Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006

It was a picture perfect cross day, on a course that can be decribed as euro as we have seen it.
As the season winds down the courses just keep gettin better. and the racing more exciting. The field sizes were up and the energy level was right there too!, could be the warm weather, could be the anticipation to the end of season that seems to just have started, who knows but every class looked fast!
the little guys saw joe Foretran do it again, Brandon Goocher just cant shake that kid.
Our perdictions for the B race must of put some fire into Andy Browns Butt has he and the booze Hound along with Joe Budaki rode off the front and set a pace that left the rest scrambling for also ran positions , the group beat each other up and traded turns for 30 odd minutes, but in the end Andy uncorked a mean sprint and rolled in with the win and now has 2 to his name.
The Girls went interupted today too as Rachel Steele decided to start with the masters men to get alittle extra in, she rode through most of the field got her girls and is on track to take that DARK beer on those wooden steps HMMMM !
With the abscence of of DC and Flyin Frierichs the Masters were open for some new battles, but the loss of those left hole that Rich (still the Master) Stark couldnt pass it up, he filled it with just the right gear 1 chalk up one for him! our man Joe L looked stylish and strong all day..Way to go!!!
The Elite Field was stacked again, with the move up of DC and Flyin T, along with Jer Walker 2005 State Champ makin a rare Michiganscene apearence scince his departure to greener pastures, this set the rest of the crew in for a fast day at the office, throw in a Can of Jittery Joes coffee for the first lap winner ( thanks Sunrise) and we got the making of lactic nightmare from the gun. The Young Gun did his signature go until you blow (im tellin ya this kid is due..) bringin along a few others, Mid 1st lap the Blue Wave juggernaut of Foshag, Card and Weinert went to the front and proceeded to drive it, Foshag grabbed the Joe and it looked like a repeat of the Munster Race, with one exception ...The quiet One or now known as the REV?, someone help us with this.. is this true? is he gettin support from the mighty one??? oh he was in the Mix too! from the looks of these 4 they kept the pace up to gap the field, Sari, and Walker chased but made little ground, at the half way point just after Card and Weinert got away, Weinert suffered some type of belly issue and rolled to a stop and lay helpless in the pits, This sent Card off on his own for the remainder of the race and ride another Solo win in front of his his family, the battle for 2nd heated as the quiet one wasnt gettin any help from Cards teammate Foshag, the 2 riders rode together until the final straight when Foshag wound it up and came home for the Cane Creek 1-2 punch. Probably thee best battle was back for the final podium spots Weinert shook the gut problem, grabbed Walker and the two canecreekers caught the Flyin Rhino Sari, attacked him and took away his money.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
top 10

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Frame: 58.5 tt, columbus Brain tubing. 39-44 Ultegra crankset, D.A. 12-27 cassette. Hugi 240's with 32-spoked Open Pros. Tires are Ritchey Speedmax or Michelin Mud's. Time ATAC pedals, Radius brakes, threaded Ultegra headset.
So yeah.. I started biking when I was 14. Raced my first MTB race at Ithaca's Jailhouse trail. Got hooked on biking so I got involved with Tri City cyclists for a few years. They helped me grow tremendously but I moved to Team Revolution in 1999 with their start in Grand Blanc. I raced road and mountain for a few years in high school and then met the late Dennis Cotcamp who took me to my first cross race at Pontiac Lake (state championships). I was hooked on cross from then on. Went to Nationals in 1999 and got lapped by the (then) current junior world champion Matt Kelly, but then came back next year to finish 6th at the Chicago supercup (behind Mr. Superfast Bookwalter. Then I graduated high school and couldn't bring myself to get back on my bike.
So now I have a real job after playing lacrosse in college. Started riding this past January with the only goal of having FUN and making it through cross season, which is by far my favorite. Team Health Delivery/Giant Bicycles took me in and has been absolutely great to me after taking a 5 year leave of absence from the sport. I'm looking forward to the rest of cross season and a successful road season next year!
