Tuesday, October 30, 2012

keeping it real

Friday, October 26, 2012

Folks, Normally i let you all have free reign of this shit, but i feel compelled to speak up on behalf of all the wacky-ness thats been dribbling out for awhile. Im gonna be flat faced honest with you, Im three short seconds without conformation form the  owners from pullin the plug on this whole mess. Trust me i have better things to do, and i aint getting paid to for any of it.  I do it for unity and to give a voice, I think the core is done with respect.. but for crying out aloud anon..be mature with your rights and voice..choose your thoughts properly and with dignity..

the shit gets old after awhile.
If not its over in one click..and i wont lose two winks of thirty.
peace T
1.Burke fast dude funny style
2. the future handsome sucker... funnier style
2.Hater Hater goes soft
3. MA turnout speaks volumes
3.the LAKO-BIGMAC RIVAL better than watchn the major league baseball
3. β€œThe axe forgets; the tree remembers”
4.Delays Delays...
4.wheres Joe Brown.
5. ICEMAN: if you don't got it now     you aint gonna have it in 8 days
6.Card..he just keeps coming
7.T its where you least expect it
7. Can the supreme commander of all things humorous sold and truthfull make it?
8. wonder what Dannys doing?
8.when in doubt hug a crossbastard
9.Cross its fun..just watch
10.JMAK nuff said
10. Cupcakes game face    RAD!
1o. Dc no win a first all season?
11. Turbo Diesel aka Tom Brady...tuff dude
12. D is for DENIAL 
12.what if...this just all goes away..
12. boy howdy there's alotta crossin left?
13. Passion:any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate. 2. strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor. 3. strong sexual desire; lust.
13. Your weekend Theme song: track 7 of Led Zeppelin 1
14. Grayling Giant on a cross rig=scary..how long before he takes over this sport?
15.Job post for the final weekend of October 2012: wanted qualified mechanic that specializes in chain installation and proper gear adjustment, see the big fast guy name SIMONSTER for full details.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

what if...

Just because i aint always your favorite person,.And im not the most popular fool around and my mouth is more than big enough to accept my often greasy sneakers...I know this site is not as hot as the number one social network..its true I try to refrain from updating my status about what im eating or how my farts smell..to be flat face honest I try with all T might not  buying into the hype of all the doping scandals that are bouncing around and i know...its easy to hate on me being me.....More times than often the in between days are filled with random musing, irrelevant shit posts that often stir up hate like the common Carp stir up sediment  in the muddy backwaters of my mind...  You can fade on me all you want...its ok... cause T dont often get mad and sure as hell don't pout, one of the best quality's i have taken  from two of my biggest role models were..to love with a big heart and to never to hold a grudge..the old saying is true to form in the deepest creases of my grey matter.."sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt"..
Just where in the heck is T going with this?..I spent some time sifting through the old grey matter pondering "what ifs"..for many reasons..mine might be different than yours..but there "what ifs"  all the same.... we all have them..regrets are true to every human..if you don't have any than id have to question your honesty...So all my babbling aside..and were im going with this is probably more than just another way of taking up space with an irrelevant shit post..and  mind you im not fishing for comments either..

im just allowing my head to go there..

