Friday, June 26, 2020

  1. Going the wrong way at ICEMAN 
  2. Over dressing 
  3. U no u fucked up when Nate Williams calls u chief
  4. Wearing undies under your bibs
  5. Leaving your shoes at the camper before the start of the pro-men’s race at ICEMAN 
  6. Eating a egg sandwich just mere moments before start time
  7. Vomiting it up during the race...
  8. Vomiting again shortly after..
  9. Crashing by yourself  taking a hair brain line in a crit
  10. Going out too hard...
  11. Blowing your wad chasing down everything that moves..
  12. Worrying about the wrong people..only get taken down by others
  13. Dive bombing corners, and getting called a cheese dick
  14. Bunny hopping man hole covers
  15. Wheeling before the start and flipping over busting my tailbone 
  16. Dragging the whole cat5 field Around thinking I’m gonna win this shit
  17. Leaving the baby wipes at home to clean up my bloody ass
  18. Missing my warm up flirting with chicks only to get dropped 20 minutes later in front of them
  19. Racing with worn out tires
  20. Letting some psi out prior to a rain race only to realize your riding on oatmeal
  21. Playing for the sprint as small groups ride away...
  22. Buzzing peoples wheels
  23. Going for primes and then getting popped
  24. Playing into your ego
  25. Trusting Dan Yankus
  26. Blowing through the tape twice at a UCI race
  27. Sitting in only to get dropped
  28. Signing up late for snake alley
  29. Trusting Eric McBride
  30. Getting mentally popped from the winning break 
  31. Throwing my bottles before the sprint
  32. Sprinting from the hoods
  33. Sprinting a lap early for the win
  34. Trusting Jason Swatloski
  35. Using 19mm tires at the worst State road race course ever
  36. Sitting on the front too long
  37. Trusting Ray Dybowski
  38. Flat hauling ass into a corner eating shit riding on my hoods crashing alone
  39. Racing in a sleeveless jersey 
  40. Spending a whole Waterford race in my small chainring not knowing it..


Scotty Albaugh said...

Dan Yankus has duped me for years.

Anonymous said...

Next to Tyler Hamilton, Yankus is the only other bike guy i would like to push off a bike.
But of course i would help him up, because he is not a bad human.

Anonymous said...

Did Kroske write this?

Anonymous said...

Guilty by our peers

Anonymous said...

enough said

Andy said...

Schaffert, LeBlanc, Parmilee... Good times!