Monday, November 20, 2006

It looks as though the our SCENERS faired well in the land of rape and honey. check the results... and blogs of our fellow crossers.Quick Note...Former Michigan Homie Micheal Cody won day 1...It looks like the blue wave formely known as the MICHIGAN MAFIA all rode well, hell even card got a solo pic in the news, wonder if Dave Massey is gonna throw him some SWAG for sportin those shades?? BIG surprise of the elite field was brian sheedy and in the womens field the girls interupted Steel, Galambos ventured into the hills to battle. and Super tough chick kacey manderfield was in there mixin it up too!...good job all and thanks for makin Mi look good.
day 1.
1 Michael Cody 1.02.29
2 Matt White 0.01
3 Jon Hamblen 0.00
4 Charles Storm 0.01
5 Tristan Schouten 0.01
6 Charles Pendry 0.01
7 Taylor Carrington 0.01
8 Adam Myerson 0.02
9 Andy Applegate 0.02
10 David Wyandt 0.03
11 Joshua Johnson 0.03
12 Nathan Rice 0.03
13 Jeff Weinert 0.04
14 Shawn Harshman 0.04
15 Jeremy Walker 0.04
16 Travis Livermon 0.05
17 Brian Sheedy 0.05
18 Greg Wittwer 0.05
19 Tim Barrett 0.05
20 Jonathan Card 0.06
21 Lucas Livermon 0.06
22 Robert Foshag 0.06
23 John Degele 0.07
24 Scott Jackson 0.07
25 Josh Stevens 0.08
26 Shawn Altizer 0.08
27 Shey Limdmer 0.08
28 Chris Judy 0.09
29 Alex Ryan 0.10
DNS Kevin Attkisson
DNF Gonzalo Escobar
DNF David Goodwin
DNF Brian Hayes
DNF Daryl Sawyer
DNS Jed Schneider
DNF Michael Seek
DNF Nathan Wyatt
DNF Jamie Pair
1 Deidre Winfield 35.28.00
2 Kelly Jones 0.48
3 Melanie Swartz 1.10
4 Amy Wallace 1.36
5 Mandy Lozano 2.03
6 Elizabeth Frye 2.27
7 Cara McCauley 2.45
8 Rachel Steele 2.47
9 Kacey Mandefield 3.06
10 Stephanie White 3.47
11 Cassandra Perkins 3.59
12 Alie Kenzer 4.05
13 Clara Beard 4.26
14 Heidi vonTeitenberg 4.33
15 Angelina Stevens 4.43
16 Lauren Trull 4.56
17 Kim Sawyer 5.25
18 Monique Hein 5.46
19 Susan Wilson 6.21
20 Jamie Galambos 6.26
DNF Hadley Trotter
Day 2...
1 Matt White 56.16
2 Tristan Schouten 0.05
3 Michael Cody 0.10
4 Charles Storm 0.30
5 Adam Myerson 1.15
6 Jon Hamblen 1.25
7 Charles Pendry 1.38
8 Taylor Carrington 1.42
9 Andy Applegate 1.52
10 David Wyandt 2.02
11 Nathan Rice 2.40
12 Joshua Johnson 2.41
13 Robert Foshag 2.55
14 Greg Wittwer 3.03
15 Brian Hayes 3.05
16 Travis Livermon 3.14
17 Shawn Harshman 4.10
18 Jeremy Walker 4.27
19 Nathan Wyatt 4.45
20 Jeff Weinert 5.16
21 Lucas Livermon
22 Tim Barrett 5.17
23 John Degele 5.54
24 Josh Stevens 6.33
25 Daryl Sawyer 7.56
26 Michael Seek 8.33
DNF Jonathan Card
DNF David Goodwin
DNF Chris Judy
DNF Jamie Pair
DNS Kevin Attkisson
DNS Jed Schneider
1 Deidre Winfield 40.53
2 Amy Wallace 0.47
3 Kelly Jones 0.53
4 Mandy Lozano 1.20
5 Melanie Swartz 1.46
6 Elizabeth Frye 2.46
7 Cara McCauley 2.57
8 Rachel Steele 3.22
9 Heidi VonTeitenberg 3.54
10 Alie Kenzer 4.05
11 Kim Sawyer 5.08
12 Lauren Trull 5.12
13 Angelina Stevens 5.36
14 Susan Wilson 5.40
15 Jamie Galambos 6.29
16 Kim Foland 7.10
17 Hadley Trotter 7.58
DNF Clara Beard
DNF Stephanie White
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Munster Cross..

