Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Everyones got a plan...

Elite bros Clean and dry - SvenDirty and nasty - Wiz, but the Pony could ride again if its all jacked up!
Elite Bitches Clean and dry - Kelly P. Dirty and nasty - Queen Anne could regain her throne if she is all healed up!
Masters 35+ dry lil Simon, Muddy..double J............. JMAK, or JGOOD.
Masters 45+ Clean and dry - SlayerDirty and nasty - Slayer - old dude is riding like the angel of death. But will DC come down and spoil the day.
B Clean and dry - RainvilleDirty and nasty - anyone body that wants it. Yapp for the taking. But who really wants it?
C bros -39 Clean and dry - John HoopingarnerDirty and nasty - any bady that wants it. But it still favors the single speeder.
C older... and dry - Matt FillDirty and Nasty -
Singlespeed.. hard to call. But I like the heart of Surly Bastard Dettman if the shit gets real thick!
-All the Bitches will be out for this one trying to steal some shit.
Aint nothing clean and dry about a dirty nasty bitch!
“The tempt for greatness is the biggest drug in the world.”—Mike Tyson”
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011
watcha you talkin about?

MRT: Gawwwd dam Gary Im so glad to see you.
Gary: aww come Lawrence, you see me every day.
MRT: I know Gary, but its so nice see you,out of the Basement and all.
Gary: Yea i thought a change of scnere would do me some good.
MRT: Im just tickled ignorant that you got time for The TM 2011 cross predictions
Gary: well Lawrence like i said before i dont do it, but ive been around long enough to through some of my lil insignfact opinions
MRT: I hear ya i aint a Hater like so many close to me are.
Gary: amen Lawrence Amen.
MRT: so lets hit this stuff freestyle....
Gary: I aint all that much on callin out favorites, but i do have to say this i sure as hell glad i aint haulin my little black booty up that ridiculous thing they call the orange crush. I hope mother nature stays happy or those lil suckers, like the Goocher kids or the fast master cat are gonna be hatin like Bissell.
MRT: i hear ya Gary..i hope for dry conditions and bet that Roadking does as well, mudder i hear he aint, and I aint hatin.
Gary: yea he aint a roller like the Wizard , when it gets greasy.
MRT: or questionable Sven.
Gary: Im scared of that stern dude, im glad i cant look him in the eye..
MRT: so who's your elite pick
Gary: Sven..but i can figure him out he's on one minute and the next minute he is kinda grey, I didnt know the plan worked like that?
MRT: so thats your pick?
Gary: If he is on...
MRT: I think gettin on the boxes in that race is gonna be a ride..
Gary: id agree..not like Battle of the Network stars was..
MRT: yea...thats said that shit was rigged...any others?
Gary: Masters used to have me on the edge of my chair, but the 2011 season has me wantin more ya know players n all?
MRT: numbers are low but angst aint..
Gary: the Rocky like figure gets me hypin, but i just can get jazzed over the dude in the coffee kit, its nothin personal but his kit gives me throw backs to Silver spoons.
MRT: no worries as the LIL Simon has the upper hand.
Gary: yea if don't rain..then he is gonna need a step ladder.
MRT; don't be hatin
Gary.. awww Lawrence i aint..come on...
MRT: how about a kwick word association?
Gary: word...
MRT: That Rainville
Gary: B-
MRT: Vinny
Gary; 50/50
MRT: the Black Ace
Gary: Tallncool
MRT: lil pony
Gary: fair
MRT: Queen Anne
Gary: runner up
MRT: Slayer
Gary Riegn in Blood
MRT: Surly Bastard
Gary: Kore
MRT: Springfield Oaks
Gary; Yaaawwwn
MRT: Chili
Gary: faart
Gary: confused
MRT: Marnee
Gary: ♥
MRT: aww Gary......
Gary: whaaat?
Gary: not enough
MRT: close em Gary..
Gary: Im soo glad i got to come up from the Basement, Im gonna stick around for a while and I look forward to a week of goodthings around here.
MRT: im glad too Gary ..♥soo much for you...
Friday, November 25, 2011
Glenns Power Rankings

MRT: well Glenn it is you isnt it?
Glenn: yea its me you got a problem with it?
MRT: well no but with the no-show last week and all ya know havin the sniffles etc
Glenn: I didnt have the sniffles muther fucker, i had a sick Tabby , and Biscuits needed to see the vet and I didn't have time for silly adult games, besides Axl owed me.
MRT: yea right..what for?..did Axl owe you
Glenn:Ill tell you later right now i gotta call out this shit so i can get over Children's Palace for Black Friday's special
MRT: whatcha lookin for?
Glenn: Action figures muther fucker, and some stuff for my nieces..
MRT: ya know I got toys comin out before Christmas?
Glenn: yea hopefully it isnt made by Galoob cuz that shit is junk.
MRT: no comment.
Glenn: lets get it on I grab some names out the Halloween basket and came up with the also rans pack filler, WTF's...and guys that get on the box but arent a real challenge to the big numbers..
WTF ... Sven Baumman. @ questionable wattage. neutral on all 3 basics, and a perceived wattage of questionable. "Don't know much about this German bad ass, but riding around Vets park with his mouth closed beating everyone is a questionable sight and leaves me with a questionable...WTF"
WTF JB Hancock @ 250 watts, neutral on all skill levels, perceived wattage 250. "JB BABY needs to get serious and pay some one or figure that shit on how to train properly I mean for Jesus sake the real CZAR of cross for so many years, hypes and blogs and has the kit and the look but every year its the same ol sloppy watts. You have been doing it too long...figure it out JB or just pick a new discipline its ok we aint hatin"
WTF Matt Baroli @260 neutral on skills and pedal efficiency, and a -20 on his head, perceived @ 240w. "Maybe Matt is too nice for cross, he should learn what the word commitment is and apply it to all the time he spends forking over cash for this stupid sport, or he should just become the driver for the team van and call it good"
ON THE BOX Jay Moncel @ 305, neutral on pedal efficiency and skills, -10 on his head. perceived wattage of 295. "Jay is better than he thinks, and that's the problem he needs to leave his thinking head at home, stop following wheels.. and race without it. His results would improve and so would his confidence plain and simple"
ON THE BOX (last yr) Corey Stange @ 300, 310 " when he is not shot, plain simple the Mustange is tired and my assumption why 2011 was a complete trip in the pain cave. maybe next year? cuz this kid was on the verge, and had the skills to get there, less emphasis on becoming a pro roadie and more on a solid crosser would do him good.
ALSO RAN Rich Stark @ 260 neutral on all three basics. perceived wattage @ 260. Rich's biggest asset is his experience, once an Elite podium sniffer...but the lack proper training leaves him class jumping now and trying to find his sweet spot, now he is up in the 45 bracket and that could spell the end of any elite podium time, oh well theres always Single speed, or maters 35 or 45 or B or??..
TSOB Adam York @325 -5 on skills +5 pedal efficiency, and +15 on his race head, perceived wattage 340. I would like to see this guy come in with fresh legs and focus on cross, cuz this muther fucker is tough as nails, not scared of anyone and i love that shit..i got all these vision of him going down swinging, bleeding and just fuckin still killin dudes..but too many race weekends and body issues left him hopping home for good healing. Too bad maybe next year cuz this dude screams TMS cross. one Tough son of a bitch plain and simple
Thursday, November 24, 2011
B thankfull

Today i awoke feeling like someone caged the sun, grey to the touch and not super motivated to get it on . I rose , kicked the dog and said lets go. After headin downstairs i checked all the meters in my room and it put T in the right frame. Im thankfull for being able to suck it in today. And i thought id shout it out to anyone that would listen..although i cant quite possible call em all out here are few the flew into to T cranium
On this Day im TMS thankfull for:
all sceners far and near.
Bells and whistles
Tailwind cross
Surly bastards
Surly bastards
music in my ears
the wind at my rear
the sun on my back
the rain on my face
the snow
the pain...
the seasons
sleep, and lack of
modern medicine
HATRED, because without it.. there can be no love..
the passing of 2011
the coming of 2012
roll on TMS..... and thanks again for keepin it Alive
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Plan B

So many thoughts and words could be spit out about all of last weekend, I had planned a big long report of two days of great crossin in Miscene...But I decided against the long version, and im going with plan B, which is very befitting to how the weekend came to its end.
Bloomer park, been on the schedule longer than any other venue, and its always one of T's favorite, the memories and history run deep.....I could give you the number times we pinned em on there, I could recall past winners, what state champion was crowned there, Miscenes first UCI race and how now super cross star...JPOW almost missed his start readin Auto Trader, or when "just a pup"..JB nearly cracked the 10 in the A race against some fast comp, how about SuperDave K gettin run over by the EvilDude and some Suburban Home rider, Ron Stack beating the Black Ace on a MTB to take 2nd in the elite race behind the then UN-beatable LIL PONY....Or how at the present time the RoadKing pays back the nearly UN-beatable German Giant, and some Tanguy climbs on the boxes. Paramachicken works on his final prep for a possible Re-Peat.. the LIL pony rolls home, DC blows Sky HIGH.....or how about How Jgood comes in like Balboa..but leaves like Creed..gettin toppled by that LIL British squirt again, good thing he didnt have that Slayer dude in his group cuz it would a been lights out for him too... The Crossguy rethinks his plan for the National Title quest, multiple fools ride mouths open searching for more oxygen as fans cheer around the course. Bob W nearly misses the triple of DFL's..the one they call Big Mac gets sauced. Kelli P beats the Canadian Quiring Chick, and Queen Anne may call it a season...NO im not gonna give all the small highs and lows, and no shows, and MIA's and banter about who is going where and tire pressure needs to be run......its what the EYE GATTO used to refer to the books..
Rest up fools as The Final battle is creepin, its gonna be so Good it brings a big ol crocodile tear to T's eye he pinnin it on..
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Glenns Power Rankings

MRT: Glenn your alittle late where you been?
MRT: Axel what you doing here? and where the hell is Glenn.
Axl: i dunno I hear he called in sick last week, i got a call Thursday night TMS said they needed a power ranking post. I owed a favor ya, know..pisses me off though cuz i know that evil muther aint sick, i saw him hauling two bags of tidy cat up his front walk to that creepy ol spook house he lives in, Friday afternoon and he sure as hell wasn't any paler than he normally is.
MRT: so what ya been up?
Axl: this aint about me, Im here through what numbers, strictly my mine... just like any other asshole i got em.
1. Mike Wiz, @ 340. neutral on skills and pedaling efficiency, -5 for for his head. perceived @ 335w. "Mike is one of the few some "jerk" refer d to as the old guard, when his head his screwed down tight he is nearly UN-beatable, multiple state wins, and USGP jersey are proof...other times its "tits up" but plain simple he is still the one.
2. Tom Burke @ 330 -5 for skills, neutral on pedal efficiency and +5 on his game day head. perceived @ 330w. "Tom is good ...real good, but he just cant stop racing, i betcha he races school kids up the school steps on his way to work, i like the spirit... but i think sometimes his legs don't like all that racin,..if he could improve on his starts and his tech skills and he could be the one"
3. Mark Parmachicken @ 330, neutral on all three factors. perceived 330W. "Mark is good all around, but looks to gained alittle weight this season and isnt rollin his 2010 commanding hand, But i wouldn't rule him out....state championship are not givin to fuckers, he earned it and isn't a softy"
4. Jeff the LIL PONY. @300, +15 on skills, +5 on his pedaling efficiency, and neutral to- on his head, perceived @ 320w. "the LIL PONY....the best bike handler TMS cross has ever scene, turns and dismounts like a national champ, when his head is one he is a factor, but 98% it looks like he would rather be somewhere else"
5 Vinny Roberge @300 +5 on skills -5 pedal efficiency, +5 on his head, perceived @ 305W. "Vinny can be on or off, but his head is his strength he is a fighter and isn't afraid to attack and take big chances, hasn't been fully committed in 11 but he still rides well"
to be continued....
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Glenn Danzigs Power rankings

MRT: hey Glenn where ya been pal?
Glenn: Dont call me pal, my MOTHER gave me a name a dam good one, i hate fuckin nick names.
MRT: Ok..well did you have a good weekend?
Glenn: yea it was tough spent some time snoopin through other peoples things.
MRT: yea, well hows that?
Glenn: I hit up this fuckin estate sale, scored some vintage knives, toys, and a pristine couch that was dated to the late 60's, it closely resembles the one at the local funeral parlor i used to work at it not the most comfortable thing, but then again they don't want to spending all night there, as normal calling hrs are a 3hr stint. It aint no Value City cheapie..
MRT:toys what kind? ya know i got some coming out this holiday season.
Glenn: I know hopefully there not made by Remco, cuz that shit is junk. I bought some Ohio art toys the makers of Etcha Sketch, i like to draw when im on the road..
MRT: well anyway what have you drawn up for TMS on the Power rankings? cant be much left, were down to a few classes.
Glenn: i have been rackin my brain on the final.. and i have to say it hasn't been easy, the level of the 2011 field is closer than it has been in years, not to mention the consistency of those that show..Im gonna take alittle more time and drop em in a bit
MRT: I hear the dead line is this weekend
Glenn: I know when it is..
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
after the weekends gig.

Tailwind Stoneycross, most of the few that went could drive there with there eyes closed..same ol same ol Stoney.. no disrespect but how many has it been? ...cant blame Tailwind, cuz when you hold a Biggie 6 hrs away it may take a few from the line like 10 or my only question before I go over highs and lows is.....
why, after Nov 4th do you all run and hide?
High: QueenAnne comes back laps the field
Low: Field is few
High: Sven lays down another impressive walk away... laps 1/2 the field
Low: the field is 5
High: JB: gets on the podium
Low: he doesnt give his cash to Sven
High: the winds
Low: the High winds
High: orange Gloves wins SS
Low: misses a double in master 35
High: long laps
Low : Sven still laps 1/2 the field
High: long run
Low: they change the course
High: the wildlife
Low: the poop
High: racing 2 classes
Low : getting shelled in both
High: two races left
Low: two races left.
High: Svens wattage
Low: are the guys he lapped
High: fat tires sand
Low skinny tires and sand
High: beer
Low: not here
High: lil Gooch
Low: older Gooch
High: how sceners rode down low
Low the numbers that went
High: the Black Ace
Low: the cross guy'
High: the Wiz
Low: the pressure
High: Jgood
Low: tired legs
High: motivation
Low: motivation
Monday, November 14, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Glenn s Power rankings p3

MRT: Glenn you look tired, too much Dragnet?
Glenn: No.. Flintstone Marathon on Cartoon Network had me up late
MRT: dam Glenn cartoons is for kids
Glenn: alot you know, the Flintstones was a prime gig time back in the day.
MRT: i didnt know that.
Glenn: yep they even had a contest to name Fred and Wilma's Baby..
MRT: Glenn you know a lil about alot.
Glenn: yep,
MRT: favorite Flintstone episode?
Glenn: that's easy the One you don't see very often the one where Fred and Barney go out for ice cream for there wives, but quickly get side tracked following this Hot leggy long hair babe who is really a spy and they end up in a open volcano getting held against there will by Dr Sinister...tooo fuckin cool..
MRT: anyways...just Lookin over this list here id think you had a problem with the men of Michigan masters 35+
Glenn: why do you say that?
MRT: well there's more than your favorite number, but you only put down 6
Glenn:racin is too close to narrow it down to the Satans favorite, so got a also ran list coming up in a few days at the closing of my opinions..
MRT: your drift is harder to catch than mine
Glenn: read on..
1.Lil Simon Bailey: @ 270 +10 for skills,+5 for pedaling efficiency, -5 for his cross head, perceived @ 280..."Simon has been doing the cross this as long as lot of the old guard and once was a top 5 guy waaaay back in the day..but is alittle too nice needs to attack more, but because of solid experience still i give him the #1 nod"
2. John Osgood. @275, +5 for skills -10 for pedaling efficiency and +10 for his game day cross head. percieved @ 280w. "John is good and getting better, by far the most improved rider, he is like the Rocky figure of tailwind cross.. all heart, but his size is a hindered, lose the brews, and do some some bigger races before the thoughts of handling Miscene elite cross should be thoughts in his head, when you got Master guys like the WIZ, PONY, Moncel and the Black Ace killing each other it aint gonna be piece cake look, the numbers don't lie..But that being said,...tough dude.
3.Dave "theCrossguy" Johnson, @275 neutral on skills and pedaling efficiency , and -5 on his game winning head. perceived @ 270w.. "Dave is getting better but needs some other racing during the season to work on his headand low watts, seems to flake at times, not a good combo when the stats are so close"
4.JMAK @ 265 neutral on skills, and pedaling efficiency, and +5 on his cross head, perceived 270w. "Jamak, has been racing for a while..has a good knowledge how to do it, but takin too many days off the bike mid season doesn't do a thing for a solid power out put, But his brains and the longevity are his strong points"
5. Jim Hildritch @ 265w +5 for skills,-5 for pedaling efficiency, -5 for his cross brains. perceived w@ 260 "Jim has jumped around a bit this year, stay in one group and go solid"
6. Rob Selle @ 275 neutral on skills -5 for pedaling efficiency, and -10 for his cross head perceived 260w...Rob is another guy who size is a limiter, but he has an advantage of racing other discipline to help his head, But tends more time than often than not, and ride above his numbers leaving him in suffocation mode.
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Glenns power rankngs p2

MRT: hey Glenn whatcha eatin?
Glenn: ceral
MRT: what kind?
Glenn: crunchy
MRT: no whats the brand?
Glenn: Fruity Yummy Mummy..why?
MRT:I didn't know you like cereal?
Glenn: love the shit
MRT: ya know I got my own cereal named after me?
Glenn: ya I know its a remake of Qwisp, that was later remade to the local food chain Meier brand, Sweet and Crunchy which is actual just plain ol Captain Crunch T..
MRT: ya but its still dam good, u should try it..
Glenn: I have, it taste just like Sweet and Crunchy...but cost twice as much ...
MRT: there ya go hatin, wait till xmas comes i got some sweet new items you might like, toys and such.
Glenn: you got action figures?
MRT: yes i got some good ones comin.
Glenn: hopefully they aint made by Galoob, or Meego cuz that shit is junk..
MRT: ahh we'll talk toys later lets get to the numbers
Glenn: Im speaking B's today..
1. Adam Kaye @ 290w +5 for skill, +5 for pedaling efficiency, and -5 for his game day head, perceived w@ 300." If Adam could decide which class to race his score could of been higher, but he has some potential
2.Steve Brogillio @285w +5 skills,+5 pedaling efficiency, and +5 for his race day head. perceived 300w "Although Steve has done one race his riding speaks he has done more. If he did more he ranks in 2"
3. Richard Rainville @270 w +5 for skills, +5 for pedaling efficiency, -5 for his race head. perceived w275 "This Rainville kid has been around it was just yesterday he was beating up on the Goocher kid, now he has went to the line with the Wiz n chicken, but that being said only time will tell if he is the chosen one"
4. Mike Belanger @270w +5 for skills -5 for pedaling efficiency, neutral on his cross head. perceived w@ 270 "Don't know much about this guy except he keeps comin back week in and week out, could be a spoiler"
5.Greg Johnson @265, neutral on all ...265w, "Don't know enough about Greg to throw an honest to good take on him"
6. Jim Hildritch @ 265w +5 for skills,-5 for pedaling efficiency, -5 for his cross brains. perceived w@ 260 "Jim has jumped around a bit this year, stay in one group and go solid"
Glenns power rankngs p1

