Thursday, December 20, 2012

coming soon


Anonymous said...

Give us the colossal chodes of the scene.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cant wait

Anonymous said...

Colassal chodes of the scene are the people that take themselves way too seriously especially when it crosses over to doping to gain an advantage.

Anonymous said...


There it's all out of the way.

Anonymous said...

Funny to think that JTP used to actually be a person.

Anonymous said...

An Open Statement to the JTP Tinfoil Hat Doping Conspiracy Theory Team.

You're worse than a high school girls for Fuck's sake.

If your so sure he is sticking testosterone patches on his nads and sticking needles in his arms to gain a competitive advantage over you and the tiny ass local-yokel Michigan cycling scene, then man the fuck up and make the call...You can do it Anonymous just like this post and all of your other post's... It can be your Team secret. No one will ever know.

But you wont, because your a giant sand fill dried up set of meat curtains that rather spew about someone and drag down TMS with your fucking JTP conspiracy theory.

Merry Fucking Christmas, Pussy's.

Paynful said...


Anonymous said...

Roid tage

Anonymous said...

fuckin git some!

Anonymous said...

WTF. is going on?

Anonymous said...

Big load

Anonymous said...

It's a vicious fucking cycle. The haters really want to be the hated.