Monday, October 31, 2011
a2 weekend
"You're going through college, and you're going to be faced with a lot of things. You're going to face adversity, the main thing is don't quit. For many people it's easy to quit, but don't. That's what separates the winners from the losers, what separates the all-stars from the also-rans"
Its small details like this that my long time friend MJ taught me many years back...thoughts like this haves shaped me well, and have allowed me to continue through times when i felt i didn't have prayer in gods big world. This thought also got T's mind turning over the long weekend about how it relates to the happenings in around our CX east side community. If you can process this, The A2 Vets weekend has come to be what often is a turning point, your either going one way or the other, clocks ticking and time is running out, yet at the same time That cold day in December is still a long suffocating breath away. If your not there yet you might have time to change the road your one, and same goes for the other. It aint all that hard like MJ would say it could be as easy as A,B C...I know I know..All the banter this week is on the NICEDREAM race, and the whole hoopla and who to be scene with that follows it, its all good i hatin...keep in mind now is the time just like Vets park..It don't get easier, and coasting aint an no option, year after year A2 has served mouthfuls of humbleness, sometimes the 1st day its easy to swallow like smooth micro, other times day 2 is like taking in a whole sandbag of goodness. I think you get my drift..Without going all TAO, Ill let the facts of the simple ABnC's speak the truth.
A Ann Arbor home of the fall double cross weekend
B and there were a TON of them all weekend.
C C's thick like T
D DC.......... shame...shame on you
E Elite womens field thin like a Euro crosser on Sunday
F Feldt Kieth goes also ran
G Goocher boys sweep the LIL kids races.
H Haney Jeff, wins the masters Day1
J Junk is what PARMACHICKENS Bike sounds like.
K Adam Kaye could B good if he could make up his mind
L Love the Lone Ranger and Long run ups.
M Mmmmarne comes home on Saturday
N No Queen Anne again?
O Over is Yorks cross season?
P Pain Faces on some select few Cross vets....
Q Quirky are Dave "the Master" Masseys Lines
R " the Future pro" Rainville misses wins both days
S "Some Roadie" named Steve Brogiilo rides well.
T Thompson is hard to spot in his DC costume
U Up and Down has been PARMACHICKENS form
V VINNY .... sVen ?
W Wissink and Wienert continue the Tailwind tour, and Wydra just cant stop crossin
X why were here
Y Youtube no-workie with David Lee n Co!
Z something called ZIGZAGS on the ground by the Toilet
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sometimes the best convo's are the shortest ones, I recently had a quick y with a friend while sipping Tea. And although totaly not related to our speak in it got me thinking about two words, that often go unnoticed i think allot of peoples life. Athletes are probably worse than regular folks when it comes to ignoring them. I may have TAO'd them before but sometime even T's needs a reminder.
journey :process of development: a gradual passing from one state to another regarded as more advanced, e.g. from innocence to mature awareness
destination: des·ti·na·tion [ dèsti náysh'n ] predetermined end of trip: the place to which somebody or something is going or must go.
I don't wanna get all philosophical about these but sometimes in our busy life we get fixated on getting there. Whether it be the new day, coffee break, lunch break, happy hour, night hour etc its a endless hamster wheel some of us catch ourselves day in day out... And most of you being athletes its only magnified.. workouts, group rides, trainer rides, A races B races C races. wattage numbers, race numbers, payouts, handouts,..after parties, sleepovers , hangovers and fuckovers..its a endless cycle of getting to the next destination.
All the while maybe missing the best part along the way.. is The Journey the true reason why we do what we do? I cant answer that for you, but in this case because TMS is mostly related to Miscene cycling, and racing, Its why this blog exits. But it may not be the soul reason why some of you do it, Hell T cant even answer that question at TAO time.
The reason i brought this thought of TAO up, is closely related to the HATRED and banter that's going on about Miscene cross. We go through every year about how stale some feel the east side cross scene has become, and how change is needed, but isn't going fast enough to save it before it becomes to moldy for even some of the most seasoned mouths to swallow. Hell I'm darn guilty of it, I set the pot out stoke the coals,and some help stir it. I have my opinion, stated them vaguely, but have never rightly spoke on it in depth as of late, mainly cuz i know it aint no easy job, change is hard and journey is difficult cuz we all want to get to the next weekends gig...And to be honest i don't want another one... job that is... got enough of those already..I'm stating this to remind myself to chill the hell and enjoy another part of my journey through the building of my soul..
If you can wrap your brain around this Lil TAO session maybe you will understand, I know its Just my opinion, and why the HELL not? some dirt clod a few years back referred to TMS as just another assholes opinionated blog I don't know if I was that said asshole but i guess I'm guilty by association.
As always..thanks for stopping by.
speak it but control it..
Monday, October 24, 2011
D...The letter D can mean alot of things in T's head, its one of those letters that is expressive enough that I use it in many words in nearly every sentence of my vocab. I dunno know about you all... but to me It helps words be Descriptive and Dam meaningful. It Doesn't hurt either it when it Names people, places and things as well, it may not be a vowel and ABC Didn't make a Saturday morning skit about it but that's just fine by me.
But what it mean to you? Well two Days ago Detroit played host to a gig called Mad Anthony. And Dammit all it was Cyclocross the way Miscne needs it to be for a change..Different. Without going all Descriptive and Deep allowing my poor paragraph skills to shine through im gonna let D D o most of the work t, So If you missed it, you missed a was Darn near solid weekend on a soft power esq course that had children cryin, wildlife sunning themselves, and the view of a city on the move..
Detroit, thats it, its on the move!
Distinct venue
DNF Chris G
Domineering officials
Danced .. what the Wiz does with fresh legs
Dodging soccer balls around ever corner
DC, leaves his Swatch at home misses start time
Dudes on MTbs bikes everywhere
Deserted neighborhood
Debut The Black Ace makes his
Dude, Come on Bob
Dumb schedule too tight
Down, what some cats opted
Doing it his way UCI/USCF be dammed
Drillin it Jmak Does
Decent size fields
Diverse group of people
Debonair mustaches
Damp soft grass
Did you that see that Fox!!
Dying Racers trying to get up the steep hills
Duck going into the fort.
Dogs..Hotdogs that is
Dynamite is JOE-L
Decide, Jim H..
Dysfunctional Barends
Daffy size barriers
Defecate someone did near the tank
Damaging small rocks
DNF. Alan Antonuk
Distinct atmosphere of people
Derelict buildings
Deep, the Roadking will have to go into his pockets for Dtown
Dangerously long laps
Doubtful Tailwind will follow suit
Dismal Rainvilles Elite showin
Delicious new faces
DNS Queen Anne
Demands the Bunny puts on his body
Downtube shifters
DNF Bob Wydra
Disappointing Mustanges cross season so far..
DNS. Vinny
DC Cab watched double times this weekend
Delirious, how cross makes some
DNF Bill Baker
Delighted was P-ROBB
Damaged pieces of History abound
Drinks, handing them up
Doublin up. not enough cross time for some, I suppose.
Dam 5$ to park in the hood
Dangerous power section for those that lack
Dropped chain
Digestive problems, after my lunch in Mexican Village
Drug,there rigs what some kids do to get up the hills
Dumb II are the cheap ass Videos TMS makes me post
Delightful change
1 441.92 Wayne Cook Clinton Twp., MI 1:04:46.10 7671 60 SPECIALIZED
3 590.00 Robert Wydra Detroit, MI Lap 179571 61 WOLVERINE/ACFSTORES.COM
DNF Christopher Goddard Rochester, MI 227916 63 TEAM FRASER
Men - Master - 35-99
1 362.77 Jarod Makowski Troy, MI 1:01:20.20 43115 281 PAINT CREEK
2 380.94 Robert Selle Oakland Twp, MI 1:01:35.40 102586 284 MPI-MAINSTREET
3 399.11 Patrick Russell Berkley, MI 1:01:39.80 197649 277 WOLVERINE/ACFSTORES.COM
4 417.28 John Osgood Kimball, MI 1:01:51.10 254343 276 TEAM SANDBAG
5 435.45 Daniel Bannink Rochester Hills, MI 1:02:54.90 2498 286 KLM/COLDSTONE
6 453.62 Rick Snow Macomb, MI Lap 56503 282 TEAM GIANT MI
8 489.96 Adam Naish Rochester, MI Lap 272572 283 RBS TREK
9 508.13 Mark Caffyn Ortonville, MI Lap 252670 285 MPI-MAINSTREET
10 ED BREWER Lap 287
11 544.47 Adam Sulkes Westland, MI Lap 191897 278 RACING GREYHOUNDS
Men - Master - 45-99
1 310.86 Don Cameron White Lake, MI 58:08.10 94327 379 SPECIALIZED
2 330.67 Mark Wolowiec Davisburg, MI 1:01:26.40 41215 380 FLYING RHINO CYCLING
3 350.48 Scott Fabijanski Royal Oak, MI 1:02:42.10 256573 376 WOLVERINE/ACFSTORES.COM
4 370.29 Thomas Clark Sterling Heights, MI 1:03:32.70 262346 382 LOUIS GARNEAU/BIKE SPORT SHOP
5 390.10 Kenneth O'Day Ypsilanti, MI Lap 51473 377 SPECIALIZED
6 409.91 Michael Seaman Mt Pleasant, MI Lap 32045 378 SPECIALIZED
7 429.72 Mathew Baroli Troy, MI Lap 163946 381 WOLVERINE
8 449.53 Jay Jones Clarkston, MI Lap 18185 383 CYCLE THERAPY/SPECIALIZED
Men - JUNIORS - 10-14
3 556.66 Jasong Goocher Flatrock, MI 361419 85 JACK'S BICYCLE
4 564.99 Sabrina Reynolds Toledo, OH 358603 83
6 Jack Balley 86
7 589.98 Elena Reynolds Toledo, OH 358602 82
Men - Cat2/3/4
1 450.33 Paul Riggs (1 - Cat4) Farmington, MI 42:43.50 324358 150 RACING GREYHOUNDS
2 452.51 Jim Hilditch (1 - Cat3) Canton, MI 42:44.49 234565 114 RACING GREYHOUNDS
3 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN 43:14.58 128
4 456.87 Blaine Benson (2 - Cat3) Birmingham, MI 43:38.97 268471 105 IVBP / BLACK LINE TRACK TEAM
5 JAY CLICK 44:20.13 140
6 461.23 joshua neider (2 - Cat4) Northville, MI 44:36.75 277699 141 MCG
7 463.41 Adam McIntyre (3 - Cat4) Jenison, MI 44:43.49 359411 132
8 465.59 Vincent Cirilo (4 - Cat4) Saginaw, MI 44:46.84 353732 152 TRI CITY CYCLISTS
9 467.77 Thomas Barrett (5 - Cat4) Ann Arbor, MI 44:50.82 244235 144 AAVC
10 PAUL MCKEIGHAN 44:59.27 121
11 472.13 Brad Lako (6 - Cat4) Auburn Hills, MI 45:00.71 254600 118 KLM/COLD STONE
12 474.31 Jon Coleman (7 - Cat4) Canton, MI 45:11.40 306254 145 ROGUE RACING PROJECT
13 476.49 Christopher Roper (8 - Cat4) Novi, MI 45:20.00 315764 135
14 478.67 Alan Barnosky (9 - Cat4) Ann Arbor, MI 45:26.92 360679 143 TREE FORT BIKES