MRT: Glenn what do have for us this morning?
Glenn: Dam T gettin old is a bitch every year it takes a few more Doans pills and another cup ol joe to get these bones rollin
MRT: I hear ya. so whats up the East-side CX power rankin?
Glenn: im on my way, since were talkin about battling father time and all, im gonna hit the masters 45+..your toughest competitor isnt the dude the next you.. its yourself and the ability to keep coming back year after. so as of this moment im gonna give Danzigs top 6
MRT: top 6 seems odd why not just say top 5 podium like?
Glenn: cuz i like the number 6
MRT: ok lets get it on....
masters 45+
1.Don Cameron @310w, +5 for skills, +5 for pedaling efficiency and +5 for is "master"45 head. puts him at a perceived 325w ...the clear winner, Don rides the 45+ like he should all the "other" classes he races.
2. Jeff theSLAYER Haney @ 275w +5 skills neutral on pedaling efficiency, and +5 for having his head screwed down tight. perceived 285w.. Jeff's love for cross shows over his lack of w
3. Mark the MASTER Woloiec @ 300w +5 for skills,neutral on pedaling effeicny, -15 on his game day head. perceived 285w ....Mark needs to ride to like he owns this shit, not renting it.
4.Bob Wozniac @285w +5 for skills, -5 for pedaling efenciy, -5 for the race day brains. puts him at a perceived 280 w ...Bob is solid and gettin better
5.Andy Klumb$ @ 275w, neutral on all others perceived 275w... Andy$ just loves cross and the chi chi's that go with it, if he was a color it would be grey
6. Joe Brown. @268w +5for skills, neutral on all others, perceived 273w ...Joe B just keeps turning the pedals needs to stop screwin around but father time is pullin his ass hard..
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Glenns Power Rankings

MRT: so Glenn refresh me how is this gonna work?
Glenn: after I collect my guesstimated DATA, I will take a Guesstimated baseline 30 minute threshold wattage number..because cross is such tech savvy sport where sheer watts are not always the winner..were gonna give a + or - of say 5.. for the following
1.pedaling efficiency
2.skills, dismounts and running
3. cornering technique
4. there mental being.
make sense T? or do i need to elaborate more in depth?
MRT: makes sense to us, so your saying a person could put out X number whats but cant corner worth a dam, and is a head case, which in this case may lower his Miscen CX power ranking.
Glenn: correct
MRT: I gotta feeling your gonna have some upset folks not catching your drift and be well down right grouchy.
Glenn: that's OK im used to people not getting, why the hell should they now, Im just doing the fuckin assignment TMS threw at me.
MRT: so, lets roll..
Glenn: In time dont be so dam impatient your like a small fuckin child.
Glenn Danzigs Power rankings

MRT. Hey Glenn i didn't think id see you this season
Glenn: why
MRT: well with Henry not renewing.
Glenn: what the fuck? you think were a couple?
MRT: Naw not all ...dont get all mid-evil on me.
Glenn: well i aint got nothin going on for the next 3.5 weeks, I know a thing or two about this Miscene cross thing...and I get a kick out of the pain faces some of these mother fuckers throw down so why not. besides i got freinds in Detroit.
MRT: pain faces huh? ya know we all got em scene yours...
Glenn: yea some more than other Dam..
MRT: I hear throw me your best.
Glenn: ahh Hell i hate callin guys out but some the best are the ones with wide gaping mouths, ya know like in complete suffocation..fuckin too funny..
MRT: you didnt give us any..
Glenn: ok dudes like Moncel, grittin his teeth, Rob Selle Mouth agape lookin for air..That stange kid the look of being tired. The entire C field is like the Bataan death march..but hell i didnt come here to talk about that, but it sure would make a dam good topic...
MRT: I hear ya, so whats up with these power rankings your thinking of?
Glenn: well I dont know if any these guys use the wattage meter, but i can assume what some are really bumpin out, and hypin out.
MRT: fair enough.
Glenn: Im also gonna throw a + or - for bike handling skills, (dismounts,running cornering a guy could be lower on watts but be a better skilled rider so that would bump him up a few slots on my power rankings.
MRT; i get it. But its your assumption just guessing..
Glenn: Thats right..
MRT: well shoot... where do we start?
Glenn: not now the Flintstones are on, Im still compiling..ill let ya know
MRT sounds good Glenn Ill be waiting.
Monday, November 07, 2011
T.G.I. Friday on Monday

T.G.I. Fridays is a good solid restaurant, been around for awhile much like every other neighborhood bar and grill, I know its not all posh, white table clothes and reservation, or Dick O Dow like... but there's something about a plate of TGIF potato skins and the chicken sesame salad that does a tired soul good after a long weekend of Christmas, New year and your Birthday all wrapped up in one. One might find it odd you can find solace among so many, but you can indeed I spent some T-time mulling over TMS and misc stuff in a place filled with laughter and cheer. and while this 1st week of dark season gets rollin the buzz of ICEMAN, dirty dancing, puking, triple crowns, WCF, PR's, Orbitsunnin, skinny euro dudes., gimme's and freebies, swag bags and hag bags, Godfathers in Ugly shirts, shots, High hopes, and heartbreaks, creepy mustaches, Cx'ers at large. thoughts of next years ICEman, and getting stuck in lousy waves, comebacks, ugly cats, rants and raves, hangovers and hugs, big watts and big lies.hating, faking aching and all the other UN-mentionable s..
So for all those hiddin Beautiful minds abound...Don't let the post Iceman depression get the best of you, keep the the tears of the past to a few and revel in today. cuz as of right now that's all you have.
Hate on..
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Lukas Flückiger