what if...Tms wasnt anon?
what if...there were no prize money for races would people still come
what if...People were good on there word
what if...Robert kept Tailwind
what if...The Mtb scene stayed 90's healthy
what if...there were a cycloross race series in the spring
what if...SIMONSTER new how to install chains correctly
what if...Bells beer still had a team
what if...the grammar was better here
what if... you could punch anyone today
what if...there were no teams
what if...you could cheat at anything and not get caught
what if...if mtb technology stopped in 2K
what if...DYBO lost 50 pounds
what if...Kroske had hair
what if...Facebook didn't exists
what if...Detroit turned to a complete lock down war zone
what if... there were still a UCI race in Michigan
what if...there were no classes, would you still race
what if...you lost your job
 what if...you went to prison
 what if...you were president
 what if...you owned Trek bicycle company
 what if...you were race a promoter
 what if...you ran tms
 what if...no one had hair
 what if...TMS disappeared
what if...you had X-ray eyes
what if...your ears glowed green every time you broke wind
what if... you were 8 feet tall
what if...you could selectively have your memory erased 
what if...you could be invisible
what if... you could dope
what if...you lost your sight
what if...you found a large sum of money
what if...you found a human skull
what if... no one spoke to you
what if... you were randomly nice to a stranger today
what if...you said only nice things
what if...you told people what you really thought
what if... you could keep a secret
what if...you could experience hell
what if...you didn't require sleep
what if...there were more bandit races
what if...Jessica Alba were stalking you
what if...it rained everyday, would you still ride
what if...what if the sun refuse to shine
what if...cross races involved paintball guns
what if...drinking was outlawed
what if...Pot was available at the Pilot
what if...you were on the Price is Right
what if...you take back one thing you ever said or done
what if...the people never quit racing
what if...it doesn't get better
what if...you could get any one thing you wanted
what if...you had one day to live
what if... you were honest with yourself
what if...we all had both male and female anatomy
what if... you could print GIF images
what if... the only show on TV was Full House
what if...Lance was clean but killed dogs ..would you still hate on him
what if...T was really a white man
what if: Clubber would of beat and killed Balboa in Rocky 3
what if...there were no fast food restaurants
what if...we all had cymbals for hands
what if...you could be T
what if...you could re-do any one race
what if...your car had hidden sub machine guns beneath the headlights
what if ...you were a dog
what if... If Miscene had an all around race series road, mtb ..that counted
what if...Tms was created mainly for market research
what if... Iceman really capped its entry
what if ...there were no bars in Traverse City
what if...you could be a professional in anything
what if...it could be any time period...

peace T

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012


Burke has bunny and ChickenParm for lunch in the Mad Anthony compound,  and David koresh was no-where to be found.
Men - Cat 1/2/3 - ELITE
Place Points NameCity, StateTime USAC #BibTeam
1158.95TOM BURKE   Grand Rapids, MI0.043000150462963 179205  Midwest Cycling Group
2182.47 PARMACHICKEN  Ortonville, MI0.043275914351852 264374  14 
3205.99BUNNY   Plymouth, MI0.044006446759259 210584  Cleveland Clinic Sports Health Cycling

4229.51LIL PONY   Lake Orion, MI0.04437724537037 37591  12 Wolverine Sports Club

5253.03BLACKACE   Sylvania, OH0.045245393518519 6078  11 

6276.55TURBO DIESEL   Waterford, MI0.045763865740741 337658  Wolverine Sports Club

7300.07ANDREW HOLLY (1 - Cat3)   Grand Rapids0.046125069444444 367247  Fusion / LIVESTRONG

8323.59 SIMONSTEROxford, MI0.046404409722222 199958  13 RBS Cycling

9347.11LIL-SIMON (1 - Cat2)   Ann Arbor, MI0.046973923611111 160410  Two Wheel Tango/Morgan & York

10370.63SHAWN DAVISON (2 - Cat3)   East Grand Rapids, MI0.047381238425926 325508  15 

11394.15JMAKI (3 - Cat3)   Troy, MI0.047553101851852 43115  

12417.67PAUL BORDEN (4 - Cat3)   Westland, MI0.048193113425926 248359  17 RBS Cycling

13441.19COLLIN SNYDER (2 - Cat2)   Plymouth, MIDOWN 1-LAP 264396  16 

ADAM K (Cat3)   Ann Arbor, MIDNF 290612  Astella Oncology p/b ABD Cycling

Men - Cat 1/2/3/4 - MASTERS - 35-99
Place Points NameCity, StateTime USAC #BibTeam
1323.94ALEX MONTE-SANO (1 - Cat3)   Ann Arbor, MI0.047190219907407 234763  304 
2352.59ROB SELLE (1 - Cat2)   Oakland Twp, MI0.048584363425926 102586  406 RBS Cycling
0.048842662037037 387948  300 

4409.89ANTHONY BRULEY   Rochester Hills, MIDOWN 1-LAP 80460  317 Cadieux Bicycle Club

