Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Punchin Holes

On a Hot humid day in Mid June, WMCR, punched some more holes in the win colum this past weekend, Taking back a couple of TT titles, Greg Ghristian 2007 Cone Azalia winner scored the 1/2 win with his teammate the always tough all arounder Tom Burke grabbin second. Cyborg gettin by the Black ace a mere couple of seconds seperated them..Cat3 had Nate Williams on the front. and Long time fast guy Brett Robinson beat the nearly unbeatable Diesel. West Coast is on run right now and looks to be on Target for the Team title once more.
Masters 45+ had the Saturn/shell Brian Rex take the win but being outta towner the title went to Dan Fisher. (the whole state thing is a dumb rule)West Coast Dave Hettiko rollin in for 3rd. Big Ray rolled off for a win how many State titles does this guy own? any Idea?
Old schooler 50 plusers, Don Fedrigon barely got by Bill Gilboe, both posted times that would nearly..put them in the top 10 of 1/2 field. the Giant killer came in got a win before headin off to juniors camp. and what about the other sex? Julie Bellrose won the 1/3 women but it was bitter sweet without the unstoppable Mackenzie Woodring. oh we cant forget about the team Time trail, it was owned by The Lathrup boys. WestCoast 2nd and The Cyborgs crew rolled in for 3rd
thanks to all the volunteers that got this one off without a hitch. adios!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Cat1/2 riders got a dose of what 90 minutes of crit racing around a industrial park can do to ya. a break went earlier with strong men Jon the Black Ace Card, the Flyin Greg Christain and up and comer Derek Grahm, they brought with them a few other outlaws and they were off and runnin, time wore on and guys got spit out and left to swim with the field. The main group rode feverously to get those that werent represented in, but when the deed was done derek Grahm snagged a solid win against what TMS is gonna throw out as Two of the toughest guys we can lay claim to so far this season. Cat 3 was stole by the Canuck Greg Cavanaugh (this guys got wheels) who also laid it down earlier.., Masters 35+ or The other CAT 1/2 field saw Docsavage unleash a mean sprint to take it among a stiff charge from Paulo Eugine.
45+ had roadrace State champion Scot CLAWS on the front again, Dave Komives and Mark Cahn chased him home. THE KID Brinkman took another win in the late puberty class. AAVC swept the preteen set. Cat 5 was ruled by the duo from spout, David debeor, and Josh neider, Wolverine sports club Kelly patterson won the womens 1/2 field.
Lotsa hot action across the board and it all went off without hitch , thank the Sunlyon crew when you see them, they made it happen.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
2007 Tour of Cedar Creek
DAM, whatta a day of racing, were not gonna go into the whole scoring mess. were not gonna go into how mad some of our wives kids, girlfriends, mistresses Were when we arrived late sunday evening Were not gonna talk about the hype of the newspaper favoring the only REAL two teams in Mi with a shot at the BIG win, were not gonna talk about how are perdictions were horrible, Were not not gonna mention a Derek Prechtal sighting, Were not even gonna mention the heartbreak 5 cat 1/2 riders felt as they were caught with 5k to go to state medals.ITs and over with and behind the day.... thank the lord. First off we have to thank WMCR for another great day of racing, thanks Stan and crew. You guys are top Notch! You couldnt of asked for a more picture perfect day as far as weather goes. the fields were filled with the hopes of State titles.
Lets get into it. Correct us as we way may be wrong on some accounts and many may be missing as the wait was too long to bear and as this is being written results are non. Chris THE KID Brinkman won as expected, our prediction was right on this one. Masters 35 saw a nasty crash as Miscene MTB standout Pete Ehman of Giant Mi take out a mail box at near 30mph, this sent panic through the field, and with the Saturn /Shell MIA's Diesel, and Steve Mcgregor, left the door wide open for Jon (i finaly won the state roadrace) Morgan , withRapid Wheelman Sam George scarin the field enough for second. Masters 45, FRCC Scott Claes got what he deserved... the win.
Cat 1/2 well alot can be said and little can be said to sum the 3 + hr out there, a small group got away with the major teams involved, from what we gather lines and legs broke down and the the 50+ field caught them at the last hill. HEARTBREAKER ...allowing The CYborg, and Todd AKA Woodchuck Shoberg to roll off, Lathrup industries MINIME Meurig made one last fatal attempt to be part of the selection that he once was in and went with them the trio held off the hard charging field by mere seconds as the sprinters began to set the tone. Miscene Ben Renkema led out and beat three other of the fastest sprinters in the state as of June 1st those Docsavage, Ben Whitehead the Eagle Adams and Saturn/Shells Rob Foshag. the site was awesome as many teams tried to get the train rollin. But in the end after hoopla Todd shoberg won it for his WMCR sponsor keeping the state titel intact for another season, ( they have held onto it on and off for the last 4-5 yrs)MINIME snagged 2nd and the CYborg Steve Clark rolled in for 3rd.
despite the SNAFU's it was a great day of michigan racing, We know the riding was hot in the other fields but due to the lack of results we cant put names to faces, so there will be follow up if the final results are posted.
Thanks WEST COAST for giving us this day.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
HMMM? The course isnt hilly enough to be a factor for the skinny guys.Cat1-2 will favor the WCMR roadblock fest but PH boys will upset em when the break goes. were puting Koch as the favorite, Derek Grahm as the spoiler. Tarrant might sneak away but its a long shot. Palmer will win the field sprint. Mackenzie Woodring will continue her onslaught of the CAt1-2 women, South/Lyon will take the Cat3 field, Unless Saturn shells Brinkman, "THE KID" who is hotter than a $5 pistol races Cat3 and Not juniors. Cat 4, AAVC got this one goin away.long shot....Our man JB Hancock, unless the Venom posse Pearl Harbor the field. Masters 35+ Dan Fisher. or the Diesel. Masters 45+ one of the Saturns over the hill gang.