Place No. Name No. Town Sta Teamname Ice
1 128 Lukas Fluckiger 128 Wynigen MI Trek World Racing 1:33:05
2 140 Jeremiah Bishop 140 Harrisonburg VA Cannondale 1:33:07
3 206 Sam Schultz 206 Missoula MT Subaru - Trek 1:33:13
4 178 Brian Matter 178 Sheboygan WI Gear Grinder 1:33:18
5 214 Tristan Schouten 214 Sheboygan WI Mafia Racing 1:33:19
6 176 Mike Phillips 176 Chicago IL Adventure 212/specia 1:33:28
7 218 Travis Woodruff 218 Tucson AZ Trek Store Boulder 1:34:02
8 129 Matthias Fluckiger 129 Orchlenberg, S MI Trek World Racing 1:34:14
9 203 Christian Tanguy 203 Rochester MI Team Cf 1:34:14
10 208 Matt Shriver 208 Madison WI Trek 1:34:18
11 4203 Nathan Guerra 4203 Oconomowoc WI Wheel & Sprocket/vis 1:34:31
12 166 Isaac Neff 166 Madison WI Willy Bikes 1:34:43
13 201 Jorden Wakeley 201 Grayling MI Einstein Racing 1:34:50
14 117 Tyler Gauthier 117 Ishpeming MI Culvers Racing P/b M 1:34:50
15 212 Troy Wells 212 Durango CO Team Clif Bar 1:35:18
16 119 Dallas Fowler 119 Green Bay WI Kuhl Midwest 1:36:58
17 216 Mike Simonson 216 Oxford MI Rbs/trek/notubes 1:37:00
18 112 Derek Graham 112 Grand Rapids MI Bissell/abg 1:37:02
19 123 Ron Catlin 123 Shelby Townshi MI Mpi - Main Street Ka 1:37:04
20 149 Dan Korienek 149 Grandville MI Leadout Racing 1:37:16
21 182 Alex Vanias 182 Leroy MI Priority Health Cycl 1:37:18
22 245 Nathan Williams 245 Grand Rapids MI Bissell/abc 1:37:49
23 181 Cole House 181 Oneida WI 616 Fabrication 1:38:29
24 167 Jeff Pendlebury 167 Fredericksburg OH Groovy Cycleworks 1:38:30
25 174 Brady Kappius 174 Littleton CO Clif Bar 1:38:30
26 141 Jeff Craven 141 Traverse City MI City Bike Shop 1:38:34
27 197 Chad Sova 197 River Falls WI On The Rivet 1:38:36
28 139 Stephen Dempsey 139 Brighton MI Quiring Cycles 1:38:36
29 133 Colin Cares 133 Boulder CO Kenda - Felt 1:38:42
30 200 Cameron Walters 200 Ann Arbor MI Racing Greyhounds 1:38:51
31 213 Adam York 213 Plymouth MI Trails-Edge 1:39:07
32 118 Matt Craig 118 Pinckney MI Team Fast 1:39:10
33 137 Russell Finsterwald 137 Colorado Sprin CO Subaru - Trek 1:39:15
34 157 Greg Kuhn 157 Sterling Heigh MI Rbs Trek Mtb Team 1:40:00
35 134 Don Cameron 134 White Lake MI Specialized 1:40:01
36 136 Andrew Dahlheim 136 Austin TX Bissell Pro Cycling 1:40:01
37 168 Justin Piontek 168 Wabeno WI The Bike Hub Cycling 1:40:05
38 130 Jonathon Atwell 130 Bloomington IN Scholars Inn Bakehou 1:40:15
39 195 Steve Twining 195 N. Lawrence OH 1:40:32
40 110 Shawn Davison 110 East Grand Rap MI Farm Team Racing 1:41:34
41 122 Carey Grumelot 122 Green Bay WI Speedway Cycles 1:41:35
42 184 Ty Schmidt 184 Traverse City MI Einstein Racing 1:41:35
43 135 Alan Antonuk 135 Ann Arbor MI Cleveland Sports Hea 1:41:50
44 165 Tyler Jenema 165 Marquette MI Mafia Racing 1:41:57
45 143 Dan Klein 143 Berkley MI Rbs Trek Mtb Team 1:42:31
46 156 Rick Mezo 156 Crown Point IN Rbikes.Com 1:42:42
47 164 Earl Hillaker 164 Grand Rapids MI Founder Alger Racing 1:42:43
48 132 Bill Gallagher 132 Portage MI Trek 29er Crew 1:42:54
49 189 Jason Stephenson 189 Algonac MI 1:42:58
50 142 Mike Anderson 142 Alpena MI Trek/sram 1:43:05
51 107 Paul Borden 107 Westland MI Rbs Trek Team 1:43:13
52 217 Clint Verran 217 Lake Orion MI Paint Creek Bicycles 1:43:14
53 158 Nathan Lillie 158 Prairie Farm WI Rvcc/brone's Bike Sh 1:43:24
54 179 Geoff Kuyper 179 Grand Rapids MI Leadout Racing 1:43:26
55 186 Greg Springborn 186 Pekin IL Peoria Bicycle Club 1:43:31
56 131 Scott Cole 131 Stevens Point WI Adventure 212/specia 1:43:33
57 171 Peter O'Donnell 171 Boulder CO Gt Bicycles 1:43:47
58 211 Kyle Spisak 211 Mantua OH Lake Effect/crankski 1:44:39
59 202 Bryan Underwood 202 Davisburg MI Americano Euro U23 C 1:45:13
60 159 Patryk Limanowicz 159 Chicago IL Rbikes.Com 1:45:37
61 162 Aaron McCready 162 Livonia MI Racing Greyhounds 1:45:51
62 204 Chad Salla 204 Indianapolis IN Racing For Riley 1:45:54
63 209 Luke Spisak 209 Streetsboro OH Team Lake Effect 1:46:01
64 124 Nikolai Anikin 124 Duluth MN Continential Bike & 1:46:07
65 196 Daniel Sterling 196 Livonia MI Racing Greyhounds 1:46:09
66 192 Tom Torrance 192 Boulder CO Pearl Izumi Shoes 1:46:15
67 163 Chris Patterson 163 Peck MI D2 Racing 1:46:17
68 172 Scott Hoffner 172 Milford MI Brevard College 1:46:21
69 199 Matt Verona 199 Brighton MI Team Fast 1:46:50
70 154 Jason Lowetz 154 Traverse City MI Einstein Racing 1:46:56
71 113 Mitchell Deyoung 113 St. Johns MI 1:47:06
72 114 Eric Fossell 114 Machesney Park IL Janesville Velo Club 1:47:13
73 247 Michael Bliss 247 Royal Oak MI Wolverine/acf 1:47:41
74 101 David Bender 101 Belvidere IL Jvc/michaels Cycles 1:47:55
75 207 Travis Saeler 207 Butler PA 29er Crew 1:49:07
76 215 Eric Young 215 Geneva IL Bissell Pro Cycling 1:49:56
77 104 Michael Belanger 104 St. Clair Shor MI Racing Greyhounds 1:50:06
78 198 Bill Street 198 Sheboygan WI Kuhl Midwest Mtb Tea 1:50:31
79 177 Robert Neidlinger 177 Royal Oak MI Hc Hooligans 1:50:32
80 147 Dan Kotwicki 147 Ann Arbor MI Trek 29er Crew 1:50:44
81 152 Brian Parker 152 Berwyn IL Xxx Racing / Athleti 1:51:12
82 2227 Todd Freidinger 2227 St Clair Shore MI North Country Cycle 1:51:29
83 219 Chad Wells 219 Petoskey MI North Country Cycle 1:51:30
84 116 Steve Bartzen 116 Grand Rapids MI Farm Team Racing 1:51:40
85 183 Paul Riggs 183 Farmington Hil MI Racing Greyhounds 1:52:20
86 138 Stan Dinkel 138 Brighton MI Michigan Youth Cycli 1:52:24
87 102 Jody Cagle 102 Royal Oak MI Racing Greyhounds 1:52:34
88 103 Rick Cleary 103 River Falls WI Korc Racing 1:52:36
89 155 Mitch Moen 155 Lombard IL Rbikes.Com 1:52:57
90 1089 Wes Sovis 1089 Interlochan MI Thompson O'neil Cycl 1:52:58
91 160 Eric Patterson 160 Kentwood MI D2 Racing 1:53:06
92 185 Philip Vanderlugt 185 Ada MI 1:53:11
93 120 Rick Bentley 120 Northville MI 1:54:15
94 1088 Cody Sovis 1088 Interlochen MI Thompson O'neil Law 1:55:42
95 115 Rick Doornbos 115 Portage MI Voodoo Cycles/billys 1:57:00
96 173 John McKeen 173 Hope MI Einstein Racing 1:57:06
97 145 Kelly Jedynak 145 Valparaiso IN R-Bikes.Com/fleettru 1:57:31
98 169 David Pfeiffer 169 Boulder CO Ltr 1:58:06
99 121 Cj Anten 121 Holland MI Cross Country Cycle 1:58:08
100 180 Chad Kuhn 180 Silver Lake IN Alderter Bergen 2:00:05
101 146 Eric Malzahn 146 Royal Oak MI City Bike Shop 2:01:46
102 188 Ed Serrat 188 South Bend IN Spin Zone Cycling Ou 2:04:09
103 148 Todd Powers 148 Marysville MI Team Sandbag 2:05:40
104 108 Erik Eiseman 108 Marseilles IL Illinois Valley Cycl 2:10:02
105 153 Seth Kleinglass 153 Belleville MI Mom & Pop - Sweet Bi 2:22:16
Pro Women
Place No. Name Town Sta Teamname Ice
1 231 Heather Irimiger Boulder CO SUBARU - TREK 1:46:01
2 243 Chloe Woodruff Tucson AZ BMC MTN DEVELOPMENT 1:46:13
3 232 Catharine Pendrel Kamloops BC LUNA CHIX 1:47:03
4 225 Amanda Carey Victor ID KENDA - FELT 1:48:32
5 226 Judy Freeman Brighton CO KENDA - FELT 1:48:45
6 237 Johanna Schmidt Traverse City MI EINSTEIN RACING 1:50:43
7 224 Kelli Emmett Manitou Spring CO GIANT 1:50:44
8 242 Susan Stephens Essex ON QUIRING CYCLES 1:51:50
9 240 Erica Tingey Las Vegas NV WHITE PINE RACING 1:51:57
10 234 Heather Spencer Pinckney MI TEAM FAST 1:54:55
11 238 Susan Vigland Traverse City MI HAGERTY CYCLING 1:55:25
12 235 Mackenzie Woodring Belmont MI PRIORITY HEALTH 1:56:37
13 223 Lynn Alfs Birmingham MI PAINT CREEK BICYCLES 1:56:38
14 246 Marne Smiley Chicago IL BOBS RED MILL 1:57:27
15 221 Jamie Galambos Sylvania OH MAUMEE VALLLEY WHEEL 2:00:21
16 239 Amanda Ryan Wixom MI TEAM GIANT 2:01:19
17 241 Erin Vicary Walled Lake MI QUIRING CYCLES 2:02:04
18 230 Patti Kaufmann Whitefish Bay WI EXPO RACING 2:09:56
19 228 Michelle Peariso Amherst WI ADVENTURE 212/SPECIA 2:14:15
20 227 Dana Baurbenn Shelby Twp MI WOLVERINE/ACFSTORES. 2:22:34
CLASS: MYC Scholarship Men 12-18
1 19 Ian Haupt Whitefish Bay WI EXPO RACING 1:47:44
2 26 Gunner -David Dygert Brownsburg IN BICYCLEOUTFITTERSIND 1:48:21
3 45 Rudyard Peterson Kalamazoo MI KINETIC SYSTEMS 1:49:28
4 24 Cj Brish Milford MI HOMETOWN CYCLING 1:51:08
5 22 Nick Dietrich Prospect KY RED ZONE CYCLING 1:54:55
6 36 Pete Karinen Painesdale MI TREK 29ER CREW/CCS 1:55:26
7 20 Luke Beemer Brownsburg IN BICYCLE OUTFITTERS I 1:57:30
8 46 Alek Minkis Brownsburg IN BICYCLE OUTFITTERS I 2:00:45
9 75 Kurt Vogt Macomb MI RBS CYCLING 2:02:24
10 18 Myles Beach Larsen WI ADVENTURE 22/SPECIAL 2:02:25
11 74 Alex Schultz Oxford MI RBS 2:02:28
12 33 Nathan Labecki Milwaukee WI NOVA CYCLE SPORTS FO 2:03:10
13 96 Logan Taylor Cadillac MI 2:07:15
14 44 Mark Renn Louisville KY RED ZONE CYCLING 2:08:01
15 5 Andrew Hall Brighton MI HOMETOWN CYCLING 2:09:44
16 73 Daniel Santos Louisville KY RED ZONE RACING 2:10:57
17 52 Matt Miller Brighton MI BRIGHTON HIGH SCHOOL 2:11:44
18 4 Caleb Andrews Battle Creek MI TEAM ACTIVE 2:14:44
19 55 Daniel Riggs Battle Creek MI 2:19:08
20 38 Shane Leslie Birmingham MI MAIN STREET BICYCLES 2:19:17
21 27 Raymond Dangelmaier Brighton MI BRIGHTON HIGH SCHOOL 2:19:22
22 41 Keegan Korienek Grandville MI LEADOUT RACING 2:19:22
23 25 Spencer Grasl Brighton MI D & D BICYCLES 2:20:12
24 40 Luke Mullis Rochester Hill MI WOLVERINES 2:20:48
25 23 Ross Gibbs Boyne City MI MICHIGANYOUTHCYCLING 2:22:04
CLASS: Men 19-24
1 274 Cory Stange Millington MI BISSELL 1:43:40
2 275 Kyle Stange Millington MI CYCLEFIT 1:45:54
3 269 Ryan Buerman Pinckney MI MICHIGANYOUTHCYCLING 1:50:11
4 1239 Matthew Light Warsaw IN RACING FOR RILEY 1:51:51
5 2225 Kyle Sarasin Marquette MI 1:51:53
6 1197 Blaine Bensan Birmingham MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 1:52:15
7 4030 Kelly Sugg Rochester MI KLM/ COLD STONE 1:52:30
8 3304 Christopher Cluett Ann Arbor MI UNIVERSITY OF MICHIG 1:52:47
9 1055 Eric Hamman Somerset OH TREK OHIO VALLEY 1:54:11
10 297 Ben Wizner Onalaska WI MT BORAH 1:54:17
11 3854 Christopher Vitton Rockford MI SPEED MERCHANTS 1:54:52
12 1112 Eric Ollis Stevensville MI MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGIC 1:55:13
13 4161 Tyler Kelly Traverse City MI TEAM BOB'S 1:55:30
14 3964 Todd Davidson Jackson WI TEAM GIANT - MI 1:55:41
15 3850 Joe Graham Petoskey MI 1:55:50
16 4133 Brendan Benson Birmingham MI BLACK LINE TRACK TEA 1:56:19
17 1090 Evan Boese Richland MI PRIORITY HEALTH 1:56:50
18 4033 Alexander Huyghe Rochester MI TEAM O2 1:57:36
19 1071 Shony Reuven White Lake MI CYCLETHERAPY - SPECI 1:59:41
20 2213 Ryan Rivamonte Commerce Towns MI 1:59:46
21 3867 Bryan Carps Traverse City MI 2:00:24
22 1070 Derrick Obrien Jackson MI TEAM ACTIVE RACING 2:00:34
23 1054 Codi Crippen Zanesville OH TREK OHIO VALLEY 2:01:28
24 3841 Bradley Gates Alto MI 2:02:48
25 1076 James Licht Midland MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:03:10
CLASS: Men 25-27
1 282 Jesse Gould Grand Blanc MI CYCLEFIT 1:43:14
2 320 Ryan Cross Holland MI PRIORITY HEALTH 1:44:44
3 3326 Donald Cumming Waterford MI MPI - MAIN STREET RA 1:49:39
4 1169 Paul Mumford Chicago IL TEAM KRUNK SHOX 1:50:19
5 3894 Ben Cox Fenton MI TEAM GIANT- MI 1:54:37
6 3320 Warren Vanmiddlesworth Kalamazoo MI 1:56:51
7 4172 Kyle Frailing Portage MI 1:57:43
8 3289 Patrick Scheibel Jefferson WI 1:58:23
9 2217 Patrick Kulwicki North Liberty IN SPIN ZONE RACING 1:58:32
10 1150 Dave Smith Mancelona MI NO BOUNDARIES 1:59:55
11 3327 Pete Hall East Grand Rap MI DRUNKEN DRAGONS 2:00:11
12 1153 Mike Billmeier Oshkosh WI BRAAAP 2:01:57
13 4228 Jacob Ellis Traverse City MI 2:02:33
14 1208 John Pogoncheff Lansing MI TREE FORT BIKES 2:02:35
15 1133 Grant Flewwelling Kalamazoo MI BREAKAWAY BICYCLES 2:02:57
16 513 Ryan Sigsbey Boone NC 2:03:03
17 551 Zack Buddish Dearborn MI 2:06:16
18 1180 Ben McMurray Petoskey MI 2:07:20
19 1177 David Hofmann Ann Arbor MI 2:07:22
20 457 Brian Klomp Fremont MI DTE - HESPERIA AUTO 2:07:44
21 336 Christopher Ballor Portage MI 2:09:00
22 857 Eric Shutler Traverse City MI HRT 2:09:19
23 1174 Mitchell Janicki Hudsonville MI MITCH JANICKI 2:10:15
24 1144 Matthew Kelley Homewood IL GOODSPEEDS CYCLES 2:10:21
25 1166 Erik Huyghe Rochester MI TEAM O2 2:10:46
CLASS: Men 28-29
1 295 Mike Tacchella Jenison MI EAST HILLS VELO 1:45:35
2 1246 Jeremy Karel Grand Rapids MI FOUNDERS ALGER RACIN 1:51:01
3 2243 Mike Okma Traverse City MI HAGERTY CYCLING 1:51:38
4 2216 Christopher Roper Novi MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:53:22
5 3990 Adam Hallett Rochester Hill MI HC HOOLIGANS 1:55:38
6 1288 Sebastian Binnemann Charlotte NC CYCLE & FITNESS - NI 1:56:00
7 3285 Nick Demek Plymouth MI 1:56:59
8 4187 Sam Foos Waterloo WI TREK 1:57:11
9 3291 Ben Vanhoose Greenville MI 1:58:30
10 3901 Nate Benke Farmington Hil MI VENTUS CYCLING 1:58:39
11 4107 Daemian Koehler Topinabee MI 1:59:26
12 3884 Ryan McKinnie Brighton MI TWO WHEEL TANGO 1:59:36
13 4153 David Buick Portage MI TEAM TAYLOR 2:01:10
14 1192 Brian Hancock Alma MI SPECIALIZED 2:01:10
15 1277 Christopher Sprock Deoria IL PROCTOR CYCLING CLUB 2:03:34
16 4179 Zachary Wentzel Prompton PA SICKLER'S 2:03:38
17 1293 Jeffrey Do Ontario CA 2:03:50
18 1291 Burgess Gow Dayton OH US MILITARY CYCLING 2:03:51
19 4071 William Kannenberg Portage MI 2:04:20
20 1298 Eric Bales Lafayette IN HODSON'S BAY/ C.R.C. 2:04:37
21 4127 Marshall Bull Racing Greyhou MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 2:05:51
22 4013 Kevin Krause Plymouth MI JOSHUA TREE 2:05:55
23 1272 Evan Leonard Ann Arbor MI 29ERS RULE/CONTINENT 2:05:57
24 4231 Joseph Hall Plain City OH MAMA MIMI'S P/B KEND 2:06:07
25 609 Ryan Severns Grand Rapids MI 2:06:34
Men 30-31
1 252 Nick Wierzba Napa CA HAMMERING HANK 1:48:40
2 3873 Jason Rafeld Kalamazoo MI 1:56:19
3 1338 Jon Gordon Wyandotte MI ROLL MODELS BIKE SHO 1:56:42
4 3328 Adam Webb South Lyon MI 1:57:03
5 1339 Brandon Elliott Lincolnwood IL IRON CYCLES 1:57:49
6 4024 David Grant Commerce MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:58:11
7 3898 James Goerlich III Sterling Heigh MI TEAM SANDBAG 1:58:36
8 4148 Scott Weiss Racing Greyhou MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:59:19
9 4155 Brian Falloon Noblesville IN 2:01:45
10 3833 Andrew Manninen Grand Haven MI TEAM FOOLISH 2:01:52
11 2262 Caleb Wendel Houghton MI RED JACKET CYCLING 2:02:19
12 1319 Troy Smits St Joseph MI 2:02:59
13 1228 Nicholas White Denville NJ TEAM MARTYS 2:03:14
14 4152 Drew Koschmann Holland MI TEAM FOOLISH 2:05:13
15 2248 Aaron Dowling Holland MI TEAM FOOLISH 2:05:35
16 3290 Alex Pina Traverse City MI SHORTS BREWING CO 2:07:01
17 1202 Eric Peters Columbus OH NATIONAL ENGINEERING 2:07:17
18 1356 William Ott Ann Arbor MI 2:07:27
19 564 Louis Dykstra Grand Rapids MI TEAM APEX CYCLING 2:08:20
20 1333 Kit Grayson Duluth MN 2:08:24
21 4011 Nicholas Razo Farmington Hil MI 2:08:31
22 714 Aaron Stevenson Bowling Green OH 2:08:37
23 3944 Jim Braam Jenison MI ASCENSION RACING 2:10:41
24 1348 Jason Lechner Kalamazoo MI BREAKAWAY BICYCLES 2:10:57
25 508 Andy Stover Royal Oak MI 2:10:59
Men 32-33
1 268 Joe Thomas Kalamazoo MI CMS RACING 1:45:01
2 3321 Thomas Eaton Chicago IL SRAM 1:53:27
3 3803 Joel Vander Kodde Wyoming MI CQL 1:55:02
4 2212 Steven Schultz Petoskey MI TWISTED STONE/LATITU 1:55:14
5 3828 Mike Williams Roscoe IL MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 1:55:19
6 3314 Dan McGraw Grand Rapids MI FREWHEELER BIKE SHOP 1:56:44
7 3811 Josh Harville Clinton Townsh MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:58:17
8 3847 Andrew Lafleur Saginaw MI WHEELS IN MOTION 1:59:51
9 1388 David Vandermeer Zeeland MI 1:59:55
10 1432 Ben Smith Morristown NJ TEAM MARTYS 2:00:43
11 1397 Jesse Epstein Morristown NJ TEAM MARTYS 2:01:10
12 1426 Jason Mishka Sylvania OH MAUMEE VALLEY WHEELM 2:01:28