The racing, well... it just keeps gettin better with every race and cat, Dean Rawson took the C field goin away, LIL Loe Foretran barely edged out The ever stylish Brandon Goocher, and the rest of the Goocher posse'.
Sunrise 1-2 punch in the junior race was AWESOME the Giant Killer Tony W and Teenage mutant Rafi Kronenburg went 1-2..These 2 guys are the future!!
Ron at Cycle Fit should be proud scince two of his riders took wins Susan Shaw took C womans, and Once again the B field saw another new winner Eric Muehel, this race was as exciting as we've seen yet this year as about 10 riders staying together until midway forced a split. Andy Klum from the buckeye state stopped drinkin long enough took second, I perdict the booze hound will be next winner of this race..just WATCH.
The Saturn of Toledo twins looked good and were only interupted by Anne Schwartz. Rachel Steele took another win and looks to be on course for the overall.
The Masters race was once again the Cameron/Frierichs show, this battle is gettin good with Cameron rollin in with the win, Too bad the Cyborg was MIA..
FRCC Mark Woliec got into the groove and won 45 +..
The Elite field was nothing short of a show of strength and utmost sheeer team work, all the heavies were there, The quiet one, The sunrise crew, Treks Jay Moncel, and the rest of the Elite field were ready.. young Gun took the holeshot and was set to prove himself, until one of the Blue wave riders, (Foshag) went to front just before the big run up and set the what would a key move in the outcome of the race, Card and Weinert rolled in shortly after and the 3 Cane Creek riders began clicking off a pace that left the rest of the field gasping for wheels, Team work played a big part in getting the hometown Cane Creeker Foshag to the line, for a LONG time coming win ,with his teammates taking the 2 and 3 uncontested, young Gun got a well deserved 4th and Tim sari finaly shaking some gremlins snagged 5th and final $$.
All I can say is that the display of unselfishness from the Cane Creek trio put a smile on my face as well as many others. unreal!
Thanks Jacks Bicycles of Monroe , Tailwinds and the EYE OF GATTO, the Lense Balogh and all those that made it happen..
Sunday, November 12, 2006

How many midwest states can boast a two seperate race series? The cool thing about the kisscross series, it reminds me of the pure grass roots type racing.
Keep it up Rick... your doin it right!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Manhattan Park
A Race
1-Russ Tiles
2-Nate Versluis
3-Tom Burke
4-Derrick Graham
5-Greg Christian
6-Scott Chambers
7-Chris Muller
8-Dan Jellens
9-Jason Mead
10-Todd Anthes
11-Chip Richards
12-Matt Frymire
13-David DeJong
14-Austin Thelen
B Race
1-Brian Neeley
2-Joel Bierling
3-John Evans
4-David Lintemuth
5-Jamson Hendler
6-Russ Greenwood
7-Shawn Busby
8-Danielle Musto
9-Dale Carley
10-Mike Peterson
11-Scott Chapin
12-Marc Dettman
13-Robert Hughes
14-Mark Giles
15-Tom Crimp
16-Mackenzie Woodring
17-Mike Neeley
18-Craig Rawlings
19-John Olsa
20-Daniel Grow
21-Jason Huls
22-Casy McGovern
23-Jeff Festian
24-Mike Clark
25-Brian Krause/Jeff Jacobi
26-Anne Grofvert
27-Brian Kommer
28-Marty Huizinga
29-Scott Tencate
30-Scott Koop
32-Joan Orman
33-Dan Ensing
34-Ernie Stafford
35-Nick Jacques
36-Monica Tory
37-Daniel Dillenbeck
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Brakes Bikes..

