Friday, June 10, 2022

  1. Complaining over the pay out
  2. Complaining over the lack of races
  3. accumulating  MBRA points
  4. accumulating Strava kudos
  5. trust worthy opponents
  6. Sketchy team mates
  7. Separate category's
  8. everyone runs together
  9. Having questionable wattage, but still being able to post results
  10. Having big numbers but using them fruitlessly 
  11. two day stage race
  12. One day fondos
  13. Twilight downtown crits
  14. Week day worlds
  15. Having plenty of races for a Category  upgrade
  16. not nearly enough races for the chance of the upgrade
  17. Small select few for a concise teams
  18. Team store is open, password "bicycle"
  19. Planning for a peak
  20. peaking for every race.

that was then...this is now

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