15 480.85 Michael Greene (10 - Cat4) Bloomfield Hills, MI 45:34.92 294910 112 TRAILS EDGE
16 483.03 Donald Cumming (3 - Cat3) Waterford, MI 45:46.74 337658 134
17 485.21 Jody Cagle (11 - Cat4) Royal Oak, MI 46:00.09 345740 111 RACING GREYHOUNDS
18 487.39 Patrick Robb (12 - Cat4) Royal Oak, MI 46:02.03 48371 125 WOLVERINE/ACFSTORES.COM
19 KEVIN MCGREW 46:04.29 139
20 491.75 Jeffrey Payn (4 - Cat3) Troy, MI 46:07.09 300557 103 TRAILS EDGE
21 493.93 Robert Pulcipher (5 - Cat3) Ann Arbor, MI 46:49.45 220675 138 Two Wheel Tango/Morgan & York
22 496.11 Joseph Seidl (13 - Cat4) Macomb, MI 46:50.46 320214 126 TRAILS EDGE
23 MIKE BELLOUCH 47:15.70 136
24 500.47 Todd Powers (14 - Cat4) Marysville, MI 47:21.91 256547 123 TEAM SANDBAG
25 502.65 Benjamin Christian (6 - Cat3) Novi, MI 47:25.74 70790 106 WOLVERINES/ACFSTORES.COM
26 504.83 DAVID MANGES (15 - Cat4) Flushing, MI 47:30.22 313898 119 TEAM ASSENMACHER
27 BRIAN KEARNS 47:38.46 116
28 509.19 Shaun Welch (16 - Cat4) Waterford, MI 47:50.97 346096 129 PAINT CREEK BICYCLES
29 ALEX MITEVSKI 47:58.88 146
30 513.55 Jim Goerlich (7 - Cat3) Sterling Heights, MI 48:03.12 254334 110 TEAM SANDBAG
31 515.73 Ryan McKinnie (8 - Cat3) Brighton, MI 48:13.00 222912 147 TWO WHEEL TANGO
32 517.91 Paul Steigerwald (17 - Cat4) Ypsilanti, MI 48:16.58 301353 127 WHEELS IN MOTION
33 520.09 Scott Myers (18 - Cat4) Lansing, MI 48:25.59 360252 122
34 522.27 Javier Samayoa (19 - Cat4) Dundee, MI 48:32.75 281267 153 AAVC
36 526.63 Sean Geary (20 - Cat4) Ann Arbor, MI 48:36.89 315284 109 FUSION IT
37 528.81 Bernard Wendel (21 - Cat4) Waterford, MI 48:40.45 280256 149 CANNONDALE MIDWEST
38 530.99 Nathan Kearns (22 - Cat4) Ypsilanti, MI 48:44.01 359540 117 TREE FORT BIKES
39 533.17 Lucas Wall Superior Township, MI 48:52.80 54490 154 AAVC
40 KARL ROSSMAN 49:04.32 155
41 537.53 Douglas Reed (23 - Cat4) Waterford, MI 49:32.03 349988 151 REED CONSTRUCTION SINCE 1958
42 PETER KOURY 50:07.94 133
43 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN 50:15.65 108
44 544.07 Nickolaus Lekovish (24 - Cat4) Flossmoor, IL 51:32.33 342874 102 MCG / TRAILS-EDGE.COM
45 SHANE OHEARON 52:30.29 131
46 548.43 Andrew Wisniewski (25 - Cat4) South Lyon, MI Lap 310167 137
47 550.61 Michael Babcock (9 - Cat3) East Lansing, MI Lap 284404 101 STOMACHOFANGER
DNF Randall (Randy) Beck Davison, MI 3086 104 FLYING RHINO CC
DNF Alan Hunt Macomb, MI 327392 115 WOLVERINES / ACFSTORES.COM
DNF Robert Wydra Detroit, MI 179571 130 WOLVERINE/ACFSTORES.COM
Men - Cat1/2/3
1 225.34 Michael Wissink Walled Lake, MI 54:46.10 119033 20 SPECIALIZED
2 240.40 Mark Parmelee Ortonville, MI 54:47.14 264374 18 CYCLE THERAPY
3 255.46 Adam York (1 - Cat2) Plymouth, MI 54:50.08 210584 5 MCG TRAILS-EDGE
4 270.52 Jeff Weinert Lake Orion, MI 56:17.96 37591 12 WOLVERINES/ACFSTORES.COM
5 285.58 Jonathan Card Sylvania, OH 56:27.30 6078 1 TEAM CARD
6 300.64 Tom Burke Grand Rapids, MI 56:38.32 179205 6 LATHRUP INDUSTRIES/GIANT BICYCL
7 315.70 Adam Kaye (1 - Cat3) Ann Arbor, MI 58:51.30 290612 8 UNATTACHED
8 330.76 Andrew Weir (2 - Cat2) Ann Arbor, MI 59:03.56 169810 15 TWO WHEEL TANGO
9 345.82 Peter Thompson (3 - Cat2) Ortonville, MI 59:06.95 245538 17 SPECIALIZED
10 360.88 Michael Simonson Oxford, MI 59:16.34 199958 13 TREK/RBS
11 375.94 Simon Bailey (4 - Cat2) Novi, MI 60:11.04 160410 10 WOLVERINES/ACFSTORES.COM
12 391.00 Richard Rainville (2 - Cat3) Livonia, MI 60:18.93 305239 2 WOLVERINES/ACFSTORES.COM
13 406.06 Brian Hancock (5 - Cat2) Alma, MI 60:42.02 145099 16 SPECIALIZED
14 421.12 Daniel Kotwicki (3 - Cat3) Ann Arbor, MI 1:01:17.11 80483 21 TREK/RBS
15 436.18 Collin Snyder (6 - Cat2) Plymouth, MI 1:03:03.57 264396 4 MCG TRAILS-EDGE
16 451.24 Michael Green (4 - Cat3) Farmington Hills, MI 1:03:37.33 261599 7 BIKEMAN.COM
17 466.30 Erik Koehler (7 - Cat2) Birmingham, MI Lap 296282 14 MOTOR CITY RACING
18 481.36 Cory Stange Millington, MI Lap 260216 9 BISSELL/ABG
DNF Alan Antonuk Ann Arbor, MI 200093 19 CCSH/RGF
Men - Cat 4
1 540.00 Jody Cagle Royal Oak, MI 27:36.16 345740 206 RACING GREYHOUNDS
2 541.31 Christopher Roper Novi, MI 27:36.40 315764 229
3 542.62 William Cawthorn Ann Arbor, MI 27:55.52 312882 202 Ann Arbor Velo Club
5 STEPHAN ZIERMANN 28:56.29 226
6 Chris Torrance 29:12.42 331
7 NICK IRISH 29:35.93 211
8 GARY MUDD 29:40.36 213 GARY MUDD
11 JAMES SENSKA 30:46.65 230
12 554.41 Andrew Sics White Lake, MI 31:34.37 324204 218 UNATTACHED
13 555.72 Thomas Reineking Dearborn, MI 32:12.00 325692 233 Bicycle Heaven
14 557.03 Luke Mullis Rochester Hills, MI 32:23.24 296792 214 WOLVERINE ACFSTORES.COM
15 558.34 Rich Phillips Commerce Township, MI 32:33.59 342788 215 RACING GREYHOUNDS
16 VIGNEAN STEVE 32:49.90 228
17 560.96 Christopher Kiesling Eastpointe, MI 33:15.78 356860 212
18 562.27 Adam Tacey Wixom, MI 33:20.99 345568 219 RACING GREYHOUNDS
19 563.58 Alex Corrion East Lansing , MI 33:35.79 314360 204 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY
21 BENJAMIN BUER 33:50.96 232
23 NICHOLAS CHILDERS 35:20.77 203
25 MATT SPUGIS 36:35.07 231
27 A.O. WOOD 37:06.18 225
28 SAM WALKER 37:56.52 222
Men - Cat 4 - 35-99
2 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN 37:55.50 324
3 482.40 Matt Fill White Lake, MI 38:04.66 359712 317 FLYING RHINO CYCLING CLUB
4 PETER KOURY 38:35.58 322
5 FRANK Mariniak 38:52.74 358
6 488.73 Christopher Wegienka Livonia, MI 39:48.15 304277 333 RACING GREYHOUNDS
7 490.84 Michael Schultz Farmington, MI 39:59.62 60984 349 Cadieux Bicycle Club
9 495.06 Derek Gibbs Westland, MI 40:26.43 271573 300 MCG TRAILS-EDGE
10 497.17 Marc Dettman Grand Rapids, MI 40:51.82 215793 313 ABG/BISSELL CYCLING CLUB
11 499.28 Thomas Kerns Plymouth, MI 40:56.46 350126 320 TRAILS EDGE
12 DANE ZETEK 41:07.42 338
13 503.50 David Hoffman Ann Arbor, MI 41:11.63 227602 354 DOBFISH RACING
14 505.61 Alexander Gaulin White Lake, MI 41:27.91 311408 318 FLYING RHINOS CYCLING CLUB
15 507.72 Bryan Waldman Lansing, MI 41:29.35 360326 332
16 509.83 Fred Hannert Milford, MI 41:29.42 187631 343
18 JASON ARIC JONES 41:43.24 352
19 516.16 Adam Sulkes Westland, MI 41:43.36 191897 357 Racing Greyhounds
20 KACHA AZEMA 41:55.88 340
22 MATT JOHNSON 42:01.92 348
23 BRIAN HUBBELL 42:10.42 346
24 526.71 Chris Burnett Ypsilanti, MI 42:12.85 262341 350
25 528.82 David Palan Ann Arbor, MI 42:13.04 277740 355
26 530.93 craig dittmer New Hudson, MI 42:19.86 346652 314 RACING GREYHOUNDS
27 533.04 trevor terry Ypsilanti, MI 42:39.57 342144 220
29 537.26 Derek Mattice Rochester, MI 42:49.36 250707 353
30 539.37 daniel hoffman South Lyon, MI 43:44.00 346242 301 MCG TRAILS-EDGE
31 ANDY KEM 43:55.86 319
33 545.70 John Pike East Lansing, MI 44:14.29 360469 328 STOMACH OF ANGER
34 CARLOS MCINTYRE 44:35.61 336
35 549.92 Chad Aiello Canton, MI 44:39.66 305095 303 RACING GREYHOUNDS
36 552.03 Jack Miner West Bloomfield, MI 44:43.65 278177 326 TEAM ACTIVE RACING
37 554.14 Jeff Wood Royal Oak, MI 45:05.34 249666 342 RACING GREYHOUNDS!
39 558.36 Steven Bassett Waterford, MI 45:29.04 359558 307 TEAM HOT DOG
41 562.58 Jared Smerecki Farmington Hills, MI 45:46.05 284727 329 HOT DOG RACING
42 NIGEL MULLIS 45:53.85 327 CADIEUX/O2
43 566.80 Matt Klein Rochester, MI 46:13.48 328002 321 STUNT
44 AARON PHILLIPS 46:16.77 341
45 571.02 David Kurtz Northville, MI 47:04.15 339812 323 F.A.S.T.
46 573.13 Heath Buckley Sylvania, OH 47:34.88 292119 356
48 JOHN DRAZBA 49:05.44 315 TEAM HOT DOG
49 579.46 Rick Rainville Livonia, MI 50:08.36 359257 302
50 581.57 Robert Wydra Detroit, MI 50:49.58 179571 335 WOLVERINE/ACFSTORES.COM
53 587.90 Bill Guisinger Birmingham, MI Lap 224995 351 Team O2
DNF Mark Hughes Clarkston, MI 296403 345
DNF Trey Cassidy Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 204763 359
DNF Jeff Cooper Royal Oak, MI 360308 311 UNATTACHED
Women - Cat3/4
1 540.00 Jane Gregg (1 - Cat4) Ann Arbor, MI 33:31.71 301959 95
2 550.00 Andrea Tucker (2 - Cat4) Clarkston, MI 33:42.81 360150 94
3 560.00 Margaret Robinson (3 - Cat4) East Lansing, MI 33:53.33 327782 92 TRAILS-EDGE CYCLERY
4 570.00 Emily Savickis (4 - Cat4) Saint Joseph, MI 38:27.60 338160 93 TEAM CICLIRATI
5 580.00 Danielle Mullis (5 - Cat4) Rochester, MI 40:08.96 296790 91 WOLVERINE ACFSTORES.COM
6 590.00 Nancy Lange (6 - Cat4) Wyoming, MI 40:28.86 354286 90 PRIORITY HEALTH CYCLING TEAM
DNF Colleen Brown Rochester, MI 293492 96 Wolverine Sports Club
Women - Cat1/2/3
1 458.13 Susan Shaw (1 - Cat3) Fenton, MI 246829 376 FUSION IT
2 502.09 Laura Melendez (2 - Cat3) Grand Rapids, MI 225973 377
3 546.05 Colleen Brown Rochester, MI 293492 378 WOLVERINE ACF
4 590.01 Adrienne O'Day Ypsilanti, MI 254330 375 TEAM SPECIALIZED
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hate on fools
Place No. Name Sponsor/team Lap1 Lap2 Lap3 Time
1 57 Cole House 38:51:00 40:47:00 40:44:00 2:00:20
2 151 Nathan Guerra Wheel & Sprocket/Vision 38:51:00 40:50:00 40:41:00 2:00:22
3 156 Christian Frenchie Tanguy Team Cf 38:53:00 40:52:00 40:43:00 2:00:27
4 1 Mike "A-game" Anderson Trek/sram 38:50:00 40:51:00 40:58:00 2:00:38
5 130 Alexander Vanias 39:00:00 40:52:00 40:52:00 2:00:43
6 135 Jorden Wakeley Einstein 38:53:00 40:52:00 41:21:00 2:01:04
7 44 Derek Graham Bissell 39:12:00 40:47:00 41:08:00 2:01:06
8 30 Jeff Craven 40:20:00 40:52:00 42:10:00 2:03:21
9 110 Ty Schmidt Einstein 40:25:00 40:53:00 42:42:00 2:04:00
10 140 Michael Wissink Specialized 40:27:00 41:16:00 42:26:00 2:04:07
11 116 Michael "im back" Simonson 41:43:00 42:32:00 43:28:00 2:07:42
12 75 Dan Korienek Leadout 41:18:00 43:00:00 43:45:00 2:08:02
13 78 Greg Kuhn 41:05:00 42:49:00 44:42:00 2:08:35
14 122 Jason Stephenson 41:44:00 42:47:00 46:07:00 2:10:36
15 24 Ron Catlin 41:05:00 42:51:00 48:07:00 2:12:02
16 132 Armando Vega Mpi mainstreet
kuhn nehn 45:08:00 43:33:00 43:49:00 2:12:29
17 42 Bill Gallagher 43:09:00 44:39:00 44:47:00 2:12:34
18 31 Shawn Davison Farmteam 41:44:00 44:11:00 47:09:00 2:13:04
19 579 Scottie Q Quiring Cycles Llc 42:54:00 46:30:00 49:10:00 2:18:34
20 72 Dan Klein 41:45:00 43:54:00 53:57:00 2:19:35
21 29 John Cowan 40:27:00 44:32:00
22 121 Kyle Stange Cyclefit 42:08:00 45:48:00
23 159 Chad Wells North Country
Cycle Sport 42:26:00
Place No. Name Sponsor/team Lap1 Lap2 Lap3 Time
1 143 Mackenzie Bigring 45:19:00 46:29:00 49:03:00 2:20:50
2 109 Johanna Schmidt Einstein 45:38:00 47:22:00 48:35:00 2:21:35
3 2 Susan Stephens Quiring Cycles 45:16:00 46:32:00 50:45:00 2:22:32
4 134 Susan Vigland 46:15:00 49:54:00 51:04:00 2:27:12
5 133 Erin Vicary 47:45:00 50:57:00 51:53:00 2:30:34
6 41 Jamie Galambos Mishka 48:59:00 49:59:00 52:47:00 2:31:45
Place No. Name Sponsor/team Lap1 Lap2 Lap3 Time
1 27 Karey Collins Mpimainstreet 51:04:00 53:17:00 52:45:00 2:37:05
2 69 Marilyn Kamp 51:20:00 52:55:00 53:39:00 2:37:53
3 17 Heather Brewer Wmcr 53:04:00 56:51:00 57:20:00 2:47:15
4 311 Zandra Hudson 52:55:00 57:16:00 57:32:00 2:47:41