Heres a bit about Jason..We know him as the guy who shredded the cat 3 for a good part of the season, but this is what most dont know.....He raced BMX as a kid from 2nd to 5th grade
·Got into freestyle BMX and did that until 8th grade, when I got into skateboarding.
· Competed in skate competitions all through high school.
· Went to Japan from and lived there for 3 years (94, 97-99) where I rediscovered the joy of riding a bike.
Did a lot of cyclo-touring.
· Came home to the US in 99 and bought a mountain bike. Started riding on Hines and noticed everyone riding.
road bikes.
· Bought my first road bike in August 02, having never ridden one previously, and competed in the Hines Park TT
three days later. I got dead last in cat 5.
· I’ve just been making progress every year since. 2006 is my 3rd season for cyclocross.
Bottomline – Bike racing is something I’ve loved since a young lad and it is my passion. I have a 3 year old son, Aidan,
who has already raced at 4 events in 2006. I’m grooming him to follow in Dad’s footsteps.

I am an old school punk to the bone. I played bass in punk bands for years, at Blondies, Todd’s, the Majestic,
St. Andrews. I was the original bass player in a band called the Suicide Machines local to Detroit. I’ve played
with Murphy’s Law, Rancid, Mighty Mighty Bosstones, SBLC (local Detroit punk band), and others.
The Misfits
were definitely one of the originals that I listened to. I’ve met Mr. Danzig himself on two occasions, but that was
well after the Misfits gig................ COOL!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Life in the Trenches

Some of his earliest recorded musical endeavors were as a drummer. At high school, he had a penchant for provocative theatrics early on. At one early gig (a high school dance), he pulled down the decorations and everyone cheered. One early gig even started a riot. He wrote two songs with the band Malpractice in 1977 and also played drums on the single ("Galileo"/"Jesus Over New York") for the band Stripsearch in 1981.
His first years as a frontman were with the Jabbers (1977 – April of 1984). The Jabbers recorded a number of tracks for which Allin played drums and performed vocals. Out of these years came Allin's debut release, Always Was, Is, And Always Shall Be. At the time, Allin was a standard punk rock frontman in the vein of Iggy Pop and Stiv Bators. He was even managed at one point by industry veteran (and Dead Boys producer) Genya Ravan. Tensions within The Jabbers began to mount as Allin became increasingly uncontrollable, vicious, and uncompromising. The Jabbers discontinued, and the members parted ways. Allin's drug use started during this period.
Between the early to the late 1980s, Allin fronted many acts. These included early albums varying from The Cedar Street Sluts to The Scumfucs in 1982, and The Texas Nazis in 1985. However, Allin remained in the underground punk scene and was not yet a viable punk icon of the east coast punk scene. On March 13, 1986, a daughter was born to Allin and Tracy Deneault. Little is known about the child, Nicoann Deneault. It has been speculated that the small picture in GG's left hand at his funeral may be of Nicoann, though it most likely a picture of a very young GG Allin [5] [6]. Tracey Deneault and GG never married. Tracey was a teenage girl Allin took up with when his wife, Sandra Farrow - his childhood sweetheart and a model, divorced him. Allin retreated to a cabin in New Hampshire where he wrote what he considered to be his first "masterpiece", Eat My Fuc.
