Thursday, May 13, 2010

last weekend p2

there are few things T likes more than pretty ladies, and one that sticks in my mind is pretty bikes, and well I got see alotta of them on Saturday at the semi annual Island dirt demo. put on by our Local Bike shops, outside sales dudes, and local hot shoes.. bikes are a lot like women they come in all shapes sizes, colors, some built for comfort others speed, and agility. Some have skinny legs, I mean wheels, some have narrow seats others don't. you name it and its there for the choosing, You wanna low maintenance? go single speed, you want High maintenance get yo self a tricked out high zoot carbon rig with those big fancy wheels. Like a high maintenance lady, its nice to look at, maybe fun to ride.... but in a real world impractical more than what a ordinary man can handle on a day to day basis.
T likes em no doubt, likes to ride em, look at em feel em touch em and admire them.. but what T wouldn't want to do is push em, no fool that's not what your thinking. I mean sell em, god dam suckas, just like others things in life do we as people need that many choices? What happened to having one style of Cheeze It crackers? now we got plain, multi grain, Tabasco, thin crips, white cheddar. some shape like that silly Sponge Bob character, god dam ABC to help the ankle biters remember the letters... enough is enough, Dam people cant make a decision already... now you got company's throwin them 20 different hard tail mountain bikes, comfort, sport, performance, pro race road bikes. It makes my head spin, almost as much as it does that very few are made here in the red white and blue. enough of that jibber jabber. I feel punch drunk. Im mad , and startin to sweat...By the time left, I got to see alot feel alot and admire the bikes the way T likes his women. all in one place and a lil dirty

time to hit it and rest up for sundays gig.
T be real.


Anonymous said...

hey, t speaking of getting Dirty, you gonna be at the Brighton race this weekend?
Its OK we don't bite!

Mister T said...

Well I tell ya sucka, you just might, as im gonna venture out on a bike more fitting to my waist size than those skinny tires ive jawin about this past weekend. Ya no T dont mind gettin dirty.