13 4177 Shawn Crowley East Grand Rap MI FOUNDERS ALGER RACIN 2:02:18
14 1381 Alex Ransom Detroit MI SOUTHERN CYCLING OPE 2:02:59
15 566 Alex Mitevski Pontiac MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 2:03:07
16 3922 Joshua Hogeterp Grand Rapids MI FOUNDERS ALGER RACIN 2:03:32
17 1387 Platon Rodriguez Oxford MI MPI-MAIN STEET BICYC 2:04:05
18 1402 Dominic Couturier Grand Rapids MI D2 RACING 2:04:48
19 661 Marc Brunette Traverse City MI 2:05:27
20 2270 Brian Brzuchanski Waterford MI TEAM EMERY 2:05:32
21 4100 Charles Whistler Shelby Twp MI 2:06:05
22 3947 Mark Casper Linden MI 2:07:20
23 437 Tim Van Horn Brighton MI 2:07:44
24 700 Jason Bennett Wyoming MI 2:07:50
25 3923 Michael Browne Culver IN TREK 2:08:16
Men 34
1 3261 Jason Whittaker Traverse City MI EINSTEIN RACING 1:52:53
2 312 Gabe Niehof Grand Rapids MI FOUNDERS/ALGER CYCLE 1:53:08
3 1224 Ryan Marcikic Kalamazoo MI 1:58:06
4 4034 Christopher Hruska Indianapolis IN 1:58:07
5 266 Chris Pawielski St Joseph MI CYCLE & FITNESS 1:58:34
6 3335 Glen Ruczynski Traverse City MI CITY BIKE SHOP 1:59:52
7 3914 Shaun Welch Waterford MI PAINT CREEK BICYCLES 2:00:00
8 474 Eric Hune Rockford MI TEAM APEX CYCLING 2:02:06
9 3805 Jeff Cachero Kalamazoo MI BREAKAWAY BICYCLES 2:02:22
10 450 Jason Baylor Hudson OH 2:03:19
11 3934 Jason Samonds Pittsburgh PA FAT HEAD'S/STOMACHOF 2:03:40
12 4237 Joe Bernardi TEAM GIANT - MI 2:05:21
13 1453 Keith Feldt Waterford MI FLYING RHINO CYCLING 2:05:22
14 4132 Eric Langley Howell MI 2:07:55
15 465 Jeff Swanstrom Appleton WI 2:08:53
16 579 Chad Brewer North Muskegon MI WEST MICHIGAN COAST 2:09:31
17 576 Ryan Ondersma Grand Rapids MI 2:09:43
18 403 Adam Sulkowski Howell MI 2:10:59
19 1469 Dawson Trook Grand Rapids MI BIISSELL/ABG 2:11:26
20 928 Erich Brauer Madison WI TITLETOWN FLYERS 2:14:40
21 963 Charles Elder Battle Creek MI 2:14:58
22 920 Steffen Mueller Plymouth MI 2:15:21
23 861 Brad Dunkin Port Huron MI TEAM SANDBAG 2:15:24
24 860 Benjamin Kapenga Zeeland MI DIRT DAD'S RACING 2:15:58
25 974 Andrew Walenga Grand Rapids MI 2:16:53
CLASS: Men 35
Place No. Name Town Sta Teamname Ice
===== ===== ====================== ============== === ==================== =======
1 260 Adam Naish Rochester MI RBS TREK MTB TEAM 1:46:21
2 329 Jason Grobbel Burlington CT CREATEX COLORS-BENID 1:46:31
3 304 Aaron Zuelke Grand Haven MI BREAKAWAY BICYCLES 1:49:05
4 3814 Ross Anderson Point Pleasant NJ SCOTT RC/TEXMARKET-U 1:49:50
5 1194 Jeff Poirier Pinckney MI JOSHUA TREE 1:51:20
6 3264 Paul Nederveld Hudsonville MI FUSION IT 1:52:57
7 2259 Wendell Delvalle Brownstown MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:53:03
8 2215 Eric Stanke Green Bay WI 1:53:17
9 1484 Brad Lako Auburn Hills MI KLM/COLD STONE CYCLI 1:54:45
10 1488 Dominic Bosco Winfield IL RBIKES.COM 1:57:20
11 308 Aaron Neuman Pinckney MI 1:57:23
12 1475 Matt Remus Dewitt MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:01:51
13 3933 Jerome Jeslis Palos Heights IL 2:01:55
14 4156 Eric Kanasty Rochester MI 2:03:55
15 1507 Chad Lahey Grand Haven MI 2:04:53
16 1514 Adam Rosender Commerce Towns MI 2:05:00
17 4184 Jonathan Bruner Clinton Townsh MI 2:06:59
18 654 Craig Anible Grand Rapids MI 2:08:46
19 1503 Brent Krmpotich Sault Ste. Mar ON VELORUTION CYCLES 2:09:28
20 2220 John Colson Ypsilanti MI 2:12:01
21 4150 Andy Bix Kentwood MI 2:14:53
22 1505 Jerome Joly Grand Rapids MI FREEWHEELER 2:16:20
23 1494 Steve Ellery Toronto ON 2:16:33
24 879 Mathew Webster Petoskey MI 2:16:47
25 1487 Alan Benson Traverse City MI CITY BIKE SHOP 2:17:11
Men 36
1 1519 Ross Clark Hudson OH WWW.THEEDGEOUTDOORS. 1:48:03
2 316 John Osgood Kimball MI TEAM SANDBAG 1:48:57
3 3991 Matt Remelts Grand Rapids MI FOUNDERS ALGER RACIN 1:55:17
4 150 Dan Krajcovic Rochester Hill MI RBS TREK MTB TEAM 1:55:47
5 1220 Greg Giles Brighton MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:56:21
6 2253 Marc Decubber Davisburg MI LUCKY BUCKET 1:58:00
7 292 Rick Trudo Freeland MI TRI-CITY CYCLISTS 1:58:01
8 3294 Mike Coleman Traverse City MI 1:59:58
9 4004 John Kuiper Ada MI 2:00:18
10 3972 Jim Marcero Carmel IN TEAM NEBO RIDGE 2:00:36
11 3826 Jurrien Davison Ada MI HUP UNITED 2:01:44
12 3960 Krystian Pac Chicago IL POLSKA- MIODU! OLA! 2:03:19
13 4115 Andrew Wisniewski South Lyon MI 2:03:58
14 1545 Joel Nemes Holland MI JADE/WHISPER CYCLES 2:04:32
15 4051 Josh Suardini Milford MI 2:05:53
16 1522 Brian Miller Lake Orion MI ISOLATOS RACING 2:06:09
17 734 Alex Dombroski Ann Arbor MI TEAM BRUGHLETT 2:07:13
18 3946 David George Grand Rapids MI RAPID WHEELMEN 2:07:46
19 4146 Brian Roginski South Lyon MI RACING GREYHOUNDS! 2:07:51
20 4045 Scott Chiesa Royal Oak MI 2:07:54
21 370 Stefan Ioannou Toronto ON BCR RACING 2:08:06
22 4094 Michael Melnik Lowell MI 2:08:11
23 438 Sean Geary Ann Arbor MI FUSION IT 2:08:12
24 475 Kevin Larochelle Gilbert AZ BLOOD SWEAT & TEARS 2:08:27
25 3315 Scott Kierzek Hamilton MI 2:09:40
Men 37
1 302 Andrew Weir Ann Arbor MI TWO WHEEL TANGO 1:46:23
2 3890 Jay Click Ferndale MI 1:48:15
3 1227 Joshua McCreedy Holly MI SISU CYCLES 1:49:49
4 2288 Ryan Kennedy Traverse City MI EINSTEIN RACING 1:51:16
5 1206 Kevin Dittmer Novi MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:51:19
6 1207 Ryan Michels Metamora MI 616 FABRICATION 1:52:57
7 2236 Chris Crosby Grand Blanc MI TEAM BRUGHLETT 1:56:08
8 2275 Anthony Kunkler McCordsville IN MATTHEWS BICYCLES 1:56:38
9 3875 Scott Thenikl Comstock Park MI FOUNDERS RACING 1:57:03
10 3309 Joel Hynes Wausau WI BIKEMAN.COM 1:57:32
11 3936 Justin Ham Whitmore Lake MI MERRELL 1:58:16
12 191 Tony Torrance Boulder CO PEARL IZUMI 1:58:49
13 639 Patrick Hornacek Caledonia MI SPIN TO WIN 2:01:08
14 3311 Michael Campbell Chicago IL IRON CYCLES 2:01:13
15 3865 Scott Walter Ypsilanti MI 2:01:49
16 4186 Chad Haskin Marne MI 2:02:07
17 4010 Marek Kulesza Vernono Hills IL 2:02:11
18 4038 Doug Derdowski Williamston MI TEAM TOMS 2:02:26
19 1592 Geoff Miller Ada MI 2:03:02
20 1593 Spencer Mendel Alpena MI 2:03:25
21 3883 John Kline Fishers IN SINGLETRACK OUTFITTE 2:03:42
22 3827 Eric Hatfield Long Beach CA SHO-AIR/ROCK N ROAD 2:04:09
23 4130 Craig Smith Dorr MI FREE WHEELER BIKE SH 2:04:22
24 4061 Israel Villasenor Rochester Hill MI MEXICO 2:04:45
25 1603 Jason Law Byron Center MI 2:06:06
Men 38
1 279 Jimmie Colflesh Livonia MI MOM & POP RACING 1:46:20
2 1195 Simon Bailey Novi MI WOLVERINE AC&F 1:48:26
3 3305 Matt Zak Eveleth MN VERDIGN'S PHLOGISTON 1:48:56
4 3804 Jim Bonnell Waterford MI 1:49:19
5 3272 Brian Harris Holland MI CROSS COUNTRY CYCLE 1:49:32
6 1189 Gabriel Ion Spring Grove IL TREADHEAD 1:50:44
7 3891 Chris Lett Dewitt MI 1:52:33
8 1209 Edward Brewer Ann Arbor MI 1:52:37
9 2284 Joshua Neider Northville MI TRAILS EDGE 1:53:01
10 2266 Greg Hughes Williamston MI TEAM TOMS 1:53:12
11 318 Peter Greaves Niles MI CYCLE & FITNESS 1:54:09
12 1213 Matt Hoffman Grand Rapids MI 1:55:49
13 1622 Derek Oldfield San Diego CA SAN DIEGO BIKE CLUB 1:58:38
14 3989 Jason Cotter Lake Orion MI PAINT CREEK BIKES 2:00:08
15 740 Jeremy Daum Northville MI TRAILS EDGE 2:00:27
16 3937 David Moore Lake Orion MI CYCLETHERAPY RACING 2:00:30
17 3323 Eric Grassa Traverse City MI 2:01:05
18 3908 Troy Schaden Oconto WI TEAM BACHLEORS 2:01:14
19 1654 Brandon Love Grand Blanc MI 2:01:14
20 2283 Aaron Bennett Pinckney MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:01:19
21 3880 Craig Rice Plymouth MI MCG/TRAILS EDGE 2:01:43
22 1634 Kenneth Dawson Chicago IL XXX RACING - ATHLETI 2:01:58
23 1257 Rusty Brown Malvern OH CAMBA 2:02:59
24 3837 Matthew Caldwell Saline MI 2:03:07
25 4041 Rick Hatfield South Lyon MI 2:03:09
Men 39
1 2267 Don Hackney Grand Haven MI CROSS COUNTRY CYCLE 1:47:43
2 276 Joe Brzuchanski Highland MI CAFFEINE SOUL 1:48:08
3 2226 Anthony Bastuk Flint MI 1:51:57
4 1263 James Rasmussen Michigan City IN RBIKES.COM 1:51:58
5 315 Matthew Whalen Allendale MI 1:53:08
6 3281 Mark Pruim Byron Center MI 1:55:13
7 3856 Chris Fellows Genoa IL 1:55:18
8 2260 Chad Baumann Allendale MI DUKE RACING 1:55:54
9 3287 Dave Caldwell Milford MI 1:56:12
10 3942 Edward Brzezinski Linden MI 1:57:32
11 322 Tom Payn Troy MI PRECISIONMTB 1:59:29
12 3976 Michael Meyer White Lake MI FLYING RHINO 1:59:46
13 1692 Christopher Boer Grand Rapids MI EAST HILLS VELO 2:00:42
14 3878 Thomas Hitchens Traverse City MI 2:02:59
15 3322 Andrew Grey Lake Zurich IL 2:03:36
16 1717 William Sherwood Royal Oak MI WOLVERINE / ACFSTORE 2:05:18
17 1187 Peter Howland Brookfield IL SRAM 2:05:20
18 895 Heath Paukette Allendale MI 2:06:19
19 1724 Jonathan Zoutendam Traverse City MI 2:06:53
20 1687 Alexander Yockey Traverse City MI HAGERTY 2:07:02
21 431 Todd Zrimec Traverse City MI 2:07:35
22 3915 Lee Messersmith Benton IL WHEEL FAST RACING 2:07:37
23 4099 David Roush Grand Rapids MI 2:08:05
24 3853 Christian Glupker Hudsonville MI 2:08:08
25 1231 Andrew Bowman Harbor Springs MI 2:08:24
CLASS: Men 40
1 290 Brent Wiersema Traverse City MI HAGERTY 1:47:02
2 309 Jarod Makowski Troy MI PAINT CREEK BICYCLES 1:48:18
3 1747 Stefano Frascaroli Grosse Ile MI GROSSE ILE FLYERS 1:48:49
4 286 Jason Lummis Pinckney MI QUIRING CYCLES 1:50:34
5 3820 Jeff Galsterer Traverse City MI 1:56:50
6 3316 Greg Jenkinson Corunna MI TEAM TOAST 1:57:08
7 3812 David Manges Flushing MI TEAM ASSENMACHER 1:57:18
8 3950 Matt Operman Longmont CO SUBARU-TREK 1:57:24
9 4069 Dave Van Laecke Wyoming MI 1:59:53
10 3888 Jeff Rohrstaff Vicksburg MI 2:01:19
11 1770 Sam Preston Bedford IN NEBO RIDGE 2:01:38
12 613 Cory Bultman Rockford MI VILLAGE BIKE SHOP 2:03:01
13 1034 Brad Pruim Dorr MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:04:17
14 1744 Thomas Trout Byron Center MI BLINK 2:05:05
15 3310 Mike Koetsier Ada MI HUP UNITED 2:05:28
16 3816 Aaron Swanker Traverse City MI FLIGHT PATH CREATIVE 2:06:01
17 939 Jonathan King Novi MI RBS CYCLING TEAM 2:06:12
18 344 Will Browder Macomb MI 2:06:32
19 1772 Sean Mulligan Mount Morris IL 2:06:38
20 4092 Chuck Brenner Augusta MI 2:07:00
21 1784 Dave Walston Traverse City MI SILVER LEAF 2:08:10
22 4137 Tim Bochenek Holland MI FUSION CYCLING 2:08:33
23 412 Ken Spigarelli Traverse City MI 2:08:44
24 4047 Scott Zeeb East Lansing MI TOMS SHOES P/B KINDH 2:10:04
25 1763 Brent Hoover Plymouth IN PROFORM 2:11:09
Men 41
1 256 Ray Nelson Woodstock IL TREAD HEAD CYCLING 1:43:13
2 271 Don Roth Frankfort MI 1:44:44
3 267 Dennis Lessard Jackson MI ABERDEEN BIKE 1:48:54
4 1261 Bill Burkholder Rockford IL KEGELS BIKES 1:49:55
5 248 Robert Selle West Bloomfiel MI MPI/MAIN STREET 1:49:56
6 2229 Tony Hersberger Rockford MI REVOLUTION CYCLING C 1:51:28
7 3262 Shane Veldhuizen Pelican Lake WI FUNK 1:53:36
8 2224 Tod Horner Howell MI ABERDEEN BIKE 1:53:57
9 1211 Ron Stack Fenton MI CYCLEFIT SPORTS CLUB 1:53:57
10 3312 Casey McGovern East Grand Rap MI BISSELL 1:54:21
11 300 Tim Difalco Royal Oak MI 1:54:26
12 3283 Sean Neill Ann Arbor MI 1:54:54
13 293 Timothy Barrons Traverse City MI HAGERTY 1:55:28
14 2237 David Krenk Canton MI J-TREE 1:55:50
15 2009 David Dygert Brownsburg IN BICYCLEOUTFITTERSIND 1:56:58
16 3823 Todd Anthes Grand Haven MI BLINK MULTISPORT 1:57:10
17 3930 Scott Pruski Grand Rapids MI 1:57:21
18 3276 Eric Bartels Grand Rapids MI 1:57:46
19 4151 Geoff Shirley East Grand Rap MI FUSION I.T. 1:58:04
20 2031 Chris Bryce Toronto ON RACERSPORTIF/VELOEPI 1:58:19
21 3943 Neil Peruski Oxford MI MPI MAIN STEET BICYC 1:59:04
22 314 Mike Senters Manistee MI LISA, LUKE, GABBY 1:59:20
23 2024 Brad Emmett Plymouth MI 1:59:42
24 3821 Jarrod Kerkhoff Rockford IL 2:00:51
25 2264 Mark Bourgeau South Lyon MI 2:01:12
1 259 Jeff Adamcik Midland MI BICYCLE HQ 1:44:08
2 319 Matt Thourot Maumee OH 1:47:10
3 187 Tom Scott Belmont MI SPEED MERCHANTS 1:47:26
4 301 Tim Jenema Williamsburg MI HAGERTY CYCLING 1:47:52
5 1240 Brian Klym Traverse City MI HAGERTY 1:52:11
6 1210 Paul Wood Flint MI ASSENMACHER 1:53:42
7 4035 Aric Dershem Grand Rapids MI LEADOUT RACING 1:55:38
8 3945 Russell Petts Westland MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:56:48
9 3286 Terry Bochenek Jenison MI FUSION CYCLING 1:56:51
10 1252 Patrick Robb Royal Oak MI WOLVERINE SPORTS CLU 1:57:05
11 3268 Brett Davis University Hei OH TEAM SPIN/RR DONNELL 1:59:21
12 4121 Bob Crooks Clinton Twp MI 1:59:32
13 3280 Julius Geronimo Novi MI MPMBA 2:00:07
14 2086 James Conner Grand Haven MI 2:00:10
15 3269 Brian Walquist Grand Rapids MI FOUNDER ALGER RACING 2:00:12
16 3813 Michael Carney Yorkville IL FLATLANDIA 2:00:29
17 2102 Paul Nicholls Boyne City MI INSPIRED LIVING 2:00:41
18 1251 Dave Riggs Ann Arbor MI 2:01:27
19 2085 Brian Harville Goodrich MI 2:01:39
20 3969 Sean Whalen Novi MI 2:02:11
21 3806 Todd Riecke Traverse City MI 2:02:14
22 395 Andrew Baines Rockton IL GWOD 2:02:31
23 2257 Dave Lenting Grandville MI LEADOUT 2:03:05
24 533 Christian Klauke Rochester MI LANDSHARK RACING 2:03:28
25 2080 Todd Henrickson Ludington MI AUGIE RUBY 2:03:55
Men 43
1 307 Jay Risk Waterford MI MPI - MAIN STREET RA 1:43:51
2 273 David Wagoner Warsaw IN ALDERFER BERGAN 1:46:55
3 270 Mark Jackson Whitemore Lake MI ABERDEEN BIKE 1:49:03
4 2230 Eric Fernando Franklin MI MARKALLENONLINE 1:52:17
5 288 Eric Tompkin Redford MI TREE FORT BIKES 1:52:30
6 1217 Jim Hilditch Canton MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:52:31
7 1190 Michael Wheeler Chesterton IN RBIKES.COM 1:54:16
8 3851 Mark Spore Wayland MI VILLAGE BIKE SHOP 1:54:27
9 3870 Anthony Gwin Waterville OH MAUMEE VALLEY WHEELM 1:55:03
10 2242 Eric Holmes Pinckney MI TEAM FAST 1:55:52
11 2271 David Mehney Grand Rapids MI 1:55:57
12 3300 Dave McComb Yoder IN MEN OF STEEL RACING 1:56:06
13 1236 Ken Flory Commerce Twp. MI IF 1:56:50
14 287 Matt Johnson Warsaw IN ALDERFER/BERGAN 1:57:19
15 4181 Jeff Hartz Argos IN 1:57:32
16 427 Thojmas Stritzinger Grand Rapids MI 1:57:52
17 3931 Steve Wojton Caledonia MI 1:58:18
18 1262 Devin P Deboer Zeeland MI 1:59:02
19 4027 Jeff Hammond Orland Park IL 2:00:42
20 2154 Matt Stein Northfield MN SILVER CYCLING 2:00:51
21 1188 David Compton Belvidere IL COMPTON BROS. RACING 2:01:12
22 3255 Keith Wilkinson Battle Creek MI 2:01:36
23 3325 William Baguley Ada MI ADA BIKE SHOP 2:01:52
24 2156 John Van Alsburg Ann Arbor MI TEAM RJR 2:01:56
25 2139 Terry Collins West Olive MI 2:02:15
Men 44
1 284 Jonathon Looman Holland MI LO BRO RACING 1:47:10
2 1199 Joe Kucharski Portage MI PRIORITY HEALTH CYCL 1:50:41
3 1093 Tim Stroebe Holland MI TEAM DUKE 1:52:10
4 2282 Greg Witt Bloomfield MI RBS TREK MTB TEAM 1:54:00
5 3995 Peter Vajda Ferndale MI 1:57:03
6 3317 Jim Leikert St Johns MI TRAILS - EDGE.COM 1:57:20
7 3265 Scott Paluska Urbana IL 1:57:31
8 4028 David Bucholtz Kingsley MI EINSTEIN RACING 1:58:55
9 3896 Jim Rudberg Northville MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 1:59:25
10 4192 Mark Quist Holland MI TEAM Q 1:59:27
11 1233 Jeff Brooks Grand Rapids MI BISSELL 2:00:15
12 1241 Bernard Wendel Waterford MI CANNONDALE MIDWEST R 2:00:54
13 4042 Nick Yetter Kalamazoo MI TEAM TAYLOR 2:01:44
14 4049 Chris Putti Kalamazoo MI 2:02:13
15 3260 Dennis Jensen Rockford MI TEAM JENSEN 2:03:08
16 4119 Paul Bochar Westmount IL 2:03:16
17 3819 James Depree Grand Rapids MI 2:03:20
18 2190 Ken Naef Green Bay WI TITLETOWN FLYERS 2:03:43
19 3808 Jeff Borah St. Joesph MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:03:54
20 4173 Tim Raymond Hudsonville MI 2:05:04
21 413 Brian Deblanc Spring Lake MI WEST MI COAST RIDERS 2:06:00
22 3905 Mark Weston Brighton MI JOSHUA TREE 2:08:04
23 382 John Kolarevic Traverse City MI MUD SWEAT AND BEERS 2:10:29