5438.54RON STACK (2 - Cat2)   Fenton, MIDOWN 1-LAP 177087  314 CX Bones

6467.19KEVIN DITTMER (2 - Cat3)   Novi, MIDOWN 1-LAP 279592  316 Cycle To Fitness Racing Greyhounds

7495.84ANDY FEDEWA (3 - Cat2)   Clarkston, MIDOWN 1-LAP 262182  315 Flying Rhino Cycling Club

8524.49ED SERRAT (3 - Cat3)   South Bend, INDOWN 1-LAP 228231  312 Spin Zone Racing p/b Bike the Bend

9553.14Marc DeCubber   Holly, MIDOWN 1-LAP 175035  318 

10581.79TODD MCNEILLY (1 - Cat4)   Dearborn, MIDOWN 2-LAPS 285573  301 Racing Greyhounds

DNF 302 

JAMIE RYTLEWSKI   Bay City MiDNF 86313  305 

MARK CAFFYN (Cat3)   Ortonville, MIDNF 252670  303 MPI- Main Street Racing team

DAVID MANGES (Cat4)   Flushing, MIDNF 313898  310 

Men - Cat 1/2/3/4 - MASTERS - 45-99
Place Points NameCity, StateTime USAC #BibTeam
1293.13SCOTT FAB (1 - Cat3)   Royal Oak, MI0.047575138888889 256573  343 Wolverine Sports Club
2311.46CHRIS GODDARD (2 - Cat3)   Rochester Hills, MI0.047996805555556 227916  306 
0.048129988425926 346 

4348.12JIM HILDITCH (3 - Cat3)   Canton, MI0.048132395833333 234565  311 Cycle To Fitness Racing Greyhounds

5366.45TODD FRERICHS (1 - Cat2)   Rochester Hills, MI0.0482634375 197437  347 KLM/Cold Stone

6384.78MARK WOLOWIEC   Davisburg, MIDOWN 1-LAP 41215  307 Flying Rhino Cycling Club

7403.11MICHAEL GREEN (4 - Cat3)   Farmington Hills, MIDOWN 1-LAP 261599  309 Bikeman.com

8421.44MICHAEL BELANGER (5 - Cat3)   St. Clair Shores, MIDOWN 1-LAP 279343  342 Cycle To Fitness Racing Greyhounds

9439.77KEITH RIEGE (1 - Cat1)   Lake Orion, MIDOWN 1-LAP 29844  348 

10458.10TOM CLARK (1 - Cat4)   Sterling Heights, MIDOWN 1-LAP 262346  313 
11476.43TIM FAAS (2 - Cat4)   Farmington Hills, MIDOWN 1-LAP 208526  340 Wolverine Sports Club

12494.76CRAIG RAWLINGS (3 - Cat4)   Grand Rapids, MIDOWN 1-LAP 208778  345 Bissell/ABG Cycling Club

13513.09ROBERT HUGHES (4 - Cat4)   Ada, MIDOWN 2-LAPS 202165  344 Bissell/ABG Cycling Club

DONMAUL   White Lake, MIDNF 94327  341 

Men - Cat 2/3/4 - B-MEN
Place Points NameCity, StateTime USAC #BibTeam
1344.06AARON MCCREADY (1 - Cat4)   Novi, MI0.03005494212963 294442  292 Cycle To Fitness Racing Greyhounds
2349.18BIGMAC (1 - Cat3)   Jenison, MI0.030356111111111 359411  250 Bissell/ABG Cycling Club
3354.30MICHAEL BELLOVICH (2 - Cat4)   Grosse Pointe Farms0.030416655092593 368327  253 Fusion / LIVESTRONG

4359.42BENJAMIN CHRISTIAN (2 - Cat3)   Novi, MI0.030475474537037 70790  255 Cycletherapy- MI

5364.54PAUL SKORUPSKAS (3 - Cat4)   Ferndale, MI0.030649050925926 353196  288 

6369.66JESSE GOULD (3 - Cat3)   Grand Blanc, MI0.030783229166667 264580  297 

7374.78NATHAN KEARNS (4 - Cat4)   Ypsilanti, MI0.030783587962963 359540  263 

0.030901331018519 403 

9385.02THOMAS BARRETT (5 - Cat4)   Ann Arbor, MI0.031092835648148 244235  262 Ann Arbor Velo Club

