Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Its a Cool Cool summer

Fonz: So Cunningham you figured out how to lay out my Cool Cool summer project?

Richey..I think so Fonz I’ve laid what I think is a loosely completely thrown together series of radical events, both on the positive and negative side of cool. 

It will be either a person, an event or hardware that can and also loose cool points starting on the first day of summer but not solely held to that day, so what that means Fonz is that some of your picks can go back a few days or few weeks, when you feel necessary to pull something completely worthless into the point series, a running total of winners, losers and also rans will be randomly updated from time to time through out the summer.

Fonz...ayyy sounds good Rich, let’s gets Started...

Richey..ok Fonz everyone starts at zero, and hopefully no one goes away butt hurt they get dinged.

Fonz..ayyy win some lose some...

  1. Give Jesse Siemen 10 points for making it two big wins in a row, winning the Fondo race, and the Cow pie classic.
  2. Give those two junior riders from that JCS team for holding there own so far this year against all of  the Michiganscene 
  3. Take away 5 cool points to the promoters of the Ann Arbor spring series for not offering anything for an overall award. Come on giving the ladies something but not dudes? Not cool.
  4. The folks behind the weekday worlds 10 cool points. Just putting on a event is labor intensive enough but doing every week? They got more threshold wattage than me!
  5. Corey Stange, I’m throwing him 20 cool points for vintage Trek kit he’s been showing up! I like that he’s showing style and deferred from the “team” protocol 
  6. Yea..Fonz, and I’m gonna give him 5 more for leading the Waterford worlds point.
  7. Fonz..ok Rich, let me butt in for a second, take away 5 cool points to the folks that thought a Fondo would make a great state championship road race, ayyy no take away another 10 points, because it was just a hair brain idea.
  8. Give Base Media 5 cool points for making sure everyone that wants to be on a team, is on a time.
  9. Oh, and the last one..its a little late I gotta give Brian Walcharz 10 cool points, for being what I think is his best start of a season to date....

Ayyy perfect Cunningham, let’s keep a running total for points, and keep our fingers crossed the scene stays cool, and doesn’t pull too man nerdy moves...

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