Monday, April 30, 2012

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Yankee Springs Deep lake Time trail in an American WTF.
What the bloody hell happened to Mtb time trials? every fuckin rotter wants isnt fuckin bad enough to suffocate for 45 minutes now fuckers want to do it twice as long..aint that what mass rotten XC events are for?? fuckin thing you know the State Road Tt will be 62 miles..

God save me Haters.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

weekend in brief

I gotta keep this brief cuz hatin is town and dont want that shit rub off on me, ya'll know how catchy that junk is...
So here goes it..the MTB scene from what i gather is now underway the infamous Yankee Springs TT got full tms respect with a boasted 700+ riders..that shit brings a big ol crocodile tear to T's eye..I aint gonna post up all the  results and shit but  the BRX crusher bested former 2010 state cross champion by 60.1 seconds..
Over on the east side the 3rd round of the AAVC spring flingin took the stage with a solid and possible record setting attendance for the 12 season..the A race lived up to its TMS nic name Chaos, as a group of 6 riders got away early and lapped what was the end how ironic was it that it came down to the 2008 state cyclocross champ that Evildude, goin up against reigning 2012 cyclocross champ Questionable..The German made like the pure Wattage machine that he is and saved Wolverine face for the win...I gotta run cuz hatin is in the house lookin for a spot to lay his greasy shit down so i leave you with this....
later haters..
the bunny is green
Timmy doesnt look right
thick dogs
Bissell avg comes east again
the evil dude has hair...  sorta
KIDA is the future
Fast times
Dc makes the break
Broken bikes
lathrup revived?
Chicken parm focused
Venges everywhere
1st test or last...
who the hell are all these people and where are the they rest of the year.
training for iceman
1080's/wind bad combo
anderson is a freak! 
 Stange east Stange west
I thought the expert elites were for expert elites...
my first ride of the year.
elite women too few
same old shit
new hope
fake shit
who's been get'n it done?!
knobbies on trainers WTF
tight rigs
expert mens cats huge
2hr mtb TT's whats up wit dat?
Cow bells on the rim
early peaks?
good start...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Saturday, April 21, 2012

TAO of Chuck

β€œFind what you love and let it kill you.”

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Before this i was:
a teenage werewolf that had a crush on Christy McNichol
Ive been busy with:
brain stormin new ideas in between trips to Atlanta
My crew is: 
a select a few

Last time someone tried to fight me:
I busted it out old school style I took off my boot and shoed them in the head with the heel

predator face:
consists of finger meltege and hands to the face
people think i suck at:
basic biometrics 
Dybo will never:
change his shifty ways

Girlfriend in the porn industry:
make better friends than girlfriends

Old gold is:
is like candy to me

aint no play ground

Subway sandwich:
they all taste the same..Jimmy Johns..hand down
Overzealous security guards
deserved to be sodomized
are just as deadly and a pain in the ass as guns and gun up your ass

The best video of all time:

Multiple personality's
exist inside every sane and insane person

Dont listen to:

Best Dude out there right now:
he no who he is

landscapes of my mind

the difference between myself now and five years ago:
my body has aged but my head has grown wiser

Omen II
the old fool under the ice always brings a creep into T's mind

the weirdest place in Miscne:
Hillman Michigan, or Oakland county whats up with dat
Lemmys Mole:
has its own zip code and elevation gain 
The best photo of all time:
I havent scene it yet

Id kill for:
burgers, on a patio bar, and some flannel wearing female 
The most ridiculous situation i have ever been in:
involved this guy with a mullet a hot pocket microwave sandwich at a T/A travel center @ 1:30 in the morning
the best bike trick of all time:
BIGRAY top fivin any 1/2 race

I wasted my money on:
just about everything i ever bought that wasn't food
id like to know more about:
the brain and its pineal gland

One thing I always freak out on:
sceners and facebookers no one cares and if they do there lyin...about  what your eatin, where your ridin and what your numbers are.
If I had a million dollars:
id make a video that involved a highly skilled midgets racing at a world cup level, or buy skid mark a personalty

when I die:
my body will rot and my mind will be erased
after this i will.
slip farther into the void.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

coming soon

TMS Jedi nominations starting in May 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

don't drink the Kool Aide
β€œIt’s the rider not the bike” β€œIt’s the rider not the bike”

