Wednesday, December 11, 2013

What’s up motherfuckers? Yeah, that’s right. I’m back from the dead. Peter Parker gets bit by a spider and turns into a Super Hero. A brown recluse comes my way and I end up drinking myself to Death. Whatever. I ran into Mr. T a few days back.. and he asked if I wanted to take over this gig for a short time. Since I can’t thrash you all with my killer riffs anymore, I thought, fuck yeah, let’s go tell some Painful TRUTH

When it comes to TMS, it’s all about HATE. All you anon punk ass bitches come here to spread a little HATE worldwide. Well good for us. Anon or not, it’s the way of the world and who cares who says it, just look at what’s being said. Focus people!

 Now for some ground rules. Here are five things I HATE:

 1. Interviews: This ain’t no two way street, it’s a fucking monologue and you’ll get out of me what I give you.
 2. Non-Contact Sports: So what the fuck am I doing here? Laughing first of all. A bunch of turds riding bikes in spandex. Grow a pair and do something tough you pussies. Your sport would be better if there was checking and tackling. Second of all, I’m here to dish out the TRUTH, something the world can’t handle and needs far more of.
 3. Happy Music: Shut the Fuck Up already!
 4. Travelling: Are you kidding me? Have you flown lately? KILL me! Oh wait…never mind.
 5. Everybody I don’t know: And I don’t know none of you here, so I HATE YOU!

 I know you all have your 9-5 jobs that you’re miserable in. No wonder you come here and HATE so much. When you’re not Hating up a storm here, I’ll be chillin on the beach listening to the B-52’s.


Anonymous said...

Wake up time to die


Anonymous said...

You're a caricature at this point.

Anonymous said...

Who is John Gault?