0.031153842592593 402 
11395.26WENDELL DELVALLE (4 - Cat3)   Brownstown, MI0.031196701388889 364905  290 Cycle To Fitness Racing Greyhounds

12400.38JOSHUA NEIDER (6 - Cat4)   Northville, MI0.03122318287037 277699  287 

13405.50WILLIAM CAWTHORN (7 - Cat4)   Ann Arbor, MI0.031316064814815 312882  273 Ann Arbor Velo Club

14410.62RYAN MCKINNIE (5 - Cat3)   Brighton, MI0.0313709375 222912  265 

15415.74Vincent Cirilo (8 - Cat4)   Saginaw, MI0.031388483796296 353732  298 

16420.86SHONY REUVEN (6 - Cat3)   White Lake, MI0.031562430555556 342068  295 Cycletherapy- MI

17425.98DEREK GIBBS (7 - Cat3)   Westland, MI0.031564976851852 271573  270 Trails-Edge Cycling Team
18431.10MARK BUGNELL (9 - Cat4)   South Lyon, MI0.031644722222222 293290  276 Cycle To Fitness Racing Greyhounds

19436.22Anthony Stein   Rochester, MI0.03172650462963 300456  119 

20441.34JODY CAGLE (8 - Cat3)   Royal Oak, MI0.032098310185185 345740  281 Racing Greyhounds

21446.46PAUL HEIRTZLER (9 - Cat3)   Northville, MI0.032213194444444 128854  286 Wolverine Sports Club

22451.58DEREK HILL (10 - Cat3)   Waterford, MI0.032293541666667 279612  269 Cycletherapy- MI

23456.70JIM GOERLICH (11 - Cat3)   Sterling Heights, MI0.032373252314815 254334  252 Team Sandbag

0.03246494212963 401 

25466.94Kevin McGrew (12 - Cat3)   Northville, MI0.032585416666667 81733  275 Ann Arbor Velo Club

26472.06BEN WRIGHT (13 - Cat3)   Wixom, MI0.032647141203704 240941  257 Wolverine Sports Club

27477.18Nicholas Collins   Rochester, MI0.032932847222222 349692  284 

28482.30ZACHARY BENET (14 - Cat3)   Ann Arbor, MI0.032980416666667 360323  256 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

29487.42LUCAS WALL (1 - Cat2)   Superior Township, MI0.033040613425926 54490  266 Ann Arbor Velo Club

30492.54DAVID ZATEK (10 - Cat4)   Royal Oak, MI0.033093206018519 344192  267 

31497.66DAVID MANGES (11 - Cat4)   Flushing, MI0.033114108796296 313898  277 

32502.78ADAM SULKES (12 - Cat4)   Westland, MI0.033250416666667 191897  260 Racing Greyhounds

33507.90PAUL STEIGERWALD (15 - Cat3)   Ypsilanti, MI0.033325208333333 301353  259 

34513.02MATT FILL (16 - Cat3)   White Lake, MI0.033350763888889 359712  291 Flying Rhino Cycling Club

35518.14Benjamin Cox (13 - Cat4)   Fenton, MI0.033455462962963 258444  299 

36523.26TODD MCINALLY (17 - Cat3)   Waterford, MI0.033605162037037 326442  283 

37528.38DAVID GRANT (18 - Cat3)   Commerce Township, MI0.033910497685185 353278  282 Racing Greyhounds

38533.50JAN GATOWSKI (14 - Cat4)   Beverly Hills, MI0.034126967592593 254326  261 Flying Rhino Cycling Club

39538.62MICHAEL SCHULTZ (19 - Cat3)   Farmington, MI0.034303472222222 60984  289 Cadieux Bicycle Club

40543.74DENNIS WILLYARD (15 - Cat4)   Macomb, MI0.034698611111111 301729  Flying Rhino Cycling Club
41548.86CRAIG MORRIS (20 - Cat3)   Bloomfield Hills, MI0.034950069444444 236453  271 Cycle To Fitness Racing Greyhounds

