1.letting gaps open at some point fucking commit........close that shit down.......dam Canadians
2..buying shit that will get you less than.001% IE aero gloves..carbon seats and bullshit sport supplements....see number 15
3.fighting for wheels 5 minutes s into a 3 hr race go back to Ohio dick head
4.swinging your bike.. formerly known as the DK syndrome.;previously recognized as the Docsvage dance...could be referred to as the Hoffner habit or at one time the bunny bounce but for 2015 its just the newbie nervous jump..its power robbing and totally fucking dangerous to anyone near one really fast swings there for the love of money stop it..
5.parking lot TT warm ups..your gonna fucking seriously kill someone..bring your wind trainer and warm up the proper way or dont fucking warm up at all riding at 100 heart aint gonna get you shit you lazy fuck
6.throwing your bottles before the aint gonna help your lousy genetics
7.snot rockets..or at at least watch what the hell your doing...
8.looking back...the race is in front of you cheese dick
9.wearing worn out one wants to see your baboon ass you cheap bastard
10 bitching that you got beat by the guy you didn't see all your fucking eyes
11.pick the right dont need mud tires in a dry dusty field..plan ahead
12. the attitude your not that good...and in the scope of the cycling world you never will be...its ok be a human
13.category jumping..see number 1
14 chopping wheels (last lap exempt)..relax god dammit ride with some common sense
15 eating