TMS. thanks for taking time out this holiday week to stop by and fill this shit post with some ill-revilement thoughts.
T. aww come on its no problem im busy..but im never to busy to hang with G
G. thanks T same here.Besides hanging with Dat Ass Dana and Trouble Todd can be trying at times
TMS. so i without pulling punches whats the State of the State.
well its like this, mind you this my perspective, lotsa racing, lotsa
riding lotsa talkin but they aint all mixin. Seems theres no order to
the chaos..any weekend you can do wha you do. The State has seemed for a
while like its a separate entity of cycling world..I dunno maybe is
like this elsewhere.
G. Too much water in da soup.
TMS whatta ya mean G?
too much of a good thing the quality gets missed, I aint sayin the races
are low quality, but the turnouts hurt. people got too many choices and
can choose to be picky.
T. a few years ago the schedule wasn't as folks had to get while the gettin was good..
and not mention the scene was some what new Lance effect was full, its a
natural cycle, and its a hard sport to keep it pinned year in and year
out. It will come back around, not to the full extent at every race but
there will be a few.
T. like MP and the Cherry. those are the ones that will draw em out
WMSR was a good and Milford state Crit will be solid., my only gripe
about the Cherry Ruby, is why the hell add TT, and hard ass crit the day
before the biggest road race of the scene The State Championship...lets
face it the course aint easy and if you do the the two before... unless you
have the good doctor in your pocket you aint feeling dead ass fresh?
TMS. but sceners always want more..
G. yea.....thats there downfall.. just sayin...
TMS. so is it boredom or burnout
T.. Little bit a both for some.
G. unless your Ray D, or DC, etc... or those without full life commitment of responsibly outside of pedaling a bike...there will always be some that make the sacrifice of missing TV shows about killing gators to meet the goal and degree of hardness ...
TMS. Good point..explain more T
well its like this you may not be doing the big euro hours but face the
facts a solid contingent started pinning numbers on back in late March,
probably did some intervals in late February..fools get tired not just
physical but in your brain and that aint factoring, work, family and
general life stress....that's the burnout side...on the boredom side..
well i think we can all attest to the facts the scene can kinda can eat
itself up without knowing it..before you realize you have multiple years
of he same ol same ol, and for some its too much to handle to keep
G. a kid cant be eatin Spree's 24/7
T. thats why you see alotta cross overs from MTB events to RR and back again...I call it the DC factor
TMS. so would you less is more... in general?
T . cant hurt..but suck'as think just because there's a race you gotta do it
G. maybe its cuz they cant do the work
T. maybe....but if your doing the work..and can be selective maybe that can be success to longevity..
TMS. interesting..
T. boredom its natural..change is too..its adapting that can be hard for some..
TMS... Hardness, some say you either got it or dont..
T its what you make it of it.
G. who's to tell whats hard and whats not.
for the tri geek that rolled up to the local Tuesday night with his
full carbon fiber pimped out Felt only to get dropped and left to
suffocate by the aging masters dudes riding ragged out dated 9 speed
rigs..that shit was hard..
G. But that aint hard.... you want hard go to Iowa
T. yea thats a different type hard..
TMS, so its no mystery hardness comes on all levels.
T no not at all..
i dont think folks around our scene are trying kid themselves that
there hard. Its your scene your world your life... if your happy or content with it..who gives a rats ass. what some fuck says..
TMS. which might explain
the lack of numbers from our area that lets say that dont travel as
close as 4hrs to Big time races, or farther to National events.
I think they know its hard, if you aint riding off the front at
Waterford, Grattan or any other weekend scene race, the return on the
cost to travel, time away from work, family, etc..isnt justifiable..
G. its your world its what you make of it..just keep tabs that it doesnt eat you...
hardness comes in the face of the guy who doesnt pin it on any longer
but will do drop you on some hill in the middle of nowhere, the
Gunslinger on the plains of truth... it comes in the face of the
Wednesday night worlds kller, in the face of the Tanguy, DG, The Lion of
Leroy, KIDA, A-Game..Shaggy and his crew, the EvilDude. The Bunny the
Black ACE, the Chinese posse at the Island Lake. Das German..DC..Dybo..
PROBB..Chunky Clunker RODD the BOD SIMONSTER, TIMMY missin but aint dissin ..all
carry a degree of hardness..until the all mighty can step forward with
the stick to measure it...haters are gonna hate with riddles that make you go hmmmm..
G. wow..i coudnt of said it better myself..
TMS. free speech is the beauty of our country, and our scene..
G. I guess since i came in late to the TMS world why anon...?
T. dont ask me...
good question Gary... July marks the 6th anniversary of the TMS..maybe it would be
good to spread alittle knowledge and bring people back up to speed on
the scene in whole..why this shit blog is still here..
T. sounds good
G ill be waiting...