42553.98PATRICK MCENANEY (21 - Cat3)   Whitmore Lake, MI0.0351625 140189  405 

43559.10RYAN KATULIC   Rochester, MI0.035203518518519 314050  285 KLM/Cold Stone

44564.22JAY ELLIS (16 - Cat4)   Annarbor, MI0.035358761574074 284415  279 Ann Arbor Velo Club

45569.34RANDALL BECK (17 - Cat4)   Davison, MI0.036489675925926 3086  258 Flying Rhino Cycling Club

46574.46ROGER INMAN   Dexter, MI0.037205810185185 102231  294 

47579.58JIM OCONNELL (18 - Cat4)   Ann Arbor, MIDOWN 1-LAP 277877  293 Ann Arbor Velo Club

48584.70DENNIS BEAN-LARSON (19 - Cat4)   Traverse City, MIDOWN 1-LAP 302342  264 

49589.82ROBERT WYDRA (20 - Cat4)   Detroit, MIDOWN 2-LAPS 179571  268 Wolverine Sports Club

Marc DeCubber   Davisburg, MIDNF 373269  274 

GREG JOHNSON (Cat4)   Fenton, MIDNF 211378  272 Flying Rhino Cycling Club

TODD FREIDINGER (Cat3)   Saint Clair Shores, MIDNF 163382  296 

DOUGLAS REED (Cat3)   Waterford, MIDNF 349988  254 

TJ Miller   Ferndale, MIDNF 322476  280 

DNF 278 

Women - Cat 1/2/3 - ELITE
Place Points NameCity, StateTime USAC #BibTeam
1344.89 ANNE  (1 - Cat2)   Grosse Pointe Woods, MI0.032970196759259 119057  44 Flying Rhino Cycling Club
2371.50JESSICA BRATUS   Ann Arbor, MI0.034283518518519 254329  48 Ann Arbor Velo Club
3398.11SUSAN SHAW   Fenton, MI0.034923715277778 246829  46 CX Bones

4424.72JENNIFER CONINE (1 - Cat3)   Ypsilanti, MIDOWN 1-LAP 384837  45 

DOWN 1-LAP 387953  40 

6477.94ELLIE BURKE   Grand Rapids, MIDOWN 1-LAP 342636  42 Team Kenda presented by RACC

7504.55SARAH DEMERLY WA WA WA (2 - Cat3)   Berkley, MIDOWN 1-LAP 293788  43 Fusion / LIVESTRONG

8531.16LILLIAN RUIZ (3 - Cat3)   Ypsilanti, MIDOWN 1-LAP 254346  47 

Friday, October 19, 2012

1. Pony comes good....no surprise to us..
2.Whats up with dual sponsorships when folks change disciplines
3. WIZ...dont count him out
4. First  Nike, and then Oakley..now TMS loses its Bunny endorsement....can you say.."circling the drain"
5.we aint "mad at cha"
6.Danny rides for a cause..
7.Mad Anthony hype, promo and buzz......kinda soft...
8. Have you hugged your CrossBastard lately?
9, P2P'ers get a taste of what crossers already know.
10. wheres the "Black Ace" ?
11.Doping..come on people..are you all that naive...sheeesh...
12. If your gonna bash, hate and burn...just do us a favor...... don't discriminate..
13.PRO-TIP.. never eat a fiber one bar before a ride
14 BIGRING takes down the chick with 80's hair.
15.Barbers on dope..is that like Gay Bikers on Acid?
16.Someone needs to get that kid laid...
17.Whats up with the cross guy?
18. Lower Huron...nice to see you again...
19.JBaby finds his niche?
20.BigMac nips Lako...what a great battle
21.Wonder if we should worry about the "cease and desist" that was orderd on TMS earlier in the month?
22.Haters might get there wish.
23. Lewis Tripp...nuff said
24 Miscene cross needs more women crossin...
25.HOLY-COW...theres still a ton of crossin left...
26. when in doubt...."Sit on Acid"
27. ICEMAN....
28.listening to: Ghostface Killah
29. Darn..KOLO-TC is Wakely like fast with P2P update......like McDonald's Lovin it..
30. Queen Anne nuff said...
31.We are all a little weird, and life is a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours we team up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love...
Dr Suess..
32. your them song for the weekend..Track 3 Houses Of The Holy, by Led Zeppelin

