Friday, July 31, 2020

  1. Cool is always cool..
  2. Awesome is respect
  3. Bling aint Bling anymore
  4. things aint gonna change for awhile
  5. Be nice to people
  6. Arguing with people is waste o time
  7. Shut up more often
  8. Change your bar tape often
  9. Change your under wear more
  10. No one cares un less they ask
  11. Stop using the letter I so often
  12. Treat people more than they treat you
  13. try doing intervals instead of group rides
  14. dont over analyze is it
  15. complaining is to adults as crying is to little children
  16. trust animals
  17. Text a friend
  18. proper fit will override the next senseless purchase 
  19. Phart-Bikes are dead
  20. Killed by Zwift
  21. Stop expecting soo much out of people
  22. Your not great everything accept it
  23. Don’t talk with your mouthful 
  24. If your spouse wasn’t a porn star..chances are she ain’t gonna be one alls quiet on the hatin front
  25. wonder what the WIZ is doin
  26. I miss Danny
  27. That Kid that looks like that kid from remember the Titans heads west for some CX base training
  28. CX yea..thats not happening this year
  29. Michigan will soon lobby to be its own Country..
  30. Nice pull
  31. Jaws three ain’t so bad
  32. Martyrdom is overrated 
  33. Did covid kill the Death crit?
  34. The Maumee Valley wheelman keep critin. Despite the virus
  35. Vegas oddsmakers are betting against the Iceman 
  36. Tarmac killed the Venge 
  37. Tits are underrated 
  38. Ass is over
  39. Wonder what Johnny Utah is doing
  40. Anyone remember Rick..well hung Lung
  41. John Rigdon...why did Lathrup pick that guy up bitd
  42. Ever-wresting records continued to get smashed
  43. Garmin caught a bug and suddenly everyone’s activity’s don’t count 
  44. Where’s my two-dollars?
  45. Most Manufacturers cut there CX bike line to two models 
  46. UFOs
  47. Warbasse still carrying the US flag in Europe 
  48. Anyone remember the Milford crit
  49. The scene needs more Joberon 
  50. Let’s come up with an alternative if the iceman gets cancelled 
  51. I’m TMS n I hate TMS


Anonymous said...

I remember the Milf Crit! Super fun race.

Anonymous said...

10:31 AM


Assman said...

"Four weeks, twenty papers, that’s $2 dollars. Plus tip."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

#26 should be #1. Shit, it should be every number

#47 - Warbasse is carrying the torch, good on him. Question is, what did Kid A do to doom his world tour? His results and performance was typical of a domestique. Did he not get along with TLJ management or something that poisoned his future with the WT? He had some great performances and helped his team. I don't get it,