Friday, March 16, 2012


Yo T. Hold up a min. You keep talkin up this roadie stuff all the time, but the dirt world gets metioned about as much as a ghetto kid tryin to fight his way for a livin. Com'on now, you know there is more to the Scene than this road thing. Its time to look at the other side of the Scene. the fellas and bellas on fat tires. and who and where will they be racin. Lets start with some match ups on where these burly folks might be throwing down.
XC Mountain Bike races. Lots to pick from, and the list gets bigger and bigger and more water downed every year. But who is going to come out on top? The tree hugging hippies in the CPS or old guard USAC Tailwind. CPS keeps trying to raise the bar by making the series new and exciting. But its not as competive, and they keep trying to make the series 100 races strong. On the other hand, tailwind has been racing the same loops every year that they are offering a blind folded class. But the die hards keep coming back, and make the competition level strong year after year. If the new owners can find the magic, and mix things up it could come from behind with a KO.
Long and strong! seems like everyone wants the distance, more for the money? You got the 100 milers and then the 12/24hrs? That kisscross dude cant do no wrong when he puts on a race, and the Lumber Jack 100 is the latest champ. But Fun Pro Mo has been at this game longer than Joe Breeze and Gary Fisher so dont count him out! The Scene is home to some of the best 12/24hr races in the country. But the attendance has stalled? But if your an endurance race junkie, you got to get those miles somewhere...
The KING? The iceman... Dont need an introduction when your the champ. But the camp sometimes cant see the small flaws in its armor leading to destruction. Will O2S rise and conquor? Will the little uprising called Peak to Peak be enough for the peoples to say fuck it???


Anonymous said...

too bad MTb in Miscne is barely breaking a pulse. there's some good events on the docket. thanks for repin TMS
bout time.

Anonymous said...

MTB died in Michigan, when the Bells team bit the dust.

BrAdLaKo said...

Ouch... way too many haters. Last time I checked, we ALL rolled on two wheels.... WTF?

Anonymous said...


Paynful said...

It is definitely interesting that the single day events draw a larger crowd, yet the series races are dying?! I think it is saying it is becoming less about the racing and more about socializing...

Tailwind is definitely changing it up this year... we shall see how it turns out.

Anonymous said...

arent the series races still single day events???

Anonymous said...

what change is tailwind making?

"The improved website and new on-line registration process is nearly complete! Registration opens March 15th!"'s not.

shuffling around old venues & serving a new brand of hot dog isn't going to do much besides...NOTHING. Let the MMBA be the grassroots series. there's a place for that but we don't need 2 watered down series. that's a big part of the problem. tailwind would be smart to talk to Fun Promo, MMBA, Endoman, & other random promoters & try to do some WORS style collaboration. they need to work on the PROMOTION aspect...aka $ponsors, advertising, networking, hype, & make these races EVENTS! imagine if our USAC series was made up of most of the best races or race venues in the state. as it stands we have a lot of races on the table but what we need is QUALITY. there are about 50 mtb races in MI! 50!!! of which maybe 6 are real quality stuff. tailwind will always get a draw no matter what just due to the fact every race is in S.E. MI but man it could be so much better. SO much better than it is now. none of this is hate, only constructive criticism.

Anonymous said...

agree fully
thanks TMS.

Anonymous said...

i like cyclocross.

Anonymous said...

i like heroin and pussy

Anonymous said...

I love hate, I race with hate in my soul. Darkness walks beside me, I leave no shadow upon the floor. Just race and stop fucking whinning. SLAYER.

Anonymous said...

oh aren't you just hard core & super spooky slayer?! lol.

Anonymous said...

So what tires should I run for Yankee Springs?

Anonymous said...

flat ones