Thursday, October 18, 2012

TAO Of Mike

"the Real Voyage consists of not seeking new landscapes, but having new eyes"

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Call off work, ride your bike, listen to Led Zeppelin... be happy

Tuesday, October 16, 2012



I know this is old news..but like  i often say...I keep telling myself this has to be on my destination list, but for some odd twist i haven' been givin the meaning to my mission, so ill keep searching until that day. No matter that don't mean nothin to most of you folks..But year after P2P seems to be getting more shall i say in a unlike T cliche way.."Epic"..If  it wasn't for Mother nature laying down one of her most cramp infested  monthly bills on the beautiful golden landscape of our fatherland this past weekend it would a been a hit, instead it was a full box of Midol for anyone that sought the meaning...Im a tad disappointed in the turnout, but i guess folks got choices ..ya know.. I got a whole allota love for everyone that keep this one going until its time, and props to our west side partner KOLO-TC for such a speedy report.


October 13, 2012


Place No. Name Sponsor/team Time
1 1 Cole House 616 Fabrication 1:24:09
2 725 Jorden Wakeley Einstein Racing 1:24:26
3 585 Mike Anderson Bissell-Abg/nuvo 1:25:20
4 721 Alex Vanias Bissell Pro Cycling 1:28:27
5 700 Michael Simonson Rbs/notubes 1:29:10
6 634 Scott Hoffner Hometown Racing 1:29:15
7 602 Ron Catlin Rbs Mtb Team 1:32:44
8 609 John Cowan Nortd County Cycle Sport 1:33:48
9 647 Dan Korienek Leadout Racing 1:34:01
10 729 Natdaniel Williams Bissell Abg Nuvo 1:40:51
11 603 Jay Click Cycletderapy 1:41:01
12 709 Jason Stephenson Fit For Life Personal training 1:41:26
13 701 Pete Skellenger Team Priority Healtd 1:44:44


Place No. Name Sponsor/team Time
1 2 Mackenzie Woodring Einstein Racing 1:42:39
2 708 Sue Stephens Quiring Cycles 1:47:17
3 723 Erin Vicary Quiring Cycles 1:52:23
4 689 Melissa Ryba Hagerty Cycling 1:53:02
5 691 Amanda Schaap Team Kenda Presented By Geargrinder 1:56:58
6 736 Amanda Ryan Einstein Racing 2:04:35


Place No. Name Sponsor/team Time
1 656 Dori Leib Wolverine/acfstores.Com 1:56:52
2 728 Julie Whalen Freewheeler Racing 1:57:31
3 649 Kati Krikke Freewheeler Racing 2:01:41
4 596 Heatder Brewer Gtmtba 2:08:32
5 676 Summer Olmstead Custer Cyclery 2:11:11
6 667 Jill Mereditd Cross Country Cycle 2:13:00


Place No. Name Sponsor/team Time
1 724 Christopher Vitton Speed Merchants 1:36:24
2 694 Alex Schultz Michigan Tech 1:40:49
3 581 Todd Ace Team tree Farm 1:42:24
4 726 Harrison Webb Speed Merchants Bike Shop 1:42:49
5 742 Kurt Vogt Rbs Mtb Team 1:43:18
6 738 Cody Sovis Hagerty-To Law U-25 1:48:06
7 672 Jonatdan Nesburg Leadout Racing 1:49:08
8 620 Ryan Fischer
9 718 Alex Turner
10 703 Cheyenne Smitd Twisted Stone/latitude 45 2:29:27