5 89 Tammy Moran 55:15:00 59:35:00 1:01:38 2:56:27
6 43 Jill Gorkowski Fusion 56:04:00 57:54:00 1:02:49 2:56:47
7 84 Bobbie Liegl Latitude45 55:14:00 1:00:08 1:01:42 2:57:03
8 95 Kimberly Owens 53:55:00 1:01:34 1:01:43 2:57:11
9 58 Michelle Howard 56:05:00 59:41:00 1:01:27 2:57:11
10 104 Zoe Reeves 56:44:00 1:04:05
Place No. Name Sponsor/team Lap1 Lap2 Lap3 Time
1 118 Wes Sovis 44:31:00 46:29:00 48:15:00 2:19:13
2 94 Michael Okma Hagerty 46:03:00 48:30:00 52:20:00 2:26:52
3 11 Brendan Benson 44:14:00 47:37:00 56:11:00 2:28:00
4 117 Cody Sovis 46:46:00 50:21:00 53:31:00 2:30:37
5 32 Nick Demek 48:00:00 52:06:00 57:05:00 2:37:10
6 335 Tyler Kelly Brick Wheels 49:26:00 58:06:00 56:58:00 2:44:29
7 127 Logan Taylor 49:24:00 50:15:00 1:05:55 2:45:34
8 92 Alexander Nixon Oh Yea 56:39:00 1:04:03 1:20:01 3:20:42
9 12 Evan Boese 45:34:00 52:50:00
Place No. Name Sponsor/team Lap1 Lap2 Lap3 Time
1 99 Jamie Parker Specialized 43:18:00 43:39:00 45:47:00 2:12:43
2 25 Jay Click 43:21:00 44:53:00 45:09:00 2:13:22
3 90 Adam Naish 43:22:00 44:52:00 45:17:00 2:13:30
4 50 Don Hackney 43:39:00 45:53:00 46:08:00 2:15:38
5 149 Aaron Zuelke 44:13:00 44:50:00 46:55:00 2:15:56
6 79 Chris Kushman 43:58:00 45:44:00 46:56:00 2:16:37
7 14 Jim Bonnell 44:19:00 45:26:00 47:11:00 2:16:55
8 87 Joshua McCreedy 43:20:00 45:13:00 50:39:00 2:19:11
9 52 Brian Harris Cross Country Cycle 44:26:00 46:09:00 50:14:00 2:20:48
10 86 Chris Maltby 45:10:00 46:33:00 49:29:00 2:21:11
11 142 Derek Witte 45:21:00 47:41:00 48:47:00 2:21:48
12 111 Steve Schultz Twisted stone 45:26:00 48:10:00 51:00:00 2:24:35
13 20 Andrew Brown 46:11:00 49:05:00 52:08:00 2:27:23
14 39 Todd Freidinger 46:25:00 49:15:00 53:50:00 2:29:29
15 46 Eric Grassa 47:31:00 51:04:00 56:57:00 2:35:32
16 137 Adam Webb 48:47:00 54:07:00 57:55:00 2:40:48
17 55 Matthew Hoffman 53:52:00 55:50:00 53:36:00 2:43:16
18 91 Paul Nederveld Fusionit 44:38:00 51:44:00 1:08:34 2:44:54
19 60 Yarro Ireland Leon handcrafted speakers 51:06:00 54:54:00 59:41:00 2:45:40
20 3 Ryan Allen 53:11:00 59:03:00 1:01:27 2:53:39
21 691 Dan McGraw Freewheeler 46:05:00 50:04:00
22 120 Nate St. Onge Einstein Racing 47:23:00 54:28:00
Place No. Name Sponsor/team Lap1 Lap2 Lap3 Time
1 141 Jeff Wittbrodt 42:33:00 43:53:00 44:17:00 2:10:43
2 152 White Lightning, East Hills Velo 43:21:00 44:47:00 46:29:00 2:14:36
3 23 Dale Carley Fusion It 43:38:00 45:27:00 46:14:00 2:15:18
4 114 Rob Selle 43:58:00 45:44:00 46:56:00 2:16:37
5 54 David Hietikko 42:33:00 44:24:00 49:46:00 2:16:42
6 28 Timothy Collins Mpimainstreet 44:12:00 45:30:00 47:16:00 2:16:58
7 138 Tom White 43:14:00 44:58:00 49:06:00 2:17:17
8 49 Anthony Gwin Mvw 44:42:00 46:28:00 47:09:00 2:18:17
9 157 Michael Seamen Specialized 45:23:00 46:28:00 47:51:00 2:19:42
10 85 JMAK 44:13:00 45:37:00 50:15:00 2:20:04
11 51 Chris Hansen 43:32:00 46:13:00 51:03:00 2:20:48
12 113 Tom Scott 44:27:00 47:43:00 50:09:00 2:22:18
13 158 Jon Bennett Team Mongo 46:25:00 47:12:00 49:04:00 2:22:41
14 101 Scott Pruski 45:54:00 47:55:00 49:00:00 2:22:48
15 9 Tim Barrons 46:21:00 47:48:00 50:23:00 2:24:31
16 21 David Bucholtz Einstein Racing 46:35:00 48:30:00 50:22:00 2:25:26
17 107 Steve Haakenson 47:14:00 47:22:00 50:59:00 2:25:34
18 37 Eric Fernando 45:28:00 48:09:00 52:04:00 2:25:40
19 119 Mark Spore 45:54:00 48:16:00 51:51:00 2:26:00
20 62 Tim Jenema 45:18:00 47:25:00 54:01:00 2:26:43
21 515 Dave Van Laecke 47:14:00 49:44:00 53:29:00 2:30:26
22 153 Douglas Wise Proform Racing, South Ben 47:47:00 49:47:00 53:27:00 2:31:00
23 83 Jim Leikert 47:40:00 51:13:00 53:39:00 2:32:31
24 447 Douglas Reed, Jr 49:04:00 51:31:00 51:59:00 2:32:33
25 155 Mike Senters Lisa,luke,gabby 46:34:00 48:27:00 57:35:00 2:32:34
26 16 Mark Bourgeau 49:38:00 51:52:00 53:26:00 2:34:55
27 66 David Johnson 48:24:00 51:59:00 54:44:00 2:35:06
28 136 Richard Watson Fusioncycling 47:20:00 52:59:00 55:30:00 2:35:47
29 100 Fabrice Portes Wsc 48:24:00 52:34:00 55:23:00 2:36:20
30 10 Eric Bartels 48:17:00 52:02:00 57:26:00 2:37:44
31 144 Peter Worden Hagerty Cycling 47:32:00 52:53:00 57:57:00 2:38:21
32 67 Mike Jones 50:51:00 54:08:00 55:40:00 2:40:38
33 93 Timothy O'Brien 50:36:00 56:16:00 54:03:00 2:40:54
34 19 Eric Broekhuis 51:48:00 54:49:00 56:28:00 2:43:04
35 124 Aaron Swanker 51:06:00 55:18:00 57:13:00 2:43:37
36 162 Scott Adema Racing greyhounds 50:58:00 53:22:00 1:00:36 2:44:55
37 102 Ulises Rabeiro Twisted Stone/ latitude 45 52:18:00 55:31:00 59:03:00 2:46:52
38 147 Nick Yetter 51:02:00 56:03:00 1:00:09 2:47:13
39 126 James Taylor 51:47:00 56:03:00 1:00:03 2:47:51
40 310 Rob Mitzel 51:29:00 57:14:00 59:48:00 2:48:29
41 45 Rob Grainger 51:55:00 56:33:00 1:01:00 2:49:28
42 81 Stephen Lagerquist 49:52:00 54:19:00 1:07:33 2:51:43
43 64 Dennis Jensen 53:32:00 57:13:00 1:10:55 3:01:39
44 148 Jeffrey Zeller Outpost/quiringcycles 44:39:00
Place No. Name Sponsor/team Lap1 Lap2 Lap3 Time
1 56 Daniel Hofstra Hagerty 44:11:00 43:48:00 44:38:00 2:12:37
2 71 Clark Kent 45:36:00 46:57:00 47:48:00 2:20:20
3 36 Donald Fedrigon Jr. Hagerty 46:01:00 46:32:00 47:57:00 2:20:29
4 26 David Coar 45:37:00 46:58:00 48:37:00 2:21:10
5 34 Jeff Doerr 45:58:00 47:40:00 49:56:00 2:23:33
6 35 Jeff Faber 45:55:00 47:04:00 51:18:00 2:24:17
7 125 Clete Swanson 45:56:00 48:45:00 50:01:00 2:24:41
8 73 Jack Kline 46:33:00 49:22:00 48:55:00 2:24:49
9 74 Raymond Dybowski Wolverine/ acfstores.Com 48:42:00 49:26:00 50:11:00 2:28:18
10 88 Kip Miller 47:40:00 50:55:00 51:15:00 2:29:49
11 13 Mark Boese 47:44:00 50:05:00 52:16:00 2:30:03
12 160 Karl Rossman Roll Model 48:43:00 52:41:00 52:17:00 2:33:39
13 98 Geoffrey Paine 49:09:00 51:51:00 54:09:00 2:35:08
14 47 Kevin Grochowalski 50:17:00 53:29:00 54:36:00 2:38:21
15 700 Don Camp Wmcr 50:54:00 53:27:00 54:04:00 2:38:24
16 129 Lewis Tripp 49:16:00 54:37:00 55:39:00 2:39:31
17 112 Jeff Scofield Rapid Wheelmen 51:33:00 53:32:00 55:59:00 2:41:03
18 77 John Kowalczyk Rapidwheelmen 51:36:00 53:28:00 57:47:00 2:42:50
19 145 Gregory Worsnop Kalamazoonordic 54:34:00 57:04:00 1:05:05 2:56:42
20 6 Steve Baars Rapidwheelmen 55:16:00 1:00:15 1:07:13 3:02:43
21 59 Dennis Howell 55:45:00 59:47:00 1:11:45 3:07:17
Place No. Name Sponsor/team Lap1 Lap2 Lap3 Time
1 108 Ron Sanborn Einstein racing 42:35:00 44:05:00 45:26:00 2:12:04
2 5 Stephen Andriese 43:16:00 43:40:00 45:18:00 2:12:14
3 106 Don Roth 43:18:00 43:58:00 48:51:00 2:16:05
4 8 Patrick Barrett 45:35:00 47:59:00 49:27:00 2:23:00
5 161 Matt Acker 45:57:00 48:57:00 51:08:00 2:26:01
6 96 Dan Packer City bike shop 47:24:00 49:11:00 50:19:00 2:26:53
7 65 Bradley Jerris 48:35:00 50:00:00 50:46:00 2:29:20
8 131 Barry Vanvolkinburg 47:00:00 49:56:00 54:17:00 2:31:12
9 7 Will Baker 57:35:00 47:23:00 49:36:00 2:34:34
10 48 Peter Gurney 51:43:00 54:54:00 56:21:00 2:42:57
11 128 David Tietz 49:52:00 55:14:00 58:43:00 2:43:48SPORT MEN 15-19
Place No. Name Sponsor/Team Lap1 Lap2 Time
1 468 Alex Schultz 48:00:00 52:53:00 1:40:52
2 350 Keegan Korienek Leadout 53:53:00 53:55:00 1:47:47
3 687 Casey L'Huillier Anderson Communications 50:14:00 58:23:00 1:48:37
4 269 Ross Gibbs 52:17:00 1:00:24 1:52:40
5 511 Alex Turner 54:44:00 58:56:00 1:53:39
6 476 Riley Shepard 1:02:02 1:10:36 2:12:37
7 494 Trevor Sooy 1:03:31 1:12:11 2:15:41
Place No. Name Sponsor/Team Lap1 Lap2 Time
1 411 Jonathan Nesburg 46:47:00 50:06:00 1:36:53
2 688 Spencer Payne McLain Cycle & Fitness 48:30:00 49:44:00 1:38:13
3 219 Bryan Carps 46:48:00 52:45:00 1:39:32
4 256 John Fahey 49:04:00 52:17:00 1:41:21
5 487 Cheyenne Smith 49:24:00 53:28:00 1:42:51
6 693 Michael Bigney Free Wheeler Bike Shop 48:54:00 55:11:00 1:44:04
7 344 Rusty Klein Einstein 48:45:00 55:59:00 1:44:44
8 509 Steven Timlick 49:01:00 55:47:00 1:44:47
9 295 Garrett Hein 51:42:00 55:45:00 1:47:26
10 501 Edward Stein 54:25:00 57:47:00 1:52:11
11 306 Matt Hodges 58:04:00 1:01:16 1:59:20
12 216 Johnny Byl 55:58:00 1:04:04 2:00:01
13 695 Owen Tien Cvsv 54:27:00 1:06:05 2:00:31
14 325 Michael Gutierrez 58:07:00 1:02:43 2:00:49
15 178 Jeremy Barnby 56:40:00 1:12:35 2:09:14
16 431 Jared Pence 1:06:37 1:05:56 2:12:32
17 690 Joshua Plowman Epic Happens 1:00:41 1:14:20 2:15:01
18 689 Nicholas McLain McLain Cycle & Fitness 1:07:17 1:18:05 2:25:21
Place No. Name Sponsor/Team Lap1 Lap2 Time
1 484 John Slater 46:39:00 49:10:00 1:35:48
2 163 Matthew Alcumbrack 47:02:00 48:52:00 1:35:54
3 388 Mike McAvoy 47:41:00 50:06:00 1:37:47
4 211 Marc Brunette 48:58:00 51:22:00 1:40:19
5 385 Andrew Manninen Foolish 49:38:00 53:05:00 1:42:42
6 313 Eric Hune Apex 50:30:00 52:31:00 1:43:00
7 452 Jason Rohraff 50:19:00 52:42:00 1:43:01
8 455 Glen Ruczynski Citybike 50:44:00 54:47:00 1:45:30
9 429 John Paul 53:01:00 54:33:00 1:47:33
10 497 Josh Standfest 54:35:00 57:50:00 1:52:24
11 473 Kenneth Sharkey 54:50:00 1:00:43 1:55:33
12 692 Josh Zelinsk 55:32:00 1:00:02 1:55:34
13 408 Dean Murphey 54:39:00 1:00:58 1:55:37
14 465 Matt Schmuker Apex 56:05:00 1:02:31 1:58:36
15 521 Joshua Welch 57:14:00 1:01:35 1:58:48
16 418 Chris Frey Team Tree Farm 57:39:00 1:01:46 1:59:25
17 458 Chris Russo Racing Greyhounds 57:57:00 1:03:11 2:01:08
18 336 Jamison Kibbe Apex Cycling 58:22:00 1:02:53 2:01:15
19 699 Bart Collins 59:54:00 1:02:57 2:02:51
20 359 Justin Lafollette 59:20:00 1:06:22 2:05:41
21 432 Fred Pennell 1:00:18 1:09:00 2:09:17
22 507 Rob Sumbler 1:07:01 1:10:04 2:17:04
23 297 Christopher Herrmann 1:05:52 1:15:27 2:21:19
24 508 Nick Thomas 1:05:24 1:18:38 2:24:01
25 230 David Clark 1:09:02 1:16:53 2:25:55
26 189 Kyle Bingham 1:17:39 1:20:55 2:38:33
27 348 Jason Kolp Right Brain Brewery 1:17:58 1:41:30 2:59:28
28 361 Brock Lahart 1:09:03 2:15:32 3:24:34
29 321 Bob Johnson 1:41:06 2:15:01 3:56:06
Place No. Name Sponsor/Team Lap1 Lap2 Time
1 443 Mark Pruim 46:07:00 48:35:00 1:34:42
2 312 Greg Hughes 46:44:00 48:37:00 1:35:21
3 285 Justin Ham 47:43:00 49:56:00 1:37:38
4 400 Geoff Miller 50:06:00 49:10:00 1:39:16
5 309 Patrick Hornacek Spin to win 49:28:00 50:42:00 1:40:09
6 289 Chad Haskin 49:28:00 50:43:00 1:40:11
7 542 Jon Zoutendam Team Smilez 49:27:00 51:37:00 1:41:03
8 392 Jimmy McKenna Einstein Racing 49:27:00 52:05:00 1:41:32
9 488 Craig Smith 50:51:00 52:03:00 1:42:53
10 506 Josh Suardini 51:14:00 51:40:00 1:42:54
11 543 Todd Zrimec 50:19:00 52:35:00 1:42:54
12 519 Dave Walston 50:28:00 52:28:00 1:42:55
13 268 David George Rapid Wheel Men 50:29:00 53:16:00 1:43:45
14 355 Mike Kozlowski 51:18:00 54:03:00 1:45:20
15 399 Robert Millen 51:31:00 54:52:00 1:46:22
16 531 Andrew Wisniewski 52:57:00 53:28:00 1:46:24
17 572 Dave Roush 52:27:00 54:07:00 1:46:34
18 236 Chad Cooley Right Brain Brewery 52:36:00 54:27:00 1:47:03
19 380 Erik Luce Rbb 52:37:00 55:11:00 1:47:47
20 223 Tim Chapple Gt Women's Mag 52:11:00 56:03:00 1:48:14
21 451 Brian Roginski 52:48:00 55:59:00 1:48:46
22 480 Robert Simetz 53:35:00 56:02:00 1:49:36
23 416 Guy Nutter 53:43:00 55:57:00 1:49:40