24 4176 Todd Adams Grand Blanc MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:11:04
25 2197 Ken Nelson Rockford MI 2:13:01\
Men 45
1 313 Tom Clark Sterling Heigh MI LOUIS GARNEAU/BICYCL 1:47:53
2 296 Wade Bagnall East Grand Rap MI FOUNDERS ALGER RACIN 1:49:46
3 1245 John Beranek Ann Arbor MI TEAM RIDDLER 1:52:31
4 2235 Bertram Reynolds Caledonia MI HENGE 1:56:16
5 3273 Jeff Fetterer Columbus IN BICYCLE STATIO 1:58:24
6 2276 Don Boersma Grand Rapids MI FUSION IT 1:58:34
7 2274 Joe Fulsher Washintgton MI WAK PLASTICS 1:58:43
8 3313 Douglas Reed Waterford MI REED CONSTRUCTION 2:00:01
9 4120 Rick Borns Spring Lake MI WEST MICHIGAN COAST 2:00:19
10 3866 Fabrice Portes Bloomfield MI WOLVERINE SPORTS CLU 2:00:40
11 3906 Steve Sams Perrysburg OH MAUMEE VALLEY WHEELM 2:00:52
12 3288 Scott Tonn Farmington Hil MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 2:02:33
13 3997 Greg Brown Grand Blanc MI ASSENMACHER 2:02:45
14 615 Matt Fill White Lake MI FLYING RHINOS 2:03:52
15 330 Scott Templar Rockford MI 2:04:14
16 3256 John Ressler Caledonia MI 2:04:37
17 4140 Scott Adema Brighton MI 2:05:10
18 691 Tom Kerns Plymouth MI TRAILS-EDGE 2:06:50
19 589 Scott Sikkema Grand Rapids MI 2:07:20
20 3852 Cary Marsh Troy MI 2:07:36
21 542 Paul Remonko Columbus OH COMBO RACE TEAM / W 2:07:50
22 3308 Chris Hammer Woodridge IL WHEEL FAST RACING 2:08:30
23 525 Eric Hoyer White Lake MI WILLIAMS LAKE CONTIN 2:08:44
24 487 Doug Helland Ann Arbor MI WHEELS IN MOTION 2:11:09
25 2324 George Leslie Birmingham MI MPI/MAIN STREET CYCL 2:12:44
Men 46
1 257 Armando Vega Oxford MI MPI - MAIN STREET 1:46:21
2 258 Jimmi McMurray Grand Rapids MI EAST HILLS VELO 1:46:21
3 321 Tom White Traverse City MI CITY BIKE SHOP 1:46:56
4 280 Terry Sensiba Middleville MI FUSION IT 1:48:17
5 3982 Tim Collins Oxford MI MPI - MAIN STREET RA 1:49:14
6 2355 Steve Clark Perrysburg OH MAUMEE VALLEY WHEELM 1:54:00
7 2250 Michael Dega Farmington Hil MI CADIEUX BC / TEAM O2 1:54:09
8 1265 Mike Johnson Pendleton IN 1:54:11
9 2231 Scott Tencate Ada MI FOUNDERS ALGER RACIN 1:54:27
10 2256 Jim Collins Mancelona MI SNOW COUNTY KENNELS 1:55:32
11 2233 Alan Henry East Lansing MI 1:56:15
12 3299 Chris Torrance Dearborn MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:58:12
13 2358 Don Birch Indianapolis IN HEROES FOUNDATION CY 1:58:47
14 2232 Jim Dewent Grand Haven MI 2:00:30
15 2337 Bill Kerr Grand Rapids MI UPS 2:01:13
16 3858 Dave Williams Williamsburg MI EINSTEIN RACING 2:02:52
17 987 David Strickler Grosse Pointe MI 2:03:26
18 731 Michael Emerson Rochester Hill MI CADIEUX TEAM O2 2:04:38
19 3877 Mike Chiado Greenwood IN 2:05:53
20 3871 Kevin Flowers Glen Ellyn IL WHEELFAST RACING 2:06:04
21 4080 Bob Petrillo South Lyon MI 2:07:19
22 2361 Steve Lidak Kingsley MI 2:08:16
23 469 Dan Schroeder Grand Rapids MI 2:09:15
24 4078 John Gregorski Hartford WI 2:10:27
25 561 Sean Scott Vicksburg MI 2:11:28
Men 47
1 254 Jeff Wittbrodt South Lyon MI TEAM SPECIALIZED 1:43:40
2 289 Dale Carley Alto MI FUSION CYCLING 1:44:51
3 2831 Brad Vanderbrug Denver CO 1:45:29
4 253 John Meyers Kalamazoo MI 1:48:25
5 2389 Fred Bunn East Grand Rap MI BISSELL/ABG 1:51:01
6 1258 Michael Seaman Mt. Pleasant MI 1:52:18
7 4222 Waldek Stepniowski Littleton CO TEAM CLIF BAR 1:53:03
8 1191 Mark Donakowski Ypsilanti MI RACING GREY HOUNDS 1:53:23
9 1247 Shawn Husband Williamsburg MI HAPPY HUSBANDS 1:54:44
10 3263 Tom Grasl Brighton MI 1:55:01
11 1238 Scott Guenther Bellefontaine OH 1:55:12
12 3253 Douglas Wise Berrien Spring MI PROFORM RACING TEAM 1:57:07
13 2286 Tom Keller Solon OH SPIN / RR DONNELLEY 2:00:12
14 3809 Peter Worden Traverse City MI HAGERTY CYCLING TEAM 2:01:55
15 1235 Andy Klevorn Ludington MI 2:01:59
16 3874 Chris Stirlen Milford MI 2:02:54
17 2278 Stephen Lagerquist Traverse City MI GTRLC 2:03:00
18 1266 Mike Jones St Joseph MI TREK / CYCLE & FITNE 2:03:34
19 3258 Doug Queener Brighton MI TEAM RJR / HOMETOWN 2:05:13
20 3333 Alan Dahl Kalamazoo MI WEST MICHIGAN COAST 2:06:35
21 3987 Stephen Lentner Hudsonville MI 2:06:49
22 2420 Greg Parker Caledonia MI CAL CYCLING 2:07:17
23 4201 Craig Rawlings Grand Rapids BISSELL/ABC 2:07:23
24 2411 Thomas Hanrahan Stouffville ON 2:07:25
25 3909 Todd Flickinger South Bend IN 2:08:15
Men 48
1 2470 James Ignash Clawson MI TEAM O2 1:49:57
2 305 Michael Green Farmington Hil MI BIKEMAN.COM 1:50:13
3 2246 Richard Watson Caledonia MI FUSION IT 1:57:35
4 3978 Jon Martin Troy MI KELLY'S KARAMELS 1:59:55
5 3840 Frank Marciniak Rochester MI KLM/COLD STONE 2:00:26
6 3863 Scott Kroske Birmingham MI WOLVERINE SPORTS CLU 2:01:36
7 2448 Robert Wozniak Clarkston MI FLYING RHINO CYCLING 2:02:08
8 4147 Michael McCann Manistee MI GREEN WITH ENVY 2:02:54
9 3948 Chip Cook Aurora CO GOLDEN BIKE SHOP 2:04:19
10 3974 Walter Quandt West Bloomfiel MI 2:04:52
11 467 Jerry Jones Constantine MI 2:05:21
12 4068 Brian Vanrhee Hudsonville MI DIRT DADS RACING 2:07:16
13 334 Eric Broekhuis East Grand Rap MI RAPID WHEELMEN 2:07:29
14 808 Kristopher Ouvry Kalamazoo MI CANNONDALE 2:07:49
15 3967 Kevin Kahl Avoca MI TEAM SANDBAG 2:08:54
16 369 Jeff Hammersley Indianapolis IN 2:09:01
17 2479 William Shaver Comstock Park MI FREEWHEELER BIKE SHO 2:09:28
18 421 David Greene Westfield IN HEROES FOUNDATION CY 2:10:54
19 4070 Clive Warren Campton Hills IL NORD-LOCK 2:11:35
20 1259 Mark Caswell New Hudson MI 2:11:36
21 2464 Kevin Long Augusta MI 2:11:47
22 2451 John Connors Courtice ON ALPINE CYCLING TOURS 2:12:16
23 2445 Jeff Smith Englewood CO MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:12:47
24 2471 Gary Oliveira Lake Orion MI FLYING RHINO CYCLING 2:13:10
25 531 Jeff David Howell MI 2:14:18
Men 49
1 1215 Tim Devost Novi MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:52:31
2 291 Dennis Schueler Hickory Hills IL R-BIKES.COM 1:53:13
3 264 Thomas Markley Dearborn Heigh MI ROLL MODELS 1:53:43
4 1237 Anthony Spicuzza Wyoming MI 1:58:04
5 3298 David Tietz Traverse City MI 2:00:46
6 3939 Frederick Lake Grand Rapids MI P BROS 2:00:55
7 3984 Dave Beaverson Elkhurt MI PROFORM BIKE SHOP 2:01:41
8 3985 Talbot Hack Ann Arbor MI 2:02:17
9 768 Joel Holzknecht Commerce Twp MI DETROIT SKI TEAM 2:02:23
10 3319 Vin Dog Mack Traverse City MI VIN DOG PRODUCTIONS 2:03:27
11 2492 Matt McCord Brighton MI 2:03:36
12 423 Robert Schmantowsky White Lake MI 2:05:21
13 3848 David Regnier Novi MI 2:06:17
14 4135 Tom Bestrom Caledonia MI CALCYCLING 2:06:27
15 3911 Jeff Bailey Elkhart IN PROFORM BIKE SHOP 2:08:50
16 876 Nathan Oliver Rockford MI CD EXCHANGE 2:09:47
17 788 Frank Roth South Lyon MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:14:39
18 851 Kirk Wittenberg Three Rivers MI 2:14:40
19 580 Steve Weckle Midland MI TRI CITY CYCLISTS 2:15:03
20 2491 Mike Grimm Oak Park IL FLATLANDIA 2:15:14
21 486 Mark Ware Lake Orion MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:15:46
22 2509 Craig Rohrer Milford MI TEAM STARFISH 2:16:22
23 2498 Matthew Driscoll Niwot CO 2:16:56
24 3977 Jeff Thomssen Belmont MI 2:17:41
25 405 Gary Fiteny Clarkston MI 2:17:43
Men 50
1 262 Jim James Ann Arbor MI ABERDEEN CYCLE 1:45:33
2 298 Dirk Wipperman Naples FL NAPLES VELO 1:47:10
3 1253 Mike Birmann Portage MI PRIORITY HEALTH CYCL 1:52:30
4 294 Mike Jones Kalamazoo MI VENTUS CYCLING TEAM 1:52:36
5 2255 John Kennedy Bloomfield Hil MI 1:56:03
6 277 Arcadio (kayo) Ramirez Ann Arbor MI TREE FORT 1:56:08
7 3844 John Taylor Granger IN PRO FORM RACING 1:57:43
8 2525 Scott Steurer Huntersville NC GIORDANA - CLIF BAR 1:59:52
9 2523 Mark Zakowski South Bend MI PRO - FARM BIKE SHOP 1:59:57
10 3267 John Bunge Northville MI WSC 2:00:16
11 3331 Nick Boudjalis Traverse City MI BOONES LONG LAKE INN 2:01:13
12 3949 Tim Daum Grand Rapids MI 2:01:37
13 3860 Mike Vanhouten Grand Rapids MI BISSELL/ABG 2:01:53
14 4014 Chuck Nicholson New Baltimore MI 2:04:49
15 2480 Bill Bowman Huntington Woo MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:06:42
16 3259 Tad L Hershey Clarkston MI FLYING RHINOS 2:06:53
17 4116 Dean Marsman Holland MI 2:07:20
18 4077 Kevin D. Moore Ann Arbor MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:08:09
19 3996 Kevin Grochowalski Lake Ann MI 2:08:12
20 2536 Michael Bramlett South Bend IN 2:08:53
21 2550 Dennis Howell Northville MI 2:09:28
22 558 Brian Nielsen Rochester MI 2:10:42
23 798 Dave Nesburg Onekama MI 2:10:49
24 2542 Stephen Hoke Clarkston MI 2:11:48
25 4185 Rob MacGregor Birmingham MI 2:12:39
Men 51-52
1 265 Paul Brown Dearborn MI ROLL MODELS BIKE SHO 1:45:19
2 327 Tim Curtis Hastings MI FOUNDERS/ALGER RACIN 1:49:06
3 1216 Craig Pickett Linden MI 1:51:30
4 2280 Clark Kent Lapeer MI 1:51:35
5 1243 David Maclean Ludington MI SHORELINE CYCLING CL 1:52:29
6 1249 Craig Webb Traverse City MI HAGERTY 1:53:02
7 4206 Brad Dejonge Hudsonville MI ZIPPY DITCH RIDERS 1:53:49
8 1254 Ray Fulkerson Kalamazoo MI PRECISIONMTB.COM 1:55:26
9 1204 Keith Riege Lake Orion MI PAINT CREEK BICYCLES 1:55:39
10 3278 Kip Miller Bridgman MI PROFORM RACING 1:56:02
11 1229 Keith Bennett Elkhart IN 1:56:34
12 3868 James Martin West Bloomfiel MI AMERICAN CYCLE & FIT 1:57:03
13 4239 Jay Jones Clarkston MI CYCLETHERAPY/SPECIAL 1:57:19
14 2221 Samuel Grebe Milford MI SPOKE JUNKIES 1:58:10
15 3924 Mark Cahn West Bloomfiel MI CADIEUX / TEAM O2 1:58:29
16 2287 Mark Armstrong Maumee OH MAUMEE VALLEY WHEELM 2:00:24
17 2608 Greg Seaman Brighton MI 2:00:25
18 2238 Mark Boese Richland MI CUSTER CYCLERY 2:01:32
19 3971 Lewis Tripp Milford MI MICHIGANYOUTHCYCLING 2:01:38
20 3916 Scott Roerig Belding MI GOD ABOVE 2:01:53
21 2249 Kirt Kostich Clarkston MI 2:03:01
22 3859 Rick Plite Comstock Park MI FOUNDERS ALGER RACIN 2:03:54
23 4110 Nelson Parada Pickering ON VELO EPIC 2:06:35
24 864 Gerry Naski Birmingham MI 2:06:53
25 3973 William Hermann Milford MI SPOKEJUNKIES 2:07:10
Male Singlespeeds 40 +
1 263 Steve Andriese Traverse City MI HAGERTY RACING 1:43:58
2 255 Niel Scharphorn Jenison MI THE MOTION INITIATIV 1:45:25
3 2263 Craig Gietzen Rockford MI PRIORITY HEALTH CYCL 1:47:05
4 283 Ron Sanborn Traverse City MI EINSTEIN RACING 1:49:06
5 324 Jeff Zeller Onekama MI OUTPOST OF MANISTEE 1:50:17
6 303 Jason Pruitt Lafayette IN TREK/29ERCREW 1:50:37
7 1200 Wayne Cook Clinton Townsh MI TEAM FRASER/SPECIALI 1:51:32
8 1203 Patrick Russell Berkley MI WOLVERINE/ACFSTORES. 1:51:50
9 1212 James Gomez Fruitport MI 1:52:55
10 3910 Michael Brower Grand Rapids MI FREEWHEELER BIKE SHO 1:58:18
11 1219 David Totuant Grosse Pointe MI ROLLMODELS 1:59:03
12 1867 Christopher Schmidt Houghton MI RED JACKET CYCLING T 1:59:40
13 1214 Clete Swanson Arcadia MI 2:00:06
14 2272 Eric Landman Grand Haven MI 2:00:15
15 1863 Richard Kendall Cottonwood Hei UT NONE 2:00:53
16 2258 Brian Gillies Grosse Ile MI RUNJOHNRUN.NET 2:00:53
17 2289 Bradley Jerris Novi MI 2:01:11
18 2281 Paul Trout Bend OR SAGEBRUSH CYCLES 2:01:38
19 1864 David Kutcipal Boulder CO 303CYCLING 2:02:00
20 2218 Bob South Boyne City MI NO BOUNDARIES 2:02:06
21 4126 Charles Snyder Northville MI TRAILS-EDGE 2:02:10
22 4157 Todd Blumerick Adrian MI MOM & POP RACING 2:02:10
23 4174 Tim Vandermeulen Lake Ann MI 2:02:21
24 3838 Tony Blancato Fruitport MI SKIERQUEST 2:04:14
25 2244 Walt Meeker Traverse City MI 2:04:38
Male Singlespeeds 39 & Under
1 1225 Tim Finkel Royal Oak MI TREK 29ER CREW/WSC/A 1:46:05
2 278 Jan Roubal Sault Ste Mari ON VELORUTION 1:46:45
3 1244 Collin Snyder Plymouth MI TRAIL'S EDGE 1:48:28
4 1234 Will Baker Harbor Springs MI HONEY STINGER/TOURIN 1:48:44
5 281 Terrence Metz Beverly Hills MI MOTOR CITY RACING 1:49:35
6 1198 Dave Demaegd South Bend IN SPIN ZONE RACING 1:52:38
7 1801 Joe Kedrowski Manistee MI THE OUTPOST OF MANIS 1:53:09
8 3332 Dan Packer Williamsburg MI CITY BIKE SHOP 1:53:54
9 1812 Ken Blakey-Shell Manistee MI THE OUTPOST OF MANIS 1:54:43
10 4183 Jacob Marshall Grand Rapids MI FREE WHEELER BIKE SH 1:54:46
11 4112 Trevor Smela Petoskey MI NO BOUNDARIES/NINER 1:55:23
12 2251 Todd Greene Bloomfield Hil MI TRAILS - EDGE 1:56:02
13 4066 Jon Wlodarczak Dimondale MI TWIN 6 / ON 2 WHEELS 1:56:28
14 1789 Dan Ellerkamp Madison WI MAGNUS 1:57:29
15 1205 Joseph Seidl Warren MI TRAILS EDGE 1:57:38
16 2261 Kyle Mosher Manistee MI THE OUTPOST OF MANIS 1:57:54
17 1839 Anthony Sanson Warsaw IN ALDERFER BERGEN - RA 1:58:32
18 328 John Ryan Carmel IN ALDERFER BERGEN 1:58:50
19 1814 Matt Acker Grand Rapids MI BISSELL 1:59:11
20 1822 Steven Blake Dearborn MI ROLL MODELS BIKE SHO 1:59:21
21 1803 Damian Radock Fairview PA TREK OHIO VALLEY 1:59:23
22 251 Greg Christian Vancouver BC PANTHER/COMPETITIVE 2:00:20
23 1841 Trevor Rockwell Decorah IA DECORAH BICYCLES 2:00:23
24 272 Ross Williams Williamsburg MI EINSTEIN RACING 2:01:22
25 3998 Jamal Hamdan Livonia MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 2:01:41
CLASS: Male Clydesdales 40 +
1 1248 Mark Brown Plymouth MI ROLL MODELS 1:52:18
2 261 Raymond Dybowski Waterford MI WOLVERINE 1:55:03
3 3266 Kurt Kearney Grosse Ile MI GROSSE ILE FLIERS 1:56:08
4 2241 Paul Mapes Auburn MI 1:56:11
5 3292 J.R. Johnson Grosse Ile MI GROSSE ILE FLYERS 1:56:40
6 3282 Earl Adams Hastings MI CALCYCLING 1:57:09
7 3274 Douglas Wipperman Traverse City MI 1:57:26
8 4204 Robert Zimmermann Milwaukee WI NORWAY BICYCLES 2:01:56
9 3807 Ralf Scharnowski Grand Rapids MI FOUNDERS ALGER RACIN 2:02:12
10 4003 Dave Leslie Southgate MI 2:03:11
11 4009 Douglas Bowman St. Joseph MI 2:04:45
12 682 Marcus Steele Depere WI TITLETOWN FLYERS 2:05:17
13 454 Julian Buchynski Midland MI STUBWAY RIDERS 2:05:56
14 3920 Ross McCloskey Howell MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 2:05:57
15 4022 John Sekendy South Bend IN 2:06:11
16 514 Jim Samlow Fruitport MI TEAM GOMEZ 2:06:51
17 3959 Rob Grainger Mattawan MI TEAM TAYLOR 2:07:11
18 3835 James Taylor Big Rapids MI 2:08:23
19 1945 Todd McNeilly Dearborn MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 2:08:30
20 3932 Steve Duisterhof Kalamazoo MI GORDON WATER 2:08:59
21 953 Brian Fitzgerald Farmington Hil MI 2:11:01
22 4182 Jason Sparks Southfield MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 2:12:03
23 3565 Scott Willis Milford MI 2:12:21
24 2001 David Walters Battle Creek MI FORT CUSTER CYCLERY 2:12:28
25 2146 Bill Henderson Southgate MI 2:12:34
CLASS: Male Clydesdales 39 & Under
1 1119 the Future of Michigan Cycling: West Bloomfiel MI WOLVERINE SPORTS CLU 1:51:08
2 3284 Eli Brown Williamsburg MI BRICK WHEELS 1:53:18
3 3257 Tim Bottrell Traverse City MI SHORTS BREWING CO 2:01:58
4 3271 Scott Meier Shelby Twp MI CADIEUX TEAM 02 2:02:15
5 3022 Joseph Lampen Holland MI 2:04:33
6 378 Brent Smith Lake Orion MI 2:04:44
7 3862 Mark McClanahan Clarkston MI DISTANCE FOR DYSTONI 2:09:22
8 505 Bill Prall Traverse City MI 2:09:58
9 1896 Brian Engel Ferndale MI STARFISH 2:10:46
10 3857 Chad Lambert Oakland MI 2:13:46
11 1627 David Ross Cadillac MI 2:14:21
12 973 Brian Benson Lacrosse WI BIKES LTD/SCENIC CON 2:16:44
13 503 Jason Borchert Traverse City MI RIGHT BRAIN BREWERY 2:17:42
14 1919 Nolan Marcus Grand Rapids MI 2:18:48
15 477 Steve Bassett Waterford MI TEAM HOT DOG 2:20:13
16 3038 Damon Michelsen Ortonville MI CAPITOL CITY STYLE 2:21:15
17 898 Dale Piske Waterford MI RBS CYCLING TEAM 2:21:37
18 430 Aaron Maike Allen Park MI 2:23:40
19 3002 Tony Beursken Vermilion OH 2:25:08
20 772 Tim Lago Grand Rapids MI 2:25:40
21 1925 Brad Spencer Birmingham MI 2:25:43
22 729 Randy Bentley Jackson MI 2:26:27
23 1909 Charles Ganske Augusta MI TEAM STORM 2:26:29
24 4082 Robert Jackson Pinckney MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:27:05
25 817 Chris Davison Hamilton MI HUP UNITED 2:28:16