Place No. Name Sponsor/team Time
1 622 Eric Forrester East Hills Velo 1:41:12
2 695 Steve Schultz Latitude 45/twisted Stone 1:43:22
3 744 Chad Harris Hcpdesigns.Net 1:43:27
4 702 John Slater Dte 1:44:09
5 592 Jim Bonnell Acf Of Pontiac 1:46:32
6 747 Aaron Zuelke Breakaway Bicycles 1:51:33
7 748 Natdan St. Onge Epic Happens 1:52:05
8 675 Mike Okma Hagerty 1:57:19
9 668 Todd Mereditd Cross Country Cycle 1:57:56
10 593 Charlie Brecheisen Twisted Stone / Latitude 45 1:58:54
11 565 Yarro Ireland Leon Hand - Crafted Speakers 1:59:26
12 750 Schad Whitehorje


Place No. Name Sponsor/team Time
1 696 Tom Scott Speed Merchants 1:38:59
2 679 Jamie Parker Specialized 1:39:23
3 749 Don Hackney Cross Country Cycle 1:39:33
4 711 Chris Strahm
5 648 Dan Kotwicki Aberdeen Bike 1:41:21
6 639 Tim Jenema Hagerty Cycling 1:43:20
7 713 Tim Stroebe Cross Country Cycle 1:43:28
8 735 Jeff` Zeller Quiring Cycles 1:44:02
9 705 Mark Spore Cross Country Cycle 1:44:59
10 583 Jeff Adamcik Bicycle Hq 1:46:16
11 712 Tom Stritzinger
12 589 Tim Barrons Hagerty Cycling 1:47:58
13 673 Jason Newton Team Jtree 1:50:32
14 697 Rob Selle Rbs Mtb Team 1:51:37
15 720 Dave Van Laecke Nortdbound Outfitters 1:52:41
16 734 Kevin Wright Latitude 45 / Twisted Stone 1:55:07
17 680 Brad Pittman Cannon Brewing 1:57:51
18 745 Mike Senters tde Outpost - Manistee 1:58:34
19 189 Scott Labonte
20 608 Andrew Correll Befit 2:03:28
21 683 Ulises Rabeiro Latitude 45/twisted Stone 2:03:58
22 638 Roger Inman
23 591 Christopher Benson Latitude 45/twisted Stone 2:05:56


Place No. Name Sponsor/team Time
1 635 Dan Hofstra Hagerty 1:38:18
2 659 Jonatdon Looman Lo-Bro Racing 1:41:35
3 662 David Maclean Shoreline Cycling Club 1:42:18
4 607 Timotdy Collins Mpi Main Street Kuhnhenn 1:44:56
5 722 Armando Vega Mpi-Mainstreet-Kuhnnehn 1:46:02
6 714 Clete Swanson Endoman Promotions 1:47:42
7 684 Tim Raymond Freewheeler Racing 1:51:59
8 687 Terry Ritter City Bike Shop 1:52:24
9 677 Kristopher Ouvry Cannondale Midwest Racing 1:54:39
10 590 David Beadle
11 699 William Shaver Team Freewheeler 1:58:09
12 653 Albert Lake Team02/caduiex 1:58:44
13 737 Scott Kroske Wolverine/acfstores.Net 1:59:30
14 645 Andy Klevorn trailhead Bike Shop 2:00:31
15 669 Kip Miller Proform Racing 2:04:29
16 717 Lewis tripp


Place No. Name Sponsor/team Time
1 646 Jack Kline Epic Happens 1:45:20
2 619 Donald Fedrigon Hagerty 1:46:17
3 617 Jeff Doerr
4 674 Craig Nortd Ann Arbor Velo Club 1:55:44
5 655 Robert Larson Be Fit Racing 2:15:34
6 598 Steve Brown Iceman 2:16:42
7 626 Matt Graves Bissel Ab 2:21:12


Place No. Name Sponsor/team Time
1 646 Jack Kline Epic Happens 1:45:20
2 619 Donald Fedrigon Hagerty 1:46:17
3 617 Jeff Doerr
4 674 Craig Nortd Ann Arbor Velo Club 1:55:44
5 655 Robert Larson Be Fit Racing 2:15:34
6 598 Steve Brown Iceman 2:16:42
7 626 Matt Graves Bissel Ab 2:21:12