24 246 Craig Dittmer Racing Greyhounds 53:42:00 56:16:00 1:49:58
25 454 Dave Ross 54:00:00 56:34:00 1:50:34
26 185 Alan Benson Cbs 56:02:00 55:00:00 1:51:01
27 396 Mathias Metzger 55:42:00 56:05:00 1:51:47
28 317 Ryan Jarosz 56:39:00 56:44:00 1:53:22
29 179 Aaron Barto Cannondale Midwest Racing 51:02:00 1:02:27 1:53:29
30 353 Jess Kovacs 54:14:00 59:19:00 1:53:32
31 226 Keith Christian 53:32:00 1:01:58 1:55:29
32 182 Travis Bell Trikats 54:16:00 1:03:05 1:57:20
33 387 Aaron Mazza 56:55:00 1:01:08 1:58:02
34 228 Benjamin Clark 58:16:00 1:00:12 1:58:27
35 330 Jake Kaberle 57:18:00 1:01:46 1:59:03
36 398 Pete Meyer 55:54:00 1:03:13 1:59:06
37 384 Aaron Maike 57:16:00 1:03:09 2:00:25
38 187 Anthony Berns 58:36:00 1:02:15 2:00:50
39 352 Kyle Kornoely 59:30:00 1:02:20 2:01:50
40 482 Norbert Skorupski 1:03:31 59:33:00 2:03:04
41 426 Matthew Pakula 58:39:00 1:05:31 2:04:09
42 499 Kai Stankey 1:01:09 1:05:02 2:06:11
43 252 Brad Edgell 1:01:12 1:05:30 2:06:42
44 267 Michael Gaylord 1:01:45 1:05:54 2:07:38
45 328 Aaron Joppe 1:03:01 1:05:00 2:08:00
46 412 Kyle Norcutt 1:00:03 1:08:34 2:08:36
47 360 Larry Laframboise 1:02:11 1:07:10 2:09:20
48 582 Robert Falik 1:03:26 1:07:52 2:11:17
49 345 Daniel Kleinheksel 1:03:01 1:08:37 2:11:38
50 444 Dean Rabourn 1:05:19 1:11:05 2:16:24
51 251 Scott Dunham 1:02:38 1:16:49 2:19:27
52 250 Matt Dunham 1:02:55 1:19:18 2:22:13
53 304 Jason Hockenberry 1:11:01 1:13:57 2:24:57
54 347 Kris Kokko 1:18:19 1:21:02 2:39:20
55 205 Brooks Brannan 1:14:36 1:32:33 2:47:08
56 434 James Petiprin 1:05:04
57 409 James Needham 1:28:12
Place No. Name Sponsor/Team Lap1 Lap2 Time
1 391 Casey McGovern 48:39:00 49:28:00 1:38:07
2 505 Tim Stroebe Team Duke 49:16:00 49:04:00 1:38:20
3 168 Kevin Antel Cql 50:23:00 49:14:00 1:39:36
4 193 Terry Bochenek Fusion 50:03:00 49:46:00 1:39:48
5 255 Paul Emenheiser 51:46:00 52:28:00 1:44:13
6 446 Tim Raymond 51:53:00 52:25:00 1:44:18
7 299 Joseph Stoner Team Billy's Bike Shop 52:32:00 51:56:00 1:44:28
8 273 Mike Gorkowski Fusion 51:41:00 52:51:00 1:44:31
9 287 Todd Hartgerink 52:06:00 52:26:00 1:44:32
10 342 Jonathan King 51:37:00 53:26:00 1:45:03
11 212 Kevin Burke 52:09:00 53:00:00 1:45:09
12 300 John Heyerman 52:12:00 53:08:00 1:45:19
13 229 Charles Clark Cms 53:41:00 52:05:00 1:45:45
14 496 Kevin Stacey 52:02:00 54:10:00 1:46:11
15 194 Tim Bochenek Fusion 52:13:00 54:56:00 1:47:09
16 338 Rob Killian Right Brain 52:54:00 54:26:00 1:47:19
17 173 Brent Baker 53:34:00 54:11:00 1:47:45
18 244 James Depree 53:39:00 55:24:00 1:49:02
19 405 Matt Morrow Cross Country Cycle 54:29:00 54:58:00 1:49:26
20 231 Michael Coffman Kindhuman 53:31:00 56:28:00 1:49:59
21 512 Tom Turner 51:47:00 58:17:00 1:50:04
22 394 Shawn McNamara McLain Cycle & Fitness 53:02:00 58:19:00 1:51:20
23 686 Jeff Krusniak 54:41:00 56:55:00 1:51:35
24 539 Scott Zeeb 53:43:00 58:12:00 1:51:54
25 534 K. Perry Wolfe 54:58:00 57:04:00 1:52:02
26 165 John Ammond 55:26:00 57:06:00 1:52:31
27 513 Jason Van Every 55:14:00 57:43:00 1:52:57
28 369 Joe Leppek Rbb 55:30:00 57:53:00 1:53:23
29 333 Grant Kasten 57:40:00 56:31:00 1:54:10
30 258 Lance Ferden 55:33:00 58:51:00 1:54:23
31 254 Jason Elmore 55:53:00 58:51:00 1:54:43
32 382 David Lytle Rightbrain 56:12:00 59:34:00 1:55:45
33 403 Curt Moon 56:09:00 1:00:26 1:56:34
34 504 Thomas Stoner 59:33:00 58:22:00 1:57:54
35 176 William Ball 56:31:00 1:03:08 1:59:39
36 367 Brian Leary Cannondale midwest racing 57:09:00 1:04:15 2:01:24
37 448 Thomas Rieth 57:32:00 1:04:14 2:01:45
38 428 Charles Parkhurst Redjack 59:48:00 1:02:04 2:01:51
39 247 Brett Dodds Cannondale midwest racing 57:27:00 1:05:10 2:02:36
40 341 Charles King Team bobs 1:02:26 1:00:19 2:02:44
41 316 Greg Iott 55:25:00 1:07:37 2:03:01
42 284 Brian Hallstrom Team strom 1:00:02 1:06:13 2:06:14
43 462 Joel Scheffler 1:01:51 1:05:22 2:07:12
44 264 Erik Frazier 1:01:30 1:05:45 2:07:14
45 479 Carl Sigmund 1:00:27 1:06:50 2:07:17
46 478 Todd Sheperd 1:02:56 1:05:23 2:08:18
47 291 Jeremy Hawke 1:00:53 1:08:17 2:09:09
48 517 Xavier Vasquez 1:03:33 1:08:30 2:12:03
49 436 Matt Phillips Team Spudhead 56:38:00 1:15:28 2:12:05
50 493 Eric Sooy 1:05:03 1:09:20 2:14:22
51 541 Norman Zielinski III 1:02:43 1:14:11 2:16:53
52 235 Keith Conway 1:07:35 1:10:47 2:18:21
53 374 Donald Litner 1:04:52 1:18:11 2:23:02
54 314 David Hunter Dfl Motorsports 1:08:54 1:15:18 2:24:12
55 278 Dave Gruber 1:07:42 1:17:25 2:25:07
56 220 Joel Caverly 1:06:24 1:19:59 2:26:22
57 174 Les Baker 1:22:24 1:33:14 2:55:38
58 466 Michael Schneider 1:12:35
Place No. Name Sponsor/Team Lap1 Lap2 Time
1 233 Jim Collins 49:47:00 50:00:00 1:39:47
2 376 Kevin Long 49:48:00 51:23:00 1:41:11
3 439 James Plichta 51:47:00 53:09:00 1:44:55
4 469 Sean Scott 52:20:00 52:53:00 1:45:13
5 474 William Shaver Freewheeler 52:43:00 53:41:00 1:46:23
6 516 Brian Van Rhee 52:44:00 54:00:00 1:46:44
7 419 Nathan Oliver 52:51:00 54:27:00 1:47:18
8 210 Larry Brownell Hagerty 52:49:00 54:47:00 1:47:36
9 423 Kristopher Ouvry Cannondale midwest racing 53:19:00 56:04:00 1:49:22
10 433 Michael Petersen 52:51:00 56:43:00 1:49:34
11 266 Matthew Gary 53:47:00 56:35:00 1:50:22
12 323 Scott Johnstone 54:41:00 55:58:00 1:50:38
13 15 Thomas Bosch 54:41:00 56:14:00 1:50:54
14 467 Dan Schroeder 55:15:00 56:00:00 1:51:14
15 389 Michael McCann Bbudell 55:00:00 56:29:00 1:51:28
16 402 Jeff Minnerick 57:45:00 56:17:00 1:54:02
17 337 Brian Kiessling 55:32:00 59:08:00 1:54:39
18 510 Simon Toth 55:08:00 59:49:00 1:54:57
19 407 John Munzenmeyer 1:00:40 54:35:00 1:55:14
20 471 David Seidel 57:06:00 58:57:00 1:56:03
21 227 Gary Church 56:56:00 59:09:00 1:56:05
22 470 David Scott Team Fluid 55:24:00 1:01:03 1:56:27
23 175 David Balkema 58:14:00 59:27:00 1:57:41
24 171 John Bachman 56:16:00 1:01:26 1:57:41
25 302 Jim Hills 57:21:00 1:00:35 1:57:55
26 520 Andrew Wasco 58:10:00 1:00:53 1:59:03
27 332 Todd Kamps 56:36:00 1:02:35 1:59:10
28 215 Dan Byk 57:57:00 1:01:26 1:59:22
29 218 Jack Carpenter 58:00:00 1:02:49 2:00:48
30 260 Casey Fisher 59:29:00 1:01:49 2:01:18
31 192 Wade Blowers 1:01:12 1:02:22 2:03:33
32 305 Greg Hodder Team lactic acid 59:28:00 1:04:09 2:03:36
33 331 Jim Kaiser 59:14:00 1:04:59 2:04:12
34 259 Jody Figueroa 59:10:00 1:06:18 2:05:27
35 523 Brian Wendling 1:01:22 1:04:38 2:06:00
36 225 John Chevalier 1:01:58 1:07:01 2:08:59
37 327 Michael Jones 1:01:02 1:08:36 2:09:38
38 339 John Kinch 1:02:43 1:08:43 2:11:25
39 414 Roger Notarian 1:03:10 1:08:22 2:11:31
40 242 Jon Degroot 1:04:27 1:08:54 2:13:21
41 365 Dale Laughner 1:04:44 1:09:13 2:13:57
42 536 Donald Wood Bigdix 1:01:51 1:12:44 2:14:34
43 518 Scott Volkert 1:04:08 1:13:08 2:17:15
44 166 Alec Amstutz 1:03:21 1:14:17 2:17:38
45 438 Scot Piper 1:05:29 1:13:24 2:18:52
46 525 Kevin Wethy 1:05:47 1:14:05 2:19:51
47 424 James Padden Right brain brewery 1:09:38 1:10:48 2:20:25
48 477 Ron Shepard 1:10:27 1:13:42 2:24:08
49 180 Dennis Bauer 1:36:27 1:01:53 2:38:19
50 481 Keith Skidmore 1:23:18 1:23:36 2:46:53
Place No. Name Sponsor/Team Lap1 Lap2 Time
1 421 Clifford Onthank 50:38:00 51:37:00 1:42:14
2 544 Randy Zylstra 51:30:00 52:27:00 1:43:57
3 150 David Steffey Shorts Brewery 52:14:00 53:48:00 1:46:02
4 201 Nick Boudjalis Boones 52:25:00 53:55:00 1:46:19
5 97 Dan Packer 52:22:00 55:01:00 1:47:23
6 368 Kim Lee 52:15:00 55:38:00 1:47:53
7 213 Mike Burnside 53:52:00 56:03:00 1:49:54
8 239 Pierre Crevier 54:08:00 56:25:00 1:50:32
9 495 Joe Sovis 54:45:00 56:33:00 1:51:17
10 410 Dave Nesburg 54:36:00 56:57:00 1:51:33
11 265 Dan Gary 55:41:00 56:20:00 1:52:01
12 253 Bryan Elenbaas 55:05:00 57:00:00 1:52:04
13 172 Steve Baesch City Bike Shop 53:57:00 58:17:00 1:52:14
14 294 David Heim 55:00:00 57:22:00 1:52:21
15 224 Gary Chastain 55:28:00 57:24:00 1:52:51
16 417 Peter Ogden 57:06:00 56:26:00 1:53:32
17 274 Dan Grabowski 55:02:00 58:54:00 1:53:55
18 169 Duane Archambo 57:04:00 57:46:00 1:54:50
19 372 Bill Lindhout 57:06:00 58:05:00 1:55:11
20 373 Scott Lint 56:26:00 59:00:00 1:55:25
21 463 Rob Schell 57:03:00 58:29:00 1:55:31
22 526 James White 57:13:00 58:43:00 1:55:55
23 529 Joseph Williams 57:08:00 58:57:00 1:56:05
24 290 Charles Hathaway Team smilez 57:06:00 59:20:00 1:56:25
25 390 Timothy McClure 57:50:00 59:02:00 1:56:51
26 196 Dale Boone 57:51:00 1:01:42 1:59:32
27 366 Al Lauland Racing Greyhounds 58:08:00 1:01:44 1:59:52
28 460 Joseph Sanders 57:23:00 1:03:06 2:00:28
29 209 Steve Brown Team Iceman 53:04:00 1:07:43 2:00:47
30 298 Howard Herron 57:30:00 1:04:49 2:02:18
31 415 Thomas Noverr 59:28:00 1:03:51 2:03:18
32 301 Devin Hill 1:01:08 1:03:58 2:05:06
33 406 Matthew Mulligan Brick Wheels 59:26:00 1:06:13 2:05:38
34 319 Jerome Jelinek 59:27:00 1:06:51 2:06:17
35 425 Steve Paine 1:01:53 1:06:06 2:07:59
36 395 Steve Mentzer 1:02:49 1:05:41 2:08:30
37 698 Dan Oneil Thompson Oneil Law Cyclin 1:02:18 1:06:48 2:09:05
38 386 Calvin Matson 58:33:00 1:16:00 2:14:32
39 427 Scott Park 1:04:26 1:11:00 2:15:26
40 449 Kevin Riley 1:06:55 1:09:06 2:16:00
41 457 Charles Russo Racing greyhounds 1:05:42 1:12:55 2:18:36
42 489 Drew Smith 1:06:20 1:13:05 2:19:25
43 413 Earl Norris 1:07:02 1:12:28 2:19:30
44 322 Mark Johnson 1:10:54 1:18:48 2:29:41
45 296 William Heitman Rbb 1:10:52 1:25:08 2:36:00
46 486 Brian Smith 1:19:13 1:19:38 2:38:51
47 329 Dave Jubinsky 1:22:10 1:26:30 2:48:40
48 532 Henry Witkop 1:01:12
Place No. Name Sponsor/Team Lap1 Lap2 Time
1 445 Roger Raehl 51:46:00 51:09:00 1:42:55
2 82 Robert Larson 55:06:00 54:53:00 1:49:59
3 522 Thomas Welch 54:17:00 56:28:00 1:50:45
4 540 Robert Zick Custer 55:30:00 56:21:00 1:51:50
5 164 Duane Amato 56:51:00 57:41:00 1:54:32
6 530 Rich Williams 57:28:00 1:02:23 1:59:50
7 340 Dennis Kindle 57:00:00 1:04:36 2:01:36
8 270 Dave Gidcumb 59:13:00 1:02:27 2:01:39
9 422 David Orr 1:08:47 1:05:32 2:14:19
10 188 Jeff Betz 1:05:29 1:10:13 2:15:42
11 280 Paul Hakes 1:14:42 1:10:56 2:25:38
Place No. Name Sponsor/Team Lap1 Lap2 Time
1 377 Jessica Loper 58:19:00 1:01:19 1:59:38
2 430 Laurel Peak 1:02:40 1:05:17 2:07:56
3 638 Megan Payment 1:07:57 1:15:00 2:22:56
4 217 Taryn Byl 1:10:55 1:32:54 2:43:48
5 524 Karly Wentzloff 1:30:53 1:42:49 3:13:41
Place No. Name Sponsor/Team Lap1 Lap2 Time
1 514 Jane Van Hof 54:35:00 55:58:00 1:50:33
2 459 Melissa Ryba 54:32:00 56:54:00 1:51:25
3 351 Laura Korienek Real women tri 57:51:00 1:01:26 1:59:17
4 222 Kandy Chapple Gt Women's Mag 1:00:35 1:03:00 2:03:34
5 401 Kristie Miller 1:00:33 1:03:46 2:04:19
6 283 Shawn Halloran 1:02:28 1:05:55 2:08:22
7 356 Kathryn Krikke 1:01:47 1:07:20 2:09:07
8 286 Christie Hannewyk 1:04:19 1:05:19 2:09:37
9 500 Molly Steck 1:03:39 1:07:41 2:11:20
10 241 Kerry Day-Krusniak 1:04:36 1:07:00 2:11:36
11 326 Katie Jones 1:04:52 1:07:47 2:12:38
12 307 Jennifer Hoinka Cannondale Midwest Racing 1:06:23 1:14:05 2:20:28
13 320 Aislyn Johnson Brick wheels 1:07:26 1:14:24 2:21:50
14 491 Gail Smythe 1:10:12 1:16:28 2:26:40