Watch more video of ICEMAN Cometh Challenge 2011 on
Place No. Name No. Town Sta Teamname Ice
1 128 Lukas Fluckiger 128 Wynigen MI Trek World Racing 1:33:05
2 140 Jeremiah Bishop 140 Harrisonburg VA Cannondale 1:33:07
3 206 Sam Schultz 206 Missoula MT Subaru - Trek 1:33:13
4 178 Brian Matter 178 Sheboygan WI Gear Grinder 1:33:18
5 214 Tristan Schouten 214 Sheboygan WI Mafia Racing 1:33:19
6 176 Mike Phillips 176 Chicago IL Adventure 212/specia 1:33:28
7 218 Travis Woodruff 218 Tucson AZ Trek Store Boulder 1:34:02
8 129 Matthias Fluckiger 129 Orchlenberg, S MI Trek World Racing 1:34:14
9 203 Christian Tanguy 203 Rochester MI Team Cf 1:34:14
10 208 Matt Shriver 208 Madison WI Trek 1:34:18
11 4203 Nathan Guerra 4203 Oconomowoc WI Wheel & Sprocket/vis 1:34:31
12 166 Isaac Neff 166 Madison WI Willy Bikes 1:34:43
13 201 Jorden Wakeley 201 Grayling MI Einstein Racing 1:34:50
14 117 Tyler Gauthier 117 Ishpeming MI Culvers Racing P/b M 1:34:50
15 212 Troy Wells 212 Durango CO Team Clif Bar 1:35:18
16 119 Dallas Fowler 119 Green Bay WI Kuhl Midwest 1:36:58
17 216 Mike Simonson 216 Oxford MI Rbs/trek/notubes 1:37:00
18 112 Derek Graham 112 Grand Rapids MI Bissell/abg 1:37:02
19 123 Ron Catlin 123 Shelby Townshi MI Mpi - Main Street Ka 1:37:04
20 149 Dan Korienek 149 Grandville MI Leadout Racing 1:37:16
21 182 Alex Vanias 182 Leroy MI Priority Health Cycl 1:37:18
22 245 Nathan Williams 245 Grand Rapids MI Bissell/abc 1:37:49
23 181 Cole House 181 Oneida WI 616 Fabrication 1:38:29
24 167 Jeff Pendlebury 167 Fredericksburg OH Groovy Cycleworks 1:38:30
25 174 Brady Kappius 174 Littleton CO Clif Bar 1:38:30
26 141 Jeff Craven 141 Traverse City MI City Bike Shop 1:38:34
27 197 Chad Sova 197 River Falls WI On The Rivet 1:38:36
28 139 Stephen Dempsey 139 Brighton MI Quiring Cycles 1:38:36
29 133 Colin Cares 133 Boulder CO Kenda - Felt 1:38:42
30 200 Cameron Walters 200 Ann Arbor MI Racing Greyhounds 1:38:51
31 213 Adam York 213 Plymouth MI Trails-Edge 1:39:07
32 118 Matt Craig 118 Pinckney MI Team Fast 1:39:10
33 137 Russell Finsterwald 137 Colorado Sprin CO Subaru - Trek 1:39:15
34 157 Greg Kuhn 157 Sterling Heigh MI Rbs Trek Mtb Team 1:40:00
35 134 Don Cameron 134 White Lake MI Specialized 1:40:01
36 136 Andrew Dahlheim 136 Austin TX Bissell Pro Cycling 1:40:01
37 168 Justin Piontek 168 Wabeno WI The Bike Hub Cycling 1:40:05
38 130 Jonathon Atwell 130 Bloomington IN Scholars Inn Bakehou 1:40:15
39 195 Steve Twining 195 N. Lawrence OH 1:40:32
40 110 Shawn Davison 110 East Grand Rap MI Farm Team Racing 1:41:34
41 122 Carey Grumelot 122 Green Bay WI Speedway Cycles 1:41:35
42 184 Ty Schmidt 184 Traverse City MI Einstein Racing 1:41:35
43 135 Alan Antonuk 135 Ann Arbor MI Cleveland Sports Hea 1:41:50
44 165 Tyler Jenema 165 Marquette MI Mafia Racing 1:41:57
45 143 Dan Klein 143 Berkley MI Rbs Trek Mtb Team 1:42:31
46 156 Rick Mezo 156 Crown Point IN Rbikes.Com 1:42:42
47 164 Earl Hillaker 164 Grand Rapids MI Founder Alger Racing 1:42:43
48 132 Bill Gallagher 132 Portage MI Trek 29er Crew 1:42:54
49 189 Jason Stephenson 189 Algonac MI 1:42:58
50 142 Mike Anderson 142 Alpena MI Trek/sram 1:43:05
51 107 Paul Borden 107 Westland MI Rbs Trek Team 1:43:13
52 217 Clint Verran 217 Lake Orion MI Paint Creek Bicycles 1:43:14
53 158 Nathan Lillie 158 Prairie Farm WI Rvcc/brone's Bike Sh 1:43:24
54 179 Geoff Kuyper 179 Grand Rapids MI Leadout Racing 1:43:26
55 186 Greg Springborn 186 Pekin IL Peoria Bicycle Club 1:43:31
56 131 Scott Cole 131 Stevens Point WI Adventure 212/specia 1:43:33
57 171 Peter O'Donnell 171 Boulder CO Gt Bicycles 1:43:47
58 211 Kyle Spisak 211 Mantua OH Lake Effect/crankski 1:44:39
59 202 Bryan Underwood 202 Davisburg MI Americano Euro U23 C 1:45:13
60 159 Patryk Limanowicz 159 Chicago IL Rbikes.Com 1:45:37
61 162 Aaron McCready 162 Livonia MI Racing Greyhounds 1:45:51
62 204 Chad Salla 204 Indianapolis IN Racing For Riley 1:45:54
63 209 Luke Spisak 209 Streetsboro OH Team Lake Effect 1:46:01
64 124 Nikolai Anikin 124 Duluth MN Continential Bike & 1:46:07
65 196 Daniel Sterling 196 Livonia MI Racing Greyhounds 1:46:09
66 192 Tom Torrance 192 Boulder CO Pearl Izumi Shoes 1:46:15
67 163 Chris Patterson 163 Peck MI D2 Racing 1:46:17
68 172 Scott Hoffner 172 Milford MI Brevard College 1:46:21
69 199 Matt Verona 199 Brighton MI Team Fast 1:46:50
70 154 Jason Lowetz 154 Traverse City MI Einstein Racing 1:46:56
71 113 Mitchell Deyoung 113 St. Johns MI 1:47:06
72 114 Eric Fossell 114 Machesney Park IL Janesville Velo Club 1:47:13
73 247 Michael Bliss 247 Royal Oak MI Wolverine/acf 1:47:41
74 101 David Bender 101 Belvidere IL Jvc/michaels Cycles 1:47:55
75 207 Travis Saeler 207 Butler PA 29er Crew 1:49:07
76 215 Eric Young 215 Geneva IL Bissell Pro Cycling 1:49:56
77 104 Michael Belanger 104 St. Clair Shor MI Racing Greyhounds 1:50:06
78 198 Bill Street 198 Sheboygan WI Kuhl Midwest Mtb Tea 1:50:31
79 177 Robert Neidlinger 177 Royal Oak MI Hc Hooligans 1:50:32
80 147 Dan Kotwicki 147 Ann Arbor MI Trek 29er Crew 1:50:44
81 152 Brian Parker 152 Berwyn IL Xxx Racing / Athleti 1:51:12
82 2227 Todd Freidinger 2227 St Clair Shore MI North Country Cycle 1:51:29
83 219 Chad Wells 219 Petoskey MI North Country Cycle 1:51:30
84 116 Steve Bartzen 116 Grand Rapids MI Farm Team Racing 1:51:40
85 183 Paul Riggs 183 Farmington Hil MI Racing Greyhounds 1:52:20
86 138 Stan Dinkel 138 Brighton MI Michigan Youth Cycli 1:52:24
87 102 Jody Cagle 102 Royal Oak MI Racing Greyhounds 1:52:34
88 103 Rick Cleary 103 River Falls WI Korc Racing 1:52:36
89 155 Mitch Moen 155 Lombard IL Rbikes.Com 1:52:57
90 1089 Wes Sovis 1089 Interlochan MI Thompson O'neil Cycl 1:52:58
91 160 Eric Patterson 160 Kentwood MI D2 Racing 1:53:06
92 185 Philip Vanderlugt 185 Ada MI 1:53:11
93 120 Rick Bentley 120 Northville MI 1:54:15
94 1088 Cody Sovis 1088 Interlochen MI Thompson O'neil Law 1:55:42
95 115 Rick Doornbos 115 Portage MI Voodoo Cycles/billys 1:57:00
96 173 John McKeen 173 Hope MI Einstein Racing 1:57:06
97 145 Kelly Jedynak 145 Valparaiso IN R-Bikes.Com/fleettru 1:57:31
98 169 David Pfeiffer 169 Boulder CO Ltr 1:58:06
99 121 Cj Anten 121 Holland MI Cross Country Cycle 1:58:08
100 180 Chad Kuhn 180 Silver Lake IN Alderter Bergen 2:00:05
101 146 Eric Malzahn 146 Royal Oak MI City Bike Shop 2:01:46
102 188 Ed Serrat 188 South Bend IN Spin Zone Cycling Ou 2:04:09
103 148 Todd Powers 148 Marysville MI Team Sandbag 2:05:40
104 108 Erik Eiseman 108 Marseilles IL Illinois Valley Cycl 2:10:02
105 153 Seth Kleinglass 153 Belleville MI Mom & Pop - Sweet Bi 2:22:16
Pro Women
Place No. Name Town Sta Teamname Ice
1 231 Heather Irimiger Boulder CO SUBARU - TREK 1:46:01
2 243 Chloe Woodruff Tucson AZ BMC MTN DEVELOPMENT 1:46:13
3 232 Catharine Pendrel Kamloops BC LUNA CHIX 1:47:03
4 225 Amanda Carey Victor ID KENDA - FELT 1:48:32
5 226 Judy Freeman Brighton CO KENDA - FELT 1:48:45
6 237 Johanna Schmidt Traverse City MI EINSTEIN RACING 1:50:43
7 224 Kelli Emmett Manitou Spring CO GIANT 1:50:44
8 242 Susan Stephens Essex ON QUIRING CYCLES 1:51:50
9 240 Erica Tingey Las Vegas NV WHITE PINE RACING 1:51:57
10 234 Heather Spencer Pinckney MI TEAM FAST 1:54:55
11 238 Susan Vigland Traverse City MI HAGERTY CYCLING 1:55:25
12 235 Mackenzie Woodring Belmont MI PRIORITY HEALTH 1:56:37
13 223 Lynn Alfs Birmingham MI PAINT CREEK BICYCLES 1:56:38
14 246 Marne Smiley Chicago IL BOBS RED MILL 1:57:27
15 221 Jamie Galambos Sylvania OH MAUMEE VALLLEY WHEEL 2:00:21
16 239 Amanda Ryan Wixom MI TEAM GIANT 2:01:19
17 241 Erin Vicary Walled Lake MI QUIRING CYCLES 2:02:04
18 230 Patti Kaufmann Whitefish Bay WI EXPO RACING 2:09:56
19 228 Michelle Peariso Amherst WI ADVENTURE 212/SPECIA 2:14:15
20 227 Dana Baurbenn Shelby Twp MI WOLVERINE/ACFSTORES. 2:22:34
CLASS: MYC Scholarship Men 12-18
1 19 Ian Haupt Whitefish Bay WI EXPO RACING 1:47:44
2 26 Gunner -David Dygert Brownsburg IN BICYCLEOUTFITTERSIND 1:48:21
3 45 Rudyard Peterson Kalamazoo MI KINETIC SYSTEMS 1:49:28
4 24 Cj Brish Milford MI HOMETOWN CYCLING 1:51:08
5 22 Nick Dietrich Prospect KY RED ZONE CYCLING 1:54:55
6 36 Pete Karinen Painesdale MI TREK 29ER CREW/CCS 1:55:26
7 20 Luke Beemer Brownsburg IN BICYCLE OUTFITTERS I 1:57:30
8 46 Alek Minkis Brownsburg IN BICYCLE OUTFITTERS I 2:00:45
9 75 Kurt Vogt Macomb MI RBS CYCLING 2:02:24
10 18 Myles Beach Larsen WI ADVENTURE 22/SPECIAL 2:02:25
11 74 Alex Schultz Oxford MI RBS 2:02:28
12 33 Nathan Labecki Milwaukee WI NOVA CYCLE SPORTS FO 2:03:10
13 96 Logan Taylor Cadillac MI 2:07:15
14 44 Mark Renn Louisville KY RED ZONE CYCLING 2:08:01
15 5 Andrew Hall Brighton MI HOMETOWN CYCLING 2:09:44
16 73 Daniel Santos Louisville KY RED ZONE RACING 2:10:57
17 52 Matt Miller Brighton MI BRIGHTON HIGH SCHOOL 2:11:44
18 4 Caleb Andrews Battle Creek MI TEAM ACTIVE 2:14:44
19 55 Daniel Riggs Battle Creek MI 2:19:08
20 38 Shane Leslie Birmingham MI MAIN STREET BICYCLES 2:19:17
21 27 Raymond Dangelmaier Brighton MI BRIGHTON HIGH SCHOOL 2:19:22
22 41 Keegan Korienek Grandville MI LEADOUT RACING 2:19:22
23 25 Spencer Grasl Brighton MI D & D BICYCLES 2:20:12
24 40 Luke Mullis Rochester Hill MI WOLVERINES 2:20:48
25 23 Ross Gibbs Boyne City MI MICHIGANYOUTHCYCLING 2:22:04
CLASS: Men 19-24
1 274 Cory Stange Millington MI BISSELL 1:43:40
2 275 Kyle Stange Millington MI CYCLEFIT 1:45:54
3 269 Ryan Buerman Pinckney MI MICHIGANYOUTHCYCLING 1:50:11
4 1239 Matthew Light Warsaw IN RACING FOR RILEY 1:51:51
5 2225 Kyle Sarasin Marquette MI 1:51:53
6 1197 Blaine Bensan Birmingham MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 1:52:15
7 4030 Kelly Sugg Rochester MI KLM/ COLD STONE 1:52:30
8 3304 Christopher Cluett Ann Arbor MI UNIVERSITY OF MICHIG 1:52:47
9 1055 Eric Hamman Somerset OH TREK OHIO VALLEY 1:54:11
10 297 Ben Wizner Onalaska WI MT BORAH 1:54:17
11 3854 Christopher Vitton Rockford MI SPEED MERCHANTS 1:54:52
12 1112 Eric Ollis Stevensville MI MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGIC 1:55:13
13 4161 Tyler Kelly Traverse City MI TEAM BOB'S 1:55:30
14 3964 Todd Davidson Jackson WI TEAM GIANT - MI 1:55:41
15 3850 Joe Graham Petoskey MI 1:55:50
16 4133 Brendan Benson Birmingham MI BLACK LINE TRACK TEA 1:56:19
17 1090 Evan Boese Richland MI PRIORITY HEALTH 1:56:50
18 4033 Alexander Huyghe Rochester MI TEAM O2 1:57:36
19 1071 Shony Reuven White Lake MI CYCLETHERAPY - SPECI 1:59:41
20 2213 Ryan Rivamonte Commerce Towns MI 1:59:46
21 3867 Bryan Carps Traverse City MI 2:00:24
22 1070 Derrick Obrien Jackson MI TEAM ACTIVE RACING 2:00:34
23 1054 Codi Crippen Zanesville OH TREK OHIO VALLEY 2:01:28
24 3841 Bradley Gates Alto MI 2:02:48
25 1076 James Licht Midland MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:03:10
CLASS: Men 25-27
1 282 Jesse Gould Grand Blanc MI CYCLEFIT 1:43:14
2 320 Ryan Cross Holland MI PRIORITY HEALTH 1:44:44
3 3326 Donald Cumming Waterford MI MPI - MAIN STREET RA 1:49:39
4 1169 Paul Mumford Chicago IL TEAM KRUNK SHOX 1:50:19
5 3894 Ben Cox Fenton MI TEAM GIANT- MI 1:54:37
6 3320 Warren Vanmiddlesworth Kalamazoo MI 1:56:51
7 4172 Kyle Frailing Portage MI 1:57:43
8 3289 Patrick Scheibel Jefferson WI 1:58:23
9 2217 Patrick Kulwicki North Liberty IN SPIN ZONE RACING 1:58:32
10 1150 Dave Smith Mancelona MI NO BOUNDARIES 1:59:55
11 3327 Pete Hall East Grand Rap MI DRUNKEN DRAGONS 2:00:11
12 1153 Mike Billmeier Oshkosh WI BRAAAP 2:01:57
13 4228 Jacob Ellis Traverse City MI 2:02:33
14 1208 John Pogoncheff Lansing MI TREE FORT BIKES 2:02:35
15 1133 Grant Flewwelling Kalamazoo MI BREAKAWAY BICYCLES 2:02:57
16 513 Ryan Sigsbey Boone NC 2:03:03
17 551 Zack Buddish Dearborn MI 2:06:16
18 1180 Ben McMurray Petoskey MI 2:07:20
19 1177 David Hofmann Ann Arbor MI 2:07:22
20 457 Brian Klomp Fremont MI DTE - HESPERIA AUTO 2:07:44
21 336 Christopher Ballor Portage MI 2:09:00
22 857 Eric Shutler Traverse City MI HRT 2:09:19
23 1174 Mitchell Janicki Hudsonville MI MITCH JANICKI 2:10:15
24 1144 Matthew Kelley Homewood IL GOODSPEEDS CYCLES 2:10:21
25 1166 Erik Huyghe Rochester MI TEAM O2 2:10:46
CLASS: Men 28-29
1 295 Mike Tacchella Jenison MI EAST HILLS VELO 1:45:35
2 1246 Jeremy Karel Grand Rapids MI FOUNDERS ALGER RACIN 1:51:01
3 2243 Mike Okma Traverse City MI HAGERTY CYCLING 1:51:38
4 2216 Christopher Roper Novi MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:53:22
5 3990 Adam Hallett Rochester Hill MI HC HOOLIGANS 1:55:38
6 1288 Sebastian Binnemann Charlotte NC CYCLE & FITNESS - NI 1:56:00
7 3285 Nick Demek Plymouth MI 1:56:59
8 4187 Sam Foos Waterloo WI TREK 1:57:11
9 3291 Ben Vanhoose Greenville MI 1:58:30
10 3901 Nate Benke Farmington Hil MI VENTUS CYCLING 1:58:39
11 4107 Daemian Koehler Topinabee MI 1:59:26
12 3884 Ryan McKinnie Brighton MI TWO WHEEL TANGO 1:59:36
13 4153 David Buick Portage MI TEAM TAYLOR 2:01:10
14 1192 Brian Hancock Alma MI SPECIALIZED 2:01:10
15 1277 Christopher Sprock Deoria IL PROCTOR CYCLING CLUB 2:03:34
16 4179 Zachary Wentzel Prompton PA SICKLER'S 2:03:38
17 1293 Jeffrey Do Ontario CA 2:03:50
18 1291 Burgess Gow Dayton OH US MILITARY CYCLING 2:03:51
19 4071 William Kannenberg Portage MI 2:04:20
20 1298 Eric Bales Lafayette IN HODSON'S BAY/ C.R.C. 2:04:37
21 4127 Marshall Bull Racing Greyhou MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 2:05:51
22 4013 Kevin Krause Plymouth MI JOSHUA TREE 2:05:55
23 1272 Evan Leonard Ann Arbor MI 29ERS RULE/CONTINENT 2:05:57
24 4231 Joseph Hall Plain City OH MAMA MIMI'S P/B KEND 2:06:07
25 609 Ryan Severns Grand Rapids MI 2:06:34
Men 30-31
1 252 Nick Wierzba Napa CA HAMMERING HANK 1:48:40
2 3873 Jason Rafeld Kalamazoo MI 1:56:19
3 1338 Jon Gordon Wyandotte MI ROLL MODELS BIKE SHO 1:56:42
4 3328 Adam Webb South Lyon MI 1:57:03
5 1339 Brandon Elliott Lincolnwood IL IRON CYCLES 1:57:49
6 4024 David Grant Commerce MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:58:11
7 3898 James Goerlich III Sterling Heigh MI TEAM SANDBAG 1:58:36
8 4148 Scott Weiss Racing Greyhou MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:59:19
9 4155 Brian Falloon Noblesville IN 2:01:45
10 3833 Andrew Manninen Grand Haven MI TEAM FOOLISH 2:01:52
11 2262 Caleb Wendel Houghton MI RED JACKET CYCLING 2:02:19
12 1319 Troy Smits St Joseph MI 2:02:59
13 1228 Nicholas White Denville NJ TEAM MARTYS 2:03:14
14 4152 Drew Koschmann Holland MI TEAM FOOLISH 2:05:13
15 2248 Aaron Dowling Holland MI TEAM FOOLISH 2:05:35
16 3290 Alex Pina Traverse City MI SHORTS BREWING CO 2:07:01
17 1202 Eric Peters Columbus OH NATIONAL ENGINEERING 2:07:17
18 1356 William Ott Ann Arbor MI 2:07:27
19 564 Louis Dykstra Grand Rapids MI TEAM APEX CYCLING 2:08:20
20 1333 Kit Grayson Duluth MN 2:08:24
21 4011 Nicholas Razo Farmington Hil MI 2:08:31
22 714 Aaron Stevenson Bowling Green OH 2:08:37
23 3944 Jim Braam Jenison MI ASCENSION RACING 2:10:41
24 1348 Jason Lechner Kalamazoo MI BREAKAWAY BICYCLES 2:10:57
25 508 Andy Stover Royal Oak MI 2:10:59
Men 32-33
1 268 Joe Thomas Kalamazoo MI CMS RACING 1:45:01
2 3321 Thomas Eaton Chicago IL SRAM 1:53:27
3 3803 Joel Vander Kodde Wyoming MI CQL 1:55:02
4 2212 Steven Schultz Petoskey MI TWISTED STONE/LATITU 1:55:14
5 3828 Mike Williams Roscoe IL MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 1:55:19
6 3314 Dan McGraw Grand Rapids MI FREWHEELER BIKE SHOP 1:56:44
7 3811 Josh Harville Clinton Townsh MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:58:17
8 3847 Andrew Lafleur Saginaw MI WHEELS IN MOTION 1:59:51
9 1388 David Vandermeer Zeeland MI 1:59:55
10 1432 Ben Smith Morristown NJ TEAM MARTYS 2:00:43
11 1397 Jesse Epstein Morristown NJ TEAM MARTYS 2:01:10
12 1426 Jason Mishka Sylvania OH MAUMEE VALLEY WHEELM 2:01:28
