Tuesday, August 18, 2020

You might be a Strava turd

 Oh the mystery of life...the miracle of birth...and what awaits us after we leave this mortal place...the things that are kept as secrets..

There’s that certain form of person..although quite rare now a days...

”in this world of look at me and look what I can achieve”

but those humans do exist...

Out there in the magnificent world of Strava..these folks are the number hiders...those secret people that insist on keeping those precious wattage numbers hidden from there upload...these numbers are kept a mystery from the world..safely locked away..as if shown to the general public they may show chink in the armor of this mighty cyclist...and could possibly allow other cyclists to measure up to them...is this a size thing...? Is this just a humble human...? Is this just another mystic of this mighty warrior..?

No this is probably just another Strava Turd...as much as some of these humans feel..the knowing of the numbers that they put out at any given time is irrelevant to the next KOM hopeful...and will not jeopardize there status among other users

But..there is still time..freshin that stink up 

Sharing is caring...let people know without gloat about your magical numbers..

Enjoy the week..

1 comment:

Henrietta Collins said...