15 206 Mary Brisbois 1:12:21 1:15:26 2:27:46
16 503 Cassy Stone 1:12:31 1:17:49 2:30:20
17 232 Amy Colby 1:14:03 1:22:01 2:36:04
18 483 Elly Slater 1:31:03 1:42:30 3:13:33
Place No. Name Sponsor/Team Lap1 Lap2 Time
1 357 Heather Kubiak Rwt 55:21:00 59:18:00 1:54:38
2 281 Beth Hall 56:35:00 1:01:10 1:57:45
3 276 Janet Grimm 58:00:00 1:01:35 1:59:35
4 279 Valerie Hadrot-Portes Wsc 59:51:00 1:00:39 2:00:30
5 492 Joni Sommerville 58:12:00 1:02:24 2:00:35
6 261 Kelly Fisher 1:06:38 1:10:37 2:17:14
7 697 Amy Solak 1:09:13 1:19:51 2:29:04
8 293 Kim Hecksel 1:15:15 1:25:21 2:40:36
9 354 Ann Kowalczyk 1:25:05 1:32:46 2:57:51
10 308 Loretta Holmes 1:07:33
Place No. Name Sponsor/Team Lap1 Lap2 Time
1 533 Jon Wlodarczak Twin Six On Two Wheels 46:18:00 49:33:00 1:35:50
2 696 Kyle Mosher The Outpost Of Manistee 46:44:00 50:41:00 1:37:25
3 208 Michael Brower 47:33:00 50:48:00 1:38:21
4 363 Eric Landman 47:44:00 51:01:00 1:38:45
5 383 Marty Mack City Bike Shop 48:03:00 51:28:00 1:39:31
6 186 Michael Bernhard Lindsy Mejeur 48:52:00 51:54:00 1:40:46
7 204 Jon Brander 50:25:00 52:47:00 1:43:12
8 453 Jeff Rohrstaff 49:25:00 53:52:00 1:43:16
9 456 Steve Tafelsky 50:07:00 53:15:00 1:43:21
10 485 Lee Slater 50:23:00 53:12:00 1:43:35
11 191 Jeff Bliss 50:19:00 53:22:00 1:43:40
12 167 Andrew Amstutz 51:49:00 54:04:00 1:45:53
13 292 Steven Hay 53:23:00 58:51:00 1:52:14
14 200 Colin Bordner Fatboy 1:18:11 1:27:03 2:45:14
15 199 Charles Bordner 1:18:17 1:26:59 2:45:15
Place No. Name Sponsor/Team Lap1 Lap2 Time
1 630 Michelle Minnerick 1:02:25 1:04:57 2:07:22
Place No. Name Sponsor/Team Lap1 Lap2 Time
1 475 Bryan/vita Sheffield/mors 55:46:00 59:53:00 1:55:38
2 190 Ken Blakey-Shell 1:01:41 55:38:00 1:57:18
3 272 James And Lori Gomez Beauty And The Beast 1:16:24 56:51:00 2:13:14
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Strange Days
This aint no TAO If you have been paying attention you get my drift. So whats this have to do with cross? well I dont have the lye to go all crazy and I sure as hell don't want anymore jobs....but lets just say it coulda gone better for some ..others it was a perfect storm..
Father time never stops comin..
Queen still nursing a bum wing..too bad..but xtra style points for the purple hat. ♥
left, right, no right again take another left...
PARMACHICKEN pulls the plug on this edition
C's whaa happpend?
RoadKing 2011 now in the house..
3 races in one..
Ponys got a new steed..
The Goocher kids sweep podium..
Come On Bob..whatta ya doin?
left, no right again take another left..
Anderson brings his A game south shows good form.
Weren't we just here?
C's go B
Pimpin the XYZ barends..only in Linden baby
wasnt the shoes..
LIL Simon keeps comin...
left, no right again take another left..
Elite, crash city..
DC still rollin his A game..
AT... representing
Sprint King comes east..makes good
Dave Massey, Miscene's very own Henny Youngman.
left, no right again take another left..
Sven gets ICEMAN ready..
women go B.
goofy riding style musta been the wind..
Im gettin dizzy..
Wiz does the Double...OooH!
Im a cross a guy...
left, no right again take another left..
That chick in the skinny jeans at the Pilot station
JB BABY..2012 plan?
King B move forward..ouch.
Mustange shows up rides ran.
Adam Horski..where did he come from?
left, no right again take another left..
Im dizzy...musta been the wind.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011

1. # of yrs cycling competitive -
6 yrs. Started as a beginner cyldesdale in mountain biking
2. biggest michigan overall gripe -
Not growing the sport in the state fast enough compared to the rest of country. Just look at Ohio, Indy, and Chicago, and Wisco. Why can't MI be like them? they are right next door, and we been at it longer....
3.biggest mistake u made this year -
eatting too much!!! Same mistake every year
4.favorite miscene course -
Love it or hate it. Vet's Park does it for me. But Ithaca will be back next year!
5.favorite cereal -
6 kisscross, or tailwind and why? -
Tailwind. Mainly because I live on the East side. But I am a big supportor of USAC events, and love the higher level of compitition overall I see in the Tailwind series. It would be great to combine the Tailwind racing, and the kisscross party together for the best of both worlds. 7.elite miscne cross could you handle it? -
Yes. I would get shelled at first. But I would start to figure it out.
8.your strength? -
9 your weakness -
10. do you think you ever get bored of miscne cross -
No. A lot of good things are in the horizon. They just need to come to life. But bottom line, I love to race 'cross!
11.future plans -
focus on the rest of the masters series, and try to finish near the top. Look at doing my first nationals. and throw my name in the hat for Worlds...
12.would ride if u didnt race? -
Yes. I would'nt race if I did'nt love to ride. many bikes do you have -
8 many times a week do you think about cross -
enough that it is probably unhealthy.
15.SS or geard -
As much as I love the raw, simplicity of racing single speed. I have to go geared on this one.
16. why SS At the USGP and not masters? -
I really like the experience of racing the USGP's, but they are not my main focus. So it give me a chance to race my single speed. This also means I only need to pack 1 bike, 1 wheel set, and minimal gear. Also, less chance of mechanicals or damage to my geared bikes. you see cross growing or declining in the future -
I think it will continue to grow.
18. what would you change about Miscne cross. -
Everyone just needs to get out and race!
19. List..25 memorable first times
Matt Ashley lapping me in my first CX race
eatting 2 big macs before doing a mountain bike ride.
eatting 2 coney dogs before racing munson.
my 1st CX win.
skin suit
shaving legs
Watching son do his first CX race.
puking at stony creek duing mountain bike ride.
Breaking helmet
racing agaisnt 100+ people on a CX course.
riding a 29er and realizing that I like the kool aid!
getting lyme disease on mountain bike trip
first ride on Tubulars
Rolling a tubular
beating someone for the first time that always seem to have my number
Getting a ride home from the bar from Todd Wells.
Spinting for a win
Having to give up my V-brakes
meeting like minded people
setting and accomplishing a goal
thanks Jgood
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I thought since i had a little time to wrap my head around getting tagged a sellout id lay down some TAO. If you can catch my drift and follow without losing yours, maybe we can meet on some common ground, or maybe we don't.
picture this it may take a little imagination but you can do it work with me here..
RoadRacing/CRITs: Violent and rolls smooth like, then BAM its like a sharp ICE PICK to the eye.. bam....and then you roll on again BAM another jab maybe into the temple..roll smooth like on.. BAM BAM. bleeding but still rollin on holding. Its just a matter of time, who can continue on with the fewest holes spewing body fluids for the next couple of hours.
Cyclocross: Its not very long in the scope of it all. But take your hand JAM that thing into the Cuisinart Processor thats sitting on your kitchen counter..give it a good solid 20 seconds or so. Violent, and quickly over.
Mountain bike racing: Go out to the wood shed grab that rusty ol crosscut saw, and pull it slowly across your neck, repeat multiple times. long and painful its only highlighted when done deep in the beautiful world of mother nature..
So whats this all have to do with TAO. stay with me..Isnt all of this what we like to call fun, sure is, and do not all of these have the same common bond PAIN. That is the two key words, the tie that binds, Its all of us its what we do like to see, and talk about. I know i can stir the pot, play the sides, and speak hypocritically about certain points dearest to my big heart. But that's How I roll, I haven't scene a pay check and i aint holding my breath. I like to feel its called creating a unity and harmony all the while keeping in tune, to what these people want...... Chaos.
Ill leave you with this..
v. e·volved, e·volv·ing, e·volves
a. To develop or achieve gradually: To develop a characteristic through the process of evolution. To develop or achieve gradually: To develop a characteristic through the process of evolution.
Remember its one of the few things you can do in life that don't cost nothing that reaps big gains.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Friday, October 07, 2011
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
whole lotta nothin.
Before i even roll dead nuts into a Munson babble, I have call out my haters with this one thing I always live by, Momma didn't raise no fool, and she sent me off into this world with lotsa little thing to keep me strong, pure and simple "Sticks and Stones can break T's Bones, but word will never hurt him" I have been called alotta things and life and sellin out doesn't come at me often, if i get the gumption Ill speak about selling out at a later more appropriate time. But now aint it.
Munson Park, I could tell you every lie in the universe to get you to put this one high on your cross 2 do list but it wouldn't do any good, year in year out this venue is often overlooked, I dunno... bad timing, lack of the BIG M to roll south, other events on the docket, Apple time with your kids, tail gating..etc..Some say its boring, its at night I cant see..I hate that hill, the grass is too thick, im on my Bi week.....whatever it may be. Rumor has it your gonna have to come up with a new bag cuz it might not come back here and you wont have to deal with that bitch ever again. Its all good though, r we not all united as a whole... sceners,haters,fakers, takers, liars, deceivers and believers just spreadin love like the jelly of hate.... i aint one bit.. isnt that what makes us grow change..If we...the scene were all the same it would be a pretty dam boring place.
change think about it...T is...
Tailwind keeps haters at bay, mows the grass.
RUDYP shows up go fix your shifters
Leg over the top tube...NICE!
THIN fields..
YORK= holeshots.NICE
Steve B needs a plan
Who said cross is Hard, sucka's r doin multiple races...thats shits easy
Pinwheel UH OH...
Paul Martin..NO COMMENT
How many times did i go around?
Womens comment
QUEEN ANNE sits this one out
its gotta B the shoes..
That Rainville kid...
DC cops a spot
no WIZ no comment
the "CrossGuy" wins masters..
the Quest for gotta climb that bitch to get it..
Is It Pete?
B Field BIG
Tiki Lights almost feels like a cook out.
A's no comment
Im not feelin it..
Chili and cross gut, the perfect combo.
flip flop comment..
but what about December?
Patrick R come on down.
dont call it a come back.
Bob Wydra races every class. NICE.
Thank the lord.
