Friday, September 23, 2022

  1. 11 speed chain 1500/1800 miles
  2. Khaki shorts 2 seasons, then there outdated
  3. Jim Morrison lived to be 27 years old 
  4. Most modern day shift cables under normal category 3 rider level.. 1 season max
  5. Front brake pads, manufacturing variable, 20/30k
  6. Average death age in Somalia 57 years 
  7. Elvis Presley died at age 42
  8. Costa Rican’s live to be on a average 80.2 years 
  9. Handlebar tape 3 to 4 yours, follow this rule, your fuckn disgusting 
  10. Average life span of most businesses 24 years 
  11. Jayne Mansfield died at age 34
  12. Average lifespan in Bosnia 70.2 years 
  13. Cycling helmets 5/10 years follow this advice see #5
  14. Great White shark, 70 years
  15. Average death in the UK 81 years 
  16. A pack of Smarties in my pocket .22 minutes
  17. 3 to 6 months, most cycling socks
  18. Toothbrush 12-16 weeks
  19. Arnold Ziffell lived to be 8 years old 
  20. Marriage avg life span 7/8 years
  21. Average cost of a breast implant 9k
  22. Average life span of a breast implant 20 years 
  23. Leonard Cohen, September 21, 1934 – November 7, 2016.
  24. Average fit, semi motivated cyclist, 3-4 years
  25. Dugast tubular cyclocross tires 2 weeks, to 3 months
  26. Condoms 3-5 years (unopened)
  27. The most expensive cemetery plot is in Mount Auburn Massachusetts, at cost of over 500,000$
  28. Life expectancy in South Central Africa 51 years 
  29. River Phoenix lived 23 years 
  30. Average life expectancy in Ohio 76 years 
  31. Cottage cheese 2/3 weeks..
  32. Big Mac, refrigerated, one week maximum 
  33. Sonny Liston lived to be 38
  34. Men’s underwear recommended replacing 6/12 months, average mans replacement 3/5 years 
  35. House cat 12-15 years
  36. Cycling bib shorts 2 seasons maximum, depending on the rotation 
  37. Craft, or any other over priced base layer, 12 years plus



Anonymous said...

26.5) 2min max (opened)

Anonymous said...

RIP, Arnold Ziffell, you are sorely missed.