Monday, April 16, 2012


It gawd dam amazes me how fast Mondays come, one minute its TGIF and your planning how to make the most of what you got, and next thing ya know your scrapin up lunch.. 
Ah it aint all that bad....haters are gonna hate but most everyone keeps pinning one on at least once a weekend...without taggin em all i leave that up to that trendy site..solid rides were put in on the fling side of things with TMS favorite MONSTER beat em at there own game, and then he ran over the border with a lil bunny to bounce around with a few other select at the infamous Paris/Ancaster both fared well  and  "the eagle" Adams did it to a few at AAVC..Out on the other side of the the scene kid A  just keeps gettin better pulled an all nighter from Battenkill and threw up the roadblock on  Michigan's State TT champ Roadking.... to win a wet n windy FiskKnob..of note,,the HULK made his debut in the Leadout gear..Sc A R Y
If you felt like gettin dirty  cuz its ok...the mid state growing  Rustshaker saw two strong dudes go to the line..multiple BRX winner and Too Tall made this one thats DOPAGE !
Without going too far into it at this time But my good buddy Mike has been in and out with random vague hard to interpret quickies which has kept Ts lid on and sipnnin, not wanting to confused the accused ...but this one was too good to go with out tellin.
Mike told me he sensed  this.. he knew how much haters like there jelly, but he also said there aint enough bread to go around so the dark side of the spoon is the only option..
and for once as of late i kinda get his drift..

maybe you do, or you dont..
later haters

Friday, April 13, 2012


My Momma once told me Lawrence.."sometimes the best conversation comes from the oddest acquittance" I always keep that close to me when im out in about..and to be dam frank its the solid truth haters..And since i aint stingy and i got some time to kill before Mike stops back.. ill share some of my latest banter with your hatin souls..

Bike shop prom queen contest in full swing…. The best of the worst will take the crown – yeah, game theory fools.
Form..whats that?
Sittin in yea right? 
You guys think I'm just some untouchable peasant? Peon?
the Future comes equipped in a skin suit and such.... 
Battenkill the Bissell kids go there
Chatter on Book-Face about weight loss, maybe you are just not that good?
Mr. French returns to tame the Simonster once again?
Will β€œChunk” ever lose the weight?
Im more a MTB guy 
anyone counting laps?
 Oh, I know. I feel all empty inside because of it. I have such a deep admiration for guys that roll around on the floor with other guys.
whats up with Two Wheel Tango
BRX peaks now coming soon
Kachelberry comes home
MTB in Miscene is it over, or rebuilding
Yankee will draw over 500 for the opener – will Tailwind even total that for the year?
Will it snow for PLRA?
diet..yea right
just sayin...
Trek should stop making MTB bikes and stick to making clothes or something.
That month of good weather will create atomic explosions – who’s first?
JTP talks a lot…
VENGE...its just faster...
SIMONSTER goes skinny
you know they have doctors for that
WIZ goes to the road?
Waterford how many time we will we race there this year?
the machine gets rollin
dry trails wooo woooo
if its raining                 Im out.
DC in full effect
spring fling is serious or are we just riding
spinin easy       again?
Shifty Ray is on a comeback  count on in..
Cycletherapy is the new TwoWheel Tango
Will the twins move or relax for the year?
The Future looks bright. 
questionable comes from outta hiding
im fast
they have doctors for that now
Latte and scone anyone?
LWS in full effect 
DANNYK will always be DANNYK
 You're not fooling anyone

it aint much but the its the thought that counts..
Lawrence, Lawrence..
its me Mike...
are you awake?
We need to talk.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

TAO of Jack

Photobucket Like I told my last wife, I says, "Honey, I never drive faster than I can see. Besides that, it's all in the reflexes."

Thursday, April 05, 2012

TAO of T

Photobucket Sweat the small stuff: small mistake accumulate into major mistakes, learn all you can about your body, yourself, your mind, your bike, your they work together, and how they fight, be a master of defining your tools and how to work with them. remember, You are an accumulation of experience.. polish your shine, and never stop believing in yourself.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Monday, April 02, 2012

firstblood 2012

In a stark contrast of age Vanias and Foshag traded wins in the opening round of limited TMS coverage of the 2012 spring training series. Both days saw some of the most stacked fields in many years. the Young Vanias rode like a complete badass both days, winning at Waterford against a solid field of regular and unfamiliar faces.. and turned around bringing more fire power Sunday to the Runway plaza. Only to be shut down by a pile of Wolverines, a Healthy group of Priority's and  the Reviving Lathrup/Giant boys. The Hard man award goes out to York for doing double century's both days and racing in the middle..three words..Hard as Nails.