- 11 speed chain 1500/1800 miles
- Khaki shorts 2 seasons, then there outdated
- Jim Morrison lived to be 27 years old
- Most modern day shift cables under normal category 3 rider level.. 1 season max
- Front brake pads, manufacturing variable, 20/30k
- Average death age in Somalia 57 years
- Elvis Presley died at age 42
- Costa Rican’s live to be on a average 80.2 years
- Handlebar tape 3 to 4 yours, follow this rule, your fuckn disgusting
- Average life span of most businesses 24 years
- Jayne Mansfield died at age 34
- Average lifespan in Bosnia 70.2 years
- Cycling helmets 5/10 years follow this advice see #5
- Great White shark, 70 years
- Average death in the UK 81 years
- A pack of Smarties in my pocket .22 minutes
- 3 to 6 months, most cycling socks
- Toothbrush 12-16 weeks
- Arnold Ziffell lived to be 8 years old
- Marriage avg life span 7/8 years
- Average cost of a breast implant 9k
- Average life span of a breast implant 20 years
- Leonard Cohen, September 21, 1934 – November 7, 2016.
- Average fit, semi motivated cyclist, 3-4 years
- Dugast tubular cyclocross tires 2 weeks, to 3 months
- Condoms 3-5 years (unopened)
- The most expensive cemetery plot is in Mount Auburn Massachusetts, at cost of over 500,000$
- Life expectancy in South Central Africa 51 years
- River Phoenix lived 23 years
- Average life expectancy in Ohio 76 years
- Cottage cheese 2/3 weeks..
- Big Mac, refrigerated, one week maximum
- Sonny Liston lived to be 38
- Men’s underwear recommended replacing 6/12 months, average mans replacement 3/5 years
- House cat 12-15 years
- Cycling bib shorts 2 seasons maximum, depending on the rotation
- Craft, or any other over priced base layer, 12 years plus
26.5) 2min max (opened)
RIP, Arnold Ziffell, you are sorely missed.
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