Monday, November 14, 2016

Still Crazy After All These years

not one to mince words or beat around the bush..but i tried..but i just couldnt get a hold of the OG Danzig...but after careful searching.. some phone calls.. some favors... and a few I O Us T got ahold of someone close enough to be that evil fuck in black..let me proudly introduce to you for this one special week only....... the infamous Dansig...

Yo whats up T...fuckin dam glad i couild make it..and im crazy evil sick with this shit that i can help fill in the void of the true chosen evil one himself...

Ok fool lets drop into this shit Gator Rogowski style..

sounds good to me you sick ol Fool of style and wisdom

just Cuz we dont have a ton of time tonight and i need some shit to fill the voids between the Bullshit, the eurofucks and Pony Love....... lets keep tonight's episode brief..

what ever you say your the fly one runnin this..... im just here cuz my wife and kids are outta town and i had some vacay days to use over at the laundry mat

throw it at me..

whats this Michigan cross thing going on right now any how?

much like yourself its a form of shell of the original design..its not the most healthy thing goin on our state but she is still breathin..and even Trolls need love.....we got the earliest cross state championship to date coming this weekend and looks like the weather just may be the best the scene has had...sooo much for the rain dance and mudders

whats a mudder?

mudders are fools that love or think they excel in nasty shitty soft turdy condition's ..they live for that shit

do they really exist?

prolly the best mudder the scene has currently racing is the lil Pony..Burke aint too bad..just by shear strength..but i dont wanna get ahead of ourselves..the week is open and I dont have too much to banter about gonna put your posin ass on an assignment....


T: heres a kwick list of shit i want you to go  finger around the intro net and look up so you can come better prepared for the task i asked you to do...

The course
The former State champion
The Classes
The Schedule
Johnny U
a guy called Yankus
run ups
The Alma GP
Masters CX
Juniors CX

On it...

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