Lawrence, i know your still sleeping, its Saturday and why shouldn't you be? I just dropped by to see how you were its been a few weeks and we haven't spoken My words maybe brief today and hold a little bit of what you call "drift".. if you understand this... they hold tremendous value..
Lawrence, constant confrontation doesn't always equal success..there are gun slingers everywhere, out there, there not always out to prove who's guns are best..there quiet, often hidden and sometimes soft spoken flash isn't a factor..they don't require a lot of attention, maintenance and massage, and are fed via a hunger and driven by other natures.But they can be just as deadly as the "high rollers". watch for em and keep your closest friends in site. If you understand this it will help with the longevity you often dream of.
bike racing is hard, its even harder when your stupid.
I think you mean -" when you're stupid. "
yea, what he said.
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