Though still a marginal figure, Allin first came to wider attention with the release by Reachout International Records (ROIR) of Hated In The Nation (1987), a cassette-only release at the time, which contained several tracks from Allin's then-out-of-print back catalogue with The Jabbers, The Scumfucs and Cedar Street Sluts. The tape also featured several new recordings, both in-studio and in-concert, with an all-star band assembled by producer, Maximum RocknRoll columnist, and early Allin patron Mykel Board. This band featured J Mascis of Dinosaur Jr. on lead guitar, and Bongwater producer/musician Mark Kramer on bass.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006

Nice Job Mike!!!, from everyone at the michiganscene.....In brief the Mike showed why he's one of the best, if NOT thee best mtb right now in the state of michigan, and top 5 or better in the midwest. Other notibles of the weekend included, grand Dad Robert herriman added another 28 or so miles to years total with a strong top 10 finisher. NICE JOB, Kelli Emmet took the pro womens uncontested.. Eric Forrester took 30-34 expert win, Mike Wissink picked a temporary sponsor the weekend and Sandbagged the expert 35-39. Don Cameron showed his usual good form with 2nd in 40-44 expert, ageless Jim James won another iceman. singlespeeders posted times that where very impressive. Ray Dybo put on a few pounds to take on the clydesdales and grab a 3rd. check the brief results or go to .http://www.doitsports.com/newresults3/client/12355_179429_2006.txt
for all the experts and sports
Place Name No. Town Sta Sponsor Ice
===== ====================== ===== ============== === ========================= =======
1 Mike Simonson 53 Oxford MI 1:36:57
2 Tristan Schouten 52 Sheboygan WI Trek / Vw 1:37:26
3 Brian Matter 43 Sheboygan WI Pcw Hyundai 1:38:02
4 Randy Laprairie 38 Warren MI Macomb Bike & Fitness 1:41:37
5 Jesse Lalonde 36 Madison WI Gary Fisher 1:41:43
6 Robert Herriman 32 Royal Oak MI American Cycle & Fitness 1:41:52
7 Dan Jansen 34 Wyoming MI Founders Ale/alger Racing 1:43:27
8 Jason Buccellato 25 Lake Orion MI Klm 1:43:28
9 Jason Lummis 41 Pinckney MI 1:44:19
10 Cole House 63 Oneida WI 1:44:25
Place Name No. Town Sta Sponsor Ice
===== ====================== ===== ============== === ========================= =======
1 Jesrin Gaier 83 Hayward WI Trek Riverbrook 1:48:52
2 Mike Anderson 76 Alpena MI Rochester Bike Shop 1:52:23
3 Kyle Stange 86 Millington MI Team Revolution 1:52:28
4 Brent Steinberg 87 Brighton MI Rei 1:55:24
5 Taylor Birmann 79 Portage MI Sunrise Sports 1:55:42
Place Name No. Town Sta Sponsor Ice
===== ====================== ===== ============== === ========================= =======
1 Nathan Guerra 120 Oconomowoc WI 1:50:52
2 Greg Buhl 114 Madison WI Gary Fisher 1:51:31
3 Ron Stawicki 128 Hartland WI Hayes 1:52:06
4 Ben Ortt 122 Fresno OH Gary Fisher / Rays 1:54:54
5 Bill Gallagher 101 Kalamazoo MI 1:57:55
Place Name No. Town Sta Sponsor Ice
===== ====================== ===== ============== === ========================= =======
1 Eric Forrester 149 Rockford MI Advantage Benefits Group 1:51:30
2 Matthew Gaffner 150 Battle Creek MI City Bike Shop 1:51:54
3 Timothy Carson 2503 Brook Park OH Endura 1:52:22
4 Jeff Jacobi 156 Grand Rapids MI Alger Cycling 1:52:28
5 Tony Torrance 176 Madison WI Cup-A-Chinos Cafe/dakotec 1:52:55
Place Name No. Town Sta Sponsor Ice
===== ====================== ===== ============== === ========================= =======
1 Michael Wissink 2480 Walled Lake MI Specialized 1:46:02