No matter what its gonna be good weekend at a great venue.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
The Kacey Konnection

Yea, our spelling sucks too..hows this for an excuse.. were too busy to get the get stuff out we get ahead of ourselves, kinda like jump starting your sentences. this installment of Sceners is of a woman who is new but not green to our scene. Kacey Manderfield, although she spend most of her time outta state at school were still gonna claim her. First time we heard of her was last summer when she spent doin time at some NRC races, then later she returned back MI for some cat 1-2 duty, which put her in the $ more than once. She's one thing this sport needs more of, fast, cute, and personal women. heres look into her life. Keep it up ,were behind you!
Day in the life (this is an account from the school year):
My day usaully starts early as i roll out of bed between 6 and 7am. I rarely use an alarm and just do best to wake up early and get the day started. I'll have some tea and breakfast to start the day, or occationally a coffee...but i usually save that kick for race mornings! During the week I either do a morning workout of some sort or try to be productive and get some school work done so the afternoon will be open for riding. My classes would begin at 8 or 9:30 and finish up in early or mid afternoon. Usually it was straight back to the apartment to kit up and get on the saddle for some time before the sun went down. I'll ride in most any weather and with or without others. Once done riding i usually stretch a bit and graze the kitchen before getting cleaned up. Gatherings of a few common riding partners and I became a regular for dinner plans and we would whip up whatever we had or make a trip to the market to get whatever we just couldn't live without! In the evening my energy starts to run low and I usally just do easy school work, take care of email stuff and maybe read a little before getting to bed, which I try to do between 9:30 and 10:30 if not earlier depending on how I feel after the day. I guess that's about it for a typical day, but I'm looking forward to this summer and not havng such a big block of time taken up from sitting in class!
I kicked the season off at the Greenville training series in NC, where i got some good results. Straight into the Collegiate season from there, where i am racing for Lees-McRae located in Banner Elk, NC! As a team we won the conference and I recieved the womens conference title. In a week we head off to Nationals in Kansas and i'm hoping to be part of some more good results there! Overall i've been getting good results and i'm hoping all the climbing i've been doing in NC is going to transfer into some speed and power here pretty soon to carry me through the season with more good results to come! O, and i should mention that for the 2007 season i will be racing for Verducci/Breakaway out of Philly and i'm looking forward to that expereince. And i will of course be a fully supportive Wolverine when i'm in MI and do whatever I can to help the club in addition to promoting the Velodrome, which i enjoy so much!
Verducci/Breakaway out of Philly
Hang on and hope to make it to a point where i can attempt to sprint with them and work on some speed.
I really enjoyed cross and i wish it wasn't so close to track nationals. I would like to tell you i'm going to train a ton for it and try to tear some legs off, but more realistically i will probably just fit in what i can between all the track stuff, try to get better technically and go get my legs ripped off. you think i'm make of money. Do the disk breaks on my mountain bike count? I can't remember the last time i bought music, i just borrow CD from friends to put in my computer and they end up in my ipod from there. If you've got anything good let me know...
Ask me in a year...of course i have some ideas but i'm taking the laid back wait and see what happens path on this issue right now!
A wednesday night training race at the Velodrome at the begining the summer of 2004! I think my first races on a road bike were the Micheal Rabe races at Waterford at the end of the 2004 season.
This is depends on what i am in the mood for. I have a fedish for peanut butter, nutella, and dark chocolate covered espresso beans. As far as real food goes I really like a lot of things and i would have to say my favorite food is anything i've made with friends...its nice to make something together and then enjoy it together, even if that means making fun of how horrible it tastes, which dosn't happen often.
yes - i am a very fortunate and lucky girl!
No, unfortunatly those cost a lot of money.....if anyone wants to sponsor one for me just speak up!!! Eventually i would like to get that data collection system on my track and road bike!
Day in the life (this is an account from the school year):
My day usaully starts early as i roll out of bed between 6 and 7am. I rarely use an alarm and just do best to wake up early and get the day started. I'll have some tea and breakfast to start the day, or occationally a coffee...but i usually save that kick for race mornings! During the week I either do a morning workout of some sort or try to be productive and get some school work done so the afternoon will be open for riding. My classes would begin at 8 or 9:30 and finish up in early or mid afternoon. Usually it was straight back to the apartment to kit up and get on the saddle for some time before the sun went down. I'll ride in most any weather and with or without others. Once done riding i usually stretch a bit and graze the kitchen before getting cleaned up. Gatherings of a few common riding partners and I became a regular for dinner plans and we would whip up whatever we had or make a trip to the market to get whatever we just couldn't live without! In the evening my energy starts to run low and I usally just do easy school work, take care of email stuff and maybe read a little before getting to bed, which I try to do between 9:30 and 10:30 if not earlier depending on how I feel after the day. I guess that's about it for a typical day, but I'm looking forward to this summer and not havng such a big block of time taken up from sitting in class!
1. 2007 race overview |
2. what team are you riding for? |
3. when you come back to MI, and race the 1-2 field whats your game plan, if you have one? |
4. you did pretty well at cross last season plan on doin another round? |
5.last C.D bought? |
6.after school plans? |
7. first race? |
8.favorite food? |
9. do you have a coach? | you train with any form of power meter. |
Friday, June 01, 2007
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