Friday, June 01, 2012

Friday Fifteen


1. Wonder What Danny's Doing?
2. A-Game is on the road again..
3. Yes kids Shrek does exist and he sprints like a mutha fucker
4.  Cheetah    A long-legged, swift-running wild cat (Acinonyx jubatus) of Africa and southwest Asia, having tawny, black-spotted fur and nonretractile claws. The cheetah, the fastest animal on land, can run for short distances at about 96 kilometers (60 miles) per hour.
5. Grouchy Negro. bitter n cheap. just like the chix that hang out were you buy it..
6. Getting dropped sucks..just sayin.
7. Racing is kinda funky this year?
8.Who is Scott Hoffner and how did he get a 1/2 upgrade?
9. CARD he just keeps coming...
10.. EUGENI Paolo..   .....          does anyone like that guy?
11. Take the Lion of Leroy out of the equation.. and Bissell looks human in Iowa..
12. Loose lips sink ships..just sayin...
13. David Mullins Miscene comeback tour.. be part of it 2012
14. Grattan vs it really that good?
15. Hatin its not just for breakfast anymore


Anonymous said...

Do haters only hate the things they can't get and the racers they can't beat? Hater hater

Anonymous said...

Haters b hatin' the dopin', miscene is rife wit it!

Anonymous said...

there's alot of dopin goin on...alot

Anonymous said...

A lot of doping? Please show a little respect for those pinning on numbers. Or have the decency to come out of the shadows.

Anonymous said...

its there.

Anonymous said...

I remember my first beer...

Anonymous said...

i remember my 1st injection...

Anonymous said...

west branch. be there. naked in the rain

chunky dunker said...

RATT was the best hair band of their time!... "All the way you say you"ll take me...." "Loose lips, sink ships.... I like the you move your hips...." Fuck Yeah!!

chunky dunker said...

RATT was the best hair band of their time!... "All the way you say you"ll take me...." "Loose lips, sink ships.... I like the you move your hips...." Fuck Yeah!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

oh boy, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh boy

Anonymous said...

If USA Cycling announced dope testing at a particular race half the masters fields would pack up and go home, word 2 ur mother.

Anonymous said...

u got that straight, masters filled with T n's anti-aging

Anonymous said...

Speaking of dopage Mac Brennan just went Ape Shit at Glencoe. Check out "theracewire" or "glencoegp" on twitter. No negative racing there.

Anonymous said...

Wow after reading twitter if they had a most aggressive I would say it goes to Big Mac on the attack.

Anonymous said...


is a butt head that's full of himself.
fuck that guy

yea i said that.

Anonymous said...

He is on Bissell do you expect him to be a nice humble guy?

Anonymous said...


but there is an exception

Anonymous said...

must be on the nate williams program-start out a decent enough guy than become a bigger and bigger dickhead every year. kids a good enough rider no question. just wish he was the guy he was 5 years ago. shame.

Anonymous said...

yea dam, its a shame the attitude that follows most of these guys,after awhile cuz in the scope of the "real" world there just another bunch of guys riding a bikes for "fun".

fun, yea right.

more to come watch.

Anonymous said...

Wow you have not made it in the Scene until people that don't know you from Adam start trashing on you. Looks like Mac can be added to the list along with Nate, Derek, Joe L, Alan etc.

Anonymous said...


and I don't hate unless i know.

Anonymous said...

I don't know too many above, but any encounter with Derek, has been lame.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
If USA Cycling announced dope testing at a particular race half the masters fields would pack up and go home, word 2 ur mother.


Anonymous said...

The slow guys don't want to accept they are slow so they accuse others of cheating. Go ahead and drug test everybody.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wish I was a "Fast Guy" so I could have the kind of ego demonstrated here, get over yourselves (you know who you are), you are just pedaling. Typical Type A-Waterloo is easily conquered, the housing market won't collapse, the tortoise and the hare, and (my favorite BTW) 4" is big right?

Anonymous said...

its not that bad.

eye of ghetto said...

you are welcome to drug test me, each and every time I spank your as

Anonymous said...

spank my ass?
OOh..mmmm smoooch