, and got ask yourself do I have the Discipline to keep the Direction? AH that's the question that often and it will get lost in some bunny once said its "big balls time"..a time  to showem what all that Desire and Dedication has done for you since you last said its time for a break..come out swinging like there is No tomorrow...think about it haters 4 simple words, they all mean something different to all of you..There powerful words like all are.. and if used properly they can mean the difference between success and a lighter shade of grey.
And so it goes
 the numbers are gonna be pinned and man sizes are gonna be measured this weekend a virtual steamy orgy latic acid bath entry to an already what has been "the most silently hyped entry into a season in TMS history"

cya soon.T


Anonymous said...

Say something meaningful for a change, OK?

Anonymous said...

How about this.

From hence forth...
99% of the "racers" will be starting their yearly ritual of slowing burning their overly peaked form to a bloody pulp by May 1st.

Enjoy your moment in history losers and be safe.