Monday, October 03, 2011

CRY BABY Classic, 2012
Elite Men - Open/Pro
1 Mike Anderson M/22 4 15.0MPH 28.800 1:55:24.1
Mini-Lap 1:07.5 16.1MPH 0.300 1:07.5
Lap 1 37:49.6 15.1MPH 9.800 38:57.1
Lap 2 37:57.6 15.0MPH 19.300 1:16:54.7
Lap 3 38:29.3 14.8MPH 28.800 1:55:24.1
2 Jorden Wakeley M/21 4 14.9MPH 28.800 1:55:47.7
Mini-Lap 1:09.3 15.7MPH 0.300 1:09.3
Lap 1 37:53.4 15.0MPH 9.800 39:02.7
Lap 2 37:57.8 15.0MPH 19.300 1:17:00.6
Lap 3 38:47.1 14.7MPH 28.800 1:55:47.7
3 Alex Vanias M/20 4 14.4MPH 28.800 2:00:23.9
Mini-Lap 1:17.1 14.0MPH 0.300 1:17.1
Lap 1 38:38.5 14.8MPH 9.800 39:55.7
Lap 2 39:52.6 14.3MPH 19.300 1:19:48.3
Lap 3 40:35.5 14.0MPH 28.800 2:00:23.9
4 Derek Graham M/30 4 14.0MPH 28.800 2:03:34.8
Mini-Lap 1:26.1 12.6MPH 0.300 1:26.1
Lap 1 39:41.0 14.4MPH 9.800 41:07.1
Lap 2 40:21.5 14.1MPH 19.300 1:21:28.7
Lap 3 42:06.1 13.5MPH 28.800 2:03:34.8
5 Jeff Craven M/32 4 13.6MPH 28.800 2:07:25.5
Mini-Lap 1:18.4 13.8MPH 0.300 1:18.4
Lap 1 41:07.1 13.9MPH 9.800 42:25.5
Lap 2 41:53.0 13.6MPH 19.300 1:24:18.6
Lap 3 43:06.9 13.2MPH 28.800 2:07:25.5
6 John Cowan M/28 4 13.5MPH 28.800 2:07:55.2
Mini-Lap 1:13.1 14.8MPH 0.300 1:13.1
Lap 1 41:41.3 13.7MPH 9.800 42:54.4
Lap 2 42:25.0 13.4MPH 19.300 1:25:19.5
Lap 3 42:35.7 13.4MPH 28.800 2:07:55.2
7 Ty Schmidt M/35 4 13.5MPH 28.800 2:08:25.8
Mini-Lap 1:15.7 14.4MPH 0.300 1:15.7
Lap 1 41:38.4 13.7MPH 9.800 42:54.2
Lap 2 42:21.6 13.5MPH 19.300 1:25:15.8
Lap 3 43:10.0 13.2MPH 28.800 2:08:25.8
8 Thomas Burke M/32 4 13.4MPH 28.800 2:09:07.3
Mini-Lap 1:26.2 12.6MPH 0.300 1:26.2
Lap 1 41:51.5 13.6MPH 9.800 43:17.7
Lap 2 42:34.7 13.4MPH 19.300 1:25:52.5
Lap 3 43:14.8 13.2MPH 28.800 2:09:07.3
9 Michael Bartlett M/25 4 13.4MPH 28.800 2:09:07.6
Mini-Lap 1:11.7 15.2MPH 0.300 1:11.7
Lap 1 42:52.3 13.3MPH 9.800 44:04.0
Lap 2 42:32.2 13.4MPH 19.300 1:26:36.3
Lap 3 42:31.3 13.4MPH 28.800 2:09:07.6
10 Bill Gallagher M/29 4 12.6MPH 28.800 2:17:15.0
Mini-Lap 1:44.3 10.4MPH 0.300 1:44.3
Lap 1 43:55.1 13.0MPH 9.800 45:39.5
Lap 2 45:15.1 12.6MPH 19.300 1:30:54.7
Lap 3 46:20.2 12.3MPH 28.800 2:17:15.0
11 Daniel Kotwicki M/41 4 12.0MPH 28.800 2:23:39.3
Mini-Lap 1:20.9 13.5MPH 0.300 1:20.9
Lap 1 47:12.2 12.1MPH 9.800 48:33.2
Lap 2 47:25.4 12.0MPH 19.300 1:35:58.7
Lap 3 47:40.6 12.0MPH 28.800 2:23:39.3
12 Daniel Hryckowian M/45 4 9.14MPH 28.800 3:09:01.5
Mini-Lap 1:34.4 11.5MPH 0.300 1:34.4
Lap 1 57:10.6 10.0MPH 9.800 58:45.1
Lap 2 1:01:58.4 9.20MPH 19.300 2:00:43.5
Lap 3 1:08:17.9 8.35MPH 28.800 3:09:01.5
DQ Matt Craig M/25 3 13.5MPH 19.300 1:25:52.2
Mini-Lap 1:16.8 14.2MPH 0.300 1:16.8
Lap 1 42:07.9 13.5MPH 9.800 43:24.8
Lap 2 42:27.4 13.4MPH 19.300 1:25:52.2
DQ Justin Hryckowian M/16 3 7.78MPH 19.300 2:28:47.2
Mini-Lap 1:40.3 10.8MPH 0.300 1:40.3
Lap 1 1:06:14.2 8.61MPH 9.800 1:07:54.5
Lap 2 1:20:52.7 7.05MPH 19.300 2:28:47.2
DQ Tyler Jenema M/25 2 12.9MPH 9.800 45:44.3
Mini-Lap 1:16.5 14.2MPH 0.300 1:16.5
Lap 1 44:27.7 12.8MPH 9.800 45:44.3
Elite Women - Open/Pro
1 Sue Stephens F/37 4 12.0MPH 28.800 2:24:16.4
Mini-Lap 1:25.0 12.7MPH 0.300 1:25.0
Lap 1 46:02.1 12.4MPH 9.800 47:27.1
Lap 2 48:02.5 11.9MPH 19.300 1:35:29.6
Lap 3 48:46.7 11.7MPH 28.800 2:24:16.4
2 Johanna Schmidt F/37 4 11.3MPH 28.800 2:33:34.9
Mini-Lap 1:28.7 12.3MPH 0.300 1:28.7
Lap 1 49:04.5 11.6MPH 9.800 50:33.3
Lap 2 50:57.9 11.2MPH 19.300 1:41:31.3
Lap 3 52:03.6 11.0MPH 28.800 2:33:34.9
3 Erin Vicary F/33 4 10.9MPH 28.800 2:38:37.5
Mini-Lap 1:32.2 11.7MPH 0.300 1:32.2
Lap 1 50:29.2 11.3MPH 9.800 52:01.4
Lap 2 52:52.0 10.8MPH 19.300 1:44:53.4
Lap 3 53:44.0 10.6MPH 28.800 2:38:37.5
4 Cooper Dendel F/19 4 10.3MPH 28.800 2:47:23.5
Mini-Lap 1:26.7 12.6MPH 0.300 1:26.7
Lap 1 52:43.4 10.8MPH 9.800 54:10.2
Lap 2 56:09.5 10.2MPH 19.300 1:50:19.8
Lap 3 57:03.7 10.0MPH 28.800 2:47:23.5
5 Tina Dominic F/34 4 9.41MPH 28.800 3:03:36.0
Mini-Lap 1:29.2 12.1MPH 0.300 1:29.2
Lap 1 56:19.9 10.1MPH 9.800 57:49.2
Lap 2 1:00:57.5 9.35MPH 19.300 1:58:46.8
Lap 3 1:04:49.2 8.79MPH 28.800 3:03:36.0
DQ Susan Vigland F/42 2 12.4MPH 9.800 47:22.5
Mini-Lap 1:28.1 12.3MPH 0.300 1:28.1
Lap 1 45:54.3 12.4MPH 9.800 4
Expert Men - 17 - 39
1 Jason Stephenson M/38 4 13.1MPH 28.800 2:12:20.1
Mini-Lap 1:10.5 15.4MPH 0.300 1:10.5
Lap 1 42:58.4 13.3MPH 9.800 44:08.9
Lap 2 44:17.3 12.9MPH 19.300 1:28:26.2
Lap 3 43:53.9 13.0MPH 28.800 2:12:20.1
2 Jamie Parker M/39 4 12.7MPH 28.800 2:15:59.5
Mini-Lap 1:14.9 14.6MPH 0.300 1:14.9
Lap 1 44:06.5 12.9MPH 9.800 45:21.5
Lap 2 45:12.3 12.6MPH 19.300 1:30:33.9
Lap 3 45:25.6 12.6MPH 28.800 2:15:59.5
3 Kyle Sarasin M/22 4 12.6MPH 28.800 2:17:25.5
Mini-Lap 1:12.4 15.0MPH 0.300 1:12.4
Lap 1 43:29.6 13.1MPH 9.800 44:42.0
Lap 2 44:49.6 12.7MPH 19.300 1:29:31.6
Lap 3 47:53.8 11.9MPH 28.800 2:17:25.5
4 Chris Kushman M/38 4 12.0MPH 28.800 2:24:11.5
Mini-Lap 1:28.3 12.3MPH 0.300 1:28.3
Lap 1 45:08.7 12.6MPH 9.800 46:37.0
Lap 2 47:45.5 11.9MPH 19.300 1:34:22.5
Lap 3 49:49.0 11.4MPH 28.800 2:24:11.5
5 Eric Forrester M/37 4 11.8MPH 28.800 2:25:57.9
Mini-Lap 1:26.8 12.6MPH 0.300 1:26.8
Lap 1 46:38.5 12.2MPH 9.800 48:05.3
Lap 2 47:43.5 11.9MPH 19.300 1:35:48.9
Lap 3 50:09.0 11.4MPH 28.800 2:25:57.9
6 Wes Sovis M/23 4 11.8MPH 28.800 2:26:43.0
Mini-Lap 1:26.4 12.6MPH 0.300 1:26.4
Lap 1 46:44.3 12.2MPH 9.800 48:10.7
Lap 2 48:30.6 11.8MPH 19.300 1:36:41.3
Lap 3 50:01.6 11.4MPH 28.800 2:26:43.0
7 Steve Schultz M/32 4 11.8MPH 28.800 2:27:03.1
Mini-Lap 1:32.7 11.7MPH 0.300 1:32.7
Lap 1 46:16.4 12.3MPH 9.800 47:49.1
Lap 2 49:27.7 11.5MPH 19.300 1:37:16.9
Lap 3 49:46.1 11.5MPH 28.800 2:27:03.1
8 Paul Nederveld M/35 4 11.7MPH 28.800 2:27:05.4
Mini-Lap 1:32.0 11.7MPH 0.300 1:32.0
Lap 1 46:40.5 12.2MPH 9.800 48:12.5
Lap 2 47:38.1 12.0MPH 19.300 1:35:50.7
Lap 3 51:14.7 11.1MPH 28.800 2:27:05.4
9 Todd Freidinger M/30 4 11.1MPH 28.800 2:35:42.5
Mini-Lap 1:21.9 13.3MPH 0.300 1:21.9
Lap 1 49:34.0 11.5MPH 9.800 50:56.0
Lap 2 52:33.8 10.8MPH 19.300 1:43:29.8
Lap 3 52:12.6 10.9MPH 28.800 2:35:42.5
10 Jeff Galsterer M/39 4 11.0MPH 28.800 2:36:28.6
Mini-Lap 1:26.3 12.6MPH 0.300 1:26.3
Lap 1 50:15.6 11.3MPH 9.800 51:42.0
Lap 2 51:51.5 11.0MPH 19.300 1:43:33.5
Lap 3 52:55.0 10.8MPH 28.800 2:36:28.6
11 Daemian Koehler M/29 4 10.8MPH 28.800 2:40:19.2
Mini-Lap 1:22.5 13.2MPH 0.300 1:22.5
Lap 1 50:56.9 11.2MPH 9.800 52:19.4
Lap 2 52:30.8 10.9MPH 19.300 1:44:50.3
Lap 3 55:28.8 10.3MPH 28.800 2:40:19.2
12 Nathan St. Onge M/33 4 10.7MPH 28.800 2:40:52.4
Mini-Lap 1:38.3 11.0MPH 0.300 1:38.3
Lap 1 48:48.4 11.7MPH 9.800 50:26.7
Lap 2 52:38.2 10.8MPH 19.300 1:43:05.0
Lap 3 57:47.4 9.86MPH 28.800 2:40:52.4
13 Cody Sovis M/23 4 10.5MPH 28.800 2:43:58.3
Mini-Lap 1:31.6 11.9MPH 0.300 1:31.6
Lap 1 52:34.6 10.8MPH 9.800 54:06.2
Lap 2 53:37.8 10.6MPH 19.300 1:47:44.1
Lap 3 56:14.2 10.1MPH 28.800 2:43:58.3
14 Nick Boswell M/24 4 9.92MPH 28.800 2:54:09.2
Mini-Lap 1:37.9 11.1MPH 0.300 1:37.9
Lap 1 55:27.3 10.3MPH 9.800 57:05.3
Lap 2 56:17.1 10.1MPH 19.300 1:53:22.4
Lap 3 1:00:46.8 9.38MPH 28.800 2:54:09.2
Expert Men - 40 and Over
1 Ron Sanborn M/49 4 13.0MPH 28.800 2:12:45.6
Mini-Lap 1:09.6 15.7MPH 0.300 1:09.6
Lap 1 42:17.7 13.5MPH 9.800 43:27.3
Lap 2 44:02.1 12.9MPH 19.300 1:27:29.5
Lap 3 45:16.1 12.6MPH 28.800 2:12:45.6
2 Stefano Frascaroli M/40 4 12.8MPH 28.800 2:15:13.0
Mini-Lap 1:27.4 12.4MPH 0.300 1:27.4
Lap 1 43:19.8 13.2MPH 9.800 44:47.2
Lap 2 44:51.7 12.7MPH 19.300 1:29:39.0
Lap 3 45:34.0 12.5MPH 28.800 2:15:13.0
3 Paul Brown M/51 4 12.7MPH 28.800 2:15:59.6
Mini-Lap 1:17.7 14.0MPH 0.300 1:17.7
Lap 1 44:00.3 13.0MPH 9.800 45:18.0
Lap 2 45:14.9 12.6MPH 19.300 1:30:32.9
Lap 3 45:26.6 12.5MPH 28.800 2:15:59.6
4 Jack Kline M/61 4 12.4MPH 28.800 2:19:32.2
Mini-Lap 1:35.0 11.4MPH 0.300 1:35.0
Lap 1 45:03.6 12.7MPH 9.800 46:38.6
Lap 2 46:30.8 12.3MPH 19.300 1:33:09.5
Lap 3 46:22.7 12.3MPH 28.800 2:19:32.2
5 Terry Sensiba M/46 4 12.1MPH 28.800 2:22:19.2
Mini-Lap 1:07.7 16.1MPH 0.300 1:07.7
Lap 1 45:55.2 12.4MPH 9.800 47:02.9
Lap 2 47:13.5 12.1MPH 19.300 1:34:16.5
Lap 3 48:02.7 11.9MPH 28.800 2:22:19.2
6 Jimmy McMurray M/45 4 12.0MPH 28.800 2:23:39.6
Mini-Lap 1:20.0 13.5MPH 0.300 1:20.0
Lap 1 46:45.1 12.2MPH 9.800 48:05.2
Lap 2 47:32.0 12.0MPH 19.300 1:35:37.2
Lap 3 48:02.4 11.9MPH 28.800 2:23:39.6
7 Chris Hansen M/44 4 12.0MPH 28.800 2:24:09.9
Mini-Lap 1:26.5 12.6MPH 0.300 1:26.5