13 4177 Shawn Crowley East Grand Rap MI FOUNDERS ALGER RACIN 2:02:18
14 1381 Alex Ransom Detroit MI SOUTHERN CYCLING OPE 2:02:59
15 566 Alex Mitevski Pontiac MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 2:03:07
16 3922 Joshua Hogeterp Grand Rapids MI FOUNDERS ALGER RACIN 2:03:32
17 1387 Platon Rodriguez Oxford MI MPI-MAIN STEET BICYC 2:04:05
18 1402 Dominic Couturier Grand Rapids MI D2 RACING 2:04:48
19 661 Marc Brunette Traverse City MI 2:05:27
20 2270 Brian Brzuchanski Waterford MI TEAM EMERY 2:05:32
21 4100 Charles Whistler Shelby Twp MI 2:06:05
22 3947 Mark Casper Linden MI 2:07:20
23 437 Tim Van Horn Brighton MI 2:07:44
24 700 Jason Bennett Wyoming MI 2:07:50
25 3923 Michael Browne Culver IN TREK 2:08:16
Men 34
1 3261 Jason Whittaker Traverse City MI EINSTEIN RACING 1:52:53
2 312 Gabe Niehof Grand Rapids MI FOUNDERS/ALGER CYCLE 1:53:08
3 1224 Ryan Marcikic Kalamazoo MI 1:58:06
4 4034 Christopher Hruska Indianapolis IN 1:58:07
5 266 Chris Pawielski St Joseph MI CYCLE & FITNESS 1:58:34
6 3335 Glen Ruczynski Traverse City MI CITY BIKE SHOP 1:59:52
7 3914 Shaun Welch Waterford MI PAINT CREEK BICYCLES 2:00:00
8 474 Eric Hune Rockford MI TEAM APEX CYCLING 2:02:06
9 3805 Jeff Cachero Kalamazoo MI BREAKAWAY BICYCLES 2:02:22
10 450 Jason Baylor Hudson OH 2:03:19
11 3934 Jason Samonds Pittsburgh PA FAT HEAD'S/STOMACHOF 2:03:40
12 4237 Joe Bernardi TEAM GIANT - MI 2:05:21
13 1453 Keith Feldt Waterford MI FLYING RHINO CYCLING 2:05:22
14 4132 Eric Langley Howell MI 2:07:55
15 465 Jeff Swanstrom Appleton WI 2:08:53
16 579 Chad Brewer North Muskegon MI WEST MICHIGAN COAST 2:09:31
17 576 Ryan Ondersma Grand Rapids MI 2:09:43
18 403 Adam Sulkowski Howell MI 2:10:59
19 1469 Dawson Trook Grand Rapids MI BIISSELL/ABG 2:11:26
20 928 Erich Brauer Madison WI TITLETOWN FLYERS 2:14:40
21 963 Charles Elder Battle Creek MI 2:14:58
22 920 Steffen Mueller Plymouth MI 2:15:21
23 861 Brad Dunkin Port Huron MI TEAM SANDBAG 2:15:24
24 860 Benjamin Kapenga Zeeland MI DIRT DAD'S RACING 2:15:58
25 974 Andrew Walenga Grand Rapids MI 2:16:53
CLASS: Men 35
Place No. Name Town Sta Teamname Ice
===== ===== ====================== ============== === ==================== =======
1 260 Adam Naish Rochester MI RBS TREK MTB TEAM 1:46:21
2 329 Jason Grobbel Burlington CT CREATEX COLORS-BENID 1:46:31
3 304 Aaron Zuelke Grand Haven MI BREAKAWAY BICYCLES 1:49:05
4 3814 Ross Anderson Point Pleasant NJ SCOTT RC/TEXMARKET-U 1:49:50
5 1194 Jeff Poirier Pinckney MI JOSHUA TREE 1:51:20
6 3264 Paul Nederveld Hudsonville MI FUSION IT 1:52:57
7 2259 Wendell Delvalle Brownstown MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:53:03
8 2215 Eric Stanke Green Bay WI 1:53:17
9 1484 Brad Lako Auburn Hills MI KLM/COLD STONE CYCLI 1:54:45
10 1488 Dominic Bosco Winfield IL RBIKES.COM 1:57:20
11 308 Aaron Neuman Pinckney MI 1:57:23
12 1475 Matt Remus Dewitt MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:01:51
13 3933 Jerome Jeslis Palos Heights IL 2:01:55
14 4156 Eric Kanasty Rochester MI 2:03:55
15 1507 Chad Lahey Grand Haven MI 2:04:53
16 1514 Adam Rosender Commerce Towns MI 2:05:00
17 4184 Jonathan Bruner Clinton Townsh MI 2:06:59
18 654 Craig Anible Grand Rapids MI 2:08:46
19 1503 Brent Krmpotich Sault Ste. Mar ON VELORUTION CYCLES 2:09:28
20 2220 John Colson Ypsilanti MI 2:12:01
21 4150 Andy Bix Kentwood MI 2:14:53
22 1505 Jerome Joly Grand Rapids MI FREEWHEELER 2:16:20
23 1494 Steve Ellery Toronto ON 2:16:33
24 879 Mathew Webster Petoskey MI 2:16:47
25 1487 Alan Benson Traverse City MI CITY BIKE SHOP 2:17:11
Men 36
1 1519 Ross Clark Hudson OH WWW.THEEDGEOUTDOORS. 1:48:03
2 316 John Osgood Kimball MI TEAM SANDBAG 1:48:57
3 3991 Matt Remelts Grand Rapids MI FOUNDERS ALGER RACIN 1:55:17
4 150 Dan Krajcovic Rochester Hill MI RBS TREK MTB TEAM 1:55:47
5 1220 Greg Giles Brighton MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:56:21
6 2253 Marc Decubber Davisburg MI LUCKY BUCKET 1:58:00
7 292 Rick Trudo Freeland MI TRI-CITY CYCLISTS 1:58:01
8 3294 Mike Coleman Traverse City MI 1:59:58
9 4004 John Kuiper Ada MI 2:00:18
10 3972 Jim Marcero Carmel IN TEAM NEBO RIDGE 2:00:36
11 3826 Jurrien Davison Ada MI HUP UNITED 2:01:44
12 3960 Krystian Pac Chicago IL POLSKA- MIODU! OLA! 2:03:19
13 4115 Andrew Wisniewski South Lyon MI 2:03:58
14 1545 Joel Nemes Holland MI JADE/WHISPER CYCLES 2:04:32
15 4051 Josh Suardini Milford MI 2:05:53
16 1522 Brian Miller Lake Orion MI ISOLATOS RACING 2:06:09
17 734 Alex Dombroski Ann Arbor MI TEAM BRUGHLETT 2:07:13
18 3946 David George Grand Rapids MI RAPID WHEELMEN 2:07:46
19 4146 Brian Roginski South Lyon MI RACING GREYHOUNDS! 2:07:51
20 4045 Scott Chiesa Royal Oak MI 2:07:54
21 370 Stefan Ioannou Toronto ON BCR RACING 2:08:06
22 4094 Michael Melnik Lowell MI 2:08:11
23 438 Sean Geary Ann Arbor MI FUSION IT 2:08:12
24 475 Kevin Larochelle Gilbert AZ BLOOD SWEAT & TEARS 2:08:27
25 3315 Scott Kierzek Hamilton MI 2:09:40
Men 37
1 302 Andrew Weir Ann Arbor MI TWO WHEEL TANGO 1:46:23
2 3890 Jay Click Ferndale MI 1:48:15
3 1227 Joshua McCreedy Holly MI SISU CYCLES 1:49:49
4 2288 Ryan Kennedy Traverse City MI EINSTEIN RACING 1:51:16
5 1206 Kevin Dittmer Novi MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:51:19
6 1207 Ryan Michels Metamora MI 616 FABRICATION 1:52:57
7 2236 Chris Crosby Grand Blanc MI TEAM BRUGHLETT 1:56:08
8 2275 Anthony Kunkler McCordsville IN MATTHEWS BICYCLES 1:56:38
9 3875 Scott Thenikl Comstock Park MI FOUNDERS RACING 1:57:03
10 3309 Joel Hynes Wausau WI BIKEMAN.COM 1:57:32
11 3936 Justin Ham Whitmore Lake MI MERRELL 1:58:16
12 191 Tony Torrance Boulder CO PEARL IZUMI 1:58:49
13 639 Patrick Hornacek Caledonia MI SPIN TO WIN 2:01:08
14 3311 Michael Campbell Chicago IL IRON CYCLES 2:01:13
15 3865 Scott Walter Ypsilanti MI 2:01:49
16 4186 Chad Haskin Marne MI 2:02:07
17 4010 Marek Kulesza Vernono Hills IL 2:02:11
18 4038 Doug Derdowski Williamston MI TEAM TOMS 2:02:26
19 1592 Geoff Miller Ada MI 2:03:02
20 1593 Spencer Mendel Alpena MI 2:03:25
21 3883 John Kline Fishers IN SINGLETRACK OUTFITTE 2:03:42
22 3827 Eric Hatfield Long Beach CA SHO-AIR/ROCK N ROAD 2:04:09
23 4130 Craig Smith Dorr MI FREE WHEELER BIKE SH 2:04:22
24 4061 Israel Villasenor Rochester Hill MI MEXICO 2:04:45
25 1603 Jason Law Byron Center MI 2:06:06
Men 38
1 279 Jimmie Colflesh Livonia MI MOM & POP RACING 1:46:20
2 1195 Simon Bailey Novi MI WOLVERINE AC&F 1:48:26
3 3305 Matt Zak Eveleth MN VERDIGN'S PHLOGISTON 1:48:56
4 3804 Jim Bonnell Waterford MI 1:49:19
5 3272 Brian Harris Holland MI CROSS COUNTRY CYCLE 1:49:32
6 1189 Gabriel Ion Spring Grove IL TREADHEAD 1:50:44
7 3891 Chris Lett Dewitt MI 1:52:33
8 1209 Edward Brewer Ann Arbor MI 1:52:37
9 2284 Joshua Neider Northville MI TRAILS EDGE 1:53:01
10 2266 Greg Hughes Williamston MI TEAM TOMS 1:53:12
11 318 Peter Greaves Niles MI CYCLE & FITNESS 1:54:09
12 1213 Matt Hoffman Grand Rapids MI 1:55:49
13 1622 Derek Oldfield San Diego CA SAN DIEGO BIKE CLUB 1:58:38
14 3989 Jason Cotter Lake Orion MI PAINT CREEK BIKES 2:00:08
15 740 Jeremy Daum Northville MI TRAILS EDGE 2:00:27
16 3937 David Moore Lake Orion MI CYCLETHERAPY RACING 2:00:30
17 3323 Eric Grassa Traverse City MI 2:01:05
18 3908 Troy Schaden Oconto WI TEAM BACHLEORS 2:01:14
19 1654 Brandon Love Grand Blanc MI 2:01:14
20 2283 Aaron Bennett Pinckney MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:01:19
21 3880 Craig Rice Plymouth MI MCG/TRAILS EDGE 2:01:43
22 1634 Kenneth Dawson Chicago IL XXX RACING - ATHLETI 2:01:58
23 1257 Rusty Brown Malvern OH CAMBA 2:02:59
24 3837 Matthew Caldwell Saline MI 2:03:07
25 4041 Rick Hatfield South Lyon MI 2:03:09
Men 39
1 2267 Don Hackney Grand Haven MI CROSS COUNTRY CYCLE 1:47:43
2 276 Joe Brzuchanski Highland MI CAFFEINE SOUL 1:48:08
3 2226 Anthony Bastuk Flint MI 1:51:57
4 1263 James Rasmussen Michigan City IN RBIKES.COM 1:51:58
5 315 Matthew Whalen Allendale MI 1:53:08
6 3281 Mark Pruim Byron Center MI 1:55:13
7 3856 Chris Fellows Genoa IL 1:55:18
8 2260 Chad Baumann Allendale MI DUKE RACING 1:55:54
9 3287 Dave Caldwell Milford MI 1:56:12
10 3942 Edward Brzezinski Linden MI 1:57:32
11 322 Tom Payn Troy MI PRECISIONMTB 1:59:29
12 3976 Michael Meyer White Lake MI FLYING RHINO 1:59:46
13 1692 Christopher Boer Grand Rapids MI EAST HILLS VELO 2:00:42
14 3878 Thomas Hitchens Traverse City MI 2:02:59
15 3322 Andrew Grey Lake Zurich IL 2:03:36
16 1717 William Sherwood Royal Oak MI WOLVERINE / ACFSTORE 2:05:18
17 1187 Peter Howland Brookfield IL SRAM 2:05:20
18 895 Heath Paukette Allendale MI 2:06:19
19 1724 Jonathan Zoutendam Traverse City MI 2:06:53
20 1687 Alexander Yockey Traverse City MI HAGERTY 2:07:02
21 431 Todd Zrimec Traverse City MI 2:07:35
22 3915 Lee Messersmith Benton IL WHEEL FAST RACING 2:07:37
23 4099 David Roush Grand Rapids MI 2:08:05
24 3853 Christian Glupker Hudsonville MI 2:08:08
25 1231 Andrew Bowman Harbor Springs MI 2:08:24
CLASS: Men 40
1 290 Brent Wiersema Traverse City MI HAGERTY 1:47:02
2 309 Jarod Makowski Troy MI PAINT CREEK BICYCLES 1:48:18
3 1747 Stefano Frascaroli Grosse Ile MI GROSSE ILE FLYERS 1:48:49
4 286 Jason Lummis Pinckney MI QUIRING CYCLES 1:50:34
5 3820 Jeff Galsterer Traverse City MI 1:56:50
6 3316 Greg Jenkinson Corunna MI TEAM TOAST 1:57:08
7 3812 David Manges Flushing MI TEAM ASSENMACHER 1:57:18
8 3950 Matt Operman Longmont CO SUBARU-TREK 1:57:24
9 4069 Dave Van Laecke Wyoming MI 1:59:53
10 3888 Jeff Rohrstaff Vicksburg MI 2:01:19
11 1770 Sam Preston Bedford IN NEBO RIDGE 2:01:38
12 613 Cory Bultman Rockford MI VILLAGE BIKE SHOP 2:03:01
13 1034 Brad Pruim Dorr MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:04:17
14 1744 Thomas Trout Byron Center MI BLINK 2:05:05
15 3310 Mike Koetsier Ada MI HUP UNITED 2:05:28
16 3816 Aaron Swanker Traverse City MI FLIGHT PATH CREATIVE 2:06:01
17 939 Jonathan King Novi MI RBS CYCLING TEAM 2:06:12
18 344 Will Browder Macomb MI 2:06:32
19 1772 Sean Mulligan Mount Morris IL 2:06:38
20 4092 Chuck Brenner Augusta MI 2:07:00
21 1784 Dave Walston Traverse City MI SILVER LEAF 2:08:10
22 4137 Tim Bochenek Holland MI FUSION CYCLING 2:08:33
23 412 Ken Spigarelli Traverse City MI 2:08:44
24 4047 Scott Zeeb East Lansing MI TOMS SHOES P/B KINDH 2:10:04
25 1763 Brent Hoover Plymouth IN PROFORM 2:11:09
Men 41
1 256 Ray Nelson Woodstock IL TREAD HEAD CYCLING 1:43:13
2 271 Don Roth Frankfort MI 1:44:44
3 267 Dennis Lessard Jackson MI ABERDEEN BIKE 1:48:54
4 1261 Bill Burkholder Rockford IL KEGELS BIKES 1:49:55
5 248 Robert Selle West Bloomfiel MI MPI/MAIN STREET 1:49:56
6 2229 Tony Hersberger Rockford MI REVOLUTION CYCLING C 1:51:28
7 3262 Shane Veldhuizen Pelican Lake WI FUNK 1:53:36
8 2224 Tod Horner Howell MI ABERDEEN BIKE 1:53:57
9 1211 Ron Stack Fenton MI CYCLEFIT SPORTS CLUB 1:53:57
10 3312 Casey McGovern East Grand Rap MI BISSELL 1:54:21
11 300 Tim Difalco Royal Oak MI 1:54:26
12 3283 Sean Neill Ann Arbor MI 1:54:54
13 293 Timothy Barrons Traverse City MI HAGERTY 1:55:28
14 2237 David Krenk Canton MI J-TREE 1:55:50
15 2009 David Dygert Brownsburg IN BICYCLEOUTFITTERSIND 1:56:58
16 3823 Todd Anthes Grand Haven MI BLINK MULTISPORT 1:57:10
17 3930 Scott Pruski Grand Rapids MI 1:57:21
18 3276 Eric Bartels Grand Rapids MI 1:57:46
19 4151 Geoff Shirley East Grand Rap MI FUSION I.T. 1:58:04
20 2031 Chris Bryce Toronto ON RACERSPORTIF/VELOEPI 1:58:19
21 3943 Neil Peruski Oxford MI MPI MAIN STEET BICYC 1:59:04
22 314 Mike Senters Manistee MI LISA, LUKE, GABBY 1:59:20
23 2024 Brad Emmett Plymouth MI 1:59:42
24 3821 Jarrod Kerkhoff Rockford IL 2:00:51
25 2264 Mark Bourgeau South Lyon MI 2:01:12
Men 42
1 259 Jeff Adamcik Midland MI BICYCLE HQ 1:44:08
2 319 Matt Thourot Maumee OH 1:47:10
3 187 Tom Scott Belmont MI SPEED MERCHANTS 1:47:26
4 301 Tim Jenema Williamsburg MI HAGERTY CYCLING 1:47:52
5 1240 Brian Klym Traverse City MI HAGERTY 1:52:11
6 1210 Paul Wood Flint MI ASSENMACHER 1:53:42
7 4035 Aric Dershem Grand Rapids MI LEADOUT RACING 1:55:38
8 3945 Russell Petts Westland MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:56:48
9 3286 Terry Bochenek Jenison MI FUSION CYCLING 1:56:51
10 1252 Patrick Robb Royal Oak MI WOLVERINE SPORTS CLU 1:57:05
11 3268 Brett Davis University Hei OH TEAM SPIN/RR DONNELL 1:59:21
12 4121 Bob Crooks Clinton Twp MI 1:59:32
13 3280 Julius Geronimo Novi MI MPMBA 2:00:07
14 2086 James Conner Grand Haven MI 2:00:10
15 3269 Brian Walquist Grand Rapids MI FOUNDER ALGER RACING 2:00:12
16 3813 Michael Carney Yorkville IL FLATLANDIA 2:00:29
17 2102 Paul Nicholls Boyne City MI INSPIRED LIVING 2:00:41
18 1251 Dave Riggs Ann Arbor MI 2:01:27
19 2085 Brian Harville Goodrich MI 2:01:39
20 3969 Sean Whalen Novi MI 2:02:11
21 3806 Todd Riecke Traverse City MI 2:02:14
22 395 Andrew Baines Rockton IL GWOD 2:02:31
23 2257 Dave Lenting Grandville MI LEADOUT 2:03:05
24 533 Christian Klauke Rochester MI LANDSHARK RACING 2:03:28
25 2080 Todd Henrickson Ludington MI AUGIE RUBY 2:03:55
Men 43
1 307 Jay Risk Waterford MI MPI - MAIN STREET RA 1:43:51
2 273 David Wagoner Warsaw IN ALDERFER BERGAN 1:46:55
3 270 Mark Jackson Whitemore Lake MI ABERDEEN BIKE 1:49:03
4 2230 Eric Fernando Franklin MI MARKALLENONLINE 1:52:17
5 288 Eric Tompkin Redford MI TREE FORT BIKES 1:52:30
6 1217 Jim Hilditch Canton MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:52:31
7 1190 Michael Wheeler Chesterton IN RBIKES.COM 1:54:16
8 3851 Mark Spore Wayland MI VILLAGE BIKE SHOP 1:54:27
9 3870 Anthony Gwin Waterville OH MAUMEE VALLEY WHEELM 1:55:03
10 2242 Eric Holmes Pinckney MI TEAM FAST 1:55:52
11 2271 David Mehney Grand Rapids MI 1:55:57
12 3300 Dave McComb Yoder IN MEN OF STEEL RACING 1:56:06
13 1236 Ken Flory Commerce Twp. MI IF 1:56:50
14 287 Matt Johnson Warsaw IN ALDERFER/BERGAN 1:57:19
15 4181 Jeff Hartz Argos IN 1:57:32
16 427 Thojmas Stritzinger Grand Rapids MI 1:57:52
17 3931 Steve Wojton Caledonia MI 1:58:18
18 1262 Devin P Deboer Zeeland MI 1:59:02
19 4027 Jeff Hammond Orland Park IL 2:00:42
20 2154 Matt Stein Northfield MN SILVER CYCLING 2:00:51
21 1188 David Compton Belvidere IL COMPTON BROS. RACING 2:01:12
22 3255 Keith Wilkinson Battle Creek MI 2:01:36
23 3325 William Baguley Ada MI ADA BIKE SHOP 2:01:52
24 2156 John Van Alsburg Ann Arbor MI TEAM RJR 2:01:56
25 2139 Terry Collins West Olive MI 2:02:15
Men 44
1 284 Jonathon Looman Holland MI LO BRO RACING 1:47:10
2 1199 Joe Kucharski Portage MI PRIORITY HEALTH CYCL 1:50:41
3 1093 Tim Stroebe Holland MI TEAM DUKE 1:52:10
4 2282 Greg Witt Bloomfield MI RBS TREK MTB TEAM 1:54:00
5 3995 Peter Vajda Ferndale MI 1:57:03
6 3317 Jim Leikert St Johns MI TRAILS - EDGE.COM 1:57:20
7 3265 Scott Paluska Urbana IL 1:57:31
8 4028 David Bucholtz Kingsley MI EINSTEIN RACING 1:58:55
9 3896 Jim Rudberg Northville MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 1:59:25
10 4192 Mark Quist Holland MI TEAM Q 1:59:27
11 1233 Jeff Brooks Grand Rapids MI BISSELL 2:00:15
12 1241 Bernard Wendel Waterford MI CANNONDALE MIDWEST R 2:00:54
13 4042 Nick Yetter Kalamazoo MI TEAM TAYLOR 2:01:44
14 4049 Chris Putti Kalamazoo MI 2:02:13
15 3260 Dennis Jensen Rockford MI TEAM JENSEN 2:03:08
16 4119 Paul Bochar Westmount IL 2:03:16
17 3819 James Depree Grand Rapids MI 2:03:20
18 2190 Ken Naef Green Bay WI TITLETOWN FLYERS 2:03:43
19 3808 Jeff Borah St. Joesph MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:03:54
20 4173 Tim Raymond Hudsonville MI 2:05:04
21 413 Brian Deblanc Spring Lake MI WEST MI COAST RIDERS 2:06:00
22 3905 Mark Weston Brighton MI JOSHUA TREE 2:08:04
23 382 John Kolarevic Traverse City MI MUD SWEAT AND BEERS 2:10:29