2 Jeff Melcher 251 West Bend WI Pedal Moraine 1:49:54
3 Jeff Adamcik 183 Midland MI Bicycle Hq 1:50:03
4 Mark Jackson 233 Whitmore Lake MI Aberdeen Bike Chelsea 1:50:49
5 Steve Mlujeak 255 Pembroke FL Armed Forces 1:50:50
Place Name No. Town Sta Sponsor Ice
===== ====================== ===== ============== === ========================= =======
1 John Meyers 360 Kalamazoo MI Bells Beer Mountain Bike 1:47:00
2 Don Cameron 317 White Lake MI Specialized 1:47:01
3 Douglas Wipperman 385 Traverse City MI The Rock 1:53:59
4 Tom Clark 321 Sterling Hts. MI 1:55:29
5 Scott Cole 322 Stevens Point WI Rudy Rack 1:56:58
Place Name No. Town Sta Sponsor Ice
===== ====================== ===== ============== === ========================= =======
1 Jim James 447 Ann Arbor MI Bell's Beer 1:46:52
2 Dan Hofstra 442 Traverse City MI Team Williams Chevy 1:47:55
3 Craig Webb 517 Dimondale MI Priority Health 1:49:30
4 Donald Fedrigon Jr 421 Williamsburg MI 1:51:27
5 Mark Bissell 396 Grand Rapids MI Discovery Team 1:54:28
Place Name No. Town Sta Sponsor Ice
===== ====================== ===== ============== === ========================= =======
1 Dave Crandall 734 Rockford MI 1:55:31
2 David Hintz 752 Rapid City MI 2:02:12
3 Ray Dybowski 739 Waterford MI Wolverine Sports Club 2:02:36
4 Russell Jobs 591 Wauwatosa WI Hayes / Sunringle 2:06:57
5 Roger Inman 754 Dexter MI 2:09:21
Place Name No. Town Sta Sponsor Ice
===== ====================== ===== ============== === ========================= =======
1 Nate Versluis 701 Walker MI 1:47:51
2 Eric Tompkin 60 Redford MI Team Tree Fort 1:51:06
3 Ron Gratop 639 Toledo OH Saturn Of Toldeo / Shell 1:54:03
4 Kerry Robbert 678 Kalamazoo MI 1:54:29
5 Aaron Brant 607 Kenosha WI Team Wisconsin 1:55:21
Place Name No. Town Sta Sponsor Ice
===== ====================== ===== ============== === ========================= =======
1 Aaron Mccombs 835 Peoria IL 1:55:35
2 Luke Spisal 2494 Mantuc OH Bike Authority Kenda 2:04:54
3 Constantine Peters 840 Milwaukee WI 2:10:12
4 Brandon Sprouse 849 Maple City MI Glr Racing 2:10:22
5 Scott Przystas 843 Gladwin MI 2:11:19
Place Name No. Town Sta Sponsor Ice
===== ====================== ===== ============== === ========================= =======
1 Ryan Rysewyk 896 Madison WI Chain Smokers 2:00:42
2 Chris Butler 858 New Castle CO 2:01:59
3 Rick Mezo 889 Crownpoint IN Kenda Magura 2:03:32
4 Edwin Colvin 861 Indianapolis IN 2:04:35
5 Robert Kranz 2495 Cleveland Hts OH Endura Clothing 2:05:52
Place Name No. Town Sta Sponsor Ice
===== ====================== ===== ============== === ========================= =======
1 Brian Parker 986 Chicago IL Xxx Racing-Athletico 2:03:44
2 Bryan Rypkowski 995 Westland MI 2:09:30
3 Chris Molnar 979 Fort Wayne IN Team Koehinger 2:09:38
4 Jason Melcher 977 Monroe MI 2:09:43
5 David Scranton 998 Kalamazoo MI 2:10:17
Place Name No. Town Sta Sponsor Ice
===== ====================== ===== ============== === ========================= =======
1 Jeff Juntti 1129 Negaunee MI Downwind Sports 1:53:15
2 Jaymes Mcmullin 1157 Midland MI 2:02:04
3 Kelly Jedynak 1124 Valparaiso IN 2:02:05
4 Eric Bartels 1041 Grand Rapids MI 2:02:48
5 Eric Fernando 1091 West Bloomfiel MI Hammer Nutrition/sugoi 2:03:15
Place Name No. Town Sta Sponsor Ice
===== ====================== ===== ============== === ========================= =======
1 John Lirette 1333 Menomonee Fall WI Hayes 1:54:51
2 Scott Flanders 1292 Ann Arbor MI 1:58:49
3 Scott Guenther 1303 Bellefontaine OH 2:01:32
4 Anthony Spicuzza 1399 Wyoming MI 2:01:41
5 Scott Kroske 1325 Birmingham MI Sky Marshall 2:02:31