Lap 1 45:54.1 12.4MPH 9.800 47:20.7
Lap 2 47:49.8 11.9MPH 19.300 1:35:10.6
Lap 3 48:59.3 11.6MPH 28.800 2:24:09.9
8 Donald Fedrigon Jr. M/54 4 11.9MPH 28.800 2:24:49.9
Mini-Lap 1:25.7 12.7MPH 0.300 1:25.7
Lap 1 46:38.4 12.2MPH 9.800 48:04.1
Lap 2 47:47.7 11.9MPH 19.300 1:35:51.8
Lap 3 48:58.1 11.6MPH 28.800 2:24:49.9
9 Lars Welton M/57 4 11.9MPH 28.800 2:25:07.0
Mini-Lap 1:28.8 12.3MPH 0.300 1:28.8
Lap 1 47:28.6 12.0MPH 9.800 48:57.5
Lap 2 47:26.0 12.0MPH 19.300 1:36:23.5
Lap 3 48:43.4 11.7MPH 28.800 2:25:07.0
10 Dale Carley M/47 4 11.7MPH 28.800 2:27:22.2
Mini-Lap 1:36.0 11.3MPH 0.300 1:36.0
Lap 1 46:05.3 12.4MPH 9.800 47:41.3
Lap 2 48:08.6 11.8MPH 19.300 1:35:50.0
Lap 3 51:32.1 11.1MPH 28.800 2:27:22.2
11 Tim Jenema M/41 4 11.6MPH 28.800 2:28:26.7
Mini-Lap 1:17.5 14.0MPH 0.300 1:17.5
Lap 1 48:37.7 11.7MPH 9.800 49:55.3
Lap 2 49:23.8 11.5MPH 19.300 1:39:19.1
Lap 3 49:07.5 11.6MPH 28.800 2:28:26.7
12 Thomas Markley M/49 4 11.6MPH 28.800 2:28:27.8
Mini-Lap 1:39.9 10.9MPH 0.300 1:39.9
Lap 1 48:40.0 11.7MPH 9.800 50:19.9
Lap 2 48:45.8 11.7MPH 19.300 1:39:05.8
Lap 3 49:21.9 11.6MPH 28.800 2:28:27.8
13 Michael Krywanski M/61 4 10.7MPH 28.800 2:41:48.0
Mini-Lap 1:40.4 10.8MPH 0.300 1:40.4
Lap 1 51:47.0 11.0MPH 9.800 53:27.4
Lap 2 52:44.1 10.8MPH 19.300 1:46:11.6
Lap 3 55:36.4 10.3MPH 28.800 2:41:48.0
14 Richard Watson M/47 4 10.4MPH 28.800 2:45:23.2
Mini-Lap 1:33.4 11.6MPH 0.300 1:33.4
Lap 1 51:18.0 11.1MPH 9.800 52:51.4
Lap 2 55:29.4 10.3MPH 19.300 1:48:20.9
Lap 3 57:02.2 10.0MPH 28.800 2:45:23.2
Expert Men - Single Speed
1 Craig Gietzen M/47 4 12.6MPH 28.800 2:16:52.9
Mini-Lap 1:18.9 13.8MPH 0.300 1:18.9
Lap 1 44:04.0 12.9MPH 9.800 45:23.0
Lap 2 45:12.1 12.6MPH 19.300 1:30:35.1
Lap 3 46:17.8 12.3MPH 28.800 2:16:52.9
2 Stephen Andriese M/46 4 12.0MPH 28.800 2:23:27.9
Mini-Lap 1:14.3 14.6MPH 0.300 1:14.3
Lap 1 43:25.8 13.1MPH 9.800 44:40.1
Lap 2 48:07.7 11.8MPH 19.300 1:32:47.9
Lap 3 50:40.0 11.3MPH 28.800 2:23:27.9
3 Patrick Barrett M/47 4 12.0MPH 28.800 2:24:23.9
Mini-Lap 1:32.7 11.7MPH 0.300 1:32.7
Lap 1 46:09.3 12.4MPH 9.800 47:42.0
Lap 2 48:42.9 11.7MPH 19.300 1:36:24.9
Lap 3 47:58.9 11.9MPH 28.800 2:24:23.9
4 William Baker M/30 4 11.8MPH 28.800 2:26:55.1
Mini-Lap 1:29.1 12.1MPH 0.300 1:29.1
Lap 1 46:34.9 12.2MPH 9.800 48:04.1
Lap 2 48:37.7 11.7MPH 19.300 1:36:41.8
Lap 3 50:13.2 11.4MPH 28.800 2:26:55.1
5 Dave Ide M/60 4 11.1MPH 28.800 2:35:15.6
Mini-Lap 1:40.4 10.8MPH 0.300 1:40.4
Lap 1 51:42.3 11.0MPH 9.800 53:22.7
Lap 2 51:02.3 11.2MPH 19.300 1:44:25.1
Lap 3 50:50.5 11.2MPH 28.800 2:35:15.6
6 Conor MacFarlane M/32 4 11.0MPH 28.800 2:37:34.3
Mini-Lap 1:34.6 11.5MPH 0.300 1:34.6
Lap 1 49:58.6 11.4MPH 9.800 51:33.3
Lap 2 51:51.4 11.0MPH 19.300 1:43:24.7
Lap 3 54:09.5 10.5MPH 28.800 2:37:34.3
7 Stephen Cain M/31 4 11.0MPH 28.800 2:37:45.3
Mini-Lap 1:26.4 12.6MPH 0.300 1:26.4
Lap 1 51:47.5 11.0MPH 9.800 53:14.0
Lap 2 52:27.7 10.9MPH 19.300 1:45:41.7
Lap 3 52:03.6 11.0MPH 28.800 2:37:45.3
8 Peter Gurney M/36 4 10.3MPH 28.800 2:47:50.2
Mini-Lap 1:36.4 11.3MPH 0.300 1:36.4
Lap 1 54:19.7 10.5MPH 9.800 55:56.2
Lap 2 54:45.0 10.4MPH 19.300 1:50:41.3
Lap 3 57:08.9 10.0MPH 28.800 2:47:50.2
Expert Women - 17 and Over
1 Lauri Brockmiller F/36 4 10.6MPH 28.800 2:43:43.7
Mini-Lap 1:38.8 11.0MPH 0.300 1:38.8
Lap 1 52:49.4 10.8MPH 9.800 54:28.3
Lap 2 54:06.2 10.5MPH 19.300 1:48:34.5
Lap 3 55:09.2 10.3MPH 28.800 2:43:43.7
2 Lisa Markley F/44 4 10.0MPH 28.800 2:52:11.7
Mini-Lap 1:51.0 9.73MPH 0.300 1:51.0
Lap 1 55:51.1 10.2MPH 9.800 57:42.2
Lap 2 57:04.5 10.0MPH 19.300 1:54:46.7
Lap 3 57:24.9 9.93MPH 28.800 2:52:11.7
Sport Men - 17 - 39
1 Spencer Payne M/23 3 11.6MPH 19.300 1:39:55.9
Mini-Lap 1:35.1 11.4MPH 0.300 1:35.1
Lap 1 48:59.2 11.6MPH 9.800 50:34.3
Lap 2 49:21.6 11.6MPH 19.300 1:39:55.9
2 Ross Williams M/19 3 10.6MPH 19.300 1:49:10.5
Mini-Lap 1:20.7 13.5MPH 0.300 1:20.7
Lap 1 52:07.4 10.9MPH 9.800 53:28.1
Lap 2 55:42.4 10.2MPH 19.300 1:49:10.5
3 Jason Rohraff M/30 3 10.5MPH 19.300 1:50:20.9
Mini-Lap 1:53.8 9.56MPH 0.300 1:53.8
Lap 1 53:16.1 10.7MPH 9.800 55:09.9
Lap 2 55:10.9 10.3MPH 19.300 1:50:20.9
4 Mathew Webster M/35 3 10.2MPH 19.300 1:53:11.2
Mini-Lap 1:58.3 9.15MPH 0.300 1:58.3
Lap 1 55:37.4 10.2MPH 9.800 57:35.8
Lap 2 55:35.4 10.3MPH 19.300 1:53:11.2
5 Zachary Grzelak M/17 3 10.2MPH 19.300 1:53:31.4
Mini-Lap 1:45.6 10.3MPH 0.300 1:45.6
Lap 1 55:06.6 10.3MPH 9.800 56:52.2
Lap 2 56:39.1 10.1MPH 19.300 1:53:31.4
6 Scott Tanis M/35 3 9.50MPH 19.300 2:01:55.0
Mini-Lap 1:40.9 10.8MPH 0.300 1:40.9
Lap 1 59:58.5 9.51MPH 9.800 1:01:39.4
Lap 2 1:00:15.6 9.46MPH 19.300 2:01:55.0
7 Derek Woodrum M/36 3 9.45MPH 19.300 2:02:30.6
Mini-Lap 1:57.9 9.23MPH 0.300 1:57.9
Lap 1 59:10.1 9.63MPH 9.800 1:01:08.0
Lap 2 1:01:22.5 9.29MPH 19.300 2:02:30.6
8 David Phillips M/36 3 8.76MPH 19.300 2:12:09.5
Mini-Lap 2:13.3 8.12MPH 0.300 2:13.3
Lap 1 1:06:42.5 8.55MPH 9.800 1:08:55.9
Lap 2 1:03:13.5 9.02MPH 19.300 2:12:09.5
9 Martin Korson M/36 3 8.76MPH 19.300 2:12:11.0
Mini-Lap 1:52.5 9.64MPH 0.300 1:52.5
Lap 1 1:01:39.8 9.25MPH 9.800 1:03:32.4
Lap 2 1:08:38.6 8.31MPH 19.300 2:12:11.0
10 Peter Maiers M/39 3 8.73MPH 19.300 2:12:38.6
Mini-Lap 2:16.0 7.94MPH 0.300 2:16.0
Lap 1 1:05:04.9 8.76MPH 9.800 1:07:21.0
Lap 2 1:05:17.5 8.73MPH 19.300 2:12:38.6
11 Matthew Comden M/19 3 8.52MPH 19.300 2:15:56.4
Mini-Lap 1:37.5 11.1MPH 0.300 1:37.5
Lap 1 1:01:44.2 9.23MPH 9.800 1:03:21.8
Lap 2 1:12:34.5 7.85MPH 19.300 2:15:56.4
12 Matt Schmuker M/33 3 7.82MPH 19.300 2:28:06.7
Mini-Lap 1:41.3 10.7MPH 0.300 1:41.3
Lap 1 1:13:23.6 7.77MPH 9.800 1:15:05.0
Lap 2 1:13:01.7 7.81MPH 19.300 2:28:06.7
13 Matt Hodges M/28 3 7.61MPH 19.300 2:32:16.7
Mini-Lap 1:35.9 11.4MPH 0.300 1:35.9
Lap 1 1:13:50.0 7.72MPH 9.800 1:15:26.0
Lap 2 1:16:50.7 7.42MPH 19.300 2:32:16.7
14 Dustin Hart M/34 3 7.55MPH 19.300 2:33:26.9
Mini-Lap 1:48.9 10.0MPH 0.300 1:48.9
Lap 1 1:01:41.5 9.24MPH 9.800 1:03:30.4
Lap 2 1:29:56.4 6.34MPH 19.300 2:33:26.9
Sport Men - 40 - 49
1 Brian Klym M/42 3 11.8MPH 19.300 1:38:08.3
Mini-Lap 1:36.6 11.3MPH 0.300 1:36.6
Lap 1 47:58.9 11.9MPH 9.800 49:35.6
Lap 2 48:32.7 11.7MPH 19.300 1:38:08.3
2 Larry Buerger M/48 3 11.6MPH 19.300 1:40:00.1
Mini-Lap 1:42.4 10.6MPH 0.300 1:42.4
Lap 1 48:09.1 11.8MPH 9.800 49:51.6
Lap 2 50:08.5 11.4MPH 19.300 1:40:00.1
3 Sean Neill M/41 3 11.5MPH 19.300 1:40:35.9
Mini-Lap 1:38.1 11.0MPH 0.300 1:38.1
Lap 1 49:11.8 11.6MPH 9.800 50:50.0
Lap 2 49:45.9 11.5MPH 19.300 1:40:35.9
4 R Tomlinson M/41 3 11.3MPH 19.300 1:42:56.5
Mini-Lap 1:39.0 10.9MPH 0.300 1:39.0
Lap 1 49:21.2 11.6MPH 9.800 51:00.3
Lap 2 51:56.2 11.0MPH 19.300 1:42:56.5
5 Kevin Stacey M/41 3 10.9MPH 19.300 1:46:04.8
Mini-Lap 1:36.8 11.3MPH 0.300 1:36.8
Lap 1 51:16.8 11.1MPH 9.800 52:53.7
Lap 2 53:11.1 10.7MPH 19.300 1:46:04.8
6 Geoff Shirley M/41 3 10.9MPH 19.300 1:46:07.1
Mini-Lap 1:55.1 9.39MPH 0.300 1:55.1
Lap 1 51:39.1 11.0MPH 9.800 53:34.2
Lap 2 52:32.8 10.9MPH 19.300 1:46:07.1
7 Mark Brown M/46 3 10.4MPH 19.300 1:50:52.1
Mini-Lap 1:32.8 11.7MPH 0.300 1:32.8
Lap 1 52:22.2 10.9MPH 9.800 53:55.1
Lap 2 56:57.0 10.0MPH 19.300 1:50:52.1
8 Ulises Rabeiro M/40 3 10.1MPH 19.300 1:54:54.7
Mini-Lap 1:44.4 10.4MPH 0.300 1:44.4
Lap 1 56:12.5 10.1MPH 9.800 57:56.9
Lap 2 56:57.7 10.0MPH 19.300 1:54:54.7
9 Tim Bochenek M/40 3 10.1MPH 19.300 1:55:06.7
Mini-Lap 1:55.1 9.39MPH 0.300 1:55.1
Lap 1 55:33.0 10.3MPH 9.800 57:28.2
Lap 2 57:38.5 9.89MPH 19.300 1:55:06.7
10 Dennis Jensen M/44 3 9.74MPH 19.300 1:58:51.8
Mini-Lap 1:54.8 9.47MPH 0.300 1:54.8
Lap 1 56:34.5 10.1MPH 9.800 58:29.4
Lap 2 1:00:22.3 9.44MPH 19.300 1:58:51.8
11 Josh Baker M/42 3 9.72MPH 19.300 1:59:11.9
Mini-Lap 2:05.4 8.64MPH 0.300 2:05.4
Lap 1 57:56.8 9.84MPH 9.800 1:00:02.2
Lap 2 59:09.7 9.64MPH 19.300 1:59:11.9
12 Paul Reed M/44 3 9.44MPH 19.300 2:02:38.7
Mini-Lap 1:33.3 11.6MPH 0.300 1:33.3
Lap 1 1:00:04.9 9.49MPH 9.800 1:01:38.2
Lap 2 1:01:00.4 9.34MPH 19.300 2:02:38.7
13 Alan Brooks M/45 3 8.99MPH 19.300 2:08:52.6
Mini-Lap 1:54.4 9.47MPH 0.300 1:54.4
Lap 1 1:01:37.3 9.25MPH 9.800 1:03:31.8
Lap 2 1:05:20.8 8.72MPH 19.300 2:08:52.6
14 Keene Wolfe M/44 3 8.92MPH 19.300 2:09:51.6
Mini-Lap 2:01.8 8.93MPH 0.300 2:01.8
Lap 1 1:02:54.8 9.06MPH 9.800 1:04:56.6
Lap 2 1:04:54.9 8.78MPH 19.300 2:09:51.6
15 Bryan Bach M/44 3 7.95MPH 19.300 2:25:36.4