24 4176 Todd Adams Grand Blanc MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:11:04
25 2197 Ken Nelson Rockford MI 2:13:01\
Men 45
1 313 Tom Clark Sterling Heigh MI LOUIS GARNEAU/BICYCL 1:47:53
2 296 Wade Bagnall East Grand Rap MI FOUNDERS ALGER RACIN 1:49:46
3 1245 John Beranek Ann Arbor MI TEAM RIDDLER 1:52:31
4 2235 Bertram Reynolds Caledonia MI HENGE 1:56:16
5 3273 Jeff Fetterer Columbus IN BICYCLE STATIO 1:58:24
6 2276 Don Boersma Grand Rapids MI FUSION IT 1:58:34
7 2274 Joe Fulsher Washintgton MI WAK PLASTICS 1:58:43
8 3313 Douglas Reed Waterford MI REED CONSTRUCTION 2:00:01
9 4120 Rick Borns Spring Lake MI WEST MICHIGAN COAST 2:00:19
10 3866 Fabrice Portes Bloomfield MI WOLVERINE SPORTS CLU 2:00:40
11 3906 Steve Sams Perrysburg OH MAUMEE VALLEY WHEELM 2:00:52
12 3288 Scott Tonn Farmington Hil MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 2:02:33
13 3997 Greg Brown Grand Blanc MI ASSENMACHER 2:02:45
14 615 Matt Fill White Lake MI FLYING RHINOS 2:03:52
15 330 Scott Templar Rockford MI 2:04:14
16 3256 John Ressler Caledonia MI 2:04:37
17 4140 Scott Adema Brighton MI 2:05:10
18 691 Tom Kerns Plymouth MI TRAILS-EDGE 2:06:50
19 589 Scott Sikkema Grand Rapids MI 2:07:20
20 3852 Cary Marsh Troy MI 2:07:36
21 542 Paul Remonko Columbus OH COMBO RACE TEAM / W 2:07:50
22 3308 Chris Hammer Woodridge IL WHEEL FAST RACING 2:08:30
23 525 Eric Hoyer White Lake MI WILLIAMS LAKE CONTIN 2:08:44
24 487 Doug Helland Ann Arbor MI WHEELS IN MOTION 2:11:09
25 2324 George Leslie Birmingham MI MPI/MAIN STREET CYCL 2:12:44
Men 46
1 257 Armando Vega Oxford MI MPI - MAIN STREET 1:46:21
2 258 Jimmi McMurray Grand Rapids MI EAST HILLS VELO 1:46:21
3 321 Tom White Traverse City MI CITY BIKE SHOP 1:46:56
4 280 Terry Sensiba Middleville MI FUSION IT 1:48:17
5 3982 Tim Collins Oxford MI MPI - MAIN STREET RA 1:49:14
6 2355 Steve Clark Perrysburg OH MAUMEE VALLEY WHEELM 1:54:00
7 2250 Michael Dega Farmington Hil MI CADIEUX BC / TEAM O2 1:54:09
8 1265 Mike Johnson Pendleton IN 1:54:11
9 2231 Scott Tencate Ada MI FOUNDERS ALGER RACIN 1:54:27
10 2256 Jim Collins Mancelona MI SNOW COUNTY KENNELS 1:55:32
11 2233 Alan Henry East Lansing MI 1:56:15
12 3299 Chris Torrance Dearborn MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:58:12
13 2358 Don Birch Indianapolis IN HEROES FOUNDATION CY 1:58:47
14 2232 Jim Dewent Grand Haven MI 2:00:30
15 2337 Bill Kerr Grand Rapids MI UPS 2:01:13
16 3858 Dave Williams Williamsburg MI EINSTEIN RACING 2:02:52
17 987 David Strickler Grosse Pointe MI 2:03:26
18 731 Michael Emerson Rochester Hill MI CADIEUX TEAM O2 2:04:38
19 3877 Mike Chiado Greenwood IN 2:05:53
20 3871 Kevin Flowers Glen Ellyn IL WHEELFAST RACING 2:06:04
21 4080 Bob Petrillo South Lyon MI 2:07:19
22 2361 Steve Lidak Kingsley MI 2:08:16
23 469 Dan Schroeder Grand Rapids MI 2:09:15
24 4078 John Gregorski Hartford WI 2:10:27
25 561 Sean Scott Vicksburg MI 2:11:28
Men 47
1 254 Jeff Wittbrodt South Lyon MI TEAM SPECIALIZED 1:43:40
2 289 Dale Carley Alto MI FUSION CYCLING 1:44:51
3 2831 Brad Vanderbrug Denver CO 1:45:29
4 253 John Meyers Kalamazoo MI 1:48:25
5 2389 Fred Bunn East Grand Rap MI BISSELL/ABG 1:51:01
6 1258 Michael Seaman Mt. Pleasant MI 1:52:18
7 4222 Waldek Stepniowski Littleton CO TEAM CLIF BAR 1:53:03
8 1191 Mark Donakowski Ypsilanti MI RACING GREY HOUNDS 1:53:23
9 1247 Shawn Husband Williamsburg MI HAPPY HUSBANDS 1:54:44
10 3263 Tom Grasl Brighton MI 1:55:01
11 1238 Scott Guenther Bellefontaine OH 1:55:12
12 3253 Douglas Wise Berrien Spring MI PROFORM RACING TEAM 1:57:07
13 2286 Tom Keller Solon OH SPIN / RR DONNELLEY 2:00:12
14 3809 Peter Worden Traverse City MI HAGERTY CYCLING TEAM 2:01:55
15 1235 Andy Klevorn Ludington MI 2:01:59
16 3874 Chris Stirlen Milford MI 2:02:54
17 2278 Stephen Lagerquist Traverse City MI GTRLC 2:03:00
18 1266 Mike Jones St Joseph MI TREK / CYCLE & FITNE 2:03:34
19 3258 Doug Queener Brighton MI TEAM RJR / HOMETOWN 2:05:13
20 3333 Alan Dahl Kalamazoo MI WEST MICHIGAN COAST 2:06:35
21 3987 Stephen Lentner Hudsonville MI 2:06:49
22 2420 Greg Parker Caledonia MI CAL CYCLING 2:07:17
23 4201 Craig Rawlings Grand Rapids BISSELL/ABC 2:07:23
24 2411 Thomas Hanrahan Stouffville ON 2:07:25
25 3909 Todd Flickinger South Bend IN 2:08:15
Men 48
1 2470 James Ignash Clawson MI TEAM O2 1:49:57
2 305 Michael Green Farmington Hil MI BIKEMAN.COM 1:50:13
3 2246 Richard Watson Caledonia MI FUSION IT 1:57:35
4 3978 Jon Martin Troy MI KELLY'S KARAMELS 1:59:55
5 3840 Frank Marciniak Rochester MI KLM/COLD STONE 2:00:26
6 3863 Scott Kroske Birmingham MI WOLVERINE SPORTS CLU 2:01:36
7 2448 Robert Wozniak Clarkston MI FLYING RHINO CYCLING 2:02:08
8 4147 Michael McCann Manistee MI GREEN WITH ENVY 2:02:54
9 3948 Chip Cook Aurora CO GOLDEN BIKE SHOP 2:04:19
10 3974 Walter Quandt West Bloomfiel MI 2:04:52
11 467 Jerry Jones Constantine MI 2:05:21
12 4068 Brian Vanrhee Hudsonville MI DIRT DADS RACING 2:07:16
13 334 Eric Broekhuis East Grand Rap MI RAPID WHEELMEN 2:07:29
14 808 Kristopher Ouvry Kalamazoo MI CANNONDALE 2:07:49
15 3967 Kevin Kahl Avoca MI TEAM SANDBAG 2:08:54
16 369 Jeff Hammersley Indianapolis IN 2:09:01
17 2479 William Shaver Comstock Park MI FREEWHEELER BIKE SHO 2:09:28
18 421 David Greene Westfield IN HEROES FOUNDATION CY 2:10:54
19 4070 Clive Warren Campton Hills IL NORD-LOCK 2:11:35
20 1259 Mark Caswell New Hudson MI 2:11:36
21 2464 Kevin Long Augusta MI 2:11:47
22 2451 John Connors Courtice ON ALPINE CYCLING TOURS 2:12:16
23 2445 Jeff Smith Englewood CO MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:12:47
24 2471 Gary Oliveira Lake Orion MI FLYING RHINO CYCLING 2:13:10
25 531 Jeff David Howell MI 2:14:18
Men 49
1 1215 Tim Devost Novi MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 1:52:31
2 291 Dennis Schueler Hickory Hills IL R-BIKES.COM 1:53:13
3 264 Thomas Markley Dearborn Heigh MI ROLL MODELS 1:53:43
4 1237 Anthony Spicuzza Wyoming MI 1:58:04
5 3298 David Tietz Traverse City MI 2:00:46
6 3939 Frederick Lake Grand Rapids MI P BROS 2:00:55
7 3984 Dave Beaverson Elkhurt MI PROFORM BIKE SHOP 2:01:41
8 3985 Talbot Hack Ann Arbor MI 2:02:17
9 768 Joel Holzknecht Commerce Twp MI DETROIT SKI TEAM 2:02:23
10 3319 Vin Dog Mack Traverse City MI VIN DOG PRODUCTIONS 2:03:27
11 2492 Matt McCord Brighton MI 2:03:36
12 423 Robert Schmantowsky White Lake MI 2:05:21
13 3848 David Regnier Novi MI 2:06:17
14 4135 Tom Bestrom Caledonia MI CALCYCLING 2:06:27
15 3911 Jeff Bailey Elkhart IN PROFORM BIKE SHOP 2:08:50
16 876 Nathan Oliver Rockford MI CD EXCHANGE 2:09:47
17 788 Frank Roth South Lyon MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:14:39
18 851 Kirk Wittenberg Three Rivers MI 2:14:40
19 580 Steve Weckle Midland MI TRI CITY CYCLISTS 2:15:03
20 2491 Mike Grimm Oak Park IL FLATLANDIA 2:15:14
21 486 Mark Ware Lake Orion MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:15:46
22 2509 Craig Rohrer Milford MI TEAM STARFISH 2:16:22
23 2498 Matthew Driscoll Niwot CO 2:16:56
24 3977 Jeff Thomssen Belmont MI 2:17:41
25 405 Gary Fiteny Clarkston MI 2:17:43
Men 50
1 262 Jim James Ann Arbor MI ABERDEEN CYCLE 1:45:33
2 298 Dirk Wipperman Naples FL NAPLES VELO 1:47:10
3 1253 Mike Birmann Portage MI PRIORITY HEALTH CYCL 1:52:30
4 294 Mike Jones Kalamazoo MI VENTUS CYCLING TEAM 1:52:36
5 2255 John Kennedy Bloomfield Hil MI 1:56:03
6 277 Arcadio (kayo) Ramirez Ann Arbor MI TREE FORT 1:56:08
7 3844 John Taylor Granger IN PRO FORM RACING 1:57:43
8 2525 Scott Steurer Huntersville NC GIORDANA - CLIF BAR 1:59:52
9 2523 Mark Zakowski South Bend MI PRO - FARM BIKE SHOP 1:59:57
10 3267 John Bunge Northville MI WSC 2:00:16
11 3331 Nick Boudjalis Traverse City MI BOONES LONG LAKE INN 2:01:13
12 3949 Tim Daum Grand Rapids MI 2:01:37
13 3860 Mike Vanhouten Grand Rapids MI BISSELL/ABG 2:01:53
14 4014 Chuck Nicholson New Baltimore MI 2:04:49
15 2480 Bill Bowman Huntington Woo MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:06:42
16 3259 Tad L Hershey Clarkston MI FLYING RHINOS 2:06:53
17 4116 Dean Marsman Holland MI 2:07:20
18 4077 Kevin D. Moore Ann Arbor MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:08:09
19 3996 Kevin Grochowalski Lake Ann MI 2:08:12
20 2536 Michael Bramlett South Bend IN 2:08:53
21 2550 Dennis Howell Northville MI 2:09:28
22 558 Brian Nielsen Rochester MI 2:10:42
23 798 Dave Nesburg Onekama MI 2:10:49
24 2542 Stephen Hoke Clarkston MI 2:11:48
25 4185 Rob MacGregor Birmingham MI 2:12:39
Men 51-52
1 265 Paul Brown Dearborn MI ROLL MODELS BIKE SHO 1:45:19
2 327 Tim Curtis Hastings MI FOUNDERS/ALGER RACIN 1:49:06
3 1216 Craig Pickett Linden MI 1:51:30
4 2280 Clark Kent Lapeer MI 1:51:35
5 1243 David Maclean Ludington MI SHORELINE CYCLING CL 1:52:29
6 1249 Craig Webb Traverse City MI HAGERTY 1:53:02
7 4206 Brad Dejonge Hudsonville MI ZIPPY DITCH RIDERS 1:53:49
8 1254 Ray Fulkerson Kalamazoo MI PRECISIONMTB.COM 1:55:26
9 1204 Keith Riege Lake Orion MI PAINT CREEK BICYCLES 1:55:39
10 3278 Kip Miller Bridgman MI PROFORM RACING 1:56:02
11 1229 Keith Bennett Elkhart IN 1:56:34
12 3868 James Martin West Bloomfiel MI AMERICAN CYCLE & FIT 1:57:03
13 4239 Jay Jones Clarkston MI CYCLETHERAPY/SPECIAL 1:57:19
14 2221 Samuel Grebe Milford MI SPOKE JUNKIES 1:58:10
15 3924 Mark Cahn West Bloomfiel MI CADIEUX / TEAM O2 1:58:29
16 2287 Mark Armstrong Maumee OH MAUMEE VALLEY WHEELM 2:00:24
17 2608 Greg Seaman Brighton MI 2:00:25
18 2238 Mark Boese Richland MI CUSTER CYCLERY 2:01:32
19 3971 Lewis Tripp Milford MI MICHIGANYOUTHCYCLING 2:01:38
20 3916 Scott Roerig Belding MI GOD ABOVE 2:01:53
21 2249 Kirt Kostich Clarkston MI 2:03:01
22 3859 Rick Plite Comstock Park MI FOUNDERS ALGER RACIN 2:03:54
23 4110 Nelson Parada Pickering ON VELO EPIC 2:06:35
24 864 Gerry Naski Birmingham MI 2:06:53
25 3973 William Hermann Milford MI SPOKEJUNKIES 2:07:10
Male Singlespeeds 40 +
1 263 Steve Andriese Traverse City MI HAGERTY RACING 1:43:58
2 255 Niel Scharphorn Jenison MI THE MOTION INITIATIV 1:45:25
3 2263 Craig Gietzen Rockford MI PRIORITY HEALTH CYCL 1:47:05
4 283 Ron Sanborn Traverse City MI EINSTEIN RACING 1:49:06
5 324 Jeff Zeller Onekama MI OUTPOST OF MANISTEE 1:50:17
6 303 Jason Pruitt Lafayette IN TREK/29ERCREW 1:50:37
7 1200 Wayne Cook Clinton Townsh MI TEAM FRASER/SPECIALI 1:51:32
8 1203 Patrick Russell Berkley MI WOLVERINE/ACFSTORES. 1:51:50
9 1212 James Gomez Fruitport MI 1:52:55
10 3910 Michael Brower Grand Rapids MI FREEWHEELER BIKE SHO 1:58:18
11 1219 David Totuant Grosse Pointe MI ROLLMODELS 1:59:03
12 1867 Christopher Schmidt Houghton MI RED JACKET CYCLING T 1:59:40
13 1214 Clete Swanson Arcadia MI 2:00:06
14 2272 Eric Landman Grand Haven MI 2:00:15
15 1863 Richard Kendall Cottonwood Hei UT NONE 2:00:53
16 2258 Brian Gillies Grosse Ile MI RUNJOHNRUN.NET 2:00:53
17 2289 Bradley Jerris Novi MI 2:01:11
18 2281 Paul Trout Bend OR SAGEBRUSH CYCLES 2:01:38
19 1864 David Kutcipal Boulder CO 303CYCLING 2:02:00
20 2218 Bob South Boyne City MI NO BOUNDARIES 2:02:06
21 4126 Charles Snyder Northville MI TRAILS-EDGE 2:02:10
22 4157 Todd Blumerick Adrian MI MOM & POP RACING 2:02:10
23 4174 Tim Vandermeulen Lake Ann MI 2:02:21
24 3838 Tony Blancato Fruitport MI SKIERQUEST 2:04:14
25 2244 Walt Meeker Traverse City MI 2:04:38
Male Singlespeeds 39 & Under
1 1225 Tim Finkel Royal Oak MI TREK 29ER CREW/WSC/A 1:46:05
2 278 Jan Roubal Sault Ste Mari ON VELORUTION 1:46:45
3 1244 Collin Snyder Plymouth MI TRAIL'S EDGE 1:48:28
4 1234 Will Baker Harbor Springs MI HONEY STINGER/TOURIN 1:48:44
5 281 Terrence Metz Beverly Hills MI MOTOR CITY RACING 1:49:35
6 1198 Dave Demaegd South Bend IN SPIN ZONE RACING 1:52:38
7 1801 Joe Kedrowski Manistee MI THE OUTPOST OF MANIS 1:53:09
8 3332 Dan Packer Williamsburg MI CITY BIKE SHOP 1:53:54
9 1812 Ken Blakey-Shell Manistee MI THE OUTPOST OF MANIS 1:54:43
10 4183 Jacob Marshall Grand Rapids MI FREE WHEELER BIKE SH 1:54:46
11 4112 Trevor Smela Petoskey MI NO BOUNDARIES/NINER 1:55:23
12 2251 Todd Greene Bloomfield Hil MI TRAILS - EDGE 1:56:02
13 4066 Jon Wlodarczak Dimondale MI TWIN 6 / ON 2 WHEELS 1:56:28
14 1789 Dan Ellerkamp Madison WI MAGNUS 1:57:29
15 1205 Joseph Seidl Warren MI TRAILS EDGE 1:57:38
16 2261 Kyle Mosher Manistee MI THE OUTPOST OF MANIS 1:57:54
17 1839 Anthony Sanson Warsaw IN ALDERFER BERGEN - RA 1:58:32
18 328 John Ryan Carmel IN ALDERFER BERGEN 1:58:50
19 1814 Matt Acker Grand Rapids MI BISSELL 1:59:11
20 1822 Steven Blake Dearborn MI ROLL MODELS BIKE SHO 1:59:21
21 1803 Damian Radock Fairview PA TREK OHIO VALLEY 1:59:23
22 251 Greg Christian Vancouver BC PANTHER/COMPETITIVE 2:00:20
23 1841 Trevor Rockwell Decorah IA DECORAH BICYCLES 2:00:23
24 272 Ross Williams Williamsburg MI EINSTEIN RACING 2:01:22
25 3998 Jamal Hamdan Livonia MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 2:01:41
CLASS: Male Clydesdales 40 +
1 1248 Mark Brown Plymouth MI ROLL MODELS 1:52:18
2 261 Raymond Dybowski Waterford MI WOLVERINE 1:55:03
3 3266 Kurt Kearney Grosse Ile MI GROSSE ILE FLIERS 1:56:08
4 2241 Paul Mapes Auburn MI 1:56:11
5 3292 J.R. Johnson Grosse Ile MI GROSSE ILE FLYERS 1:56:40
6 3282 Earl Adams Hastings MI CALCYCLING 1:57:09
7 3274 Douglas Wipperman Traverse City MI 1:57:26
8 4204 Robert Zimmermann Milwaukee WI NORWAY BICYCLES 2:01:56
9 3807 Ralf Scharnowski Grand Rapids MI FOUNDERS ALGER RACIN 2:02:12
10 4003 Dave Leslie Southgate MI 2:03:11
11 4009 Douglas Bowman St. Joseph MI 2:04:45
12 682 Marcus Steele Depere WI TITLETOWN FLYERS 2:05:17
13 454 Julian Buchynski Midland MI STUBWAY RIDERS 2:05:56
14 3920 Ross McCloskey Howell MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 2:05:57
15 4022 John Sekendy South Bend IN 2:06:11
16 514 Jim Samlow Fruitport MI TEAM GOMEZ 2:06:51
17 3959 Rob Grainger Mattawan MI TEAM TAYLOR 2:07:11
18 3835 James Taylor Big Rapids MI 2:08:23
19 1945 Todd McNeilly Dearborn MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 2:08:30
20 3932 Steve Duisterhof Kalamazoo MI GORDON WATER 2:08:59
21 953 Brian Fitzgerald Farmington Hil MI 2:11:01
22 4182 Jason Sparks Southfield MI RACING GREYHOUNDS 2:12:03
23 3565 Scott Willis Milford MI 2:12:21
24 2001 David Walters Battle Creek MI FORT CUSTER CYCLERY 2:12:28
25 2146 Bill Henderson Southgate MI 2:12:34
CLASS: Male Clydesdales 39 & Under
1 1119 the Future of Michigan Cycling: West Bloomfiel MI WOLVERINE SPORTS CLU 1:51:08
2 3284 Eli Brown Williamsburg MI BRICK WHEELS 1:53:18
3 3257 Tim Bottrell Traverse City MI SHORTS BREWING CO 2:01:58
4 3271 Scott Meier Shelby Twp MI CADIEUX TEAM 02 2:02:15
5 3022 Joseph Lampen Holland MI 2:04:33
6 378 Brent Smith Lake Orion MI 2:04:44
7 3862 Mark McClanahan Clarkston MI DISTANCE FOR DYSTONI 2:09:22
8 505 Bill Prall Traverse City MI 2:09:58
9 1896 Brian Engel Ferndale MI STARFISH 2:10:46
10 3857 Chad Lambert Oakland MI 2:13:46
11 1627 David Ross Cadillac MI 2:14:21
12 973 Brian Benson Lacrosse WI BIKES LTD/SCENIC CON 2:16:44
13 503 Jason Borchert Traverse City MI RIGHT BRAIN BREWERY 2:17:42
14 1919 Nolan Marcus Grand Rapids MI 2:18:48
15 477 Steve Bassett Waterford MI TEAM HOT DOG 2:20:13
16 3038 Damon Michelsen Ortonville MI CAPITOL CITY STYLE 2:21:15
17 898 Dale Piske Waterford MI RBS CYCLING TEAM 2:21:37
18 430 Aaron Maike Allen Park MI 2:23:40
19 3002 Tony Beursken Vermilion OH 2:25:08
20 772 Tim Lago Grand Rapids MI 2:25:40
21 1925 Brad Spencer Birmingham MI 2:25:43
22 729 Randy Bentley Jackson MI 2:26:27
23 1909 Charles Ganske Augusta MI TEAM STORM 2:26:29
24 4082 Robert Jackson Pinckney MI MICHIGAN YOUTH CYCLI 2:27:05
25 817 Chris Davison Hamilton MI HUP UNITED 2:28:16
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