Mini-Lap 1:57.1 9.23MPH 0.300 1:57.1
Lap 1 1:10:17.1 8.11MPH 9.800 1:12:14.2
Lap 2 1:13:22.2 7.77MPH 19.300 2:25:36.4
16 Todd Sheperd M/41 3 7.92MPH 19.300 2:26:12.1
Mini-Lap 2:03.6 8.78MPH 0.300 2:03.6
Lap 1 1:10:36.6 8.07MPH 9.800 1:12:40.3
Lap 2 1:13:31.8 7.75MPH 19.300 2:26:12.1
17 Daniel Grow M/44 2 8.26MPH 9.800 1:11:12.5
Mini-Lap 1:49.8 9.91MPH 0.300 1:49.8
Lap 1 1:09:22.7 8.22MPH 9.800 1:11:12.5
18 Randy Lange M/48 2 8.23MPH 9.800 1:11:29.6
Mini-Lap 1:51.2 9.73MPH 0.300 1:51.2
Lap 1 1:09:38.3 8.19MPH 9.800 1:11:29.6
19 Henry Loria M/41 2 7.88MPH 9.800 1:14:38.5
Mini-Lap 2:01.4 8.93MPH 0.300 2:01.4
Lap 1 1:12:37.0 7.85MPH 9.800 1:14:38.5
DQ Steve Hay M/40 1 6.47MPH 0.300 2:47.8
Mini-Lap 2:47.8 6.47MPH 0.300 2:47.8
Sport Men - 50 and Over
1 Roger Raehl M/65 3 10.8MPH 19.300 1:47:13.3
Mini-Lap 1:29.9 12.1MPH 0.300 1:29.9
Lap 1 51:42.3 11.0MPH 9.800 53:12.2
Lap 2 54:01.1 10.6MPH 19.300 1:47:13.3
2 Thomas Welch M/62 3 10.0MPH 19.300 1:56:17.0
Mini-Lap 1:52.8 9.64MPH 0.300 1:52.8
Lap 1 56:08.5 10.2MPH 9.800 58:01.4
Lap 2 58:15.6 9.79MPH 19.300 1:56:17.0
3 Joe Sovis M/51 3 9.70MPH 19.300 1:59:25.8
Mini-Lap 2:02.4 8.85MPH 0.300 2:02.4
Lap 1 57:59.0 9.83MPH 9.800 1:00:01.4
Lap 2 59:24.4 9.60MPH 19.300 1:59:25.8
4 Steve Brown M/54 3 9.57MPH 19.300 2:00:58.4
Mini-Lap 2:01.7 8.93MPH 0.300 2:01.7
Lap 1 58:15.1 9.79MPH 9.800 1:00:16.9
Lap 2 1:00:41.5 9.39MPH 19.300 2:00:58.4
5 John Richardson M/59 3 9.47MPH 19.300 2:02:16.9
Mini-Lap 1:35.9 11.4MPH 0.300 1:35.9
Lap 1 59:10.1 9.63MPH 9.800 1:00:46.0
Lap 2 1:01:30.8 9.27MPH 19.300 2:02:16.9
6 Chuck Grzanka M/58 3 9.47MPH 19.300 2:02:17.2
Mini-Lap 1:44.6 10.4MPH 0.300 1:44.6
Lap 1 58:46.6 9.70MPH 9.800 1:00:31.3
Lap 2 1:01:45.9 9.23MPH 19.300 2:02:17.2
7 David Heim Jr M/53 3 9.45MPH 19.300 2:02:29.2
Mini-Lap 1:54.7 9.47MPH 0.300 1:54.7
Lap 1 58:12.5 9.79MPH 9.800 1:00:07.2
Lap 2 1:02:21.9 9.14MPH 19.300 2:02:29.2
8 Bryan Elenbaas M/57 3 9.16MPH 19.300 2:06:25.9
Mini-Lap 1:47.4 10.1MPH 0.300 1:47.4
Lap 1 1:01:45.2 9.23MPH 9.800 1:03:32.6
Lap 2 1:02:53.3 9.06MPH 19.300 2:06:25.9
9 Tom Gallagher M/55 3 9.07MPH 19.300 2:07:43.3
Mini-Lap 2:01.1 8.93MPH 0.300 2:01.1
Lap 1 1:01:23.3 9.29MPH 9.800 1:03:24.5
Lap 2 1:04:18.8 8.86MPH 19.300 2:07:43.3
10 Fred Koehler M/57 3 8.54MPH 19.300 2:15:32.4
Mini-Lap 2:04.2 8.71MPH 0.300 2:04.2
Lap 1 1:05:56.4 8.65MPH 9.800 1:08:00.6
Lap 2 1:07:31.7 8.44MPH 19.300 2:15:32.4
11 Lindsey Osgood M/52 3 8.49MPH 19.300 2:16:28.3
Mini-Lap 1:44.9 10.4MPH 0.300 1:44.9
Lap 1 1:04:42.9 8.81MPH 9.800 1:06:27.9
Lap 2 1:10:00.3 8.14MPH 19.300 2:16:28.3
12 Peter Ogden M/52 3 8.45MPH 19.300 2:17:01.4
Mini-Lap 1:43.1 10.5MPH 0.300 1:43.1
Lap 1 1:02:02.0 9.19MPH 9.800 1:03:45.1
Lap 2 1:13:16.3 7.78MPH 19.300 2:17:01.4
13 Joe Williams M/55 3 8.38MPH 19.300 2:18:15.9
Mini-Lap 1:59.2 9.08MPH 0.300 1:59.2
Lap 1 1:04:36.4 8.82MPH 9.800 1:06:35.6
Lap 2 1:11:40.2 7.95MPH 19.300 2:18:15.9
14 Rich Williams M/63 3 8.21MPH 19.300 2:20:59.6
Mini-Lap 2:05.1 8.64MPH 0.300 2:05.1
Lap 1 1:08:09.5 8.36MPH 9.800 1:10:14.6
Lap 2 1:10:45.0 8.06MPH 19.300 2:20:59.6
15 Mark Kantola M/61 3 7.56MPH 19.300 2:33:06.6
Mini-Lap 2:18.5 7.83MPH 0.300 2:18.5
Lap 1 1:13:40.4 7.74MPH 9.800 1:15:59.0
Lap 2 1:17:07.6 7.39MPH 19.300 2:33:06.6
16 Robert Bartlett M/54 3 7.17MPH 19.300 2:41:33.8
Mini-Lap 2:11.9 8.24MPH 0.300 2:11.9
Lap 1 1:16:30.5 7.45MPH 9.800 1:18:42.4
Lap 2 1:22:51.3 6.88MPH 19.300 2:41:33.8
DQ Gary Chastain M/54 1 10.0MPH 0.300 1:48.2
Mini-Lap 1:48.2 10.0MPH 0.300 1:48.2
Sport Women - 17 and Over
1 Janet Grimm F/52 3 8.73MPH 19.300 2:12:40.5
Mini-Lap 1:55.0 9.39MPH 0.300 1:55.0
Lap 1 1:03:44.5 8.94MPH 9.800 1:05:39.6
Lap 2 1:07:00.9 8.51MPH 19.300 2:12:40.5
2 Jessica Loper F/24 3 7.74MPH 19.300 2:29:31.2
Mini-Lap 1:55.3 9.39MPH 0.300 1:55.3
Lap 1 1:09:27.1 8.21MPH 9.800 1:11:22.5
Lap 2 1:18:08.7 7.30MPH 19.300 2:29:31.2
3 Cynthia Tomlinson F/43 3 7.68MPH 19.300 2:30:51.1
Mini-Lap 2:05.7 8.64MPH 0.300 2:05.7
Lap 1 1:13:57.6 7.71MPH 9.800 1:16:03.4
Lap 2 1:14:47.7 7.62MPH 19.300 2:30:51.1
4 Gail Smythe F/36 3 6.92MPH 19.300 2:47:27.2
Mini-Lap 2:20.8 7.71MPH 0.300 2:20.8
Lap 1 1:19:46.6 7.15MPH 9.800 1:22:07.5
Lap 2 1:25:19.7 6.68MPH 19.300 2:47:27.2
DQ Molly Steck F/32 2 7.12MPH 9.800 1:22:37.0
Mini-Lap 1:46.0 10.2MPH 0.300 1:46.0
Lap 1 1:20:51.0 7.05MPH 9.800 1:22:37.0
Enthusiast Men - 17 - 39
1 Alex Ratliff M/17 2 9.84MPH 9.800 59:46.9
Mini-Lap 1:53.3 9.56MPH 0.300 1:53.3
Lap 1 57:53.5 9.85MPH 9.800 59:46.9
2 James Short M/29 2 8.67MPH 9.800 1:07:51.5
Mini-Lap 1:44.8 10.4MPH 0.300 1:44.8
Lap 1 1:06:06.7 8.62MPH 9.800 1:07:51.5
3 Tyler Ratliff M/18 2 8.48MPH 9.800 1:09:19.3
Mini-Lap 2:00.0 9.00MPH 0.300 2:00.0
Lap 1 1:07:19.3 8.47MPH 9.800 1:09:19.3
4 Blaine White M/24 2 7.88MPH 9.800 1:14:39.4
Mini-Lap 1:58.9 9.15MPH 0.300 1:58.9
Lap 1 1:12:40.5 7.84MPH 9.800 1:14:39.4
5 Jason Hoekstra M/34 2 7.68MPH 9.800 1:16:31.5
Mini-Lap 2:06.1 8.57MPH 0.300 2:06.1
Lap 1 1:14:25.3 7.66MPH 9.800 1:16:31.5
6 Kevin Bice M/27 2 7.37MPH 9.800 1:19:47.7
Mini-Lap 2:10.8 8.31MPH 0.300 2:10.8
Lap 1 1:17:36.9 7.35MPH 9.800 1:19:47.7
7 Brian Beeman M/34 2 6.03MPH 9.800 1:37:26.0
Mini-Lap 1:59.7 9.08MPH 0.300 1:59.7
Lap 1 1:35:26.2 5.97MPH 9.800 1:37:26.0
8 Jeremy Washegesic M/30 2 5.82MPH 9.800 1:40:57.7
Mini-Lap 2:17.2 7.88MPH 0.300 2:17.2
Lap 1 1:38:40.5 5.78MPH 9.800 1:40:57.7
9 Austin Barchett M/24 2 5.39MPH 9.800 1:49:06.8
Mini-Lap 2:04.5 8.71MPH 0.300 2:04.5
Lap 1 1:47:02.2 5.33MPH 9.800 1:49:06.8
DQ Riley Eger M/17 1 9.31MPH 0.300 1:56.5
Mini-Lap 1:56.5 9.31MPH 0.300 1:56.5
Enthusiast Men - 40 and Over
1 Bob Ratliff M/48 2 8.95MPH 9.800 1:05:41.9
Mini-Lap 1:54.0 9.47MPH 0.300 1:54.0
Lap 1 1:03:47.9 8.94MPH 9.800 1:05:41.9
2 Todd Gyulveszi M/50 2 8.78MPH 9.800 1:06:57.8
Mini-Lap 1:49.1 9.91MPH 0.300 1:49.1
Lap 1 1:05:08.6 8.75MPH 9.800 1:06:57.8
3 Dave Gerathy M/42 2 8.39MPH 9.800 1:10:03.3
Mini-Lap 2:03.8 8.78MPH 0.300 2:03.8
Lap 1 1:07:59.4 8.38MPH 9.800 1:10:03.3
4 Jiim Lejeune M/52 2 8.34MPH 9.800 1:10:32.4
Mini-Lap 2:07.6 8.50MPH 0.300 2:07.6
Lap 1 1:08:24.8 8.33MPH 9.800 1:10:32.4
5 Ralph Wixson M/60 2 8.12MPH 9.800 1:12:26.7
Mini-Lap 1:56.9 9.31MPH 0.300 1:56.9
Lap 1 1:10:29.8 8.09MPH 9.800 1:12:26.7
6 Ron Bays M/49 2 7.60MPH 9.800 1:17:22.8
Mini-Lap 2:09.2 8.37MPH 0.300 2:09.2
Lap 1 1:15:13.6 7.58MPH 9.800 1:17:22.8
7 Curtis Bishop M/58 2 7.25MPH 9.800 1:21:08.4
Mini-Lap 2:22.7 7.61MPH 0.300 2:22.7
Lap 1 1:18:45.6 7.24MPH 9.800 1:21:08.4
8 Roger Eger M/42 2 6.75MPH 9.800 1:27:04.7
Mini-Lap 2:13.9 8.12MPH 0.300 2:13.9
Lap 1 1:24:50.7 6.72MPH 9.800 1:27:04.7
9 Scott Jensen M/46 2 5.98MPH 9.800 1:38:18.3
Mini-Lap 2:20.2 7.71MPH 0.300 2:20.2
Lap 1 1:35:58.0 5.94MPH 9.800 1:38:18.3
DQ Daniel Heberer M/47 1 9.91MPH 0.300 1:49.4
Mini-Lap 1:49.4 9.91MPH 0.300 1:49.4
Enthusiast Women - 17 - 39
1 Kelly Bartlett F/23 2 7.97MPH 9.800 1:13:47.9
Mini-Lap 2:03.5 8.78MPH 0.300 2:03.5
Lap 1 1:11:44.4 7.95MPH 9.800 1:13:47.9
2 Emily Moffatt F/29 2 6.06MPH 9.800 1:37:02.2
Mini-Lap 2:36.9 6.92MPH 0.300 2:36.9
Lap 1 1:34:25.3 6.04MPH 9.800 1:37:02.2
Enthusiast Women - 40 and Over
1 Michele Williams F/45 2 8.34MPH 9.800 1:10:30.4
Mini-Lap 2:05.3 8.64MPH 0.300 2:05.3
Lap 1 1:08:25.0 8.33MPH 9.800 1:10:30.4
2 Nancy Koehler F/57 2 7.73MPH 9.800 1:16:06.3
Mini-Lap 2:27.8 7.35MPH 0.300 2:27.8
Lap 1 1:13:38.4 7.74MPH 9.800 1:16:06.3
3 Shauna Simkins F/41 2 6.80MPH 9.800 1:26:26.0
Mini-Lap 3:08.0 5.74MPH 0.300 3:08.0
Lap 1 1:23:17.9 6.84MPH 9.800 1:26:26.0
4 Rindy Buerger F/46 2 6.80MPH 9.800 1:26:27.3
Mini-Lap 2:23.8 7.55MPH 0.300 2:23.8
Lap 1 1:24:03.4 6.78MPH 9.800 1:26:27.3
5 Diane Beaudrie F/42 2 6.19MPH 9.800 1:35:04.3
Mini-Lap 2:00.2 9.00MPH 0.300 2:00.2
Lap 1 1:33:04.0 6.12MPH 9.800 1:35:04.3
6 Mary Wieterhord F/65 2 6.10MPH 9.800 1:36:19.3
Mini-Lap 2:43.4 6.63MPH 0.300 2:43.4
Lap 1 1:33:35.9 6.09MPH 9.800 1:36:19.3
7 Gretchen Kah F/53 2 5.65MPH 9.800 1:44:03.1
Mini-Lap 3:09.1 5.71MPH 0.300 3:09.1
Lap 1 1:40:54.0 5.65MPH 9.800 1:44:03.1
8 Deborah Avis F/51 2 3.25MPH 9.800 3:00:53.6
Mini-Lap 4:45.1 3.79MPH 0.300 4:45.1
Lap 1 2:56:08.5 3.24MPH 9.800 3:00:53.6
9 Paula Mikus F/47 2 3.25MPH 9.800 3:00:56.6
Mini-Lap 4:48.9 3.75MPH 0.300 4:48.9
Lap 1 2:56:07.7 3.24MPH 9.800 3:00:56.6
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